Kids Parties and Palm Readings

Kids Parties and Palm Readings go together like …

Ughhh, you read that right.

parties for kidsNever would I have believed those two activities would be thrown together if I hadn’t heard about it for myself on a recent shopping trip.

I had picked out a few things at the store and then got into the checkout line to pay for my purchases. I was standing behind a lady who was buying a bunch of pink-colored items for her young daughter’s birthday party.

Cute, right?

I thought so.

The mom was excited as she was telling the clerk about her little girl’s upcoming celebration. There would be cupcakes and ice cream.

And then this…

My ears perked up at the mention of a “palm reader.”


little girl birthday partyApparently, the mom decided to surprise the party girls with a palm reader, complete with tarot cards. She was almost gushing at her idea to get these little girls engaged in this practice so they could hear all about their “future.”

It made me sad.

I didn’t say anything, but I was thinking: Really, mom? Do the other parents know what you have planned for their daughters? Might as well include a ouija board while you’re at it.

Nothing like exposing young, impressionable children to the dark side early.

It certainly can be spiritually harmful to those impressionable young girls.

Out of all of the adorable birthday themes she could have chosen to celebrate her child’s life with, she chose palm readings and tarot cards.

An Issue For Parents to Consider

Here’s a question every parent should think about: when your child or grandchild is invited to a party, do you know what the theme is or what activities are planned?

You need to ask questions in today’s world. You can no longer assume that the other parents have sense enough to follow your Christian values of what’s acceptable or not.

If I had a young daughter and she was invited to a birthday party, you can bet I’d be finding out what the party’s theme is. If that would make me an “uncool” parent – so be it.

Parents, this is your child and you have the right to make an excuse and decline an invite if a certain type of party is not in your child’s best interests.

Isn’t it enough that this generation’s young eyes are continually being exposed to blood-sucking vampires, gratuitous sex, hookups, and violence on TV? In fact, there’s been an uptick in movies and television shows where the dark side is portrayed in a sympathetic and romantic light. Remember the Twilight Saga? Yuck. Was that a healthy relationship for kids to see? I think not. The hysteria over that series was sad to me.

The hysteria over the “50 Shades” movie was also sad to me. Do people realize that they’re setting a terrible example when they support and brag about seeing junk like that?

Pastor Charles Spurgeon

We are daughters of the King.

Why romanticize a film like that trash? Doesn’t anyone say “No” anymore? You may lose some friends over it, but it’s worth it if you can clean yours and your child’s brain of this anti-God junk.

Parental Guidance is Crucial

Teach your children to put their trust in God, not some fake cards. By the way, I saw an ad offering a lesson for people to learn how to “read” (I use that term lightly) tarot cards and earn $20 an hour at parties.

Parents, your children are looking to you for guidance. You have to take a bold and courageous stand when it involves your family. Be strong in your Biblical convictions. You have a choice of what your children are exposed to as long as they’re living in your household. Forget the social pressure of “anything goes and you have to be their friend.” Does the Bible say that? No. You are their parent!! God gave you that precious life as a gift.

The most loving thing you can do is say “No” on behalf of your child if something they could be exposed to is not appropriate. Don’t be afraid of a secular society, media bias, and political leaders who ultimately want your child to push God away.evil prowlng aroundThis is a spiritual battle. Don’t give a leg up to those who want to lie and infect young minds early. Evil in all of its forms is prowling around every day looking to devour your child, your marriage, and your family.


*Charles Spurgeon quotation, public domain and as quoted from Christian


Favorite Bible Verse

Do You Have a Favorite Bible Verse?

Everything in the Bible is important, but sometimes there’s a verse or two that you keep referring back to. I know that’s the way it is for me.

favorite Bible verseIt may be a verse that gives you strength or comfort during a difficult time in your life. Or, it may be a verse that reflects your gratitude towards God for His many blessings.

If you’ve read my blog before, then you know I’ve posted some of the favorite Bible verses from friends of mine from all over the country. It has been my joy to be able to share these verses with you because they come straight from the heart of fellow Christians.

In this deeply dark world we’re living in now, we can use all the encouragement we can get, right?

I was reading a new book I bought yesterday and came across a Bible verse in it that has become a new source of encouragement for me.

First, the book. If you haven’t read it yet, I highly recommend Pastor Chip Ingram’s, “The Invisible War.” It’s a book about the spiritual attacks we face as Christians and it helps guide us how to put on the armor of God. We know we’re supposed to wear the armor, but do we really know how to use it?

I’ve personally had several spiritual attacks lately. They’ve been distressing, but we know that in life, satan hates all of us. His intent is to discourage and destroy all that is of God. He will use whatever he can to distract Christians from bringing glory to God. It could come from a low blow from a friend, a public put-down at work, or even nasty comments from someone you love. These spiritual attacks seemingly pop up, almost out of nowhere. This excellent book is a great resource for when those attacks come.

The verse that really stood out for me was from 2 Kings. It’s a loving reminder that we are not alone in the battle. God does not allow us to go into a spiritual battle unarmed.

The verse is:

2 Kings 6:15-17 —

*15 Now when the attendant of the man of God had risen early and gone out, behold, an army with horses and chariots was circling the city. And his servant said to him, “Alas, my master! What shall we do?” 16 So he answered, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” 17 Then Elisha prayed and said, “O Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” And the Lord opened the servant’s eyes and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

Briefly, the prophet Elisha and his servant were facing a seemingly impossible situation. They were surrounded by the marauding army of King Aram. Their situation seemed dire, but Elisha did not lose faith. He assured his frightened servant that there was nothing to be afraid of.

invisible army of angelsThe Lord heard Elisha’s prayers and the servant was at once able to see, really see, the invisible army of angels who were there by their side the whole time.

I love this! “…those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”

Boom, there it is!

I don’t know about you, but those verses really comfort me. We face a lot of tough times in our lives. Sometimes it’s so overwhelming, that we forget that God allows trials in our lives to perfect our faith.

The Invisible War

There is most definitely an invisible war going on right now between Heaven and satan. Our assurance? We have an army of God’s angels fighting on our behalf.

Ultimately, the victory is ours. We know who wins! We have that encouraging and blessed assurance through Jesus Christ.

The God who created this beautiful creation, also created you and me…to be victors through our steadfast belief in Him.

beautiful creationHeavenly Father, we rejoice in the knowledge that you’ve shared your Word with us in Scripture and that we have the ultimate victory through You. We continue to pray for your protection over us and for strength and courage in the challenging times ahead. Thank you for being You and for loving us so completely.

In Jesus name, amen.

Dear child of God, try not to be discouraged. You have millions of brothers and sisters in Christ across the globe who are fighting alongside you. Delight in God. He loves you so much!

Believers*Bible reference: New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation

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