No i In Grace

There’s No “i in Grace

A favorite preacher of mine once said, “There’s no ‘i’ in grace.’”

The beauty of that assurance has stayed with me.

In fact, grace is one of my favorite words in the entire English language.

The Apostle Paul described God’s wonderful gift of grace to the Ephesians in earlier biblical times.

Likewise, God’s grace and mercy extend to us today.

For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; 9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.Ephesians 2:8-10, (NASB).1

As so eloquently stated above, “We are His workmanship . . . “

There’s no “i” in grace.

To God alone be the glory for all He has done.

In our sins, we are unlovable and undeserving and yet, it is by God’s grace alone that we are the blessed recipients of His unfailing love.

When you hear these words, your hearts should sing!

No i in grace

Christian theologian, Augustine, once wrote:

God loves each of us as if there were only one of us.2

You are loved, dear Christians.

Transformed by His grace, we should live out our faith through our humble actions giving all glory to God – a natural outcome of our new identity in Christ.

Get ready to shine

Worth pondering . . .

Our every humble act of kindness and compassion is our living testament to His glory.

It is through our humble endeavors, that His greatness is magnified.

His light shines through us.

We are His beacons of hope and compassion.

Get ready to shine!

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Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

Quotation by Augustine, early influential church leader, courtesy of Christian


Witness For Christ

A Witness For Christ Every Day

Not that long ago, my car was in desperate need of gas.

My husband and I pulled into the local gas station and he got out to fill the tank.

I was looking down at my phone when all of a sudden, I heard a lot of shouting right next to us.

It was loud cursing that went on and on.

Unwholesome talk = terrible witness

Curious and also horrified, I looked over at the fill-up lane next to us.

It was two teenagers – a boy and a girl.

As I looked closer, a highly-visible cross was hanging around the young man’s neck.

Are you kidding me?

My heart sank.

I hoped no other kids were around to hear them.

If I had been “on the fence” about my faith and had heard all of that, I would have been completely turned off.

If that’s how Christians treat each other, well then . . .

Our witness for Christ is for every single day.

We should all be more cognizant of how we treat others because the world is watching.

Our talk . . . our walk.

Think about it.

All of us outside that gas station got to hear the verbal beat down.

A Witness For Christ – That Means Every Day of the Week

Are you a different person on Sunday than you are the rest of the week?

Do you profess your faith on social media and yet throw out a string of obscenities in front of family when someone cuts you off in traffic?

The fact is, we’re all sinners in a fallen world.

And by the grace of God, when we truly repent, our Heavenly Father forgives us.

He deserves our reverence, praise, and worship.

Our mouths that lovingly praise God at church can easily tear someone else apart with our words.

With that in mind, our witness for Christ should be on our minds as soon as we walk out the door every morning.

Recently, I came across an interesting little poem.

Although short in length, the message it contained spoke volumes.

Check this out . . . 

Unless my talk about my faith  
Is mirrored in my walk,  
The faith that glibly I profess
Is merely empty talk.  – Anonymous. 

Convicting, right? 

I would much rather be around people who lift each other up, wouldn’t you?

Instead, a godly person will use words to build up others and show them grace: encouragement, praise, appreciation, gratefulness, cheerfulness, understanding, sympathy, testimony, truth, caring correction and warning, and helpful counsel.Stephen J. Cole, author and theologian.1

Witness for Christ

I think D.L. Moody is right on point with the following perspective. He doesn’t mince words.

Words are very empty, if there is nothing back of them. Your testimony is poor and worthless, if there is not a record back of that testimony consistent with what you profess. What we need is to pray to God to lift us up out of this low, cold, formal state that we live in, that we may dwell in the atmosphere of God continually, and that the Lord may lift upon us the light of His countenance, and that we may shine in this world, reflecting His grace and glory.  – Evangelist D. L. Moody2

Pray that we always be cognizant of our witness and shine our light to a world of lost sinners.

Shine your light, Christian!

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1 Steven J. Cole quotation is courtesy of from “Lesson 14: Your Walk And Your Work For Christ (1 Timothy 4:11-16).”  April 12, 2013. Web. Accessed November 5, 2023.  Retrieved from

2 As quoted from influential American evangelist, Dwight L. Moody. From “Hypocrisy-Hypocrites” [2018] Courtesy of Precept Austin, Subheading, “Quotes, Illustrations, Devotionals” Web. Accessed 5 November, 2023.
