A Day Like Any Other

A Day Like Any Other . . . Until It Wasn’t

September 11th – it was a day like any other . . . at least it started out that way.

I got up, showered, fed the dogs, kissed my husband goodbye and headed to work.

Moments later, everything changed.

I’ll never forget watching those horrific moments on TV as the planes crashed into the Twin Towers.

Replayed over and over on the news, those images and memories are indelible in my mind.

God help us, I thought, as the news got worse and worse.

Planes crashing

Desperate souls jumping out of burning buildings

People running for their lives

The Twin Towers crashing to the ground

Smoke and ashes everywhere

Thousands of lives lost

The bravery of first responders rushing headlong into the fiery chaos

A nation grieving

A day like any otherA few days ago, I heard someone say that many in the younger generation don’t even know what happened on 9/11.

How is that possible?

Has the teaching of important historical events taken a backseat to social and sexual ideologies?

Apparently so.

Don’t let your kids be among those who have absolutely no idea what happened on this day 22 years ago.

Life can change in a moment.

Hug your loved ones extra tight today.

There are families who are still mourning their losses from that fateful day known as 9/11.

It was a day like any other . . . until it wasn’t.

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