“What an ego!”
Do you ever feel that way when you’re flipping TV channels, and you see another celebrity bragging about their reality show?
Specifically, I’m talking about reality shows where foul-mouthed, combative people take each other on in a shout fest. There doesn’t seem to be an ounce of humility in these folks.
People can be so awful to each other, and it’s all displayed right there on TV where kids might see it.
This past week, I heard two separate celebrities talk about how funny it is when they let their young kids curse, even though the kids don’t know what the words mean.
Is it funny?
Backwards-thinking is more like it.
*The world’s smallest package is a man wrapped up in himself.
– Chuck Swindoll, Christian pastor, and educator
The Value Of Selflessness
The people who get my respect are the “real” superstars in my opinion. They are genuine heroes from everyday life.
We hear about their stories sometimes on the news. Their stories of heroism are like sweet music to my ears.
It doesn’t matter how old they are.
Here’s a glimpse of a young heroine, that still brings a few years to my eyes.
It’s refreshing to hear that story again, even though it’s an old one from a few years ago.
Little Savannah is a shining star.
Selflessness: Where “Less” Is More
Have you noticed that when many heroes are interviewed, with all humility, they steer the praise away from themselves and give the glory to God?
I love that!
God providentially knows who the heroes and heroines are in our world. Will you be one of them?

No Greater Love
In John 15:13, Jesus said to His disciples,
13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. – John 15:13, KJV, King James Version, public domain.
Agape Love is the highest form of love.
There is no greater example of Agape Love than that of Jesus Christ and His selfless death and Resurrection on the Cross for an undeserving world.
God bless you this week!
*Chuck Swindoll and A.B. Simpson quotations, as quoted from Christian quotes.info
**Scripture Reference: King James Version, (KJV) Public Domain.