Beauty Out Of Nothing

Beauty Out Of Nothing – Gravity Wave Clouds

A few days ago, my husband and I were headed to a Bible study when we saw a beautiful and intriguing sight in the sky.

Check out these linear (also known as lenticular) clouds.

Gravity Wave Clouds

We’ve never seen clouds like this before in our lifetime.

They literally looked like stripes across the sky – white linear clouds alternating in a distinct pattern with blue gaps in between.

Only our creator God can paint beauty out of nothing on an earthly canvas.

Even a child can see it!

Lenticular clouds

What are these clouds anyway?

I immediately texted a meteorologist friend of mine.

A few seconds later, he came back with the answer.

They’re called, “gravity wave clouds.”

Wave clouds – in the sky!

Strictly speaking, it’s when a sudden cold parcel forms above and is forced downward. The splash effect is like when you throw a rock in a pond and watch the waves form and spread outward.courtesy of Larry Cosgrove, Meteorologist.

Job 36:29-30

Beauty Out Of Nothing – The Majesty of Creator God

Just like a beautiful snowflake, no two clouds are exactly alike.

There are many different shapes and sizes towering up in the sky.

And, with just the right conditions, life-giving rain falls to replenish the earth.

Beauty out of nothing

“The clouds and the rain display God’s astonishing control of the world in operations of such delicacy and strength that men can neither understand nor imitate them.” (Andersen)1

God Reveals Himself Through Creation

One of my favorite things to do is to take a drive through the countryside.

I can’t help but stand in awe at the power and majesty of our Sovereign God. He reveals Himself in many ways through His creation and in our hearts and minds.

the beauty of creation from Creator God

God created and sustains everything that exists. His power is absolute, and His love is perfect.

What a blessing to know that He created you and me in His own image!

27 So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.Genesis 1:27, (NASB).3

We were not created from lower life forms without any value, as evolution suggests.

We are made for much more.

God’s likeness denotes our capacity to rule over creation and be in relationship with God and other humans and to exercise reason, intelligence, speech, moral consciousness, creativity, rationality, and choice. Since the beginning of time, God has desired to bless us and enjoy close fellowship with us, and for this reason He made us like Himself. – Got Questions website.4

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1 Anderson, Francis I. Job (Leicester, England: Inter-Varsity Press, 1975).

2 Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

3 Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

4 Quotation from, from “What does it mean when God said, ‘Let us Make Man In Our Image’ Genesis 1:26)? n.d., para. 3. Web. Accessed March 26, 2023. From Genesis.


Life Can Change In An Instant

Your Life Can Change In An Instant

life can change in an instantJust when you think everything’s fine, something unexpected can happen to you and you could face your own mortality.

If that were to happen, are you saved?

In other words, if you pass away tomorrow, do you know where you’ll go?

Heaven or Hell?

It’s one or the other.

Why so many people wait to figure this out is beyond me.

Minutes Away From A Scary Accident

A few nights ago my husband and I were coming home from dinner when we passed a police officer by the side of the road. It was pitch black dark and I remembered thinking the officer was in a prime stretch of road to tag speeders.

As soon as we got to the traffic light, I heard the officer’s siren go off behind us and, with lights flashing, he was headed our way. We pulled over to the side of the road and he passed us traveling at a high rate of speed.

He didn’t have to go very far.

That doesn’t look good, I thought, as the light changed and we got closer to the scene of the accident up ahead.

At that point we saw several emergency vehicles parked all over the road. The roads were also blocked off already and traffic was being detoured.

The sounds of a Care Flight helicopter loomed overhead as it circled to land on the very same road we were driving on.

Emergency helicopter en route

Life is Precious

A very bad accident happened that quickly.

In an instant.

It was all very surreal and scary.

The victims were going about their lives moments before and suddenly everything changed.

I thanked God silently that my husband and I were spared, but wondered about the poor victims in the crash.

It turns out that a motorcycle had run into a truck. The motorcycle victim was care-flighted to a local hospital.

I said a prayer for the victims and then I remembered a movie my husband and I had seen late last year – “God’s Not Dead.”

Have you seen it yet?

It’s a really good movie and worth your time to check it out. Specifically, the scene that came to mind is the one where the hostile, atheistic, Professor Radisson is dying in the middle of the street after being struck by a car. In those last few moments of his life, he was ministered to by a pastor who happened to witness the accident. During this heart-wrenching scene, the pastor led the professor to Christ. It’s a scene that gives me a knot in my throat every time I think about it.

It makes me wonder if the motorcycle victim in the accident the other night knew Jesus.

I hope he survived.

You never know when your life can change dramatically like that.

Please Don’t Put Off Cultivating Your Relationship With God

I did for 30 years.

You have a free gift of salvation through the grace of Jesus Christ. You can’t earn your salvation, but you do have to accept the invitation God has given you.

He won’t drag you kicking and screaming to accept the gift of eternal life with Him.

So many people either don’t want to believe the truth (atheists) or they don’t want to put in the effort (a sad choice, but there’s still time.)

Great things and an end to the pain and suffering of this world are in store for you if you place your love and trust in the one and only true God.

God's Holy Word

Turn Around, Don’t Drown

This is a very dark world and there are miserable people out there who want others to drown along with them in a sea of doubt.

Through belief in Jesus Christ, you have access to something better and so much more.

I heard Heaven described recently as a place of pure bliss and adoration.

Why would anyone in their right mind not want that?

God bless you for visiting my blog!

Thank you first respondersI also wanted to say a big thank you also to all of the law enforcement authorities, emergency personnel, and first responders who give so generously and selflessly of their time and energy to try and keep us safe when Life hands us a dangerous curve ball, in an instant.
