When Ordinary Becomes Extraordinary

Outward appearances

Ordinary People

Do you have the good looks of a high fashion model?

The vocal talent of an American Idol?

Or, the superhuman strength of the world’s greatest bodybuilder?

Yea, me neither.

I guess by those standards, people like myself would be considered “ordinary.”

Do I Really Matter To God?

You matter to God

The word “ordinary” can have a negative connotation, kind of like you’re a “vanilla” instead of a ”Rocky Road.”

Let’s face it – being “ordinary” isn’t flashy.

But, you know what?

What the world considers “ordinary,” for a Christian, becomes extraordinary.

Do you know why?

Because God Himself, Who created you from the beginning, thinks you matter.

He created you, didn’t He?

Please consider this.

Your life matters to God and He has a purpose for it.

Wherever you are . . . right now . . . in your life.

15 My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there was none of them. Psalm 139:15-16, (ESV).

I Matter, But What’s Next?

We’re here on this earth to glorify God.

Not just on Sunday.

Your economic status, good looks, athletic ability, talent – those are all fine and good, but none of those have anything to do with your effectiveness for the Kingdom

Unless . . . you’re open about your faith when you’re receiving all of those accolades.

So what can we “ordinary” people bring to the table?

Bring your ordinary self and your heart for God.

Bring your prayerful heart and your willingness to reach out to others

and tell them about Jesus.

When Ordinary Becomes Extraordinary

Recently, I read a memorable quote from Pastor Greg Laurie of Harvest America that addresses this very thing.

God isn’t looking for talented people, gifted people, or handsome people. I’m not saying that He won’t use those people. But God is looking for available people, and He can do a lot with a little. He can do extraordinary things through very ordinary people. God uses ordinary people to change the world. – Greg Laurie, Harvest Devotion. 

Please be encouraged. You may not always see the results of your faith-sharing, but in Heaven you will know.

Pray for those opportunities.

Not that long ago, I had one of those unexpected and grace-filled opportunities. It came right out of the blue. I was able to share my faith and testimony, uninterrupted,  with someone. It was a powerful moment and I’ll never forget it.

I know the Holy Spirit will take it from there with this dear person . . . in God’s providential timing.

Call On Jesus

Friends – you are not ordinary in the eyes of God.

We have work to do!

Grammy Award-winning vocalist, Nicole Mullen, performed a song several years ago that comes to mind. When I first heard it, I was drawn to the encouraging lyrics and the pretty melody.


* Scripture quotation is from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, copyright © 2016 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

** Quotation from Pastor Greg Laurie, Bible teacher, pastor, and author. From Harvest.org, “Ordinarily Useful.” Online Devotion. Accessed March 24, 2019. https://harvest.org/resources/devotion/ordinarily-useful/


When Your Remarkable Happens

Hey, good lookin’!

I’m talking about you.

Are you feeling out of sorts?

It’s okay.

We all feel that way sometimes.

My go-to when it happens to me is listening to Christian music.

Whether you prefer contemporary praise songs, Christian rap, or country gospel, it doesn’t matter.

God doesn’t care how well you sing or whether your singing is good enough to end up on “The Voice.”

Singing Praises To God Is Worship

Praising God through song is worship.

He is listening to you, no matter how off pitch you are.   😉

I’ve sung in choirs since 1997, and it is an absolute joy.

Here’s one song that I love, and I wanted to share it with you now.

The song reflects Psalm 139 which talks about God knowing you before the beginning of time.

Before you were even created, He already had you in mind.

Don’t you love children’s choirs?

Go to a quiet place, close your eyes, turn your sound up, and feel the Father’s love.

I hope you enjoy.

When life gets you down, it’s only human to feel overwhelmed and sideways.

But, don’t stay in that place for long.

God knows your every step before you even get out of bed.

When you’ve had a night of worrying about tomorrows, please remember you can find peace in reading God’s Word.

Trust Him through your circumstances.

*Learn to trust God in everything, to turn from sin and walk in obedience, to endure His reproving and chastening and refining, do what is good, walk in the Spirit, let your commitment to the Lord come from the inside out, not the outside alone.  Live by the Word of God in a righteous way.  And pray and seek peace.  This will restore your peace. – Pastor John MacArthur, from Grace To You.

Wake Up, Sleepyhead!

Get ready to approach each day with confidence knowing that, as one of His beloved children, God’s plan of salvation is remarkable.

When your remarkable happens

When God blesses you, shine His light to the world and show your gratitude.

If you know of anyone who needs this encouragement today, please feel free to share this post.



*John MacArthur quote is from an article originally appearing here at Grace to You.


Created by God

Only God Can Design A Butterfly

God created the butterflyDear readers-

I have a few questions for your consideration:

Have you ever looked closely at a butterfly?

The design of a butterflyBeautifully-colored wings that can almost take your breath away.

 Or, how about a magnificent Arabian horse?

God's creationBeauty, speed, and stamina personified in one spirited animal.

What about a majestic mountaintop?

A babbling brook?

The waves crashing on the seashore?

created by GodOr, our family and friends who inhabit the earth with us? Where did they come from?

Did they just pop up randomly and insignificantly?

As humans, we are amazingly complex creatures created by God.

God created us

Godless Theories Taught in Schools

We are created by God, who knew us before time even began. That makes us very special in His eyes.

Every time I hear or read about someone pushing the evolution theory, I feel sad for them. They’re elevating a man-made theory above the Word of God.

Have you ever read Psalm 139 in the Bible? It’s one of my favorites. Here’s an excerpt:

For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.[a]
Wonderful are your works;
my soul knows it very well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
in your book were written, every one of them,
the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there was none of them.

 – Psalm 139:13-16, (ESV)1

Isn’t that a beautiful passage from Scripture?

There is a God

How some misguided folks can look at God’s wonderful designs in nature and claim that there’s no God is beyond me.

The theory of evolution has more holes in it than Swiss cheese.

Can a building pop up out of nowhere without an architect, a design, or blueprint?

Evolution – the very secular and Godless theory designed to fool people into thinking that God did not create the universe.

We need to pray for our evolution-believing brothers and sisters.


Unfortunately, as a result of their disbelief in God, they are misleading many people.

We can pray for them and also praise the Lord for another day to embrace God’s goodness!

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1Scripture quotation is from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, copyright © 2016 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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