Praying For Haiti 2018

Praying For Haiti 2018

Praying for Haiti 2018

It’s been just over a week and 1⁄2 since the destructive 5.9 magnitude earthquake erupted in Haiti.

Did you hear about it?

The last thing you want to see is an email addressed to you from Compassion International with the dreaded words in all caps:  “EMERGENCY.”

We were so involved with other things going on at our house that I failed to check one of our email addresses until just the other day.

My heart sank as I read the news that our sponsor child is in danger. His community is miles away from where the epicenter of the quake occurred. The aftershock the next day only made things worse.

We continue to pray for all who were in the path of this monster earthquake and anxiously await news about our precious little second grader who loves to sing and play soccer.

His birthday and Christmas gifts were already in the mail, and now comes this heartbreaking news.

How quickly life can change in an instant.

When we get word of our little man, I will post an update.

*Happy update!

We are so grateful to hear the news that our sponsor child is fine..

Praying For Everyone Affected

Hurricane Matthew 2018

Sad headlines are coming out of many places.

The residents of Panama City, Florida and its neighboring towns are also grieving. Sadly, Hurricane Michael cut a dangerous path through the popular beach location. It tracked across four states killing 30 people.

The beautiful Texas Hill Country is currently facing devastating flood damage.

And, the Carolinas are still recovering from the effects of Hurricane Florence in September.

With all of the natural disasters going on in the world, you’d think more people would get on their knees and pray.

Please, pray!

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