Disrespect For Life

Disrespect For Life

Sometimes I think we’re living in bizarro world.

Are you a biological “machine?”

disrespect for life

Are your kids just simple “products,” or are they little boys or girls created by God?


No way.

“Biological machines?”

I didn’t think so. 

Are you outraged at this popular thinking? Because you should be.

Created by God

The fact that we are created by God offends many people. We must be compassionate and pray for them, but at the same time, never compromise our convictions.

God created the heavens and the earth

There are schools across the United States that teach evolution as THE explanation of how the world was created.

We might just as well have “evolved” from a rock.

But, Christians know better.

Jesus died for our sins.

His incomprehensible love is beyond our imaginations, it is that deep.

Don’t tell me His death on the Cross was for nothing.

The world doesn’t like our beliefs, but praise God, this world is not our final home.

If you reject God and His Word, then anything goes—there’s no absolute standard on which to base your thinking. In this view, children are just biological machines, the product of millions of years of evolution. They aren’t given to parents—they are just a “choice” parents made. Ken Ham, Answers in Genesis,1

We are not products.

We are not biological machines.

It’s absurd thinking, but sadly people are buying into this.

In the Image of God

We live in a world where the majority of our nation’s leaders have no problem with women terminating pregnancies in the womb for convenience – a so-called “choice.”

With that destructive brand of thinking, how can we expect younger generations who are “lucky” enough that their parents let them be born, be expected to, in turn, “value” anything?

The ungodly have such a disrespect for life. We see the results of this on the news every night.

Is it too late to tear down the ideologies meant to degrade us, reduce us to simple “products”, and separate us?

I believe there is still time to change some minds, but not much time.

We have to face the facts.

The Enemy wants to capture the hearts and minds of your children . . . of all ages.

Taking A Stand

Defending the faith (apologetics) is vital teaching as your children get ready to face a hostile world.

This will mean a dedicated commitment of your time to invest in the Christian education of your loved ones while they’re at home.

It’s what God wants us to do.  

Think about your sons and daughters right now.

Do they recognize that God created the heavens and the earth?

Can your children (or teens) defend their faith (respectfully) to an authority figure? 

They desperately need your guidance.

Do you talk about Jesus with them?

Once or twice isn’t enough.

If you don’t teach them about Jesus, worldly agendas being forced on every aspect of our society will lead them astray. If you’re not sure how serious this is, research the growing attacks on Christians all over the world.

When the family is strong, the church is strong. And when the church is strong, the nation is strong. But when the family breaks down, the nation breaks down with it. I believe there’s a full-throated, all-out attack on the family in our nation today. It’s time for moms and dads to be the spiritual leaders in the home. And it’s time for grandparents to be spiritual leaders too. – Pastor Greg Laurie, Bible teacher and author.2

Disrespect For Life Culture

How can parents and grandparents protect their kids in this spiritual fight for their minds and hearts?

Besides prayer, it’s important to establish a foundation of faith early on in your home.

Read the Bible to your children.

Let them see YOU reading it.

You can even take something like a child’s favorite hobby and bring even that back to God’s wonderful provision.

child hobbies brought back to God

I like the way Pastor James Kaddis puts it . . .

That father says you know God gave you the talent to put that thing together kiddo. You want another one. Let’s pray to God. Let’s ask God to provide it for us.  And every single time father and son get together to do that very thing, it’s used as a lesson for the goodness of God in that kid’s life.
Let me tell you something. The next time that that kid goes and runs towards that hobby that he’s learned to do as a kid, he’s always going to bring the Lord into it.  And when he’s raising his generation up, he’s raising his children up, you know what he’s going to do? He’s going to teach his (own) children to associate the wonders and the goodness of God with the things that they love the most in life.  And thus, God is associated with that which is wonderful. – Senior Pastor James Kaddis, Calvary Chapel, Signal Hill.3

Christians – there’s still time until Jesus calls us home.

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1 Ken Ham quotation, courtesy of Answers in Genesis.org, “Who ‘Owns’ Children.” August 26, 2021. Retrieved from https://answersingenesis.org/family/who-owns-children/

2 Pastor Greg Laurie Daily Devotions, courtesy of oneplace.com., “It’s Time To Step Up”. August 23, 2021. para. 4. Retrieved from https://www.oneplace.com/devotionals/greg-laurie-daily-devotions/its-time-to-step-up-greg-laurie-devotion-august-23-2021-11848809.html

3 From Kaddis, Pastor James, “Which Way Will You Go, Part 2.” Courtesy of oneplace.com. Podcast, [18:31-19:12]. August 18, 2021. Web. Retrieved from: https://www.oneplace.com/ministries/light-on-the-hill/listen/which-way-will-you-go-part-2-899676.html


Fear Not, Trust In God

Fear Not, Trust In God

World on pause

Remember, dear friends, you are not alone.

 “This too shall pass.”

Our entire world is on pause, waiting for concrete answers.

How do we stop this diabolical Coronavirus – which seems to prey, the majority of the time, on the weaker among us?

Yes, it is bad.

But, as Christians, we are to fear not, trust in God, and model these truths for those around us who have no hope.

We can pray for Holy Spirit guidance to reach out to those who are now open to hearing the gospel.

It’s easy to get consumed with talk about the latest updates and news about the Coronavirus. Much of that talk is good, and dissemination of information is healthy. But, in the midst of this pandemic, we lean on the fact that we have power through our words and through the Word of God to bring light in a challenging situation.1 Pastor Jerry Lawrence, courtesy Medi-Share blog.

Which Separation Is Worse?

The required six feet of separation from our neighbors and friends is bad enough.

It’s awkward and inconvenient, but from what the experts are telling us, it’s a necessary step to help flatten the curve.

We could be facing six feet of separation for the next couple of weeks or longer.

Hopefully not, but can you even imagine?

But, as startling as the spread of this virus is, what is even more sad are the numbers of people around us who have no hope and no trust.

Sadly, some of these people with weakened immune systems could die with no promise of eternal life.

Nothing compares to “eternal separation” from our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Don’t Forget His Promises

Our trust is not in man.

We need to lean on God.

He is a Promise Keeper.

There will eventually be an end to all of this.

Last Sunday, my pastor quoted these words in his sermon:

Fear Not, Trust In God

Those words really stuck with me.

Actions Affect Outcomes

We must pray, and on that glorious day when this virus is stopped in its tracks, we must continue to pray and be grateful.

Remember after 9-11 when churches across America were packed?

It’s not that way now.

What happened?

life gets in the way

Life got in the way again, like it always does.

Life got in the way of our Heavenly Father.

People have put their faith second place to other distractions such as politics, their jobs, you name it . . .

When are we going to learn?

Atheist groups succeeded in removing His Most Holy Name from almost every aspect of our lives.

The majority of Christians during those actions stayed silent.

Did we think He wouldn’t notice?

We must humble ourselves as a nation before Almighty God.

God didn’t cause this evil, but He has allowed it.

Without Jesus, We Are A Lost People

So here we are, facing this evil virus with an N95 respiratory mask.

As a nation, here’s what we need on a bigger scale.

Jesus Christ.

Will this crisis spark a permanent revival in America?

I can only hope so.

Father, we pray for America with this Coronavirus, that has the potential to spread.

 Lord, You’re bigger than this virus.

 We’re praying that these numbers will start going down, not up.

We’re praying that anyone that has it would be healed.

 And we’re praying that Lord we would not live in fear, but rather we would live in faith.

Give wisdom to Vice-President Pence and his team as they deal with this, help them to know what to do, when to do it, the steps to take, the practical.

But Lord, we don’t rely only on that.

We are prayerful, looking to You and knowing that You are God and that You love us. So hear our prayer Lord, answer our prayer.

We pray this together in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.2 – Greg Laurie, Pastor, Bible teacher, and author.

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1 Pastor Jerry Lawrence quotation, courtesy of Medi-Share blog. “Finding Faith During Times Of Fear.” March 18, 2020. para.12. Web. Accessed 19 March, 2020. 

2 Pastor Greg Laurie prayer, “Thoughts on the Coronavirus Outbreak.” Online video clip. March 7, 2020. Web. Accessed 9 March, 2020.


When Ordinary Becomes Extraordinary

Outward appearances

Ordinary People

Do you have the good looks of a high fashion model?

The vocal talent of an American Idol?

Or, the superhuman strength of the world’s greatest bodybuilder?

Yea, me neither.

I guess by those standards, people like myself would be considered “ordinary.”

Do I Really Matter To God?

You matter to God

The word “ordinary” can have a negative connotation, kind of like you’re a “vanilla” instead of a ”Rocky Road.”

Let’s face it – being “ordinary” isn’t flashy.

But, you know what?

What the world considers “ordinary,” for a Christian, becomes extraordinary.

Do you know why?

Because God Himself, Who created you from the beginning, thinks you matter.

He created you, didn’t He?

Please consider this.

Your life matters to God and He has a purpose for it.

Wherever you are . . . right now . . . in your life.

15 My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there was none of them. Psalm 139:15-16, (ESV).

I Matter, But What’s Next?

We’re here on this earth to glorify God.

Not just on Sunday.

Your economic status, good looks, athletic ability, talent – those are all fine and good, but none of those have anything to do with your effectiveness for the Kingdom

Unless . . . you’re open about your faith when you’re receiving all of those accolades.

So what can we “ordinary” people bring to the table?

Bring your ordinary self and your heart for God.

Bring your prayerful heart and your willingness to reach out to others

and tell them about Jesus.

When Ordinary Becomes Extraordinary

Recently, I read a memorable quote from Pastor Greg Laurie of Harvest America that addresses this very thing.

God isn’t looking for talented people, gifted people, or handsome people. I’m not saying that He won’t use those people. But God is looking for available people, and He can do a lot with a little. He can do extraordinary things through very ordinary people. God uses ordinary people to change the world. – Greg Laurie, Harvest Devotion. 

Please be encouraged. You may not always see the results of your faith-sharing, but in Heaven you will know.

Pray for those opportunities.

Not that long ago, I had one of those unexpected and grace-filled opportunities. It came right out of the blue. I was able to share my faith and testimony, uninterrupted,  with someone. It was a powerful moment and I’ll never forget it.

I know the Holy Spirit will take it from there with this dear person . . . in God’s providential timing.

Call On Jesus

Friends – you are not ordinary in the eyes of God.

We have work to do!

Grammy Award-winning vocalist, Nicole Mullen, performed a song several years ago that comes to mind. When I first heard it, I was drawn to the encouraging lyrics and the pretty melody.


* Scripture quotation is from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, copyright © 2016 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

** Quotation from Pastor Greg Laurie, Bible teacher, pastor, and author. From Harvest.org, “Ordinarily Useful.” Online Devotion. Accessed March 24, 2019. https://harvest.org/resources/devotion/ordinarily-useful/
