The Best Place To Pray

A Special Place for Praying

The best place to prayIs there a special place you go to say your prayers?

Is there a particular time?

Do you pray only at night in bed, before you go to sleep?

I do pray in bed, but it’s not the only place I pray.

There’s no right or wrong answer.

It’s whatever is personal to you.

Embrace the Peace and Quiet

Quiet places are best.

It’s hard to meet with God when distractions are everywhere, such as the familiar ring of a cell phone, barking dogs, and loud television shows in the next room.

I prefer the quiet.

There’s not a room in my house where I haven’t said a prayer or two. Whenever I feel that urge to pray for someone, or for another request that comes to mind, I try to make an effort to pray right then and there, rather than waiting for later.

I’ve even said prayers while driving in my car.

Have you been on any jammed interstates lately? 😉

I’ve also prayed silently in the pharmacy at the grocery store, as odd as that may sound.

Streams of Tears

streams of tears

I remember that day well.

My husband had just had surgery.

After several hours at the hospital, I got him home, tucked him into bed so he could sleep the rest of the day, and headed to the pharmacy to pick up all of his prescriptions.

Nothing unexpected, but I had also just heard that my husband’s cousin, Carol, had passed away that morning.

We loved Carol and that news, along with the stress of my husband’s surgery, just knocked me for a loop. I handed the prescription to the pharmacy tech and went to the waiting room where she directed. There was no one else in the waiting room. I just sat there. All of these sad thoughts flooded my mind.

Missing Carol, worrying about my husband.

A few minutes later? Bring on the tears.

They were rolling down my face and,

How come I never have a Kleenex when I need it?

The pharmacy tech called my name, and I walked up to her, eyes wet, barely able to talk. She looked at me and didn’t say much. I think she knew that if she asked, I would have lost it even more. I got home, bawling at that point, and just sat around in the quiet house, my husband sleeping in the next room, feeling sad and alone. I poured my heart out to God that day. I did feel better afterward.

Is There A Best Place To Pray?

I’m mentioning all of this from my personal life because I want to encourage you that it doesn’t matter where you pray, God will listen. He understands us more than we can ever know.

*15For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but One who has been tempted in all things as we are, yet without sin. 16 Therefore let us draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. – Hebrews 4:15-16, NASB

Your Quiet Place

The whole idea of setting up a “prayer closet” for meditating creeps me out. The more I’ve read about that practice, the more it appears to resemble contemplative (or centering) prayer, which is not a good thing. 

You can pray anywhere.

One of my absolute favorite spots, when it’s not freezing outside, is on the porch. I go out about dusk, enjoy the sunset, and say a gratitude prayer to God.

It’s all very peaceful.

On Your Knees

No Embarrassment

There’s a song I listened to a lot when I first became a Christian.

It’s called “On My Knees”  by award-winning Christian vocalist, Jaci Velasquez.

Please don’t feel embarrassed to get on your knees to pray to the King of Kings.

May God bless you this week.

*Bible reference: New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.


Saving Your Children From an Atheistic World

Saving Your Children From an Atheistic World

Our nation’s children are in the crosshairs. Political correctness and the destruction of family values rule the day (in big part, on television and in our public schools and universities.)

Saving your Children from an unbelieving world

It’s a very real problem, and it will catch up with us.

The “grace period” we’re living in now won’t last forever.

Some people may delude themselves into thinking “none of it affects me personally, so I don’t care.”

They are in for a wake-up call.

Do you avoid watching the news? New assaults on our freedoms occur every day.

And now, discouraging news about the internet. Our national leaders have given up control of this global network. It’s sad where this relinquishment could lead, especially in the wrong hands.

There will come a time when Christian websites will be forcibly shut down. What a sad day that will be.

The Problem With Apathy

businesses shut down

All authentic Christians will feel the effects of persecution, whether it be happening to someone we know or to ourselves.

For some Christians, their businesses will or have already been shut down. (or they could lose their jobs.)

For others, they may see their beloved church silenced because authentic Biblical teaching offends atheists.

Some churches will regrettably choose to water down the gospel, rather than preach about sin and the availability of God’s forgiveness.

In some public schools and universities, kids will be forced to reject God in the classroom.

Does anyone out there think God will put up with this nonsense forever?

Assurance That God is Always in Control

The assurance we have over evil is that Christians are never completely silenced. It’s impossible.

God’s got this.

A blessed remnant of believers will spread the good news of salvation, no matter what global leaders try to do to quash it. God’s Word will get out and many people, thank the Lord, will be saved because of it.

God’s will for humanity is unfolding before our very eyes. There is a blessed outcome to this temporary suffering. God allows the suffering, but there’s an eternal way out.

America is in a Huge Mess

Until the Rapture, believers will witness a lot of trouble in our world.

What can we do about it? Here are some options.

2016 upcoming election– Christians must vote in the upcoming election. The build-up to this circus is something I never thought I would ever see in my life. It borders on the absurd. I was hoping for better choices. Regardless, these are the two options that we have, and God has allowed it.

I believe in the sanctity of life and my choice is for the pro-life candidate. That’s it. Liberal celebrities don’t impress me or sway my vote. I will not stay home and sit this election out. If you’re on the fence about your vote, please check out the article linked in this sentence.

Now Is Not the Time for Apathy

Apathy helps no one. That’s a big reason our country is in the state that it’s in. We need supreme court judges to protect the babies and uphold the Constitution; we need intelligent people surrounding our president, plus a Christian running mate like Mike Pence is, at least, a positive sign for me. No matter who wins, the only One who can ultimately fix any of this mess is God, when and how He decides to do it. The Bible tells us what happens in the end.

– Please actively pray for our nation. Parents should pray with their children that America will remain a Christian nation.


One example is you can add a request at the end of the “Grace” prayer you say before eating a meal.

For example:

Heavenly Father, we ask that You

will protect our nation

and our family

against evil.

Kids need to hear that (or something like it) from the mouths of the parents they love. Kids are in the spiritual battle just as much as we are. Would you send them out unprepared? Of course not.

My husband and I say grace before we eat out at a restaurant. I encourage you to do the same. It’s a small thing, but it’s a powerful witness. God’s people praying. I’m seeing people saying grace together a lot.

Keep a Watchful Eye on Your Child’s School

Many parents don’t realize what’s up ahead for their children in public schools. I won’t share the headlines here; it’s too disturbing and a joy killer. You can find the news yourselves if you search. These agendas include wanting to change our words, grammar, and pronouns. Pronouns like “he” and “she” offend some people.

FACT: God created us in His image. Newly born, we are precious to Him. None of us should ever be classified as an “it.”


What is happening in public schools in many states is highly offensive. It’s not just the Common Core nonsense. Maybe you’re in a state that has escaped that initiative, but there’s much more happening in schools regarding sex education that will make your head spin around.

Involving yourself in your children’s school is vital. Deprogram them from anything that is anti-God. Equip them how to answer when challenged about their faith. 

Lord, we desperately need your mercy.

Give us discerning wisdom and guide us

how to protect our children.

Helpful Resources

There are “equipping” websites that can guide you with parental resources readily available to prepare your children for the apostasy to come. If you’re actively attending a Bible-believing church, there may be resources in the church library as well.

Here are three additional options:

Do you have any other ideas on how to spare your children from an unbelieving and defiant world? Discussing these things with your spouse and/or family is important.

Our Incomparable Father

No matter what, God’s divine providence is exactly on track. The temporary setbacks to our Christian faith are only temporary and of this world.

No one knows the timing when Jesus will return. We can only watch for signs of His coming and discern the false teachers.

America needs God, not the other way around. As horrible and deceptive as a one world government will be, we have a God who loves us and promises to spare us from the worst of it at the rapture of His church.


Pray for opportunities to share your story.

God bless you.

May everything you do, glorify Him.

# # #

*Scripture verse from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1960,1962,1963,1968,1971,1972,1973,1975,1977,1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.


Christ Who Strengthens Me

All Praise And Honor To Christ Who Strengthens Me

Christ who strengthens meWhen I’m feeling sad, I know I have a Savior who never leaves my side and knows what I’m going through.

I grateful for the knowledge that, when I pray to God, He’s listening. There’s no “I’ll get back to her later” from my Lord and King.

He loves me AND you THAT much.

(Hold your arms open wide. Christian, He loves you even more than that!)

How great is our God.

Light Bulb Moment, No Replacement Needed

light bulb momentGod will see you and me through every challenge that life throws at us.

That truth alone is so encouraging and I hope it is for you as well.

It took many years before I was finally able to break free from old traditions. Once I realized that I didn’t need any other intercessor but Jesus Christ, the light bulb went off and I felt so much peace.

I am eternally in His grip.

He alone holds my (and your) eternal future in His hands.

No one else.

When Life Overwhelms

life hands you a curve ballAs a loving Father, God can bring us comfort in our despair and much needed strength when we’re feeling down.

We must trust Him, no matter what.

He can give us the courage to endure when we’re handed a curve ball.


A Christian Perspective From Wisconsin

A good friend of ours from Wisconsin, Tom G., shared one of his favorite Bible verses. It’s Philippians 4:13 –

*I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Here’s what Tom had to say about why he chose this verse:

“We have had some family trials that have left us feeling a little discouraged as parents. We should get our eyes off of the situation before us and put them on our Lord, Savior, Counselor, and Comforter.”

It’s a powerhouse verse, alright.

We can get so overwhelmed by the circumstances of our troubles that we forget to just be still with God.

I admit it. Being still is not one of my strong points.

But, I’m working on it.

It could be a life-long process, but He knows where I’m at and His patience with all of us sinners is nothing short of Grace.

God Bless!


*Bible reference: New American Standard Bible (NASB), Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation

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