June Is Fidelity Month
Christians, feel free to spread the word!
June is Fidelity Month.
What is that, you say?
I’m so glad you asked.
Actually, I just found out about it myself.
Per the idea’s founder, the designation of Fidelity Month is to:
restore unity, heal division, and bring out what is best and most noble in our country by a return to fidelity: Rededicating ourselves to God, our spouses and families, our communities, and country. – Dr Robert George, Heritage Foundation.
In a culture that reeks of disrespect towards God, celebrating Fidelity Month is a refreshing and positive response to what the world dishes out on a daily basis.
The scoffers can deny it all they want, but our great country was founded on Godly principles.
We need to return to those principles so we can help restore America to her rightful place as a shining example to the world.
Luke 1:37 tells us, “for nothing will be impossible for God.”
Fidelity Month is a small grassroots step in a positive direction.
Please join me in praying for our country and a return to fidelity.
In the meantime, we must accept and trust in God’s plan completely, for our eternity with Him will be glorious.
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-Quotation from Dr. Robert George, “Why Fidelity Month?” Web. Retrieved from: Fidelity Month