How Much God Loves You and Me

How Much God Loves You and Me – A Divine Blessing

A few weeks ago, my husband and I purchased a new car.

We bought an SUV that has backup cameras – suhweet!

Of course I wanted to test those out before hitting the open road. After driving around a bit, we went to a nearby vacant school parking lot.

I practiced over and over pulling in and out of those thin parking spaces.

My husband was very patient during this test drive although I think he may have pressed his “air breaks” a few times. Lol.

While we were there at the school, we watched another car pull in doing the same thing we were. It was a father and his teenage daughter.

She was behind the wheel and we could see him patiently coaching her. After a few times, they drove off into a nearby neighborhood and then came back so she could practice parking again.

It was a sweet moment and brought back fond memories of my own dad teaching me how to drive.

The love of a father for his child – it’s a beautiful thing to see.

Have you ever stopped to think how much God loves you and me?

I’m reminded me of the beloved verse, John 3:16.

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life.John 3:16, (NASB).

Just how much does He love you?

He sent us His only Son to die on the Cross for our sins.

Jesus paid our penalty so that by, accepting Him as Savior, we can have eternal life in the presence of our Holy God.

For that incomprehensible gift of salvation, we should spend our lives in a way that honors and glorifies Him.

In the midst of life’s storms, we can hold fast to God’s promises.

He is always with us, guiding us, and loving us with a love that surpasses all understanding.
