God’s Perfect Timing

Surrendering Control: God’s Perfect Timing

Meet Tris.

Our little girl Tris

She’s our gorgeous 3-year-old Siberian Husky who has completely stolen our hearts.

Actually, we have two sweet Sibes. 

The other beauty is Tris’ mom, Shimmer.

Our silly girl Shimmer

These two are hilarious together, and keep us laughing at their daily antics.

Did you know that dogs can tell time?

Especially these two.

They absolutely know when it’s dinner time.

It doesn’t matter what we’re doing, they will jump up in our laps on the couch – all 40 pounds each of them.

I can just imagine their thoughts as they try to get us to move towards the kitchen with their dog bowls in our hands.

Hurry up, you two

Why are you taking so long?

Hey, it’s time!

If we don’t get up fast enough, they start talking with their woebegone characteristic Siberian “wooing” like they’ve never had a meal in their lives.

And just like us, when they want something, they want it NOW.

I can relate.  😊

Patience is not my strong suit.

I try to be patient during a “waiting period” for God’s timing, but it’s hard, right?

God, I’d prefer to get an answer now

Ok, how about tomorrow then?

Learning to wait on God’s perfect timing can take practice.

We would do well to remember that everything will unfold at just the right moment.

The path ahead of us may seem unclear, but God knows every outcome.

Any divine delays are for a reason.

God’s Perfect Timing and Divine Delays

When experiencing a divine delay, it takes more than just patience. It also takes trust and faith.

Consider it an opportunity to deepen our relationship with the One who created us.

By trusting in Him, no matter how long it takes, a blessing may come in a very unexpected way.

You don’t want to miss it by forging on ahead without God and without prayer.

Trust God’s Plan
Poet: Catherine Pulsifer

In the illusion of control, you place your trust,
Thinking your destiny, in your hands, you must adjust.
But God’s plan surpasses what your mind can conceive,
In Jesus, true purpose and fulfillment you’ll receive.

You may chart your course, with precision and care,
But God’s sovereign hand, is always there.
For He alone knows the path you should take,
Without Jesus’ guidance, your plans will break.

Your choices matter, of this, there’s no doubt,
But God’s will prevails, casting shadows of doubt.
In Jesus, find solace, in His guiding light,
Trust in His wisdom, through the darkest night.

So release your grip, on the reins of fate,
And trust in God’s timing, it’s never too late.
For in His hands, your destiny lies,
In Jesus, find peace, under His skies.
God's perfect timing

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1 Poetry courtesy of Catherine Pulsifer. “Trust God’s Plan”. [online post]. From Short Poems and Quotes, ©Catherine Pulsifer, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, n.d. Web. Accessed January 5, 2025. 
