Are You the One?

Are You The One On His Mind?

Are you the one

Was there ever a time in your life when you’d lost hope, stopped going to church on a regular basis, and your prayer life started to backslide?

If so, then know that you are not alone.

I know what that’s like because it happened to me.

This was many years ago, after I moved back home to help be a caregiver for my father.

He was diagnosed with Alzheimers and was showing all of the major signs.

It was nothing short of devastating.

I am so thankful for the friends that I have in my life. I leaned heavily on their support because, at that time, I felt that God wasn’t hearing my prayers.

Of course, God heard my prayers, but His ways are not mine and my human nature wanted “immediate” answers.

Through all of that heartache, the knowledge that God wouldn’t let me go meant (and means) everything.

My faith became stronger after that trial and other challenges throughout my life. You can read more here

I ask, “Are you the one” because it breaks my heart to see others who have felt lost and alone, thinking that God doesn’t care.

If you’re struggling with something . . . please don’t lose your faith.

Continue to pour out your heart to the Almighty Father.

He is listening.

From personal experience, a good Christian friend to talk it over with is also a blessing.

We’re here for each other.

Jesus is calling you back

Jesus is our Good Shepherd.

If you go off course or even have doubts, Jesus is calling you back.

If you’re hurting, will you answer that call?

12“What do you think? If any man has a hundred sheep, and one of them goes astray, will he not leave the ninety-nine on the mountains, and go and search for the one that is lost? 13And if it turns out that he finds it, truly I say to you, he rejoices over it more than over the ninety-nine that have not gone astray. 14So it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven for one of these little ones to perish. – Matthew 18:12-14, (NASB).1

Are You The One?

No matter what you’re going through, remember you are not alone.

You never were.

Through your hours, or days or even years of trial, God is with you and will continue to be.

I think the blessing of that assurance is a big reason why Matthew West’s new song, “Me On Your Mind,” has hit a chord with so many fans.

Listen to these moving lyrics, and you’ll see why this song has touched the heart of so many people.

“Me On Your Mind” released on February 18th and, per YouTube stats, has over 2400 views.

I love the heart and precious reminders behind this song which, by the way, Matthew says was inspired by Psalm 8

In a world full of people, billions of people, so many people with so many problems, would you believe that your prayers don’t bounce off the ceiling, He loves to hear the sound of your voice. Just like the old hymn says, ‘ He walks with me and He talks with me.’ That’s the kind of relationship He wants to have with you. It’s you on His mind.” – Matthew West, multi-talented recording artist and musician.2

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1Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

2Matthew West, Christian Songwriter of the year, “Me On Your Mind.” Courtesy of The Matthew West podcast. Podcast, [21:45-22:02]. February 23, 2022. Web. Retrieved from:


The Right Stuff

The Right Stuff – How Can I Get It?

The Right Stuff

The Right Stuff – The Mercury Seven1

Do you have “what it takes?”

In other words, do you have “The Right Stuff?”

I know, I know . . . there’s a movie by that name, but that’s not what I’m talking about.

Even better, to get “it” we don’t have to be astronauts venturing into space!

Specifically, I’m talking about what it takes to be a courageous Christian.

Navigating today’s troublesome world takes Courage, with a capital “C.”

We live in a dying, lost world.

We need Courage because, going forward, we’ll be persecuted for our faith.

As a former news reporter and longtime researcher, some of the disturbing things I hear about that are coming our way (or being proposed for the future) are so demonic that I continue to pray for a spiritual revival.

But, only God knows “if” another spiritual revival is in our future. 

The alternative, Christians already know about.

This may be the time in our history that this Church Age will continue to progress to a fever pitch of evil coming from the wicked.

Since the Rapture hasn’t happened yet, (Come Lord Jesus!), we need to spend our remaining time on this planet telling the world about Him and teaching the younger generation about salvation through Jesus Christ.

Additionally, whatever your spiritual gifts or talents are – make sure you give glory to God in all things and let that be known.

It’s important to realize that the time for staying quiet about your belief in Jesus Christ is over.

God Loves us, but Judgment is Coming for the Wicked

God is sovereign so He allows sad things to happen in our world.

On the other hand, because He is a good God, this is a time of “great harvest.”

With that in mind, here’s some good news.

More and more people are coming to Christ all over the world as they take off their media-driven blinders and see the differences between Good and Evil.

As an illustration, think about some of the movies you’ve seen where a coach gives an inspiring speech to his battle-weary football team.

This is a good analogy because it describes what we’re facing now.

As Christians, we are on a team: Team Jesus.

We are coming up against powerful adversaries, but none are more powerful than our Sovereign God.

Decide Which Team You’re On

Satan will pull out all of the stops in order to distract you, alarm you, cause you doubts, get you to sin, beat you up with feelings of insecurity and loneliness, and much much more.

Be ready.

To illustrate, I really like what Christian author Susie Larson said about Courage, so will share it here.

I hope this is helpful to you going forward.

Daily Blessing
Courage means you get back up again after you’ve been knocked down. Courage means you face your fears and move past them. Courage means you stand up and remain confident in the face of your bullies. Jesus was the King of Courage, and He lives inside of you! Refuse to let your enemy kick dirt in your eyes or spew lies in your ears. Do you remember who you are? YOU are a child of the Most High God. You are someone heaven knows. YOU are profoundly important to the greater Kingdom story. So rise up and engage your faith. Face your day with fierce confidence and courageous strength. God is with you! 
1 Corinthians 16:13 NLT ~ Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be courageous. Be strong.Susie Larson, Christian Author.3

The Right Stuff

Above all, have Courage, Christian friends.

We are on the winning team against Evil!    

The Apostle Paul’s teaching about God’s grace is for all of us.

Romans 5:8-11

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1 “The Right Stuff, photo courtesy of NASA on The Commons, no restrictions, public domain, 17 March, 1960, via Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. Accessed and retrieved October 9, 2021.

2Susie Larson devotional, courtesy of, “Take Courage”. Daily Blessing. October 7, 2021. Retrieved from 

3Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.
