More Than Your Reflection

more than your reflection

You Are More Than Your Reflection In The Mirror

What do you see when you look in the mirror every morning?

Bed hair?

Last night’s eye makeup still under your eyes?

Eeeeeck! I’m going back to bed.

Even when we feel like we look our worst, or we don’t feel like seeing or talking to anyone, God knows our potential and He doesn’t want us to waste it.

Every one of us was created for a unique purpose.

That is to say, we are His masterpieces in the making. 

I don’t know about you, but I think that’s a wonderful truth to hold on to. 

No matter how you interpret your own mirror’s reflection, your faith in salvation through Jesus Christ is precious, and that means it’s worth sharing.

To be created in the image of God means that we were created to be mirrors of God’s glory—one-of-a-kind mirrors that reflect the diverse aspects of His nature. A mirror serves no other purpose than to reflect something else. A mirror is useless when covered in mud; likewise, when we are covered in sin and turned away from God, we are not living out the purpose for which we were created. But when we respond to God’s offer of salvation and allow His Holy Spirit to clean us up, we turn toward our Creator, and His glory is reflected in our lives. It is not our light or beauty the world needs to see, but His. (John 8:129:5).GotQuestions website.1

We are His, not because we earned it, but by His grace.

As Peter reminded early believers, we are here for Him, for His pleasure and to serve Him.

9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; 10 for you once were not a people, but now you are the people of God; you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. 1 Peter 2:9-10, (NASB).2

So it doesn’t matter what you look like or what your insecurities are – God created you. Even with your imperfections, He can use you for His glory.

While the world looks at your outward appearance, God sees your heart. 

You are loved

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Quotation from, from “Why did God create me?” n.d., para. 7. Web. Accessed January 29, 2023.

2Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.


What Delights God?

There Are Countless Reasons To Delight In God

countless reasons to delight in God

All of you smarties out there – can you name one of the largest numbers in the world?

Waiting, waiting.

Yea, I didn’t guess it either.

It’s a word I’ve never heard of (and I probably couldn’t spell it the first time I heard it!).

Here it is: googolplexian

Who comes up with these long words?

A googolplexian is a “1” with 100 zeros after it.

100 zeros!

That’s a lot of zeros, and some people will argue that there are even larger numbers than the googolplexian.

Even so, what really makes you think is that, as large as that number is, it doesn’t even come close to the number of reasons we can delight in God.

There are countless reasons!

God created you in the womb as the man or woman that you are.

That’s something to celebrate.

He knew you before you were even born!

Humbling, isn’t it?

One of the reasons I named this blog, “Delight in God,” is because I’m constantly learning new reasons to delight in Him.

What’s the point of good news if you don’t share it with anyone?

You can delight in Him, but have you ever thought about what delights God?

What Delights God?

What is it that delights God in us?

We can only get answers to that in Scripture.

Check out this verse in Proverbs.

What delights God?


Are you blameless?

That’s a pretty tall order because the fact is that we are humans, and anything but perfect.

Blameless doesn’t mean we never sin again. It means to walk with integrity with a commitment to follow through on anything God purposes us to do.

Lukewarm believers? They go to the back of the line. 

God is not looking for someone who hems and haws through life.

Sadly, we’re living in a world now where integrity is less important than worldly gain.

We must stand up and stand out against this secular delusion.

The man or woman who commits to embracing God’s truth will have victory with Jesus at the end of our days.

We are imperfect, yes, but we serve a perfect God and He will guide us.

He knows our hearts.

Are we ready to serve Him with integrity? Do our lives, ethics, and morality reflect His glory?

The world is watching.

It’s the integrity of the upright that will guide them. When God knows in your heart that you’re upright and walking in integrity, and you have the integrity to follow through and do it, then here’s the green light. He will guide you accordingly. – Pastor J.D. Farag, Calvary Chapel, Kaneohe.

He is with us every step of the way.

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1 From Farag, Pastor J.D., “Proverbs.” YouTube video, October 11, 2019. [9:24]. Retrieved from:
