Light To Pierce The Darkness

There’s A Storm Coming In The Darkness

I’ll never forget that spring afternoon when a tornado formed just up the street from our house.


My husband wasn’t home from work yet, and I was by myself (with our dogs) monitoring the weather.

Things happened fast.

I remember looking out the window and seeing a scud cloud go racing by.

Uh oh.

It took me only a few seconds to grab the dogs plus a flashlight so we could get inside the bathroom to take cover.

My concerned husband was driving home during all this.  The weather was so bad on the interstate that he had to exit and duck into a retail store for safety.

Thankfully, he called to check on us. It was so good just to hear his voice, even though I could hear a crashing sound outside our windows. Unfortunately, right in the middle of our conversation, the electricity went out and the phone went dead. My connection to his voice of encouragement disappeared – just like that.

Of course, I prayed a lot in that dark bathroom.  The comforting light of that one flashlight helped make a difference – even if it was just a little bit of light to pierce the darkness.

Light To Pierce The Darkness

Can Christians be the light that pierces the darkness?

Our world is consumed by darkness and sin. I’ve never seen it so bad.

But that’s a blog post for a different day.

What does this world need?

There’s only one answer.

Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

light to pierce the darkness

As Christians, we should “shine a light” to help point a dying world towards Him, and Him alone.

Remember this passage from Jesus Himself at the Sermon On The Mount.

We are here for the glory of God.

May everyone see His mercy and power and forgiveness reflected in our own lives and through our spiritual transformation.

16Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven. Matthew 5:16. NASB.1

I love this heartfelt poem written by fellow Christian writer Robin Bartholomew called, “The Light of God.”

In my opinion, her poem is a gentle reminder for all of us to “let our light shine.

The Light of God

by Robin Bartholomew
Free to Share

The Light of God

Does my light shine, so that others might see,
Just what the Good Lord has put into me
Do I stand out in a crowd with God’s light shining above?
Am I bright light, to light up the darkness with Love?

Do others, when they look at me,
see the Holy Spirit within?
Does my life magnify our Lord Jesus,
So that others want more of Him?

Do I cast out a glow,
Of over whelming love from above
Or do I put out a dimming light
That no one see’s as love?

Do I only sometimes glow,
With God’s bright light from overhead?
And only show all the world
The light that’s sometimes dim?

I Pray fervently each day,
for God’s special bright light.
So that others will see what I have,
And ask how to get their own light.

So I Pray Father God
That your light within me will shine,
So that others ask of that glow up above
And they say: “Tell me, how do I get mine?”


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1 Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.
