Gianna Jessen

God’s Girl

If I had to name just one woman who truly inspires me, it would be Gianna Jessen.

I know I’ve mentioned her before in my blog, but she’s especially been on my heart lately. If you don’t know her story, Gianna Jessen is an abortion survivor. She also has cerebral palsy, the result of the failed abortion attempt.

baby in the wombGianna has dedicated her life to sharing her faith in God and speaking out against the senseless murder of babies in the womb. She has shared her story all over the world.

I love her honesty and I love her spunk despite the difficult circumstances of her life. One thing she is not – and that is a victim.

“I’m His girl. You don’t mess with God’s girl. I got a sign on my forehead that says: You better be nice to me, for my Father owns the world.” – Gianna Jessen

The Planned Parenthood videos with the horrific news of dismemberment of babies make me want to be sick. Of course, they’re claiming the tapes were “doctored.” Would we expect anything else? Whether they were doctored or not, that doesn’t make abortion right.

The fact is: God wanted those babies to be born and their lives were snuffed out.

Babies Have Rights Too, Just Ask Gianna Jessen

Sadly, any moral compass in our country is disappearing right before our very eyes. The “eject” button has been pressed by the media, Hollywood, politicians, and a self-absorbed generation of Americans who can’t be bothered. We will all be held accountable.

I don’t know about you, but I feel betrayed by the majority of the congressmen we elected during the mid-terms. I thought, with a supposed conservative majority, it was a signal that our nation may be turning back to God. And yet, time after time, this current crop of politicians have turned their backs on God and the sanctity of life with their decisions.

Shame on them. 🙁

I am disgusted.

Those politicians who are failing us and also those people holding up their pro-abortion signs, do not represent me. From the statistics I’ve seen, nor do they represent the majority of men and women in America.

Gianna Jessen - God's GirlAbortion is evil, plain and simple.

We might as well be right back in Biblical times when cult-worshippers sacrificed children on their counterfeit altars.

Planned Parenthood only does mammogram “referrals” – we’ve heard that time and time again. Regardless, for some very deceived people, this “referral” is more important than a baby’s life. Follow the money.

Haters of Christianity like to spread the lie that a woman who has had an abortion can’t go to Heaven. It frustrates me to hear that, because we have a loving God who knows the hearts of sinners and will forgive those who are truly seeking His pardon.

Abortion is morally wrong. Our country is shedding the blood of the innocent. America is killing its future. All life is valuable. All life is a gift from our Creator. We must receive and cherish the gifts we are given. We must honor the right to life.Gianna Jessen

Godwin Is Not God

A few nights ago on social media, I was called out by someone for my pro-life views about the abortion holocaust. This guy quoted Godwin’s law.



I could care less what Godwin says.

Godwin is not God.

Christians follow God’s laws.

As the song says, there’s “no turning back, no turning back.”

Speaking of music, I wanted to share this beautiful song written and sung by Gianna. I hope it blesses you as much as it does me. The movie based on her life, “October Baby,” features this song.

God bless Gianna Jessen.


God Bless America and the Midterm Elections 2014


On the heels of the historic midterm elections where Republicans gained control of the House and Senate, I can only say Praise God!

The people of America have spoken. Is there any way we can take our country back to godly values? Unfortunately, with politicians, there’s no guarantee.

Did they tell the truth when they ran their campaigns or was it simply political rhetoric? We’ll have to wait and see.

God bless America

Freedom Isn’t Free

Freedom is a precious thing and we can’t take it for granted.

*Apathy is the acceptance of the unacceptable. – John Stott, Christian Pastor (1921-2011.)

Apathy was a big problem in the last election and too many non-voters resulted in a takeover of liberals in high office. Now we’re in a mess.

Hopefully, these election results will signal a change from the anti-God agenda that has been so distressing over the past several years.

I was thrilled to see that many of the newly elected candidates are Pro-Life. They’d better stay that way.

Another praise God moment!

It floors me that some liberals have the gall to say the government has the right to determine that one life is more valuable than another. I’ve seen the liberal trolling on pro-life websites and it breaks my heart.

This abortion holocaust has got to STOP.

If you haven’t seen this yet, I wanted to share a video of one of my heroes – Gianna Jessen. She’s an abortion survivor.

Her triumphant story is truly an inspiration and worth the watch.

God bless her and you!

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*John Stott quotation, as quoted from Christian
