God’s Promise Of Eternal Freedom

God’s Promise

God's Promise Of Eternal Freedom

Dear Christians,

All of those painful things in your life – the emotional hurts and the physical hardships – they will one day disappear.

You will be free . . . in Heaven!

You and I will have the ultimate, “perfect” peace. 

Perfect Peace means Eternal Freedom.

Eternal Freedom

No more pain

No more grief

In the Book of Revelation, the Apostle John was granted the divine privilege of writing to the seven churches of Asia Minor to issue a warning about what was to come at the End of the Age. This is a time of final judgment and the world is plunged into darkness.

How can anyone not see how our world is advancing rapidly towards that time? There is so much evil around us, but we have Jesus on our side.

He is coming back and, on that future day, the Righteous will shine forth “as the sun.”

4 and He will wipe away every tear from their eyes; and there will no longer be any death; there will no longer be any mourning, or crying, or pain; the first things have passed away.” – Revelation 21:4, (NASB).1

Notice that Scripture says “He will wipe away every tear”, without exception.

See how much He cares for the brokenhearted!

Knowing Him as our Savior in this life, and walking with Jesus in our eternal life – there will be no greater joy.  

Eternal Freedom 

As Christians, we long for the day of our eternal freedom when we’ll finally be Home.

In her poem, “Imagine Heaven”, fellow Christian writer Helene Torres issues an encouraging reminder to all of us to set our eyes on the glory promised to us in Heaven!


by Helene Torres

I imagine this life not mattering,
as I walk towards the Lord.
Every question will have faded.
All my past ignored.

As I stand in Your glory
and all I see is You.
Will I recall this life at all
 and all that I’ve been through?

When I am in eternity
and know the perfect love.
What will I think of how I behaved
and how I showed Your love?

For this time is but a fleeting second,
in the years of eternity,
Don’t let me regret that second,
for all of infinity.

For this life will not matter,
apart from what I’ve done.
Let me hear the words “good job”
as I walk towards the Son.

# # #

1 Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

2Poetry shared, courtesy of Helene Torres, from FaithWriters url: https://www.faithwriters.com/article-details.php?id=185177.


No Phishing

No Phishing – Move on!

There’s no phishing here.

Hello dear readers,

Unfortunately, I’ve received some off-topic comments and spam so I need to post this PSA.

Please bear with me as I share this personal, Public Service Announcement:

No phishing


Okay, you crazies:

Please listen up!

I will not publish any comment that is spam,

offensive, obscene, off-topic, or promotes your business.

That is not the purpose of this blog. This is a Christian blog to honor God.

Please go phishing somewhere else.


Unfortunately, due to some scammers turning a deaf ear, I’ve had to turn off comments on my Christian blog. It goes against everything I believe in about sharing views, but I have to protect it.

I was bombarded with so-called seo experts jamming my inbox with their advertising. I deleted their comments thinking that would fix it. It didn’t. I proceeded to receive more every day after that. These people don’t give up with their obnoxiousness. In addition, there were also some folks who commented and then wanted to direct my readers to their off-topic websites. Really folks? Very uncool. Bye bye.

Regardless of these distractions, I continue to keep my eye on the prize, delight in God, and keep focused on things above.
