Christians – Should You Share That Post?

Christians – Should You Share That Post?

To “Share or Not to Share” – now that’s a good question, especially in this day and age.

Have you ever been on Facebook and seen an inspirational or funny picture-quote from a friend and felt that you had to share it right away on your own wall?

Here’s an example:

Christians - should you share that postIt’s funny, right?

But, be careful.

I’m seeing some risky sharebait and I don’t think people even realize it.

See where it says “Anonymous” in the example? Normally, that word would also be a clickable link to some other website.

Anonymous is usually fine, but it’s some of the other sources I’m seeing all over Facebook that are concerning.

What is sharebait? It’s a post that has the potential of going viral.

Your friend was probably just one of a thousand people on social media who saw a clever post, didn’t check the originating website carefully, and shared it right away.

source of the quoteWho is the originator of the quote and do they represent anything that you want to be associated with? For instance, you would never find me sharing a quote from Bill Maher, or any other liberal – no matter what.

Take Care When You Share

For a fictitious example, let’s say you see a post on Facebook that says in big letters, “I like chocolate” with a picture of a delicious, mouth-watering brownie in the background.

Sounds harmless enough, right? Why not share it?

But wait, what if the the chocolate quote came from a website called “Love is stupid.”

That “Love is stupid” website shows up as a clickable link now, on your wall. Do you really think love is stupid?

check the sourceIt’s wise to check the “source” of the quotes you share before you share.

This actually happened:

A Christian friend of mine shared a wonderful inspirational picture-quote that I almost shared myself until I looked at the source website.

Fortunately, I caught it quickly before I did.

The clickable website “source” contained an F-bomb.

How can you go out and talk about the love of Christ to people when you have an F-bomb glaring at everyone when they look at your Facebook wall? That could be very embarrassing.

guard your witnessThe internet is Satan’s playground. We’re going to see more and more junk from questionable sources online. There will be a distinctive separation between darkness and light and a lot of it will be played out right on the internet.

Psalm 19:14 –

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. 

English Standard Version (ESV)The Holy Bible, English Standard Version Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.




My Love Hate Relationship with Facebook

My Love Hate Relationship with Facebook

Is Facebook a blessing or a curse?

Okay, maybe “hate” is too strong a word. I don’t hate anything…except sin.

That gluttony thing trips me up every time.

a piece of pumpkin pieLike on Thanksgiving.

How can I refuse another piece of that delicious pumpkin pie? It would be a sin not to eat it, right? wink wink

We don’t have to talk about how I already had a piece.

And, when I was putting it away, I snuck a little more that had fallen off into the pie plate.

Shhhhh – don’t tell. My pants fitting tighter is enough of a signal.

love hate relationship with facebookBut back to Facebook.

Facebook has been, off and on, a source of great joy for me.

It’s also been a source of concern as I, along with millions of others, get to peek into the lives of people I originally thought were rational human beings.  🙂

There can be a little too much cray-cray on display as Facebook becomes a vehicle for T.M.I in many cases.Really people, did you really mean to share that?

The Upside of Facebook for Me

Let me start with the upside of Facebook.

Thanks to Facebook, I’ve connected with one of my dearest friends from college. Looking back on some very good memories, Kim and I connected the first day of college during freshman orientation. I was a communications major and she was in dental hygiene.

You’d think our paths wouldn’t cross in the hallways because of that, but God brought us together. I ended up sitting right next to her during orientation in a sea of future dental hygienists!

She was as outgoing and friendly as I was and we became fast friends. I always had a blast when we would get together for dinners or just to talk and she was a big part of my fond college memories.

After college I was living in a different state and Kim was happily married with a full life of her own.

We lost touch. So many lost years between us, but thankfully through Facebook, we found each other again.

It was like we never lost touch. She’s a Christian as well and we share our joys, sorrows, and prayer requests with each other. It’s everything a genuine friendship should be. I appreciate her so much.

The Downside of Facebook for Me

I’ve kind of hinted at it before. I don’t want to know absolutely everything about the lives of friends I care about. I don’t want to cringe over some of the “too personal” details that sometimes seem to be shared with abandon.

Bodily functions, your kids’ pooping habits – you get the picture.

Stop, just stop.

No really, stop.

Politics on Facebook is Way Over the Top

During the political elections, people on Facebook got downright nasty. I’m all about “polite” political debate, but it has taken a new combative turn to nastiness.

Was there some kind of “call out all the trolls” announcement that turned otherwise smart people into fierce name-calling competitors? Or maybe it was “Release the Krakens.” Anyway, the foul language some of these scary people use in public is such a downer.  It’s like a name-calling version of The Hunger Games. “I’ll get you first.”

To the death!

What is wrong with you people? Go take a walk, pet your dog, and hug your kids.

Doctor’s orders.

American flagWhether you’re a Christian, a minority, or the target of someone else’s jealousy or dislike towards you, Facebook has become an all too convenient tool to vent negativity.

I’ve been blocked myself (no loss) and I have also blocked people. After the initial “hmmmmm…okay,” it’s always good to be able to move on with the cherished people in your life who are encouraging and uplifting. If it’s my wall, I control what’s on there. Anyone using foul language or expressing anti-God sentiments can go bye bye.

My Message to the Negative Nancy’s Out There

Take your negativity walking! I will pray for you.

If you, dear reader, also have negative Nancy’s or Ned’s in your life, you can pray for them, too.

God bless

May the light of God shine on you today!

Remember, He made you from nothing and knew you before you were born.
That’s how special God thinks you are.

God bless!
