The “R” Words

The Most Significant “R” Words

R words

What are the most important words you can think of that begin with an “R”?

If you ask some of the people being interviewed by the mainstream media these days, you’d get answers like:



Rise Up

In this contentious world we live in, it’s obvious that people have taken their eyes off God.

Sometimes the news comes on, and I.just.can’

Focus On God

As a Bible-believing Christian, and a sinner in need of God’s grace, these are the most significant  “R” words I know:




In the ultimate scheme of things, what matters most is Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection on the cross – the affirmation of our faith.

Jesus paid the ultimate price for our sins, and through His death and resurrection, and our repentance, we can have an eternity with Him in Heaven.

Doesn’t it sadden you that there are people out there, even people you know, who think this life is all that there is?

Life Eternal

We can spend our eternity in Heaven with our Savior!

eternal happiness and joy

So how do we respond to what Christ did for us on the Cross?

Do we just go to church Sunday, help the less-fortunate, and then check those items off our good works list?

Or, do we also “repent” of our sins, and tell a lost world the whole truth – that Yes, there’s a Heaven and there’s a Hell.

I’m frustrated that, in some Christian circles, there’s an ongoing movement away from salvation messages, and that we should only speak about Love. They don’t even want you to mention that there’s a Hell.

We are to share the love of Christ with a lost world.

But, please, tell them the “whole” truth.

We are all sinners in need of the Savior

Unrepented sin has consequences.

Unfortunately, some churches shy away from talking about Sin and the need for salvation because it might turn off people and affect church growth.

That to me, shows a lack of trust in God.

Are clever marketing, great singing, and talking about soft topics more important than preaching all of God’s Word and how to obtain salvation through His Son?

What Jesus Christ did for us on the cross is the biggest, most extraordinary, expression of love that there is.

Withhold no part of the precious truth, but speak what you know and declare what you have seen. Do not allow the toil or darkness or possible unbelief of your friends to dissuade you. Let us rise and march to the place of duty, and there declare what great things God has shown to our soul. – *Alistair Begg, Christian pastor, Truth For Life Teaching Ministry, and Author.


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*Alistair Begg quotation, as quoted from Christian


Never Too Late

It’s Never Too Late


Never Too Late

Do you have a pet peeve?

Maybe it’s one of these:

  • Hearing other people talk on their cellphones in a restaurant.
  • The smacking sound of someone chewing their gum loudly.
  • The person in front of you at the theater who talks during the movie.

My big pet peeve is being late.

Is there anyone out there who likes to show up late?

Maybe a celebrity or two, but that’s not me, and I can’t imagine that’s you either.

I’m a stickler for being on time.

This started quite awhile ago – all the way back to when I was a television reporter.

Unfortunately, we showed up late a few times to a big story.

Don’t get me wrong, we’d lug in our camera equipment and microphone as quietly as we could, but people would still notice.

It just felt so disrespectful even though we couldn’t help it at times.

These days, if my husband and I have to go somewhere downtown, I insist on leaving an hour ahead of time. You never know if there might be traffic jams, construction, and who knows what!

And, sometimes, he lets me win that battle.  🙂


Why Wait?

Speaking of late, while we’re alive and breathing, it’s never too late to put our trust in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.

What baffles me though, is why anyone would want to wait?

What’s holding them back?

As Christians, we are heartbroken for people like that.

Life is fleeting and precious. None of us ever know what every minute of the next day will bring.


If you’ve ever read my testimony (you can find it here), then you know that my family was in a tragic accident many years ago. My husband and I survived, but our nine-year-old niece tragically died.

I was the second worst injured in the accident.

Facing my eternity hit me like a brick wall.

I didn’t want to go to hell.

After becoming a Christian, I realized that trying to be good wasn’t what it was all about.

The first thing I wanted to do when I got that cumbersome brace off my broken leg was to be baptized. I’d given my life over to Christ the week before the accident, and participating in Believer’s Baptism was meaningful to me.


Why wait?

Personal Unforgettable Joy

After three months of walking with a heavy boot plus screws and a plate in my ankle, I was ready to get rid of those “shackles.”

In September of 1997, wearing a white flowing robe, I entered the baptismal, and the Pastor baptized me in front of the whole church.

To this day, I get chills thinking about it.

There was nothing quite like it – Joy and Release all bundled up into one.

I am so grateful that I didn’t wait.

Baptism In Christ

As Christians, we know that Believer’s Baptism is not what saves us. We have to recognize that we are sinners who must repent and are in desperate need of the mercy of God. Our “niceness” and “working it” aren’t what get us to Heaven.

It took me awhile to understand that, but as I grew in my faith, I realized just how beautiful God’s grace is. That is why I am so desperate to share this with the world.

Grace alone

through Faith alone

In Christ alone.

8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. – Ephesians 2:8-10 (ESV).

Keep Your Eye On The Prize

Christians face a lot of criticism and ridicule from those in the world who don’t understand what saving grace is all about.

Late night pundits, daytime talk show hosts, you know who I’m talking about.

These faith mockers need our prayers.

Please don’t put off your salvation in Christ Jesus.

It won’t give you your best life now. The “best life now” catchphrase sounds good, but it’s a myth.

Trusting in Christ alone assures you an eternity in Heaven where you will never be happier.

There’s no sweeter love song than the one from God, through His Son, Jesus Christ, to His people.


*Scripture quotation is from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, copyright © 2016 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


No Flat Tires In Heaven

There Are No Flat Tires In Heaven

How are you feeling today?

Did you wake up, grab a cup of coffee, and bound out the door with a big smile on your face?Waking up with a smile

Or…did you drag yourself out of bed, scarf down your breakfast with minutes to spare, and then head out to work in a grumpy mood?

We never know what each day will bring.

Sometimes a day can be full of happiness. Other days, you wished you’d stayed in bed, right?

Perhaps hang a sign on your bedroom door that says, “No one’s here, please try again tomorrow.”

When It Rains, It Pours

I remember several years ago when my husband was out of town for work.

The dogs were cooperating, I had a stocked fridge, and life was moving along just fine.


I drove to the local CVS and got a nail in my tire.

My first flat tire.

Oh, great.

There are no flat tires in Heaven

A quick stop at the pharmacy suddenly turned into a long day. A few phone calls later, and my tire was working again.

I was so glad to get back home.

Everything is right again.

A couple of days later, another flat tire.

I am not kidding.

In one week, I had two flat tires.

What are the odds?

It was an interesting phone call to my husband that night.

Life gets out of whack sometimes.

We Have God’s Promises For When Things Get Out Of Whack

Someday, Christians, we will have an eternity in Heaven where nothing goes wrong.

In other words, there are no flat tires in Heaven. 😉

Until we reach our eternal Home, we should praise the King anyway.

At all times, even when things aren’t going our way.

Prayers aren’t supposed to stop once we get our answers. Praying is meant to be a daily blessing, not a chore.

What About Today?

Singing to God is a form of prayer, so if you haven’t said your prayers yet today, allow me to introduce you to a song that is full of praises to God.

In my Bible study this week at church, our group was talking about some of our favorite praise and worship songs.

Psalm 63 is one of mine.

Our choir sang it last Sunday and Wow!

It isn’t our choir singing in this video, but I wanted to post it anyway so you could hear the music. About 4 1/2 minutes in, when the different choir parts separate out, I get chills.

The lyrics of the song often came to my mind during my husband’s recent heart procedures.

Soothing and comforting.

Try closing your eyes and turn up your speakers.

C’mon close your eyes, I can see they’re still open  😉

Take it in and you can make it one of your prayers today.

I hope this song has blessed you as much as it has me. Our whole congregation was deeply touched by a psalm set to music.

I love beautiful worship songs that remind us of God’s sovereignty.

Have you asked Him into your life yet?
