Reporting For Duty

The 2021 Draft – God Wants You

Do you recognize this famous wartime poster?

Responding to the Call

That’s “Rosie the Riveter” flexing her muscle.

This iconic poster came to represent millions of heroic and patriotic American women who went to work in the factories during World War II.

While their enlisted husbands were sent off to fight, these inspiring women supported the war effort here at home, all while raising children during some very difficult circumstances.

We can never underestimate the strength and fortitude of women when tasked with a noble mission!

What can we learn from their courageous response to a call?

We can learn that it’s our turn, but for a different mission.

Now that the New Year is upon us – are “we” ready to report for duty?

Our responsibility, present day, is to put on the full armor of God, and to pray.

These aren’t prayers for material wealth, our name in lights, or status.

prayer is reporting for duty

We turn prayer into a heavenly complaint desk where we ask to “speak to the manager.” We treat prayer like filling out an Amazon wish list or a godly GoFundMe. But this is not Biblical prayer. Prayer is the realignment of our warped passions and priorities so they can reflect God’s passions and priorities. Prayer is the process of developing our perseverance and endurance to follow God for a lifetime.- Dr. Michael Youssef, Bible teacher and author.

Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled

What we are praying for and what we are praying about is serious business.

No doubt, this will be an especially tough year to come in the history of America.

I can’t stress this enough: We must be strong and courageous to fight against the temptation to be silent in the spiritual battles that are to come.

Are we prepared to be challenged for our beliefs?

Don’t think these threats can’t happen.

Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist on the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm.Ephesians 6:13, (NASB).

Reporting for duty doesn’t mean sitting back and sticking our heads in the sand.

Our true strength lies in our prayers to Almighty God, our great “I Am”.

Even when it seems like things in this country are falling apart, be rest assured that God is working His plan behind the scenes.

Battlefield Prayers

While I’d love for the Rapture to happen this instant (considering how wicked the world has become) the fact is we don’t know when that will take place.

That is by God’s design.

We “could be” looking at this present darkness for a very long time.

The problems we are seeing everyday get so frustrating it’s tempting sometimes to throw up our hands and forgo our spiritual conversations with our Maker.

We may not even feel like praying sometimes, but we must pray anyway and resist that temptation. The Evil One hates a praying person.

Reporting For Duty Means Being Prepared

Reporting for duty means showing up and being prepared.

Here are a few ideas:

  1. If you haven’t already, commit to reading the entire Bible this year. Here’s some help for challenging passages.
  2. Memorize scripture. Jesus quoted Scripture, and so can we.
  3. Be prepared to give an answer for your faith.
  4. Ask for God’s will to be done when we pray.

Prayer is the breath of the warrior. The prayer-less Christian is a soldier who is dressed in shining armor but can’t make it up the hill without gasping for air. Just as the soldier needs physical conditioning, so we need spiritual conditioning in prayer. Dr. Michael Youssef, Bible teacher and author.

Prayer is your weapon and the Lord is your strength!

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* Quotation(s) from Dr. Michael Youssef, courtesy of Leading The Way, “Walking The Walk: Developing Spiritual Endurance Through Christlike Prayer.” November 4, 2020. paragraphs 3 and 5. Web. Accessed December 24, 2020. Retrieved from

* Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

* Quotation from Charles Spurgeon, influential Christian pastor and author. Taken from Charles Spurgeon@spurgeonbooks. 12/16/20, Web. [Facebook post]. Accessed December 23, 2020.

* Photo credit “Rosie The Riveter”, courtesy of [Public Domain].


No Time To Pause

We Have No Time To Pause

Easter (or more accurately, Resurrection Sunday) just wasn’t the same this year, was it?

Several Christians I’ve spoken to have described it as:





Whether you were watching a service online, or sitting in your car at an outdoor church service, all of us had to face the reality that we are not in control.

The world is temporarily on hold, but Christians, we have no time to pause . . . in faith matters, that is.

The time is now.

There are hurting people out there who don’t know the Lord. All they’re hearing about is a seemingly out-of-control virus, and what the media tells them every night.

This is an opportunity for us to shine the light of the gospel in the midst of a global panic.

What We Know About Godreaching the lost

Christians – we have the answer for lost people.

Although this pandemic may have temporarily caught us off guard, the fact is, the Bible speaks to us about calamities and pestilence.

But, I never thought I would see something like this in my lifetime.

I sooooo get it.

I’ve had my own moments of tears and frustration.

But, our Sovereign God already knew about this virus.

He will accomplish His will through this.

As this virus continues to attack our sense of peace, please try to take comfort in the fact that there are lost people coming to Christ all over the world through this awful contagion.

Shelter in His Wings

At a time like this, many Christians are turning to Psalm 91.

When you read through it, you can trust the reassuring words that God is our refuge and we need not be afraid.

Psalm 91

The Lord has graciously given medical experts the knowledge to work towards a cure, He has given a heart of compassion and skillful hands to all of our brave emergency responders to help the afflicted, and He has given us (the people of God) the ability to add to this fight with fervent prayer.

no time to pause

I love Charles Spurgeon’s expository lesson on Psalm 91, a small portion below.

Upon the child of the Lord’s own heart, pestilence has no destroying power, and calamity no wasting influence: pestilence walks in darkness, but he dwells in light; destruction wastes at noonday, but upon him another sun has risen whose beams bring restoration. – Charles H. Spurgeon, influential pastor and author.2

Every day is a day that the Lord has made.

A Wake-Up Call To Reach The Lost

This pandemic is a global wake-up call for each and every one of us.

Dr. Michael Youssef quotation

The Great Commission has not gone away.

The best way we can delight in God is to take the truth of His Word to the lukewarm and to the lost.

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Photo source credits:
– Window photo by Kristina Tripkovic on Unsplash.
– Oswald Chambers meme regarding Prayer, released into the public domain , via pixabay. It is an allowed derivative work of the original, and is licensed under a  Creative Commons CC0 License by Gracie Jane.

1 Scripture quotation, courtesy of the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

2 Quotation from Charles Spurgeon, influential Christian preacher and author, (1834-1892). Taken from The Treasury of David by Charles H. Spurgeon. “Psalm 91. Exposition.” n.d., para. 10. Web. Accessed 8 April, 2020. Retrieved from

3 Quotation from Dr. Michael Youssef, influential Christian pastor and author. Taken from The Christian Post. “2 Things God is calling us to do in the age of COVID-19.” n.d., para. 11. Web. Accessed 14 April, 2020. retrieved from
