The Master Artist’s Gallery

Always Open – The Master Artist’s Gallery

The Master Artist's Gallery is always open

A few days ago, I woke up, opened the shades, and saw this breathtaking sunrise right outside my window.

I couldn’t help it – I immediately went outside to take a picture in my pajamas, no less!

It’s okay, we have nice neighbors. 🙂

The sunrise was too beautiful to pass up and just go on with my day without thanking God for it.

I will never stop delighting in God and the gifts He has given to our world, including this stunning sunrise.

The Master Artist’s gallery is always open and free to the public.

No waiting in line

No restrictions

All ages welcome

Praise God!

The Master Artist’s Gallery

Someday the “Light of the world” will illuminate us and there will be no need for a sun.

Can you imagine what we will see then?

All of this from God’s loving hand.

God gave us the sun, never to worship but, among other things, allow us to “see” His magnificent creation!

God's gallery of creation

Anyone who has visited my blog for any length of time will know that I sometimes share poetry from other writers.

Louis Gander is one of my favorites.  He is so talented that I’m going to share another one of his poems.


His Painting

Alone, the sun rises
over people unknown.
Although they ignore it,
its sunlight is thrown,
over the river and
through the faint fog,
like lone little flowers
on top a dead log,
growing so freely,
so gentle, so bright –
as God’s great creation
is seen from His light.

Some hovering noises
seem somewhat bizarre,
trespassing nature
from places afar –
while God, the Great Artist
keeps painting His way –
another day passes
just like yesterday.
A bright colored sunset
surrounds a lone loon.
Reflected on water,
His bright crescent moon.

Now stars hold God’s canvas
while brush strokes so grand,
paint wide vivid colors
with love’s perfect hand.
And God – although we

cannot even imagine –
prepares us a place, in
His painting called ‘Heaven’.
So things we see here
will seem dreary and gray,
compared to the next one
that’ll blow us away!

©2011 louis gander, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

John 14:2
In my Father’s house are many mansions:
if it were not so, I would have told you.
I go to prepare a place for you.


On a personal note: I was in touch with Louis recently.  He’s had some health issues and would really appreciate your prayers.

His gift of writing is a blessing to the world.

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Looking Up

The Storm Rages But Keep Looking Up

raging storm

Friends – this is a sad post to write.

It’s time to talk about the elephant in the room.

There’s no doubt that the godless are at work and Christianity will also be under attack.

Bottom line: They hate God.

It’s already happening. If you’ve read the Bible, then you know that this was foretold.

Personally, I have read the book of Revelation several times with commentaries from leading theologians and scholars, and it’s a fact, the Bible’s prophecies continue to be played out right before our very eyes.

In the face of continuing horrific violence in the political arena, plus the recent appalling censorship by the internet giants – even through all of this heartbreak, we must keep looking up and pray for His Will to be done.

Wake Up!

This spiritual battle is making worldwide headlines.

Why is God allowing this turmoil?

Here’s just one of the reasons: to WAKE us up.

the battle is real

I pray for many things, but this is what’s really important: Eternal lives are at stake and the Lost need our prayers for their repentance and salvation.

No so-called fact checkers needed: Anyone denying Jesus is headed for an eternity of despair and suffering. Without repentance, his or her fate is sealed.

Ultimately, this isn’t about political differences – that’s just window dressing.

This World is Not Our Home. Keep Looking Up

Sadly, we can expect the lawlessness to increase.

We can also expect the godless to go after every Christian website, social media page, authentic biblical church, and family here in America.

The evil one knows his time is short, so the storms will rage on.

This isn’t the America I grew up in, and I’m so thankful that this world is not my home.

Please pray fervently and get in the Word . . . every day, if you can.  I wake up between 4:30 a.m. and 5:00 a.m. every day to read the Bible and/or listen to a Biblical sermon. I urge you to find your best time to do the same.

What we are seeing now is a glimpse of the tribulation to come.

But, we have a Sovereign God Who will never be cancelled.

The Word of God, no matter how much the godless will try to suppress it, has and will last forever.

We are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ!

Delight in God

delight in God

Please know that I plan to keep on writing this blog as long as I can.

If it ever mysteriously disappears, know that it is not what I ever wanted. The dark powers-that-be are at work. They have already attacked this blog once.  It took weeks, but we finally recovered everything by the grace of God.

The godless may temporarily be able to shut us up, but the good news is to look at the history of our faith. The Word of God has survived thousands of years, and will continue to survive.

Praise the Lord!

There’s always a remnant to keep sharing the gospel.

I urge you to talk to your lost friends and family about salvation (if they would listen) through Jesus.

The time is now.

Reach the world for Christ and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance.

If a church or denomination tries to tell you that the Bible is not true, that there are many ways to heaven, you are listening to false teaching.  Find authentic biblical preaching and learn the TRUTH.

I pray for all eyes to be opened to the truth of God’s Word.

I pray for the safety of all of us in the treacherous days ahead.

Heaven = No more death, sin, hatred, violence, viruses and diseases, lies, politics, mainstream media … the list goes on.

How could anyone not want that?

We will have JESUS and eternal JOY.

keep looking up

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Happy Thanksgiving 2020

Wishing You A Happy Thanksgiving 2020!

Happy Thanksgiving 2020

First and foremost, I am forever grateful to know You, Jesus Christ, as my Lord and Savior.

Is it possible to love You even more?

Every day, I look forward to studying Your Word and listening to a podcast when I’m getting ready in the morning. (I have a few favorite pastors!)

It’s the best way for me to start my day right.

I look forward to attending church every Sunday and I’m so grateful that our church is open. The prayers, the excellent preaching, the beautiful music, and the fellowship with my brothers and sisters in Christ can’t be beat.

Thank You, Jesus!

It’s also with a grateful heart that I want to sincerely thank all of you for visiting my blog, Delight-in-God.

It means a lot to see those audience numbers rise and to know that we all share the same love and reverence for our Savior and King.

What a year of calamity this has been.

Even so, we can be thankful knowing that, as the apostle Paul assured the Thessalonians so long ago, the Lord fights for us!

Our Heavenly Father never changes.

He keeps His promises.

No battle, spiritual or otherwise, is too great for Him.

The wickedness so rampant on this earth will be defeated.

You can count on it.

Some future day, the unrepentant godless who continue to attack our Christian faith and evangelistic efforts in America and around the globe, will be thrown into the lake of fire along with the Evil One. 

We can also look forward to that appointed time in the future, when there will be an end to all suffering, physical pain, and sadness. No more sorrowful phone calls from a loved one going through sickness, or a terrible trial.

Praise the Lord!

3 But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.2 Thessalonians 3:3, (NASB).

Here’s some good news.

No wait – here’s some great news!

If you’re a Christian trusting in Christ alone as your Savior, you’re going to Heaven some day.

What a joyful day that will be.

I’ll say it again, thank You Jesus!

Until that time of endless joy,

here’s wishing you and your family

a Happy Thanksgiving 2020!

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Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. 


A Stunning Display of God’s Creation

A Can’t Be Missed Stunning Display of God’s Creation

a stunning display of God's creation

One of the most breathtaking sights the world has to offer, in my opinion, is the Aurora Borealis.

It’s always been a dream of mine to go to Alaska and witness this natural phenomenon and stunning display of Gods creation.

Ahhh, some day.

Aurora Borealis: magnificent display of God's creation

I don’t know about you, but I’m awestruck just looking at some of the stunning photos of the northern lights on the internet.

A symphony of brilliant colors literally dance across the sky.

How can people not believe in our Creator God when they see something like this?

And how can people not believe in our Creator God when they see a broken life transformed through the saving knowledge of salvation through Christ alone?

God is good, all the time.

Only He can create such a beautiful phenomenon as the Aurora Borealis.

If you can’t go see this stunning light display in person, like me, you can soak in the photos and the videos online.

A welcome breather from all of the political news, right?

The Aurora Borealis Explained

So what exactly are the Northern Lights?

I’ll leave that explanation to the experts.

The Northern Lights are actually the result of collisions between gaseous particles in the Earth’s atmosphere with charged particles released from the sun’s atmosphere.  Northern Lights Centre.1

If you live in Alaska or Finland, your chances of seeing the Northern Lights are excellent.

But here’s something even better . . .

Do you know what will be even more grand than seeing the Northern Lights?

No earthly beautiful thing, even the Aurora Borealis, will ever be able to compare with being in Heaven with our Savior.

Can you imagine the complete joy and excitement to finally be in His presence?

God’s Creation On Display: The Aurora Borealis

Thinking about that future joy reminded me of a great video I saw recently.

This video features a sweet family with their young son seeing the northern lights in Fairbanks for the first time.

As you will see and hear, you don’t have to be a five year old child to enjoy the wonder of God’s creation.

The video is a little longer than what I normally post, but it’s worth the watch.

This, my brothers and sisters in Christ, is just a foretaste of our humility, wonder, and joy when we receive our eternal lives in Heaven.

That promise is why I delight in God.


What do you think your reaction will be when you see Jesus in Heaven?

After falling humbly at His feet in reverence, I think our happiness will turn to shouts of joy similar to the video above.

As God promised victory to Israel over her enemies so long ago, likewise when Jesus returns, the enemies of our faith will be defeated.


But the righteous shall be glad; they shall exult before God; they shall be jubilant with joy!Psalm 68:3, (NASB).

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1 Quotation from The Northern lights Centre, from “Northern Lights” n.d., para. 2. Web. Accessed October 31, 2020. Retrieved from

2 Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.


The Lamp Of Heaven

Thankful For The Light

Have you ever walked around in the middle of the night when it’s pitch-black dark?

Ouchhhhhh! I stubbed my toe.

Who moved the couch?

Finally you find the light switch and flip it on.

The welcoming light obediently floods the room.

Yay! No more stumbling around in the dark.

Aren’t you thankful for the light?

Morning Has Broken

the Lamp of Heaven

As the dawn starts to break, the sun begins its morning dance across the sky.

Our magnificent Sun, the lamp of Heaven, lights up a world of over 7.6 billion people.  

Depending on your time zone, people start to wake.

Millions everywhere yawn and stretch – ready to face the day.

Each day brings new responsibilities stacked on top of old ones still demanding attention.

Sadly, we don’t have much time to slow down and smell the roses.

The Lamp of Heaven is Powerful

the lamp of heaven is powerful

How powerful is the sun?

The Sun’s energy, composed of hydrogen and helium fusion, is comparable to a nuclear explosion!

Nuclear explosions strike fear in the hearts of men, but the Lamp of Heaven is so perfectly made by our Creator, that these perfectly-combined explosions enable life to exist on earth.

No small miracle.

The sun lights our days so we can see nature all around us. (Even a blind person can feel the warmth of the sun.) 
– Courtesy of The Institute For Creation Research.1

Aren’t you thankful for the sun?

In the Beginning

In the beginning, there was Nothing.

God spoke, and the Nothing became the Something Spectacular.

You and I are living on it now.

The lights of heaven are the sun, moon, and stars; and all these are the work of God’s hands. (1.) The sun is the greatest light of all, more than a million times greater than the earth, and the most glorious and useful of all the lamps of heaven, a noble instance of the Creator’s wisdom, power, and goodness, and an invaluable blessing to the creatures of this lower world. –            Matthew Henry, Christian minister and author.2

God’s creation wonderfully highlights His majesty and perfect love for us.

What a gift!

And someday, the Son (not the Sun) will directly light our lives for eternity.

Make no doubt about it in Isaiah 60:10 below, the prophet was speaking God’s word to Israel – His chosen people.

The saved people of Israel, of course, but what about us too?

God does not forget the Church.

As Christians who believe in salvation through Jesus Christ alone, we are also a part of God’s larger redemptive plan.

This is yet one more reason to delight in God.

Here’s what we have to look forward to!

The Lord our everlasting light

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1 Quotation from The Institute For Creation Research, from “Nature Reveals God’s Power” n.d., para. 3. Web. Accessed 3 September, 2020. Retrieved from

2 Matthew Henry Commentary, Genesis 1,  courtesy of, n.d., para. 6. Web. Accessed 3 September, 2020. Retrieved from

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