Who Is God?

Many Will Ask: Who is God?

Who is God?

Are God and Jesus the same person?

To delight in God, we must first know who He is.

For the answer to that, we turn to His Word.

He reveals Himself in Scripture this way:

God the Father

God the Son

God the Holy Spirit

Matthew 28

This truth forms one of the essential foundations of our faith: We serve a triune God – that is, God in three persons.

Granted, the blessed mystery of the Trinity is hard to understand at times.

I’m humbly raising my hand here.

Pastor John MacArthur wrote, “the doctrine of the Trinity stands as a perpetual reminder that we cannot comprehend everything God has revealed about Himself.” (Pastor John MacArthur, March 4, 2020)1

There’s a reason for that.

All that I can write about God, when compared to the totality of His attributes, is like one grain of sand compared to every beach, every mountain, and every planet in the universe. In order to comprehend God, we would need to be God’s intellectual equals, but He has no equals and doesn’t tolerate the impudent pretense of anyone who claims to understand things better than He does (Job 40:6–41:34). – Pastor John MAcArthur, pastor and bible teacher from Grace To You.2

Even though we deserve eternal punishment for our wickedness, nothing about you and me is a surprise to God.

He is faithful – making a way for us to receive salvation through His Son.

What a beautiful example of His indescribable grace and love that should humble us every single day.

Therefore, we delight in Him not only for His faithfulness, but for Who He is.

God is the Source of all things and we are His created ones.

Who is God?

As our Righteous Judge, He punishes sin, but by His grace and mercy, He will also forgive repentant hearts.

Blessed be the name of the Lord!

Heavenly Father, thank You for Who You are.

No matter what comes our way – whether rich blessings

or humbling trials – we thank You.

The single, greatest act of worship you can render to God is to thank Him. It’s the epitome of worship because through gratitude, we affirm God as the ultimate source of both trial and blessing—and acknowledge our humble acceptance of both. –Pastor John MacArthur, pastor and bible teacher from Grace To You.3

God The Son


It is our imperfection that brought Him here, and it is our weaknesses that will bring Him back to save us from our sins.

Lord, thank You for Your grace and

for sending us Your Son, Jesus.

Through Him, and by His death and resurrection,

You saved a wretch like me (and you who are reading this!)

With a thankful heart, we can recognize that, through Jesus, we are reconciled to the very One Who gave us life in our mothers’ wombs.

Only God could know what it would take to make a sinner acceptable to Him so that that sinner could escape eternal hell and live in the very presence of God in His own house. Only God could determine how the spiritual nature and the supreme authority and the unchangeable perfection of His law which is holy, just and good could be completely satisfied and the lawbreaker completely justified and rightly and purely forgiven and accepted, though fallen, guilty and depraved. Only God could bring all of those components to reconciliation. Only God knew what it would take. – Pastor John MacArthur, pastor and bible teacher from Grace To You.4

The Holy Spirit – A Distinct Member of the Trinity

What is the role of the Holy Spirit?

Pastor Alistair Begg writes this, “Enabling us to bow to Scripture’s authority and not man’s, the Holy Spirit plays the central role in the conversion of unbelievers. Being theologically accurate is of no assistance if the Holy Spirit does not live inside us.” (Pastor Alistair Begg, August 23, 2018)5

In John 14:26, Jesus comforted the disciples with the promise of the Holy Spirit’s coming.

John 14:26

Thank You, Lord, for Your gift of the Holy Spirit –

our Comforter, Intercessor, Counselor, and

a divine and distinct member

of the blessed Trinity.

Heavenly Father, it is with gratitude,

that our hearts remain focused on You.

May we wake up every day praising Your Name.

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1-2 John MacArthur quotation, courtesy of GTY.org/library/sermons-library. “God Is a Trinity.” para. 10, March 4, 2020. Web. Accessed 22 August, 2023. Retrieved from God Is a Trinity.

3 John MacArthur quotation, courtesy of GTY.org/library/sermons-library. “God Wants you to Give Thanks, Part 1.” para. 4, March 4, 2020. Web. Accessed 22 August, 2023. Retrieved from Give Thanks.

4 John MacArthur quotation, courtesy of GTY.org/library/sermons-library. “Fifteen Words of Hope.” para. 16, April 23, 1995. Web. Accessed 16 August, 2023. Retrieved from Words of Hope.

5 Alistair Begg quotation, Christian pastor, author, and founder of  Truth For Life Teaching Ministry. “Sermons on the Holy Spirit.” para. 2, August 23, 2018. Web. Accessed 28 August, 2023. Retrieved from the Holy Spirit.

6 Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.


How Can Anyone Not Believe

How Can Anyone Not Believe in Our Creator God?

How can anyone not believe

Ever since I was a little girl I’ve loved seeing fireflies.

Tiny twinkling lights randomly dancing across the neighborhood under the night sky.

It’s such a great childhood memory, and one of the many reasons I delight in God.

Thank you God for the little firefly –

an amazing reminder that

creation is Yours

and how blessed we are to even share in it!

In Paul’s letter to the Romans, the apostle reminded the people, and by extension all of us, of the glory of God unveiled each new day.

Even so, the foolish still refuse to honor Him.

Romans 1:20

The evidence that creation belongs to God is staggering, despite skeptics’ failed attempts to disprove what we all know is true.

How can anyone not believe in our Creator God?

There’s a song by talented singer-songwriter, Leanna Crawford, that I’m drawn to for this very reason.

It’s called, “How Can You Not.”

I hope you enjoy the God-honoring and heartfelt lyrics as much as I do.

How Can Anyone Not Believe

There’s a sweet story behind the writing of Leanna’s song.

In an interview she once said, “For me, being outside was another way to feel closer to God.”

“My parents were visiting me in Nashville and my dad had never seen fireflies before. Most people don’t know this, but there are no fireflies in the Pacific Northwest. We were out walking in the rain because we’re from the rainy state of Washington and don’t care about getting wet. But when the rain slowed down, the field next to us lit up like the night sky. My dad saw all those fireflies and said, ‘How can you not see the Creator?’ It was such a beautiful moment. And I was reminded that God created things like fireflies to show us how much He loves us.”Leanna Crawford, singer songwriter.2

Be sure to check out her YouTube channel and her “Leanna Loves” videos to learn more about this talented artist.

Her sweet spirit and engaging personality come shining through.

You can click here for a sample.

Leanna Crawford is currently on tour.

With stops from Tennessee to California, you can find her tour schedule here.

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1 Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

Leanna Crawford quotation. “About Leanna Crawford.” [Leannacrawford.com]. Web. Accessed April 13, 2023. 


“God Is Sovereign” Meaning

What Does It Mean to Say That God is Sovereign?

A Bible teacher I am not, but to answer the question of God’s Sovereignty, we can first take a look at its definition.

According to dictionary.com, the word “Sovereign” means “supreme power or authority.” (Dictionary.com, n.d.)1

I believe that secular definition is a pretty good description, but our ultimate authority on this is the Word of God.

Let’s take a look. This is from a Psalm of David.

24 The earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains,
The world, and those who live in it.
2 For He has founded it upon the seas
And established it upon the rivers.
3 Who may ascend onto the hill of the Lord?
And who may stand in His holy place?Psalm 24:1-3, (NASB).2

The first line of Psalm 24 is pretty clear, isn’t it?

The earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains . . .

God is Sovereign and Controls Everything

God is in control of everything. As a divine attribute of His Sovereignty, nothing can stop Him from His intended purposes.

As sinful humans, we don’t like not being in control.

It’s interesting that when God does not “intervene” (by human standards) in a crisis situation, some will question His power and majesty.

Do you remember that outrageous 2015 headline, “God isn’t fixing this” which also referenced prayer as “meaningless platitudes”?

How sad is it that people actually still think that way.

Here’s the truth:

God has the ability to do anything, to take action and intervene in any situation, but He often chooses to act indirectly or to allow certain things for reasons of His own. His will is furthered in any case. God’s “sovereignty” means that He is absolute in authority and unrestricted in His supremacy. Everything that happens is, at the very least, the result of God’s permissive will. This holds true even if certain specific things are not what He would prefer. The right of God to allow mankind’s free choices is just as necessary for true sovereignty as His ability to enact His will, wherever and however He chooses.Got Questions website.3

The fact is we live in a sinful world, and we will suffer.

Whether it’s illness, or persecution, or anything else.

The Bible warns us about the sufferings we will experience in this life.

If God is Sovereign, Then Why Won’t He Stop Evil?

God’s sovereignty in a sinful world is a tough topic for many people.

The importance of God “allowing” actions as part of His sovereignty cannot be overstated. God’s causing the basis for an act to occur does not mean He is a responsible moral agent for the act. The moral responsibility for intentionally evil acts falls on those who commit the acts themselves.Got Questions website.4

We won’t understand the concept of sovereignty perfectly. As the Bible says, His ways are not our ways. 

Simply put, as our Creator, the world belongs to God so it’s His to do with as He wishes.

Many are the plans in a person’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. 

Proverbs 19:21

If God is Sovereign, Then Why Pray?

God’s Sovereignty is exactly the reason we should pray. He sees and hears our every cry.

We are talking to the One who created the heavens and the earth and the One who created you and me.

We should be falling on our knees in reverence and praise.

Trusting in God’s Sovereignty helps give us more peace about a situation.


Because it takes the pressure off of us in a lot of ways.

We can rest in the peace that God is in control no matter what is going on.

And, as Christians, we have nothing to fear.

He loves us in every sense of the word.

We were created by Him and for Him and God wants us with Him for eternity.

Our modern day sufferings are just for a little while.

Because we know the end of “His Story” (the Bible) we have all the reason to praise Him, to have great faith through the storm.

This is one of the many reasons that we can delight in God.

As prophesied in the Bible, we will have tough days ahead, but stay strong.

Dear friends in Christ, Jesus our Lord and Savior is coming back someday!

Isaiah 25:8-9

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1 Sovereign. (n.d.). In Dictionary.com. Retrieved from https://www.dictionary.com/browse/sovereign 

2 Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

3 Quotation from gotquestions.org, from “What does it mean that God is sovereign? n.d., para. 6. Web. Accessed March 31, 2023. God’s Sovereignty.

4 Quotation from go   Sovereigntytions.org, from “Is God sovereign over death? n.d., para. 7. Web. Accessed March 31, 2023. https://www.gotquestions.org/is-God-sovereign-over-death.html


A Christian Poem From Australia

From The Land Down Under: Christian Poem From Australia

One of the many reasons that I delight in God is because, sometimes, He brings special people into my life – even if it’s just for a brief time.

And, it’s always a thrill to connect with Christians across the globe!

A Christian Poem From Australia

Imagine my delight when I heard back from a lovely couple from The Land Down Under – beautiful, sunny Australia.

Recently, I got in touch with them about sharing an excellent poem that was on their website.

This doesn’t always happen, but they responded!

They know the poet personally and called him to let him know about my request. 

It turns out that this talented poet is a 90-year-old Christian man.

Christian poet, Maurice Dyson

My humble request was enthusiastically granted.

So, I want to give a huge shout-out, all the way from the Lone Star State to sweet Maurice Dyson in the Land Down Under.

He’s a man blessed by God.

I love his passion for using his gift of writing to share his faith and love for Jesus Christ.

This poem is all about reverence for God and His Holy Works.

I have a feeling his poetry will continue to inspire others for years to come.

Psalm 19

Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men! Psalm 107:31

The heavens are telling God’s glory from high;
His handiwork vividly etched in the sky;
From day unto day they are uttering speech;
And night unto night with the knowledge they teach.

No language occurs where their voice is not heard;
Throughout all the earth goes their eloquent word;
Their message has reached to the end of the world;
Resplendent above like a banner unfurled.

In them He has set up a tent for the sun,
That goes like a bridegroom whose day has begun;
Rejoicing as one who is running a race;
A circuit described by its circular trace.

The law of the Lord is effective and whole;
Its witness is simple converting the soul;
Its statutes are noble rejoicing the heart,
Establishing truth for our innermost part.

His holy commandments are gracious and pure;
Enlightening the eyes that our sight may be sure;
The fear of the Lord is enduring and clean;
His judgments are righteous and wholly pristine.

More are they desired than the finest of gold;
And sweeter than honey for youngest or old;
Moreover by them is Thy bondservant warned,
And keeping them favours a lifestyle adorned.

For who understands his erroneous ways?
Acquit me of faults that are hid from my gaze;
And keep back Thy servant from sins born of pride,
And let them not rule me nor hinder my stride.

Then I shall be clear from their grievous excess,
And innocent whereof I’d greatly transgress;
Let all my intentions by day or by night,
Be counted acceptable, Lord, in Thy sight.

Copyright © 2019 Maurice Dyson.

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1 Dyson, Maurice. “Psalm 19” 100 Poems of Praise – Christian Poetry to Praise God, edited by Ossie Amato, Self-published, 2019, p.18., Copyright © 2019 Maurice Dyson. Courtesy of freechristianillustrations.com.


God’s Creation: This Crab Has Boxing Gloves!

God’s Amazing Creation: This Crab Has Boxing Gloves!

Are you ready to see some cuteness?

This crab has boxing gloves!

Delight in God - this crab has boxing gloves

Meet the Boxer Crab!

He’s also known as the “pom-pom crab.”

Or my favorite, “the cheerleader crab.”

You’ll soon see why.  🙂

His scientific name is: Lybia Tesselata.

Pronounced phonetically, “Lie be ah   tess a lot a.”

And, trust me, he has a “lot a” spunk and personality.

The boxer crab likes to hang out in the Pacific and Indian Oceans (Roth, n.d.)1

This adorable little crustacean only measures about an inch long, but don’t let his small size fool you.

He’s not afraid of bullies.

See those pom-pom-looking anemones on his legs?

As only God can do, the boxer crab was created with an amazing defense system. Working together in a symbiotic relationship, the boxer crab and his sea anemones hitchhikers work together to survive daily life in the deep.

Together, they will fight off any perceived threat – Rocky style!

Check this out.

Hey you want a piece of me?

C’mon Pufferfish. Give it your best shot!

God’s Creation

God’s creativity is all around us.

He is the Master Designer.

Every single creature, or blade of grass, or star in the sky has a role to play, whether we understand what that role is or not.

And the boxer crab and other tiny creatures in the world around us?

Even the smallest in God’s creation reflects the power and majesty of God.

We can see His glory in the beauty of a flower, the song of a bird, and the power of a thunderstorm.

What an amazing God we serve!

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1 From the The Mosaic Boxer Crab | Tropical Fish Hobbyist Magazine. (n.d.). https://www.tfhmagazine.com/articles/saltwater/a-champion-fighter-the-mosaic-boxer-crab-lybia-tesselata-full-article

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