The Beauty of God’s Sunsets

Embracing The Beauty of God’s Sunsets

The beauty of God's sunsets

A glorious Texas sunset

An unnamed poet once wrote, “Sunsets are just little glimpses of the golden streets of heaven.”

I don’t think I could have said it better.  🙂

Have you ever witnessed a sunset that takes your breath away?

Praising God for His beautiful sunsets

To God be the Glory!

As the day comes to a close, the sun’s last ray’s delicately kiss the horizon for one last time, and the sky overhead descends into darkness.

Simple quiet moments reflecting on this and the beauty of God’s sunsets are priceless.

Thank you God for the perfect ending to another day!

Poet: Unknown

The sunset’s crown of radiant gold
And robe of amethyst
Had paled to twilight gray and cold
And trembling veils of mist;
Then, up in the heaven the white moon sailed,
And, gleaming in her wake,
Her silvery shimmering garments trailed –
A shining way, in shadows veiled,
Across the dusky lake.

The darkness quenched the sunset hues;
Day, shrouded, sank in night;
Yet through the gloom and through the dews
Still trailed that track of light.
No wind bore upward hymn or prayer,
No step throbbed on the sod,
And yet my soul saw opened there –
Cross lake, o’er mount, through ambient air –
A shining path to God.

O coward soul, that fears to miss
The glow from out thy sky,
That shrinks from sorrow’s touch and kiss
When shades are drawing nigh, –
Beyond the night’s o’ershadowing form
Light gleams on wave and sod,
And thou mayst climb – thy robe and crown
Faded and in the dust laid down –
That shining way to God.

1 Photo meme features a Scripture quotation from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

2 Poet unknown poem featured courtesy of Catherine Pulsifer. “Beyond.” [online post]. From, ©Catherine Pulsifer, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, n.d. Web. Accessed November 14, 2024. Beyond


What’s Next, America?

Wondering What’s Next, America?

Considering the ever-rising political tensions dividing our country over the past four years, this stressful time in our nation’s history will only continue.

The divide between political parties seems even bigger than before – no doubt with the help of the mainstream news media.

Even so, none of this is a surprise to our Heavenly Father.

God is sovereign and in control over all things.

God’s plan for our country will follow the course that He has already set forth –  and that includes the election results.

God will bless or curse this nation according to the choices we make. Let us get up, get out, and make our voices heard. Let us fervently pray for the Lord’s mercy to be upon us! May He graciously provide leaders—men and women—whose hearts are aligned with His. – Jack Hibbs, Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Chino Hills and a nationally syndicated TV & Radio host. 1

What’s Next, America? Share His Message

What's Next, America?

What’s next, America?

Is there anything that we can do?

Yes . . . PRAY.

We need a spiritual awakening in our nation.

However, at the same time, we must recognize that our ultimate citizenship is in Heaven (see Phil 3:20-21).

Our mission as Christians is to reach the world for Christ.

In other words, as this pastor clearly explains:

To care enough about the people in this life to make sure that they join us in the next. – Pastor Greg Laurie, Bible teacher and author.2

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1 Pastor Jack Hibbs quotation, courtesy of Real Life with Jack Hibbs, “Get Up, Get Out, and Stand,” 21 October, 2024, para. 6. Web. Copyright © 2024 Pastor Jack Hibbs. All rights reserved. Accessed October 25, 2024. Retrieved from


An Unforgettable Alaskan Adventure

Treasuring An Unforgettable Alaskan Adventure

If your “bucket list” is anything like mine, then a trip to Alaska is right there near the top.

I’m happy and grateful to say that my wish finally came true.

Photo ops everywhere!

My husband and I and some dear friends just got back from an unforgettable Alaskan adventure that we’re still raving about.

I can’t begin to tell you how amazing and beautiful it all was.

Aboard the “Norwegian Bliss” cruise ship, my husband and I felt blessed to immerse ourselves in God’s creation for a “blissful” (couldn’t resist!) seven days.

When did they start making cruise ships this big?

An unforgettable Alaskan adventure

Each day brought exciting new discoveries:

Towering, snow-capped mountains . . .

Majestic mountains

Icy cold waters reflecting the sunlight above and sparkling with brilliant shades of sapphire to turquoise blue . . . 

Alaska's towering snow-capped mountains

Glaciers that glistened like diamonds in the sunlight.

Majestic whales and charming coastal towns like Sitka, Juneau, and Ketchikan where we checked out the many shops and chatted with some of the locals.

Charming shops and restaurants

Our dear friends Lisa and Charlie were with us as we explored these fascinating ports of call.

Fellow adventurers Lisa and Charlie

One of my favorite memories was sitting on their balcony next door, drinking hot chocolate and wearing our cozy jackets while the Bliss floated by icebergs, varying in size from tiny to large enough to stand on.

I know what you’re thinking. Yes, we thought about the Titanic.

Check out the icy blue color of the iceberg in this photo.


August is a good time to go.

The weather was perfect, just slightly cool.

God let us experience all of His workmanship and all the beauty in the areas that we went to. It’s just phenomenal, meeting people that you’re almost drawn to (like our driver that had the same beliefs that we had) that made me feel encouraged. Even in other areas of the world, there are still people touched by God, and being with friends that you don’t get to see very often and have such a good time with – I just enjoyed it so much! – Lisa P.

We didn’t see the Northern Lights this trip, but that’s okay. What we did get to witness was humbling enough.

We were all awestruck and so grateful to our Heavenly Father who created this for His pleasure. He loves us so much that we get to share in His delightful creation.

It was absolutely amazing. We had the opportunity to see an area of our country that we’d never been to before, but heard a lot about. Getting out and seeing the whales and seals and the little sea otters was an experience. Watching the mountains and the glaciers in all their majesty, we were awestruck by God’s ability to put those things there for us to see and enjoy. Kind of like a birthday and Christmas present all wrapped into one. – Charlie P.

If you ever decide to take an Alaskan cruise, I highly recommend getting a room with a balcony.

A balcony room is a must!

Waking up each morning and opening the shades was a delight to the senses.

I’m happy to say that I didn’t get seasick once! The ship gently glided through the open seas. I could barely feel a rocking motion, even at bedtime when all is quiet except the calming waves lapping against the ship’s hull. 

Just about every direction you looked was a new photo op. On land, we saw eagles perched on the trees in town, and at sea we marveled at the backs of whales as they surfaced.

Bald eagles

No bears spotted on this trip, but that’s probably a good thing because we forgot to bring bear spray. Lol.

At last count, I believe we took about 400 pictures plus!

Exciting ports of call

You do a lot of walking in those ports of call, but it is so worth it! And, when you’re ready for a break, you can hang out on the upper deck or in the observation lounge on the Bliss.

The ship’s observation deck was the perfect vantage point for stargazing and appreciating God’s creation in all of its splendor.

It was a fun place to people watch and, as always, there was plenty of food and drink to satisfy hungry tummies after a day of sightseeing.

We met so many genuinely wonderful people on this cruise – Tom and Melissa, Jenny and John, and more.

The food, both on board the Bliss and also in the ports of call was, out of this world.

How about some Alaskan King crab – as fresh as it could be. I did let my husband have a bite or two even though crabmeat is one of my favorite foods in the whole wide world.

Delicious Alaskan King Crab

There were so many excursions to choose from. We loved the Gold Creek Wild Salmon Bake in Juneau.

This was no ordinary buffet. We joined other hungry diners on picnic tables which were set up under a jacket-worthy rainforest canopy.

The peaceful sounds of a waterfall beckoned nearby. I could have sat there for hours.

Waterfall at the salmon bake

I’ve never been a huge fan of salmon. However, this salmon, I am not kidding, was the best, most mouthwatering, salmon I have ever tasted in my life. Fresh caught and grilled over an alderwood fire right in front of you – I couldn’t believe how great it tasted. (We may have to move here just for the salmon 😉

Alaska's beautiful flowers and plants - Delight in God

Such pristine beauty all around us.

The landscapes, the adventures, and the friendships forged on that unforgettable journey to Alaska will forever hold a special place in our hearts.Alaskan adventure


Symphony Of Colors

God Created The Symphony of Colors

God's symphony of colors

Do you have a favorite time of day?

If I had to pick one (okay I’ll pick two), it would be early morning and dusk.

The peacefulness of the morning and then, later in the day, the rich red and orange colors painted across the sky during a sunset are captivating.

My photo library is filled with pictures I’ve taken of these God-created wonders.

Sunrise symphony of colors

Each day I love to walk outside to witness God’s symphony of colors.

Sunrises and sunsets are just a few of the many reasons I delight in Him.

Don’t overlook these simple joys.

Recently, I came across a poem that captures this theme beautifully and I wanted to share it with you.

Beauty of the Morning

In the beauty of the morning
When the sun awakes the world
When the birds begin their singing
And the clouds are all unfurled.

Have you ever stopped to listen
As the darkness fades away
When the golden dawn is breaking
and heralds in the day?

If you’ve never seen the glory
of the rising of the sun
Now’s the time to do this
For at least, just even one.

Your heart will swell with praises
As you see the beauty there
You will find your spirit soaring
And your heart bowed down in prayer.

Author unknown

With thanks to our Father in Heaven, the beauty of God’s sunrises and sunsets are a pleasant reminder that we have been gifted another new day!

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The Endless Surprises in God’s Creation

Discovering Endless Surprises in God’s Creation

Webster’s dictionary defines the word “surprise” as a “feeling of wonder or astonishment.”1

How about the endless surprises in God’s creation?

There’s so much to discover!

You could spend hours learning about the amazing animals inhabiting our planet.

Take the Long-wattled Umbrellabird, for example.

Endless surprises in God's creation

The Long-wattled Umbrellabird2

Personally, I’ve had interesting hairdos before, but this little guy takes the cake.

Is anyone else seeing an Elvis impersonator here?

Besides the little pompadour “umbrella” on the bird’s head, they also sport a feather-duster-like waddle from their necks.

Quite the unique-looking bird.

Don’t tell me that God does not have a sense of humor.

Found in some of the humid regions of South America, the Umbrellabird enjoys eating fruit and the occasional lizard.

I delight in God’s creation, don’t you?

Delight in God's creation

The oceans teem with life; the forests are full of His creatures; pastures and mountains are the habitations for His handiwork. Storks among the firs, badgers among the rocks, young lions in the bush, and goats in the mountains (Psalm 104:17-22)—all these things silently testify to the wonders of God’s creative mind, the glory of His wondrous skills, and the beauty of all that He has made. – Stuart Briscoe, Author and Bible Teacher.3

Each and every creature, every plant, every inch of land, and every depth of the seas – all tell a unique story of God’s perfectly-created design.

And God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. And there was evening and there was morning, the sixth day.Genesis 1:31, (NASB).4

God’s Extraordinary Creation and its Endless Surprises

As humans, we can barely comprehend the complexities of our world.

We’re constantly discovering and learning new things.

And, the more we learn, the more we realize just how marvelous God’s creation and its endless surprises really are.


Evolutionary philosophy holds that ingenious biological features were invented by the unknowing, uncaring, purposeless laws of nature, but it is clear that they were instead engineered by our wise, benevolent, and powerful Creator. Nature has never been observed inventing these kinds of complex structures, each well-suited to its task, and there is not even a theoretical, realistic step-by-step evolutionary explanation for how they could have developed. Thus, in the same way that we infer a painter from a painting, or an engineer from an engine, we infer a Creator from a creation.The Institute for Creation Research.5

Every living thing, no matter how insignificant it may seem, has a part to play in God’s grand design.

Thank You God for all that You do and for all that You have done.

The fact that we are living witnesses to His works is extremely humbling.

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1 “Surprise”. (n.d.). In Retrieved from Websters 1913 Dictionary

2 “Cotingidae – Cephalopterus penduliger” photo by Hectonichus, own work, CC BY-SA 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository. 15 September, 2010. Accessed and retrieved January 27, 2024.

3Stuart Briscoe quotation courtesy of From “Everything Beautiful.” n.d., Web. 26 November, 2023. Accessed January 29, 2024. Retrieved from

4Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation

5Quotation courtesy of The Institute For Creation Research. From “God’s Design is an Engineering Wonder”, n.d., Web.  Accessed 27th January, 2024. Retrieved from God’s Design.

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