Headaches and Rainbows – A Peaceful Lining in the Clouds
Unfortunately, I developed a humdinger of a headache.
This was the kind of headache that makes you want to get back in bed and bury your head under a pillow in a dark room.

This pounding headache festered and festered and even got a little worse throughout the day – it felt like a migraine.
I did take something for it, just not soon enough. So it got a little one-up on me.
The medicine did take the edge off, but the headache was still there.
Have you ever had one of those kind of headaches?
Finally, around 5:00pm after getting some computer work done, I decided to go out to our back porch and just be by myself for a little while.
Where’s that “do not disturb” sign?
I lay out on the lounge chair and closed my eyes for a bit and breathed in the fresh air. There was a nice breeze going and the trees were softly swaying near the pond.

It was beautiful and so peaceful. I soaked it all in and closed my eyes.
I started thinking about Heaven and how beautiful it will be…and how peaceful… and joyous….and happy.
No headaches, no stress, no deadlines, no mean people, none of that. Just peace with God and being surrounded by other believers that we will love and fellowship with for all eternity.
I found myself talking to God in my thoughts again.
Then I opened my eyes. I looked up at the sky and then I saw it!
It looked like a baby rainbow. Just a little tiny portion of one in the sky.
I wish now I had snapped a photo of it.
I’d never seen a little patch of a rainbow like that before. The ones I’ve seen in the past are full rainbows radiating from the sky after a storm.
This one was just a quiet whisper of loveliness from Heaven.
I got my husband to come outside.
You gotta come see this!
He came outside and started searching the sky,
“What, where?”
“That little rainbow? That’s cool.” We heard from a meteorologist friend later that type of rainbow is called a “sun dog.”
Hubby and I stayed outside and watched it until the clouds started moving again and the lovely rainbow faded away.
A Rainbow is a Reminder of God’s Promise to Man
I counted six references in the Bible, all referring to the appearance of a rainbow and the covenant between God and man – no more worldwide floods will destroy the entire earth. (There will be other disasters, but that’s another article for some other day.)
Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.
Genesis 9:16 (ESV) The Holy Bible, English Standard Version Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers.
The true meaning of the rainbow has gotten lost in today’s world, like a lot of things. The rainbow is a breathtaking symbol from our heavenly Father and yet, mankind has tried to morph it into meaning something else.
Well, they can try, but Christians know better.
We can only pray about things like this.
Some glorious day Jesus Christ will come again and the earth will be restored to its former glory. All will be made right. We will delight in God and He will delight in us.
As one of my favorite songs says, “Kings and kingdoms will all pass away…but there’s something about That Name.”