Favorite Bible Verse

Do You Have a Favorite Bible Verse?

Everything in the Bible is important, but sometimes there’s a verse or two that you keep referring back to. I know that’s the way it is for me.

favorite Bible verseIt may be a verse that gives you strength or comfort during a difficult time in your life. Or, it may be a verse that reflects your gratitude towards God for His many blessings.

If you’ve read my blog before, then you know I’ve posted some of the favorite Bible verses from friends of mine from all over the country. It has been my joy to be able to share these verses with you because they come straight from the heart of fellow Christians.

In this deeply dark world we’re living in now, we can use all the encouragement we can get, right?

I was reading a new book I bought yesterday and came across a Bible verse in it that has become a new source of encouragement for me.

First, the book. If you haven’t read it yet, I highly recommend Pastor Chip Ingram’s, “The Invisible War.” It’s a book about the spiritual attacks we face as Christians and it helps guide us how to put on the armor of God. We know we’re supposed to wear the armor, but do we really know how to use it?

I’ve personally had several spiritual attacks lately. They’ve been distressing, but we know that in life, satan hates all of us. His intent is to discourage and destroy all that is of God. He will use whatever he can to distract Christians from bringing glory to God. It could come from a low blow from a friend, a public put-down at work, or even nasty comments from someone you love. These spiritual attacks seemingly pop up, almost out of nowhere. This excellent book is a great resource for when those attacks come.

The verse that really stood out for me was from 2 Kings. It’s a loving reminder that we are not alone in the battle. God does not allow us to go into a spiritual battle unarmed.

The verse is:

2 Kings 6:15-17 —

*15 Now when the attendant of the man of God had risen early and gone out, behold, an army with horses and chariots was circling the city. And his servant said to him, “Alas, my master! What shall we do?” 16 So he answered, “Do not fear, for those who are with us are more than those who are with them.” 17 Then Elisha prayed and said, “O Lord, I pray, open his eyes that he may see.” And the Lord opened the servant’s eyes and he saw; and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

Briefly, the prophet Elisha and his servant were facing a seemingly impossible situation. They were surrounded by the marauding army of King Aram. Their situation seemed dire, but Elisha did not lose faith. He assured his frightened servant that there was nothing to be afraid of.

invisible army of angelsThe Lord heard Elisha’s prayers and the servant was at once able to see, really see, the invisible army of angels who were there by their side the whole time.

I love this! “…those who are with us are more than those who are with them.”

Boom, there it is!

I don’t know about you, but those verses really comfort me. We face a lot of tough times in our lives. Sometimes it’s so overwhelming, that we forget that God allows trials in our lives to perfect our faith.

The Invisible War

There is most definitely an invisible war going on right now between Heaven and satan. Our assurance? We have an army of God’s angels fighting on our behalf.

Ultimately, the victory is ours. We know who wins! We have that encouraging and blessed assurance through Jesus Christ.

The God who created this beautiful creation, also created you and me…to be victors through our steadfast belief in Him.

beautiful creationHeavenly Father, we rejoice in the knowledge that you’ve shared your Word with us in Scripture and that we have the ultimate victory through You. We continue to pray for your protection over us and for strength and courage in the challenging times ahead. Thank you for being You and for loving us so completely.

In Jesus name, amen.

Dear child of God, try not to be discouraged. You have millions of brothers and sisters in Christ across the globe who are fighting alongside you. Delight in God. He loves you so much!

Believers*Bible reference: New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation


Delight In God, Love Him More Than Everything

Delight In God, Love Him Completely

How many Facebook followers do you have?

Ten, twenty, a hundred?

I know people whose friends list numbers in the thousands.


That’s a lot of friends 🙂

Delight in God Your Number One FanDid you know that, despite how large your friends list is on social media, there is One who loves you more than anyone.

He’s always there, loving you from the start, when you were just a baby in the womb.

Psalm 37:23 tells us that:

*23 The steps of a man are established by the Lord, And He delights in his way.Psalm 37:23 NASB

He is the God of Second Chances

God is always ready to forgive, if you repent.

How many of your friends can you say that about? I suspect not many. God not only has the power to forgive, He provides the gift of eternal life to those He has chosen according to His will.

We deserve death, but Jesus paid our fine. That is the most sacrificial, beautiful expression of love that has ever existed in this world.

Please, if you haven’t put your total faith in Christ and repented of your sins, I urge you to do so. I also encourage you to start reading the Bible. The book of John is a great place to start. It’s also important to attend a solid, Bible-believing church in your area where you can hear the authentic gospel message of love, repentance, forgiveness, and salvation.

I watch the news sometimes and it’s so disturbing how evil this world has become. It’s getting worse every day. The abortion holocaust is just one example. I see the combative women holding up signs at rallies celebrating planned parenthood and I cringe for their lost souls.

There is still time for us to seek God’s forgiveness.

How long til you return, Lord? No one knows.

Time is running out, though. Jesus Christ will come again and, with all urgency, I say you don’t want to be left behind.

This song from Charles Billingsley is one I listen to a lot on my iPod. I hope you enjoy.

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*Bible reference: New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation


Thank You God

Thank You God for Everything!

First and foremost, through this blog I want to give glory to God. He has blessed me in more ways than I can count and I am humbled by His mercy and kindness.

Thank you God!

Thank You GodIt is a privilege to write about my delight in God and my hope is that something I write will strike a chord in someone else. When you have good news, you want to share it, right?

Sometimes with all the busyness of everyday life, we forget to thank the One who knew us before we were born. I want to do that now.

Thank you God for Your love and grace – for loving me (and us) so much that You gave Your only Son to die on the cross to pay the price for my (and all) of our sins. We are wretched humanity and we deserve absolutely nothing, but in Your infinite love, You provide the way for us to receive Your salvation and spend our eternity with You.


A Life Turned Around

Thank You God for my life. I remember eighteen years ago wondering what the purpose of my life was. I praise You for letting me find the answer and that is, to come to know You and to make Your name known. A horrible life-changing accident years ago could have taken my life, but You chose to spare me and give me a second chance. My life has completely turned around. I’m not the same person I once was. I am a new creation and I understand the responsibility and the joy of what that means now.

The Bible

It’s All True

Thank You God for Your Word – the Bible. You cared so much about humanity that You inspired the gospel writers to write down Your message of love, salvation, and forgiveness for all of us to read until the end of time.

It saddens me that some, even some Christians, doubt the inerrancy of Scripture or try to soften the message to appease a very dark world. People can’t have it both ways. They shouldn’t say they believe in the Bible and then turn around and say “well, only some of it is true.” ALL of it is true. If someone has doubts temporarily, it’s okay, but they need to actively research it and they will come to know the truth as well. I did. No one has an excuse when the information is so readily available to those who seek to understand how everything falls into place in the Bible. I provide some resources in this website for you.

Thank you God for my husband. He is a man of God and was the one who helped lead me to Christ. He is also the one who saved my life years ago in our family accident. Out of all the places my future husband could have moved for a job, he ended up moving to the same apartment complex.

I know that was You, God.

God’s Timing Is Better Than Mine

Some of us are a little resistant when it comes to finding the right guy for us. It took several bad dates for me to realize what I was looking for in a husband – and he lived right next door to me! Bill is my rock and I will never stop thanking God for him.

Thank you God for the wonderful people You have put in my life through the years. I treasure those relationships, each and every one. I love and pray for my friends who are Christians. For those who aren’t, I love and pray for them as well. I pray that my life will reflect the joy that I feel of knowing You personally and knowing that You love me back. There’s no rejection in Christ Jesus. None. While some people we come across in life will reject us, even spread lies or try to hurt us, we as Christians have the knowledge that Jesus will never abandon those of us who seek Him.

Beautiful creation

Thank you God for the beautiful creation that You designed just for us. Every sunrise and sunset is a priceless masterpiece. It is a privilege to live here and experience it, but I never forget the Artist behind the painting.

Thank you God for my health. It’s not perfect and there have been scares. As emotional as that can be, I know there’s a purpose in it no matter what happens in the future. My body will wear with age, but my soul knows that one day, I will spend eternity with You. There will be no pain, no rejection, no sadness, no hurts, no aging – all will be perfect because that is what You have promised us who accept Your grace.

a passion for writing about God

To God Be The Glory

Thank you God for my passion for writing about You. When my television career ended so many years ago, I felt my love for writing would end along with it. I look back on the journey and realize there’s no easy path. But I’m here now and grateful for the rocky path it took me to get here – not at the time, but I get it now 😉 Your timing is always right.

Thank you God for my enthusiasm for Christian music. It truly blesses my life. I like to listen to a lot of different artists, but the most respect I have is for those musicians who dedicate their lives to glorifying God through their talents. As my iPod list continues to grow, I discover more and more artists who inspire me through their words to trust in You.

Thank you God for Your many blessings on my life, both seen and unseen. Many times I think to myself “I know that was You, God.” but there are the too-numerous-to-count blessings that I don’t see right now. I know that You have protected me from many things and I look forward to knowing someday what those were.

Thank you God for our church. We attend a Bible-believing, God-honoring church and we’re grateful to God that we are able to attend.

Thank you God for the tragedies, the losses, the difficult times in my life. This is hard to write, but it is important. We were never, as Christians, promised that our belief in God would lead to an easy and prosperous life. Far from it. In fact, life seems to get harder at times.


Seeking God’s Peace

When the job losses come, or the surgery date approaches, or you lose a precious child in your family – the questions nag away at you. Why, God? Why me? Did I do something wrong? How long, God?

Don’t stop praying. He hears us. Seek the peace that only He can give us.

Don’t stop trusting Him, even through the pain. The non-believers want you to give up on God. They want a “quick fix” to problems and when you don’t get one for your suffering, they swoop in like vultures to tell you that God doesn’t really care about you.

He does.

He does care.

He does love you and He loves me.

Thank you God!


No Phishing

No Phishing – Move on!

There’s no phishing here.

Hello dear readers,

Unfortunately, I’ve received some off-topic comments and spam so I need to post this PSA.

Please bear with me as I share this personal, Public Service Announcement:

No phishing


Okay, you crazies:

Please listen up!

I will not publish any comment that is spam,

offensive, obscene, off-topic, or promotes your business.

That is not the purpose of this blog. This is a Christian blog to honor God.

Please go phishing somewhere else.


Unfortunately, due to some scammers turning a deaf ear, I’ve had to turn off comments on my Christian blog. It goes against everything I believe in about sharing views, but I have to protect it.

I was bombarded with so-called seo experts jamming my inbox with their advertising. I deleted their comments thinking that would fix it. It didn’t. I proceeded to receive more every day after that. These people don’t give up with their obnoxiousness. In addition, there were also some folks who commented and then wanted to direct my readers to their off-topic websites. Really folks? Very uncool. Bye bye.

Regardless of these distractions, I continue to keep my eye on the prize, delight in God, and keep focused on things above.


How to Pray When You Don’t Know How

How to Pray When You Don’t Think You Know How

Hi  🙂

I hope you had a fantastic New Years celebration.
We ate way too much delicious food and the word “diet” has popped back into my daily vocabulary. When did those obnoxious extra pounds creep in?

Time for that yearly diet resolution.

Have you made any resolutions?

I’ve read in various publications and in social media that many people have said they wanted to pray more, but they feel like they don’t know how. Or, they feel that their prayers aren’t eloquent enough for God.

Here’s some great news and another wonderful reason to delight in God. The Bible makes it very clear that God is not impressed with lengthy insincere ramblings.

how to pray

Fancy Prayers Fall Short

A prayer from your heart is good. It doesn’t have to be five minutes long either. And, forget English class, God doesn’t mind if you start your prayer with a preposition.  🙂

No, from the heart is a very good thing.

Have you ever thought about praying Scripture, like Jesus did?

I think praying Scripture verses is an excellent idea. Notice that I said “praying” Scripture and not just reading it.

What a great idea modeled after the Bible.

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