Our Creator And King

The Wonders Of Our Creator

There are countless reasons to delight in God – our Creator and King.

He is the maker of all things, including you and me.

Creator and King

The sunrises and sunsets that we enjoy today, wouldn’t happen were it not for His commands during the creation of the world.

16 And God made the two great lights—the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night—and the stars. 17 And God set them in the expanse of the heavens to give light on the earth, 18 to rule over the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. 19 And there was evening and there was morning, the fourth day. – Genesis 1:16-19., (ESV).

All living creatures – from the dinosaurs of old to your family pet sleeping over there on your couch, to every amazing creature that ever existed in the wild – all designed by God for His great pleasure.

And He put us in charge, under His Sovereignty and reflecting His glory.

It’s very humbling, if you think about it.

That’s why I love the videos I’ve seen from Illustra Media. I’ve only watched a few. They’re not only intellectually stimulating, but also amazing visuals pointing to God’s creation.

Allow me to share a short one about hummingbirds with you.

God’s Exquisite Workmanship

His exquisite workmanship

Have you ever seen a hummingbird lighting on a tree outside your window? We have one who visits us occasionally.  When he flies by, I have to stop everything I’m doing just to watch in awe.

Hummingbirds are not only beautiful, if you consider the fact that they beat their wings over eighty times a second, all day and every day, their very nature is extraordinary.

We know “Who” we have to thank for their amazing design.

Please enjoy.

God bless


* Scripture quotation is from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, copyright © 2016 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


Let It Snow! Let It Snow!

Like A Little Glimpse Of Heaven

I don’t know about you but come winter, I long to see snow.

We’re talking about a deep longing, like when I see a chocolate chip ice cream cone.

Texas had some winter precipitation recently, but it just wasn’t the same.

I’m talking about finding some bundle-up, go-outside, throw-some-snowballs, kind of snow.

What to do, what to do.

And then it hit me.


Eureka Springs, Arkansas

If you’ve never been to Eureka Springs, Arkansas please check it out.

You may want to consider it for your travel plans sometime.

It’s a fun destination, about an hour north of Fayetteville.

The downtown area is charming, and the food is delicious.

Eureka Springs

Best time to go?

Opinions on that vary, but for us, we prefer the winter months.

Let it snow

This trip would be our third time for a visit – that’s how much we like it there.

Some of the town’s attractions shut down for winter, but there’s so much more to see and do.

variety of wildlife

We also like to go there to see the variety of wildlife, the picturesque landscapes, the cozy cabins, and the SNOW!

Where to stay?

This trip, we chose a secluded cabin in Cinnamon Valley, just minutes from downtown.

Cinnamon Valley

Cue the happy dance.  🙂

God’s Spectacular Design

As predicted, snow started falling.

Delicate flakes blanketed the trees surrounding us.

It turned cold fast, with a capital C.

The temperatures dropped below freezing, as did the wind chill.

plenty of wildlife

Every day was a new adventure.

Spectacular views greeted us on our hikes through the woods.

We even saw a bald eagle soaring above us!

His creation is just one of the many reasons I delight in God.

It’s so beautiful, I can’t help but say a little prayer.

Thank You, most gracious Heavenly Father,

for who You are.

The wonders of Your creation never cease to amaze me.

Who are we to deserve such a gift?

Thank You for sending us Your Son,

and thank You for providing us

with glimpses of Your perfection,

through Him, and through Your creation.

How Beautiful Is Heaven?

My husband and I made quite a dent in the walking trails.

At one point during a morning hike, the property owner drove up and told us about a black bear that was spotted a month earlier making itself at home on top of another camper’s car. He also pointed out that some of the tracks we saw belonged to some mountain lions that frequently hang out in the area after dark. 

Hmm…it might be time to go back to the cabin now. We don’t want to be on the menu.

Here’s my handsome (and freezing) husband beside the frozen pond.

temperatures dropped

Can you imagine how beautiful Heaven will be?

No one creates a masterpiece like the Master Creator does, and no one is mightier than Almighty God.

When we see the spectacular displays of His creation and power, it should remind us that…

5 God thunders wondrously with his voice;
    he does great things that we cannot comprehend.
6 For to the snow he says, ‘Fall on the earth,’
    likewise to the downpour, his mighty downpour.
7 He seals up the hand of every man,
    that all men whom he made may know it. Job 37:5-7, (ESV).


*Scripture quotation is from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, copyright © 2016 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


The Hands And Feet Of Jesus

Walking Examples of Grace and Mercy

I hope you all had a blessed Labor Day.

It certainly was newsworthy.

Flooding in South Texas

*Photo by Staff Sgt. Daniel J. Martinez. Port Arthur, Texas, August 31, 2017. U.S. Air National Guard.

The devastating pictures of Hurricane Harvey’s path of destruction in South Texas, plus the threat of two new storms, Irma and Jose, has a lot of people on edge.

It’s understandable to ask God “Why?” and “When are things going to calm down?”

I wish we had all the answers right now, but life doesn’t work that way.

The Hands And Feet Of Jesus

Thank You, Jesus, for what we DO know.

hands and feet of Jesus

Guaranteed, in the midst of this tragedy, His light is seen in the darkness. I’ve seen it with my own two eyes.

  • A big thank you to the dear people from all over the country who are donating money and supplies.
  • Thank you to the convoys of trucks, cars pulling u-hauls, and boats headed to the flood zones with food and necessities. (A shout out to the Louisiana Cajun Navy. I’d never heard of them before, but I’m now a big fan.)
  • Thank you to the emergency responders working non-stop and putting the lives of others above their own.
  • Thank you also to the churches and individuals who prayed and are continuing to pray for the relief efforts.

If any of these bullet points describe you (and I bet one of them does), you are not just a bullet point.

In these instances, you are acting as the hands and feet of Jesus. One of the best ways to delight in God is to serve others. Your selfless actions do not go unnoticed. The following verses from the Apostle Peter were written to encourage Christians of that time to use their gifts for serving others. Peter’s message also rings true for us today.

**10 As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace: 11 whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. 1 Peter 4:10, English Standard Version (ESV).

Glorifying God, Despite the Odds

Sharing the love of Christ to those in need glorifies God.

But, how can we glorify God when we are the ones who are suffering and in need?

The hands and feet of Jesus serving others

Share the love of Christ with those in need

Fear about our circumstances is emotionally painful, and we don’t understand why it’s happening to us.

Someday we will know, but in the meantime, blaming God is never the answer.

It may be hard to grasp this, but suffering refines us into a deeper fellowship with Jesus Christ.

Jesus, who suffered more than any human being on earth, understands our pain.

As you pray, ask for His comfort, strength, and peace.

As you walk with Him through your difficulty, no matter how long your emotional or physical pain lasts, you will have a testimony building of His grace.

I believe Nick Vujicic is an excellent example of this. Nick was born without arms or legs. And we think we have difficulties?

Instead of giving up and blaming God, Nick uses his challenges to magnify God’s purpose for his life.

Look Around

Whatever you are experiencing, you don’t have to go through it alone.

Please don’t let your suffering and self-doubts swallow you up inside.

Pray your own prayers to God, ask Him for His mercy and guidance going forward, and reach out to your Christian friends for support.

Support and love from those acting as the hands and feet of Jesus can be a lifeline as we wait for His glorious return.

Jesus is our only Hope.

God bless


*South Texas flooding photo, courtesy of SC National Guard (170831-Z-AH923-081) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons. Photo by Staff Sgt. Daniel J. Martinez.
**Scripture quotation is from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, copyright © 2016 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
***Video clip, courtesy of “Heart of the Artist.” Uploaded by Storytelling Pictures. Published Friday, April 12, 2013. Online video clip. Vimeo. Retrieved from https://vimeo.com/63902097. Web.


A Solar Eclipse And The Son

A Solar Eclipse

Did anything big happen this week?

Just kidding.

You and I both know that millions of people watched the solar eclipse as it traversed across North America.

What a stunning sight it was!

A solar eclipse and the Son

We were on vacation at the time visiting family and dear friends in Santa Barbara, California.

While we weren’t in the direct path of the total eclipse, we were delighted to watch the eclipse live online.

No solar glasses required. 😉

As we watched, I couldn’t help but think how amazing and powerful God is.

The moon, the sun, and the stars all answer to Him.

How could we not delight in God?

O Lord, our Lord,
How majestic is Your name in all the earth,
Who have displayed Your splendor above the heavens! –
Psalm 8:1, NASB.

A Solar Eclipse And The Son

While the majority of world attention was on the sun, I was thinking about the Son who gave His life for you and me.

I wanted to share this lovely poem with you from a fellow Christian writer.

It’s called “Eclipse.” I hope you enjoy.


by Margaret Kearley

A morning dusk descends,
A new day early ends
As if prepared for fall of night
And passing of the day’s daylight.
Her shroud to day, night lends
As morning dusk descends.

Birds still their morning song
Their clocks disturbed – and gone
Their daily greeting – in its place
A stillness falls upon the face
Of day, and night seems long
As birds desert their song.

Brief minutes pass – the sun
Resumes her day-route run.
Increasing brightness from her rays
Dispels the misplaced dusk-like phase
And the eclipse is done.
Welcome! Bright Morning Sun!

When dusk and night descend
Upon my soul – My Friend,
My Saviour, Lover of my heart,
Walks close beside me, through the dark
Until the night-time ends
And His Pure Light descends.

Source: www.FaithWriters.com.
Read more articles by Margaret Kearley

# # #

*Scripture quotation taken from the NASB, The New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.



Does God Love Me?

Does God Love You And Me?

Did you know that every month, on average, there are no less than *1300 online searches for the phrase:

“Does God love me?”

That’s a lot of searches.

Friends, when you think about it, that is heartbreaking.

Does God love me

God does love you

Why do you think people are searching for “Does God love me?”

There could be any number of reasons.

Perhaps something horrible just happened in the searcher’s life, or maybe he or she is just curious.

Whatever their reasons may be, this statistic is undeniable proof that people are desperately searching for reassurance that God loves them.

We don’t know who these people are, but we can certainly pray for them.

Taking The First Step

Don’t you wish you knew who they were so you could bring them good news?

Their hearts are open to the gospel, or they wouldn’t be searching.

Who are they?

  • Could it be that lady sitting on the park bench?
  • Your child’s soccer coach?
  • The friendly person you chatted with for awhile in the grocery store?

Here’s one thing we can do: We can ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom. We can pray we will know without a doubt when an opportunity arises to share our delight in God.

Immeasurable Love

God is a righteous judge.

Although we deserve everlasting death for our sins, through Jesus Christ, we can have eternal life.

There is no greater expression of God’s love than this undeserved pardon.


**8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. – Romans 5:8, NASB.

Remember the excitement you felt when you understood what it meant to have a personal relationship with Jesus as your Lord and Savior?

I certainly do. My heart filled up with joy, and I could hardly contain my gratitude when I grasped the meaning of Christ’s sacrifice.

Jesus did that for me?

We need to share this precious knowledge of God’s love with those around us.

Sure, we’ll get some push back. It’s a fallen world after all.

As Bible-believing Christians, however, we know the truth.

We are warriors for Christ. That means we pray something serious and trust the Word of God.

It won’t be easy.

Satan will put up every roadblock to try and force us off track.

Our faith will be tested

No matter what, we must stay the course and rest in the assurance of His great love for us.

Chuck Swindoll quote

God bless you this week!


*Source: https://serps.com/tools/keyword-research/
**Scripture quotation taken from The New American Standard Bible®, Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.
***Chuck Swindoll quotation, public domain and as quoted from Christian quotes.info

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