The Man and the Birds – A Story

Have You Heard the Story About The Man and The Birds?

the man and the birdsNo worries, I’ll post it here.

Christmas seemed like a great time to share this gem from the late Paul Harvey.

Do you miss his voice as much as I do? No one could weave a story or paint a visual picture like he could – a real American treasure.

Anyway, I heard this story recited at a pre-Christmas dinner a few days ago and fell in love with it. Go cozy up by the fire and give it a listen.

I hope you enjoy it.

Merry Christmas 2016!

Classic story, huh? The kind that pulls at your heartstrings. So much wisdom in this tale. There’s a definite lesson here.

And he sank to his knees in the snow.

The man realized that Jesus came to save us, just as the man in the story wanted to save the lost birds. The people in the world who hate Christmas or anything having to do with Jesus Christ – they’re missing so much, not only in this life but in eternity as well. Their hearts are so hardened towards God. I pray that they will be saved.

Will you pray too? Please do. I know that, before I became a Christian, people were praying for me and I came to know Jesus Christ as my Savior. It touches my heart deeply to feel that kind of love. It’s more special than any other kind. I plan to spend my life delighting in God for the rest of my days.

Merry Christmas

God bless you all

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