Unending Praise

The Lord Deserves Our Unending Praise

Can you name the fastest animal on earth?

Personally, I would have guessed a Cheetah, but that would have been wrong. 🙂

The fastest animal on earth is the Peregrine Falcon.

Peregrine Falcon

The Amazing Peregrine Falcon

How fast?

Their high diving maneuvers have been clocked at up to 200 mph.1

Now that is fast.

Amazingly, the Peregrine Falcon is just one part of God’s intricate tapestry called “Creation.”

Evidence of His divine design is everywhere.

Imagine the care and incredible artistry God uses when He brings to life a remarkable bird of prey like the Peregrine Falcon.

I delight in our God along with you.

Our amazement over these God-created wonders isn’t the end of it.

We are blessed to be the “stewards” of His creation – appointed by God Himself.

He alone is worthy of our unending praise.

I am reminded of a passage in Revelation 4.

We can echo the elders’ praise by saying these beloved words from Scripture either out loud or in our hearts.

“Worthy are You, our Lord and our God, to receive glory and honor and power; for You created all things, and because of Your will they existed, and were created.”Revelation 4:11, (NASB).2

Someday in the future, all of us will honor His glory, together, as a multitude of voices.

In the meantime, I hope you can notice the countless blessings that surround us.

Every day is an opportunity to thank Him.

Unending praise

Unending Praise – Is He Worthy? 

There are a few Christian songs that I like to turn up the volume for on my speakers.

This is one of them.

As I sing along loudly, I sometimes wonder if the neighbors can hear me.

If they do, well, the more the merrier!

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Source Credit, [2023] Courtesy of sciencedigest.org  by Patsy Todd, from “The World’s Fastest Animal: The Peregrine Falcon’s Dive. ” Web. Accessed 13 October, 2023.

Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.


Merry Christmas 2021

Have a Merry Christmas 2021!

Merry Christmas 2021

Dear friends in Christ,

May Christmas 2021 fill your hearts with happiness and joy as we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ around the world.

How awesome it is to know that our Savior and King will be with us again!

The immense step from the Babe at Bethlehem to the living, reigning triumphant Lord Jesus, returning to earth for His own people – that is the glorious truth proclaimed throughout Scripture. As the bells ring out the joys of Christmas, may we also be alert for the final trumpet that will announce His return, when we shall always be with Him. – Alan Redpath, pastor, author, and theologian.1

Many people this week are singing the beloved Christmas hymn, “The First Noel.”

Have you ever thought about what the word “Noel” actually means?

Besides the association with the well-known song, an older version of Webster’s dictionary defines Noel as “A Shout of Joy.”2

You and I have a life-changing reason for our shout of joy.

Jesus Christ was born, and He is coming back for us!

God with us

Behold, the virgin will conceive and give birth to a Son, and they shall name Him Immanuel, which translated means, “God with us.” – Matthew 1:23, (NASB).3

He is with us!

Merry Christmas 2021! God With Us

Have you ever read Psalm 66?

If you haven’t, please take the time to read this glorious psalm of praise to our Heavenly Father.

You can even make it your prayer.

Come and see what God has done:
he is awesome in his deeds toward the children of man. – Psalm 66:5, (ESV).4

This psalm is not just for Israel, or for the specific and true events that occurred in Biblical times, but for all of us.

We praise Him for all that He has done and for all that He will do.

The following Chris Tomlin song gives me chills – of the good and humble kind.

As it says in the Psalm, “All the earth worships You and sings praises to You.”

May we never lose our Joy and childlike wonder

over what God has done!

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1Alan Redpath, Christian pastor, author and theologian (1907-1989)) quotation, courtesy of and as quoted from Christian quotes.info

2Webster’s 1828 Dictionary definiton of “Noel” as cited in Got Questions.org.

3Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

4Scripture quotation is from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, copyright © 2016 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


Truth Or Popularity?

Truth And Consequences

At some point in your life, you’ll encounter someone who will challenge your Christian beliefs. If it hasn’t happened to you yet, it will.

doubters are everywhere

Doubters are everywhere. You may know them personally, or you might come across an atheistic thread on social media.

Skeptics love to argue about Christianity.

Truth or popularity?

Standing firm in your faith can have consequences.

You may think you’re having a pleasant conversation over the water cooler and then – Bam!

Next thing you know, the other person throws out a zinger that leaves you almost speechless.

They may say something like,

I don’t believe what the Bible says.

Why doesn’t God stop evil?

All “religions” worship the same God.

We just need to have one religion for the whole world.

The Rapture is a fairy tale.

God is love, and He won’t send anyone to hell.

When you respond in faith, don’t expect your popularity to soar through the roof. Christianity is becoming more and more despised these days.

Be prepared

What can you do about it and how can you be prepared?

Try not to let yourself get caught off guard.

I know, easy for me to say!

Please, don’t worry. You don’t have to memorize every biblical fact by heart. If you don’t know the answer to a question, say so. Look up the answer later and get back to Sam (or Sally) Skeptic at another time.

But, we must be able to state what we believe.

faith challenges

Role play with another Christian if you need too.

*Withhold no part of the precious truth, but speak what you know and declare what you have seen. Do not allow the toil or darkness or possible unbelief of your friends to dissuade you. Let us rise and march to the place of duty, and there declare what great things God has shown to our soul.Christian pastor and author, Alistair Begg, of Truth for Life teaching ministry.

Truth or Popularity?

God loves you and me, but He will also judge us

The fact is that God is a God of love, but He is also a God of justice. He will judge the world, and rightly so.

The Apostle Paul said this quite clearly to the Greek council in Acts 17:29-31. It is likewise true for us today.

Acts 17:29-31

Putting on the armor of God

Here’s your secret weapon.

Dear Christian, Jesus is alive and the Holy Spirit is living in you.

A skeptic will argue and try to make you look stupid with their “facts.”

It’s okay.

No matter what they say, you have something in your heart there is no denying.

Are you ready for it?

You have a changed life.

There’s your life before coming to Christ and what your life became afterward.

You are a new creation, a repentant sinner, still growing in your faith.

Give your testimony about what led you to Christ.

No one, even the skeptic, knows you better than you know yourself. 

If you don’t know the Bible backward and forwards, don’t sweat it. Bible knowledge comes with time. Keep studying! In the meantime, use your beautiful witness of God’s mercy and grace in your own life.

Talk about a conversation stopper!

No one can take away the blessed assurance you have of salvation through Jesus Christ alone.

Sharing Stories

Hearing other people’s testimonies makes me very happy. I’d rather talk about that than what’s on the news any day.

This six-minute song from Chris Tomlin is so worth your time to listen. Not only is it a beautiful song, but there are also glimpses of real praises and prayers from people all over the country.

At the five minute mark, it sounds like the song is over, but please keep watching.

One believer, in particular, described her faith so eloquently. She said, “He didn’t pull me out of the storm, but He walked with me through the storm.”

Physical healing is never promised in this life, but we must trust in God’s providence and sovereignty. As believers, thank the Lord, we know that He is with us during the storms.

Praise God!


*Alistair Begg quotation, as quoted from Christian quotes.info

**Scripture quotation is from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, copyright © 2016 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


Fearless Christianity on a College Campus

Fearless Christianity on a College Campus – Is It Possible?

Take heart friends; it is very possible.

Fearless Christianity is still alive, even in public universities.

courageous Christian studentsThe fact is, there are many courageous students willing to stand up for their faith in Christ. You probably won’t hear about them, but they are there.

I believe they deserve a lot of support. It’s not always easy for them. Sometimes they’re faced with ridicule from a non-believing friend and sometimes the taunting and intimidation takes place in a classroom in front of an atheistic professor.

A Question for Christian Parents

If they’re asked, will your college students respectfully defend their faith or, will they deny God’s existence just to take the pressure off?

David Kupelian’s bestseller, The Marketing of Evil, is a great book to add to your library. It provides numerous citations that prove the disturbing anti-God agenda that is infecting college campuses and society as a whole. No doubt, it’s getting more difficult for students to express their faith in a university setting. Anti-God school administrations and professors have permeated academia. Sometimes the assault against a student’s freedom and protection can reach disturbing levels as outlined in this Alliance Defending Freedom article. Keep reading to the end of the story and you’ll see what I mean.

Be Prepared

The liberal coercion is only going to get worse. We shouldn’t be surprised. The Bible teaches us to expect attacks on our faith. 

Have you prepared your college-bound students for these challenges? Along with dorm arrangements, clothing, and college spending money, have you taught them how to respond to an angry atheist, maybe even an authority figure, who is badgering them for their faith in God? Sadly, many churches have failed their congregations by ignoring the headlines of Christian persecution in America.

Parents, it’s most likely up to you. It’s time churches (and you) start getting prepared. The day before college orientation is a little too late. The front line of spiritual warfare includes our nation’s schools and universities – right there in the heart of free-thinking, godless humanism. I’m just not ready to believe that the battle for the hearts and minds of our nation’s youth is over yet.

Fearless Christianity and defending the faithHow can young adults respond to attacks?

If a student is facing a nonviolent verbal attack, they should always respond with honor, faith, kindness, respect, compassion for the lost, and the historical facts that prove the Word of God. If, however, someone physically harasses them – spitting, pushing, or otherwise, they should leave the area as quickly as possible and report it to the proper authorities. Their written report of the incident may become valuable later on.

The Study of Bible Prophesy is Very Rewarding

I’ve been studying Christian Apologetics for years now, and there’s still much we can all learn. Even so, the study of the Bible is the most rewarding, fulfilling, and life-confirming homework I’ve ever done in my life. It’s confounding to me how people won’t accept that what’s happening in much of our world (the growing deception) is prophesied right there in the pages of the Bible.

Is there good news? A resounding “Yes!” The good news (and what I take great comfort in) is that we know how it all ends. Believers in the saving grace of Jesus Christ will spend eternity with Him in heaven and on the new earth. Our human minds can’t even imagine the loveliness of the eternal home that Christ is preparing for us. (John 14:23-25.)

Where can you go to learn more about standing up for your faith?

Dont give up on defending your faithFor starters, there’s one helpful online resource called Stand To Reason. Several excellent Christian scholars on the site have written informative articles and created constructive podcasts to help equip your family members to defend their faith. If you click on the menu at the top of the website where it says “Explore,” you’ll be taken to a page where you can choose various topics such as Apologetics and Bio-ethics. A second helpful resource is The Poached Egg.  You can look up “categories” of topics on the right-hand page of the website.

Prayer is First and Foremost

spiritual battle in our nations schoolsWe need prayer to cover every aspect of our lives – from voting for America’s political leaders (that means a “No” to socialist candidates), to protecting our homes, and picking the right schools for our kids.

Spiritual revivals have happened in this country before, and they can happen again.

I’m holding out hope, but God’s will be done.

Should you only consider sending your child to a Christian college?

That’s certainly an option. There are excellent Christian universities for parents to choose from. Point Loma University in San Diego and Liberty University in Virginia are a couple off the top of my head. You can also search “Christian universities” on the internet and come up with a list.  But, what if parents don’t have the option to send their high school graduate to a Christian college? There is reason for concern, but all is not lost.

College christianI wanted to dig deeper. So, I reached out to a college friend of mine. Cassius is a 23-year-old junior at a public university. I wanted to find out how he keeps the faith while facing the immense pressures of college life. His answers may surprise you. I know I was encouraged to hear them.

Cassius – Do you feel that Christian students need to specifically attend a Christian college?

In my opinion, it depends on the individual. I would encourage young adult Christians to consider going to a secular university, so he/she can help make a bigger impact in the school; considering where America is heading. I was offered the opportunity to go to Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, but I turned it down because I wanted to make the most impact wherever the Lord called me to.

Since I started at a secular university, Jesus has used me to start prayer meetings, Bible studies, and teachings on discipleship. I have boldly shared my faith and I was even given the chance to talk in class about Christian topics that are not usually talked about. I believe that I wouldn’t have had such an impact if I was going to a Christian school. Lastly, a young Christian can look for ways to get plugged in at public universities in Christian ministries such as BSM or Paradigm.

Support from college friendsCassius makes a great point there.

Why not encourage your college freshman to get involved in a Christian ministry from the get-go and he or she will have immediate support from fellow Christians on campus.

Staunch support from home can also make a world of difference. If students run into a concerning attack on their faith, they need to have point persons they can call – their parents, a pastor or youth pastor from home, or from a Bible-believing church near their school.

The Peer Pressure in College Can Be Overwhelming at Times

Out of control parties and drinking, the lack of a curfew, the list goes on. With unrestricted freedom, comes a lot of temptations.

Cassius – What are some of the big challenges you face as a young college student?

Some of the challenges I face at a secular university is that often I get made fun of for my Christian beliefs. Beliefs such as waiting to have sex until marriage, abstaining from looking lustfully at a woman, and loving my neighbor as myself. Peer pressure is at its highest throughout the college years. Those are the times a Christian needs to cling to the Cross the most. I overcome these issues by surrounding myself with my brothers in Christ who hold me accountable. I read the Bible and try to seek the Kingdom first in all that I do. I turn away from pornography and/or the pressures of being in a relationship by keeping busy with school and the ministry that God has called me to.

Do you feel a lot of pressure to deny your faith or values?

One of the pressures I face is to know when to withdraw from my non-Christian friends and when to stay and encourage. For example, I have a friend who uses vulgar language. I often think about how I can encourage him by the way that I live so it will make him question his unbelief in the God I love and worship.

What About The Future of Fearless Christianity?

Are you worried about the future of our country or do you see a chance for a spiritual revival in America?

As a Christian, I do see our country drifting further and further away from God each day. It worries me, because eventually I’ll have to raise my kids in a wicked society that says everything that’s right is wrong and vice versa.

Am I scared of the future? No. I believe this is the time for the church to rise and fight like never before. But, before Christians can do that, we must fall on our knees. A revival starts with the person wanting to start it first. I can pray all I want, but if it’s not backed up by actions, than it’s dead. The Bible says that faith without works is dead. Also, we’re called as Christians to make disciples all across the world, why not start down the street?

Falling on our knees with fearless Christianity

Cassius – Do Christians speak up enough? 

I’ve noticed there are a lot of people willing to serve and share the love of Christ. That is amazing. However, the younger generation is not entirely the problem. If you look at the Church as a whole most Christians do not or have not shared their faith. If Christians will live boldly for Christ, an opportunity will present itself, perhaps an unbeliever questioning why Christians work so hard. Then, in that moment, the believer can share the gospel and tell the unbeliever about Jesus. 

Is there any particular Christian ministry that excites you and why?

There’s a Christian organization on campus called “Phos”. Phos is greek for “light.” Jesus says that we [Christians] are the light of the world. Being involved in this organization gets me pumped because our main purpose is to teach new and old believers how to study the Bible through observation, interpretation, and application. We challenge those who show up to go and share what they’ve been taught. One of the main things I love about Phos is that we don’t care about the numbers. Our mission is “one soul at a time,” meaning sharing the gospel until there’s no place left. Phos is all about fellowship and studying the Bible, so that all who attend may have a better understanding of who Jesus is.

When talking with people, younger than yourself, how can you encourage them to live for Christ, even under the threat of persecution or nasty comments from others?

I would just encourage younger Christians to get involved in a local church, get plugged into a community group, and constantly meditate on God’s word day and night.

Thank you Cassius!

I found his answers very encouraging, didn’t you?

I also thank God for the Christian ministries that are still on public college campuses. Their mission isn’t easy in a sometimes hostile environment, but the Bible tells us we must persevere and withstand every test.

Friends, keep looking up!
