Keep Your Eye on the Prize

Keep Your Eye on the Prize

Some of my fondest high school memories are from my years on the track team. I joined the team in my Sophomore year and qualified as a sprinter for the 2:20 and the 8:80 relay.keep your eye on the prize

Track was a big part of my life back then. I loved the sport and we had a great bunch of girls on the team.

The best part of it for me was winning a ribbon or a trophy that I could take home to show my Dad. He never hesitated to say he was proud of me.

Our team worked hard, practicing after school and spending our Saturdays running in meets at other high schools. Our goal was to get to State and compete against runners from all over Florida. Lucky me! I qualified.

I ended up placing sixth in the 2:20 at the State finals!!

The cool thing: I got to run against a soon-to-be Olympian, Chandra Cheeseborough. A quick note about Chandra, she smoked me pretty quickly and all I saw was her dirt fly as she sprinted past me! I still remember that. 🙂

Life in the Fast Lane

Those high school years have come and gone. Have things really changed for us now that we’re all grown up? We keep running and running towards something. In this upside-down world, do we know what or who we’re running towards?

Keep your eyes on ChristThere are so many distractions that can take our eyes off Christ. A job, a mortgage, frustrating people in our lives, health issues – all of it can overwhelm us at times. There are so many concerns in our lives and in our world, and yet, Jesus is there. He is unchanging. He is always ready to welcome us back when we realize that we’ve lost our focus on Him.

Don’t forget to keep your eye on the prize. There’s joy eternal up ahead and one path to get there – through Jesus Christ. In the midst of life’s distractions, if we put our trust in Him, we have the promise of complete happiness and eternal life.

A Christian Perspective From Minnesota

We asked a good friend of ours about which Bible verse is especially meaningful to him. Kevin H. from Minnesota chose Hebrews 12:1-2a.

*Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.

Kevin explains why this verse speaks to his heart:the race marked out for me

“Hebrews 12:1-2, a favorite part of Scripture for me, uses the idea of a race or a journey to help focus me on what really matters – Jesus’ great love and sacrifice for me. I can find my personal identity in so many distressingly inadequate things, people, or activities. This verse always reminds me that my identity is held and centered on Jesus Christ. It’s just not about me.

This life or race that is marked out for me has me journeying through a fair share of dark times – but also the good. As a runner, races are that way as well. Yet, I find deep joy in the richness of this life. Knowing God loves and cares for me, that pressure is off. I can absorb the goodness of my life’s time – both in the good times and in the harder times. What a joy to know I can fix my eyes on Jesus. He deeply loves and holds me close.”

I couldn’t have said it better. Many thanks to Kevin for his share.

God bless you all and keep your eyes on the prize!

*Bible reference: New International Version (NIV) Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.


God Controls the Stormy Weather in our Lives

I get anxious during stormy weather, I confess.

I look out the window several times and pace a little as the sky darkens and the wind gets increasingly still.

If there’s a tornado threat, I immediately turn on the weather reports, monitor my cellphone weather apps, and text friends to see if they’re aware of the warnings.

God controls the stormy weatherWe’ve had some close calls at our house. One in particular, I’ll never forget it. We were getting ready to go to the Bahamas for our wedding anniversary.

The weather was terrible. I wasn’t too keen on flying in it, but this was a special occasion so you make do, right?

We were getting ready to leave for the airport when I noticed that a little red tornado icon on my phone app popped up very close to our neighborhood.

A tornado was developing  🙁

All thoughts of the vacation temporarily went out the window. It was almost surreal as my husband and I quickly started grabbing dogs and flashlights to head into our safe room. 

Thank the Lord that we were okay and made it through the storm, as were our neighbors and friends. But, it was very scary.

Storms are not my favorite thing.

It’s like the stormy weather we face in life. One minute we’re peacefully living our lives and the next, we get hit with some bad news or potential danger and all we want to do is run and take cover. Makes sense to me.

God controls the stormsThere’s one thing we need to focus on when scary things like this happen. It doesn’t matter who or what causes the storm in your life, God controls it.

Sometimes we get an immediate answer to our prayers, but most of the time God allows the storm to run its course and we face the circumstances we’d rather avoid.

God, help me through this.

He will always see us through our problems. That doesn’t mean they magically disappear. It means that He hears our prayers, knows our concerns, and can give us the strength that only He can give.

Whether it’s a literal tornado, difficult relationships, health concerns, or something else, God is worthy of our trust.

We must not lose sight of Him as we face our fears.

Good Things For All Christians to Remember

God is on our side. He delights in us.

The Heavenly Father is stronger than any storm, trial, or enemy.

He already knows the outcome of the trial we’re facing and He has our best interests at heart.

Trust and faith – that’s it, plain and simple.

None of us are perfect, but God sees the maturing of the masterpiece within.

Praise to our matchless King of Kings!

Don't lose sight of God


Christ Who Strengthens Me

All Praise And Honor To Christ Who Strengthens Me

Christ who strengthens meWhen I’m feeling sad, I know I have a Savior who never leaves my side and knows what I’m going through.

I grateful for the knowledge that, when I pray to God, He’s listening. There’s no “I’ll get back to her later” from my Lord and King.

He loves me AND you THAT much.

(Hold your arms open wide. Christian, He loves you even more than that!)

How great is our God.

Light Bulb Moment, No Replacement Needed

light bulb momentGod will see you and me through every challenge that life throws at us.

That truth alone is so encouraging and I hope it is for you as well.

It took many years before I was finally able to break free from old traditions. Once I realized that I didn’t need any other intercessor but Jesus Christ, the light bulb went off and I felt so much peace.

I am eternally in His grip.

He alone holds my (and your) eternal future in His hands.

No one else.

When Life Overwhelms

life hands you a curve ballAs a loving Father, God can bring us comfort in our despair and much needed strength when we’re feeling down.

We must trust Him, no matter what.

He can give us the courage to endure when we’re handed a curve ball.


A Christian Perspective From Wisconsin

A good friend of ours from Wisconsin, Tom G., shared one of his favorite Bible verses. It’s Philippians 4:13 –

*I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Here’s what Tom had to say about why he chose this verse:

“We have had some family trials that have left us feeling a little discouraged as parents. We should get our eyes off of the situation before us and put them on our Lord, Savior, Counselor, and Comforter.”

It’s a powerhouse verse, alright.

We can get so overwhelmed by the circumstances of our troubles that we forget to just be still with God.

I admit it. Being still is not one of my strong points.

But, I’m working on it.

It could be a life-long process, but He knows where I’m at and His patience with all of us sinners is nothing short of Grace.

God Bless!


*Bible reference: New American Standard Bible (NASB), Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation


Trust In The Lord Even When You Hurt

Trust in the Lord Even When You Hurt

It can be hard to trust in the Lord when you feel like your life is falling apart.

trust in the Lord even when it hurtsBad things happen.

  • A car plows into your vehicle and sends you to the hospital.
  • Your spouse says he or she has had an affair.
  • A friend is given a cancer diagnosis.
  • Your teenager is addicted to drugs.

These are huge wake-up calls and this small list doesn’t even cover what some of your friends and family may be going through.

It hurts a lot sometimes.

In my own family, there’s divorce, the loss of a child, the loss of a job, health concerns, and atheism.

Difficult questions come to mind when you wake up and get some bad news.

Where are you, God?

Don’t You care about me?

What did I do to deserve this?

When Did Life Get So Out of Control?

The hard fact is, no one ever promised us an easy life without cares and concerns. In the book of James 1:2-4, Scripture tells us that we’ll experience various trials.

Notice that the word “trials” is in its plural form.

And yet, we are still told to trust Him.

There was no exception to that command.

The Bible doesn’t say, “Trust in the Lord, except when __________(fill in the blanks with your particular circumstance.)

Is unshakeable trust in God an easy thing to have?

We’d like to think so, but not always. We’re not perfect. We have the very human, knee jerk, “fix it now” mentality and can rush headlong into finding a quick solution, all the while forgetting to pray and ask God for His strength and guidance to see us through.

God Loves usAlways Remember, He Loves Us

The wonderful truth is that God loves you. Nothing or no one can take that away from you. You are His child.

He knows your past, present, and future. For His reasons alone, He allows certain things to take place in our lives.

God may appear to be silent at times, but you and me have to trust Him and that means in good times and in bad. If we pray or even talk to Him quietly in our thoughts, He will listen.

A Christian Perspective From Georgia

I asked a good friend of mine about her favorite Bible verse. Kim M. from Georgia chose Proverbs 3:5-6.

*Trust in the Lord with all your heart
And do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He will make straight your paths.

missing puzzle piecesHere’s what Kim had to say about why this verse means so much to her:

“Our understanding and logic is not the same as God’s. We work hard to put things in a way that seems logical to us, only to find that there is always that piece or something that is missing. With God, He can see the whole picture so there are no missing pieces. If we place God in charge instead of us trying to be in charge, all of the pieces will fall into place, in accordance to His will and His timing. Trust God completely.”

That is so true.

Learning to Cope

How can you learn endurance to get through the hard times? There are a lot of options.

  • Pray. God is listening.
  • You can read and memorize Scripture, especially the verses that encourage you the most.
  • You can listen to some great Christian music. I have links to some great contemporary artists on this website.
  • You can attend a Men or Women’s Bible study. Once there, you can meet some of the most amazing people who have struggles of their own. The friendships often become lifelong.
  • You can help someone less fortunate than yourself. As sad as you may feel about some of your own trials, there’s always someone who is worse off than you. That will help with your perspective.
  • Lastly, you can get together with some of your Christian friends. You can lift each other up with support and love. Some day, all Christians will be in Heaven together where there is no more suffering and sadness.

That will be a very happy day.

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Please feel free to share it with them.

*Bible reference: English Standard Version. The Holy Bible, English Standard Version Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.


God’s Love Song to You

Did You Know That God’s Love Song Was Written For Us?

God's love song to youAre you listening?

It’s an incredible truth that humbles me every time I think about it. The lyrics of a beautiful love song are right there in the pages of your Bible.

When I open Scripture, I find words of historical significance – not just about the events that happened way in the distant past, but prophetic words defining what will happen in our future. That’s His redemptive love for us. He loves us enough to tell us how we can know and spend our eternity with Him.

There are also words about wisdom, having a servant’s heart, forgiveness, and grace – virtues that are often forgotten in this world of distractions we’re living in.

The Bible rightly reminds us of His judgment. Although we don’t always understand His timing and we may not witness His justice personally, God promises to punish unrepentant sinners.

Why would anyone turn away or deny His gift of grace?

You May Think It’s Too Late to Turn Your Life Towards Him

It’s not too late. No, not ever, for as long as you have a breath in your body.

God is a loving Father, Who will forgive you if you truly repent when you sin and open your heart to receive His grace.

He knows you and He knows me…by name.

How incredible is that?

He knew our names before we were even born. That’s how big and omniscient God is.

God’s Words Can Speak to Your Heart

Do you have a favorite Bible verse?

Is there a certain verse you turn to when you need encouragement or a reminder of God’s promises?

Those are words to His love song, for you. 

He wants a relationship with you. He doesn’t need us, but we need Him desperately.

I love to hear from friends which Bible verse speaks to them the most. Here’s one from Russell C. who lives in Seattle, Washington.

It’s really beautiful and you’ll find it in Zephaniah 3:17, ESV –

*The Lord your God is in your midst,
a mighty one who will save;
he will rejoice over you with gladness;
he will quiet you by his love;
he will exult over you with loud singing.

Here’s why this verse in particular has spoken to Russell’s heart:

“This is usually my favorite verse because it is a clear indication of the creative and non-generic nature of Father’s love towards me individually. He has written a song, about me, and sings it over me to rejoice in what He has created and in my potential. It has long been my goal to learn this song, to sing it with the Father, and to totally agree with His opinions and His vision for me.”

God’s Vision For Our Lives

I think about that verse also and it gives me a lot of peace. God created Heaven and Earth and yet He knows each one of us individually.

Think about the last time you went to a concert. Remember that huge crowd of people in the audience?

God knows you individuallyGod can pick you out of that crowd in the twinkling of an eye. That’s how powerful God is.

Let’s go bigger.

Think of every man, woman, and child in this great big world we live in. God still knows you personally (in this whole world full of people) and He knows your heart.

God knows your heart personallyHow amazing is that?

Now that’s a love song worth sharing.


*Bible reference: English Standard Version. The Holy Bible, English Standard Version Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.

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