Saving Your Children From an Atheistic World

Saving Your Children From an Atheistic World

Our nation’s children are in the crosshairs. Political correctness and the destruction of family values rule the day (in big part, on television and in our public schools and universities.)

Saving your Children from an unbelieving world

It’s a very real problem, and it will catch up with us.

The “grace period” we’re living in now won’t last forever.

Some people may delude themselves into thinking “none of it affects me personally, so I don’t care.”

They are in for a wake-up call.

Do you avoid watching the news? New assaults on our freedoms occur every day.

And now, discouraging news about the internet. Our national leaders have given up control of this global network. It’s sad where this relinquishment could lead, especially in the wrong hands.

There will come a time when Christian websites will be forcibly shut down. What a sad day that will be.

The Problem With Apathy

businesses shut down

All authentic Christians will feel the effects of persecution, whether it be happening to someone we know or to ourselves.

For some Christians, their businesses will or have already been shut down. (or they could lose their jobs.)

For others, they may see their beloved church silenced because authentic Biblical teaching offends atheists.

Some churches will regrettably choose to water down the gospel, rather than preach about sin and the availability of God’s forgiveness.

In some public schools and universities, kids will be forced to reject God in the classroom.

Does anyone out there think God will put up with this nonsense forever?

Assurance That God is Always in Control

The assurance we have over evil is that Christians are never completely silenced. It’s impossible.

God’s got this.

A blessed remnant of believers will spread the good news of salvation, no matter what global leaders try to do to quash it. God’s Word will get out and many people, thank the Lord, will be saved because of it.

God’s will for humanity is unfolding before our very eyes. There is a blessed outcome to this temporary suffering. God allows the suffering, but there’s an eternal way out.

America is in a Huge Mess

Until the Rapture, believers will witness a lot of trouble in our world.

What can we do about it? Here are some options.

2016 upcoming election– Christians must vote in the upcoming election. The build-up to this circus is something I never thought I would ever see in my life. It borders on the absurd. I was hoping for better choices. Regardless, these are the two options that we have, and God has allowed it.

I believe in the sanctity of life and my choice is for the pro-life candidate. That’s it. Liberal celebrities don’t impress me or sway my vote. I will not stay home and sit this election out. If you’re on the fence about your vote, please check out the article linked in this sentence.

Now Is Not the Time for Apathy

Apathy helps no one. That’s a big reason our country is in the state that it’s in. We need supreme court judges to protect the babies and uphold the Constitution; we need intelligent people surrounding our president, plus a Christian running mate like Mike Pence is, at least, a positive sign for me. No matter who wins, the only One who can ultimately fix any of this mess is God, when and how He decides to do it. The Bible tells us what happens in the end.

– Please actively pray for our nation. Parents should pray with their children that America will remain a Christian nation.


One example is you can add a request at the end of the “Grace” prayer you say before eating a meal.

For example:

Heavenly Father, we ask that You

will protect our nation

and our family

against evil.

Kids need to hear that (or something like it) from the mouths of the parents they love. Kids are in the spiritual battle just as much as we are. Would you send them out unprepared? Of course not.

My husband and I say grace before we eat out at a restaurant. I encourage you to do the same. It’s a small thing, but it’s a powerful witness. God’s people praying. I’m seeing people saying grace together a lot.

Keep a Watchful Eye on Your Child’s School

Many parents don’t realize what’s up ahead for their children in public schools. I won’t share the headlines here; it’s too disturbing and a joy killer. You can find the news yourselves if you search. These agendas include wanting to change our words, grammar, and pronouns. Pronouns like “he” and “she” offend some people.

FACT: God created us in His image. Newly born, we are precious to Him. None of us should ever be classified as an “it.”


What is happening in public schools in many states is highly offensive. It’s not just the Common Core nonsense. Maybe you’re in a state that has escaped that initiative, but there’s much more happening in schools regarding sex education that will make your head spin around.

Involving yourself in your children’s school is vital. Deprogram them from anything that is anti-God. Equip them how to answer when challenged about their faith. 

Lord, we desperately need your mercy.

Give us discerning wisdom and guide us

how to protect our children.

Helpful Resources

There are “equipping” websites that can guide you with parental resources readily available to prepare your children for the apostasy to come. If you’re actively attending a Bible-believing church, there may be resources in the church library as well.

Here are three additional options:

Do you have any other ideas on how to spare your children from an unbelieving and defiant world? Discussing these things with your spouse and/or family is important.

Our Incomparable Father

No matter what, God’s divine providence is exactly on track. The temporary setbacks to our Christian faith are only temporary and of this world.

No one knows the timing when Jesus will return. We can only watch for signs of His coming and discern the false teachers.

America needs God, not the other way around. As horrible and deceptive as a one world government will be, we have a God who loves us and promises to spare us from the worst of it at the rapture of His church.


Pray for opportunities to share your story.

God bless you.

May everything you do, glorify Him.

# # #

*Scripture verse from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1960,1962,1963,1968,1971,1972,1973,1975,1977,1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.


God Sees Everything


God sees everything.

Not just some stuff, but all of the happenings in our lives – big and small.

Did your mom ever tell you that she had “eyes in the back of her head?”

Nothing escapes her attention where her kiddos are concerned, right? 

In reality, there is only One, our Heavenly Father, who sees and knows all.

Hebrews 4:13 tells us:

13 Nothing in all creation is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes, and he is the one to whom we are accountable. – Scripture quotation is from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Nothing escapes God, especially when we’re, let’s just say, misbehavin’.

We can’t outsmart God.

No matter how hard we may try.

Silly Humans, Indeed

I have to tell you about one of the hilarious antics of one of our Siberian Huskies, a beloved member of our family.


Chip was a gorgeous boy. As loveable as he was, he was also very mischievous. He did something once that was so funny it still cracks us up every time we think about it.

A few years ago, my husband and I had to run some errands and decided to leave our dogs loose in the house, instead of in their crates.

We locked up the house like Fort Knox. We closed all doors, blocked off a hallway, positioned baby gates so Chip and our female husky, Misha, had free run of the kitchen and hallway.

My husband and I left for an hour and then came back home, hoping to find two sleeping Siberian Huskies who kept their promise to “be good” while we were gone.

I walked in the house first.

The hallway looked clear of any debris from a canine free-for-all. Yay!

The dogs were very excited to see us. So far, so good.

I got a little further down the hall, and then I saw it.

Ruh Roh, Not Good
Peeled bananas were all over the floor.


like-nothing-happenedApparently, Chip grabbed a bunch of bananas off our kitchen counter, ate a few, and gave some to his girlfriend. Those two rascals had a dinner party and left the whole bunch of banana peels all over the floor for us to clean.

Worse yet, they tried to outsmart us, greeted us at the door and acted like nothing had happened.

My husband and I look back now and laugh.

Oh, how we wish we had a video camera that recorded their hi-jinks while we were gone.

The evidence of their little escapade was everywhere.

God sees everything, no video camera needed

God knows us, better than we know ourselves.

He sees it when you curse out that person on the interstate or get into that heated argument with your son or daughter.

And yet, despite it all, He still loves us and convicts us of our sins.

God sees everything

All of those white lies, secret sins, all of it – God sees and hears, and yet, He wants us to come into a relationship with Him. Wretched sinners that we are, if we ask for His forgiveness, He hears us.

We need to be honest with God.

All He asks is for us to repent and trust in the only way to eternal life, salvation through His Son.



Hearing God’s Voice Through Breast Cancer

Have you ever felt like life is going well and then, suddenly, something awful and unexpected happens?

The reality of the situation knocks you for a loop.

A vise-grip of fear begins to take hold of your thoughts.

Where do you turn for help?

What follows is an amazing story of faith from a woman who graciously allowed me to share her testimony. I hope her story touches you as it did me.

Rita’s Story


For all accounts and purposes, 2016 had been a great year so far. After an enjoyable career teaching young students for 29 years, Rita was looking forward to retirement.

She and her husband decided to move back home to Memphis to be near family. Rita couldn’t wait to create some new memories.

A devoted husband, grown kids nearby, eight grandchildren and many longtime friends would keep her social calendar full.

Newfound freedom also meant that she could pursue her dreams. Painting and art are her passion. She could start her own business and sell her artwork.

There were occasional challenges, but life was going well.

And then the unthinkable happened.


A routine mammogram in late March resulted in a surprising order from her doctor that she needed a diagnostic scan the following month.

For someone who is rarely sick and never had surgery, Rita felt blindsided. Doctors recommended a core biopsy.

Was the core biopsy as awful as it sounds?

That was scary because they stick a needle in your breast to remove fluid. It was surprisingly painless. They found a papilloma, which could be pre-cancerous, so it needed to come out, and I needed surgery—my first ever. The papilloma itself was negative, but when I returned for the post-op visit, I was told that the surrounding tissue contained cancer cells. They scheduled a second re-excision to take out more tissue. At this follow-up appointment, I was told that they were unable to get “clear margins”, so I could either have a third re-excision or a mastectomy. Whoa. I had gone from grade 1, stage 0, to the possibility of a mastectomy.

Looking for Answers

Five different specialists advised Rita that, with her multi-focal cancer, a mastectomy was the right thing to do. A third re-excision would probably not result in clear margins, and most likely, a mastectomy was going to happen.

The choice was clear: one operation instead of two.

Breast Cancer diagnosis

When you first heard those words, “breast cancer”, what thoughts ran through your mind?

I thought the little lump was benign. I guess I was numb when I heard the words “breast cancer.” The actual words they used were “Ductal Carcinoma in Situ”. I remember replaying those words in my head, and then thinking, “Oh my gosh, they’re saying I have cancer!”

It hit me like a brick wall. I didn’t know how to respond. I just sat there in shock. The nurse practitioner gave me all sorts of information, went over my lab report, even drew some pictures. I didn’t ask questions. I just sat there, in the office, not speaking. Their recommendation was another re-excision to take out some of the surrounding tissue. So that meant another surgery, and it was scheduled.

Trusting God Through The Storm

Were you ever mad at God?

I wasn’t ever angry at God because I’ve never thought that God sends bad things to us. I did question things in my mind. “Why me?” was a recurring theme. I just couldn’t understand how it could happen to me. Did I do something to deserve it? Was I going to die?

I did get very tired of appointments, procedures, gearing up for surgeries, writing out my lists of questions, etc. It seemed like a downward spiral, and all the results kept getting worse, and more serious. I didn’t want any of it, and I certainly wasn’t in a good place mentally or spiritually. One of the doctors, a radiology oncologist, said: “Thank God for your papilloma.”

I didn’t understand why I should be thankful about any of this, but she explained that my cancer had not shown up on the mammograms, and if they had not gone in and removed the papilloma, the cancer would have been in there for probably another year at least. It could have grown, metastasized, and I probably wouldn’t have known it till my next regular mammogram, if it even showed up then.

Breaking the News To Those You Love


I sort of avoided other people for awhile. Where in a conversation do you insert the news, “Oh, by the way, I have breast cancer”? It was almost embarrassing, and I didn’t want to deal with it.


How did you cope with the devastating news?

I leaned on my family. My husband of 44 years and my grown kids were amazing. They seemed to know instinctively if I needed to talk about it, or take a break from it, or go somewhere, or hang out and laugh with the grandkids, or just sit and cry. Here in town, I have one daughter who is a doctor, and a son and daughter who are nurses. I peppered them with questions, and they took me to appointments and helped me figure things out medically. They are super busy parents with tight schedules, but they were always, always available for me. Eventually, word got out to non-family, and I became less reticent to tell others.

Recognizing God’s Gifts



Was it hard to pray during this time?

I found it very hard to focus when I tried to pray. That was hard. I knew I wanted to pray and needed to pray, but my mind was all over the place when I wasn’t busy doing something active. I could barely sit quietly. My younger sister recommended reading the psalms, and my older sister gave me a book of psalms that had belonged to my grandmother. So, in a way, I think I was gently nudged toward the psalms when personal prayer eluded me. I also reached out via social media and was floored by the response from people. People are so good! I asked for prayers one day on Facebook and was overwhelmed by the huge number of people who promised to pray. I even posted a comment that there were so many people praying God was probably saying, “Okay, okay, I’ve got this!”

The Beauty of God’s Grace

During this long five months, did you experience God’s grace?

I have experienced God’s grace and blessings in so many ways. I believe that medical people who choose to work in the field of oncology are just special people. I can’t even count the number of times a doctor or nurse took my hand, hugged me, looked me in the eye and said, “We’re going to take care of you. We will be here to help you. You’re going to get through this.”

I had to go to a pre-surgery appointment before my mastectomy. I was, of course, crying, and this nurse, said, “I know this is so hard. Would you be offended if I prayed with you?” I shook my head no. She took my hands and said such beautiful words, asking for God’s favor, asking for God to be with my surgeon and nurses. Then she gave me a book, “Power Prayers for Women,” and an adult coloring book with positive thoughts and prayers on each page.

Surgery Day

The morning of her mastectomy, Rita says she felt like a “train wreck”. Hers was the first surgery of the day. That meant an anxious drive to the hospital at 5:30 a.m. followed by surgery two hours later.

During Pre-op, Rita couldn’t hold back the tears.

“I was crying, praying desperately, trying to answer all the nurse’s questions sanely, talking to the different doctors—just in a panic. A nurse tried to stick the vein in my hand, and it “blew”. Another site near the wrist was better, but they couldn’t get enough blood for lab work, so they stuck me in the other arm.”

Touching support from friends

Grace Always Shows Up at Just the Right Time

My husband Doug was there, holding whatever hand they weren’t sticking at the time. He had my cell phone. It rang, and he handed me the phone, saying, “It’s for you.” Hmm. Talk about timing. It was my dear friend Rachael, who is a missionary in Uganda.

We said a few words, and then she asked if she could pray for me. As she prayed, I suddenly felt washed in peace and calmness. The next thing I knew, there was a beautiful nurse standing over me, telling me it was all over.


Rising Above Deep Waters

Hearing God's voice through breast cancer

Besides prayer, Rita sought out comforting verses from the Bible. One verse in particular that sustained her through her breast cancer journey is from the book of Isaiah.

When you go through deep waters, I will be with you.


Isaiah 43:2, from the NLT.

That is such a comforting verse!

The Bible tells us many times not to fear, but no one ever said it would be easy.

When difficulties come into our lives, that’s not the time to give up.

Never Giving Up

Rita is a fighter. A sucker punch from breast cancer was not going to hold her down.

Family, friends and a caring medical team went beyond the call to walk with her through the storm.

Isaiah 43:2 later became the inspiration for a beautiful painting she created for her surgeon.

God never abandons us

What is next for you, treatment-wise?

I had my post-op appointment after my mammogram and lymph node biopsy over a week ago. The nurse practitioner came into the room with a big smile and said the sweetest words, “Good News! You are cancer-free!” I burst into tears, and we hugged and hugged. I have more healing to do, but in the future will start a medication to suppress the hormones, since my cancer was hormone receptive. No radiation, no chemo, diagnostic mammograms from now on, since I’ve had breast cancer.

Paying It Forward

This journey was life-changing for you. What are your plans?

I think I was taking way too much for granted. We had moved back home after I retired from thirty years of teaching. I finally had the time to paint as much as I wanted, and spend time with family. My paintings were selling well, and that was super exciting! I was involved with doing occasional good works, like helping with “Room at the Inn” to feed and house the homeless. I still felt like I needed to be more involved, but had not actually put myself out there too much. My life has changed because of this. I have plans to be more involved in helping those in need, pray more, encourage others more. There are so many ways to be a blessing to others.

When God Takes Over

Blessing others

For other newly-diagnosed patients, what encouragement would you give them?

Allow yourself to have feelings of sadness, to cry, to be scared. It’s okay not to be strong sometimes. That’s when God takes over. Don’t wait as long as I did to ask others for their prayers.

This diagnosis can be all-consuming. You need breaks from it all. Go to a movie, make something or paint, take a walk, laugh at your grandkids. You will know when you just need to think about something besides CANCER. Be sure to allow yourself to do that.

Humor is a big help. Yes, in our family, we can even joke about cancer. I remember going to an appointment, and saying, “If anyone comes after me with a pink ribbon, I’m going to scream.”

In all seriousness, I think asking for prayers is key because people are so willing and ready to help in that way. Knowing good people were and are praying for me was extremely comforting. Reading and finding out your options is important because even the specialists want you to be a part of your plan. That was hard. I wanted to say to them,”Tell me what to do, I don’t know what we should do, what kind of surgery should I have . . . etc.” I was blessed to have medical people in my family who did help me make the tough decisions.

God's gift of grace

Thank You, Rita!

A powerful witness

Many thanks to Rita for sharing her story, a powerful witness to her remarkable faith and courage.

We don’t always know the reasons for the “deep waters” in our lives, but God promises to be with us through them all. Please don’t miss the evidence of His grace in your life.

God bless


The Much-Anticipated Album – Songs of the People

Integrity Music to Release “Songs of the People”

Songs of the People

Coming out later this month, Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, Texas offers their latest album, “Songs of the People.”

You may have heard of Prestonwood Baptist.

It’s one of the largest megachurches in America, preaching the sovereignty of the one true God. Prestonwood’s community and global outreach touches millions of lives across the globe. My husband and I have gone to their Christmas show for a couple of years now, and the quality of their productions is nothing short of spectacular.

A Golden Opportunity

I was blessed to hear an advance copy of their latest album.

My expectations ran high as I listened through each song on the album’s playlist.

And then I listened again.

Put me in an audience where a multi-voice choir is singing and I’m in Heaven, lost in praise and worship. It feels like you’re singing with the angels.

Prestonwood Baptist's new album


The album, “Songs of the People,” did not disappoint. Among the featured guest artists are Michael W. Smith and Paul Baloche.

Imagine those two distinctive vocalists, well-loved in the Christian music world, blending with hundreds of beautiful voices from Prestonwood’s choir.

Imagine More Than 500 Worshippers On Stage

The album opens with one of my favorite songs, “We Are Alive,” featuring Michael W. Smith.

I get goosebumps when I listen to it. The song builds from Smith’s stirring solo to a rousing crescendo of magnificent voices lifting up the name of the Father.

It’s a “close your eyes and listen” kind of song.

Understandably, there’s not a lot of the music on YouTube right now, before the album’s release, but I did find this cut for you of one of the featured songs.

As you can tell from the background, the video of “You Cover Me” was not filmed at the church or with the choir in the background. But, you’ll at least get an idea of the emotional and soul-stirring lyrics that qualify each of the album’s song choices.

Another song highlight for me is “Let The Redeemed,” featuring Dove Award-winning songwriter, Michael Neale, along with strong vocal support from Paul Baloche, Jordan Grizzard, and Stephen Miller.

“Let The Redeemed” is larger than life. I cranked it up as the masterful choir echoed the vocalists with ascending praises of the chorus.

The heart of this song serves as an important reminder for all Christians going forward.

We remember all the great things You have done.

In the times of great distress in your life, please never (ever) forget all that God has blessed you with in the past.

Gratitude For the Things He Has Done

Our God is faithful.

It’s not over until God says it is.

Realistically, Life seems upside-down right now. It’s disturbing to watch the news, but despite all of the bad, we must remember that God hasn’t forgotten us.

There’s Light up ahead in this darkness.

He keeps His promises

God keeps His promises.

Until then, I hope you’ll get a chance to check out Integrity Music’s release of “Songs of the People” on September 23rd.

To God Be the Glory!


A Whole Lot of Shakin’

Have You Ever Been in an Earthquake? Dont be afraid

I used to think that question is only for people from California.

But, early one Saturday morning, I got quite the surprise here in Texas.

I remember it well.

As much as I wanted to, I couldn’t sleep in. So as not to wake anyone, I quietly got up and tiptoed to the office.

The strangest thing happened while I was searching online.

The tassel on an overhead lamp started swaying.


Next thing you know, it felt like a fast-moving wave went under my feet. I felt my chair move from side to side.

My thoughts ran wild. Something had run amok underground.

shaking going on

Recently, my husband and I had watched the monster movie, “Tremors.”

Who knows?

Maybe, an enormous snake-like creature was moving under our house, and Kevin Bacon would come walking in any minute.

I got up and looked around the house and then out the window.


Not even Kevin Bacon.

What Just Happened?

Several minutes later, people from all over the internet were awake. Social media erupted with the news. People were talking about the big shaking in Oklahoma.

The 5.6 magnitude earthquake rattled nerves, from the Dakotas all the way down to Texas and parts east and west.

I was glad to know it wasn’t a huge snake-like creature after all.

A few dramatic moments in time made a huge impact.

Newscasters rushed to report the story. Families and friends of those living in the affected areas hurried to check on their loved ones.

Keep Looking Up

Sometime in the future Jesus will come back.

No one knows when.

Jesus will come back

Across the entire world, every single living person will feel the impact of His return.

This monumental event and what comes afterwards will be bigger than an earthquake, tsunami, or anything that we could possibly imagine.


It’s good news for authentic Christians. There’s no need to be afraid.

God’s will for the world is nothing short of spectacular for those who are in Christ.

Want to Hear Three Minutes of Spectacular?

God bless


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