Respect For The Elderly
Recently, my husband and I had the opportunity to visit with a dear couple at an assisted living home.
We’ve known them for many years, and just recently reconnected after their move to the facility.
The time we all shared together flew by.
Not only did we enjoy a delicious meal together at a local restaurant, but we went back to their place to sing and play music. I can’t even begin to describe how much fun that was!
My husband and I drove back home thinking about what a wonderful visit we had just had with these two wonderful “young-at-hearts.”
One thing they mentioned was how much they wished more people would visit, and not just at Christmas when the choirs would perform.
But all throughout the year.
Their request got me thinking and remembering how much I enjoyed singing with a small group at local nursing homes and assisted living facilities. They are the best audience and often sang along with us.
The reason I’m writing about all this is to encourage everyone to not forget our senior adults. Their wisdom, sense of humor, and engaging stories are a joy to experience.
And . . . they appreciate our prayers.
A Prayer For The Elderly
Stephen Wong, a fellow Christian writer, wrote a prayer that speaks volumes. I’m happy to share his prayer here as a model for all of us.
Lord God,
I thank you for the elderly in our churches,
I thank you for the wisdom you have given them,
And for the skills and experiences they have gained over the years,
But old age can also bring many challenges,
Such as loneliness, loss of loved ones, health complications and mobility loss,
So Lord, in all the challenges our elderly face each day,
Please give them your comfort and grace,
And remind them of your unfailing love for them,
I pray that you would help them not to give up meeting with other Christians,
And that you would give them opportunities,
To keep connecting with a community of believers,
Give them the strength to keep serving you faithfully each day,
And to keep preaching the gospel to the lost,
Please help them to keep humbly learning from your Word,
And to pursue spiritual growth and godliness,
So that they may be godly role models and mentors to younger generations,
I pray also that as they approach the end of their lives,
You would give them your peace and the confident hope,
That death is not the end,
But that they will one day spend eternity with you,
So please help them to keep setting their eyes on Christ,
That they may continue to run the race with perseverance until the end.
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*Poem shared, courtesy of Stephen Wong, from url: