Remembering Our Heroes

Remembering Our Heroes

Memorial Day 2019

On this special Memorial Day weekend marking the start of summer, America is remembering her heroes.

For those brave men and women in our armed forces who died while serving to protect our freedoms, we are thankful.

Our gratitude also goes out to the families of these fallen heroes.


Never forget.

God bless America.


Caleb And Kelsey – Soul Stirring Christian Music

Caleb And Kelsey - Christian Music

Caleb And Kelsey – Christian Music

Have you ever heard a Christian vocalist sing a song so beautiful that it makes you feel like you want to get down on your knees and praise God, no matter where you are?

One of my favorites for this is, “How Great Is Our God.”

I was so excited to find a captivating version of it from the Nashville duo, Caleb and Kelsey Grimm, whose voices are clearly a gift from God.

This talented married couple beautifully combine the song with two other classic melodies in this soulful mashup below.

Caleb and Kelsey – A Little Background

Caleb and Kelsey Grimm have a large fan base – as evidenced by the growing popularity of their Christian cover songs and medleys. Their Facebook page alone has garnered well over two million followers.

“I grew up singing in church and I love the way worship music connects people. It’s a universal language,” shares Kelsey.1 – Kelsey Grimm, Christian vocalist.

Does Caleb’s name sound familiar? He’s a well-known vocalist with Anthem Lights.

Kelsey first gained popularity with the Christian band, “1 Girl Nation,” back in 2012.

Caleb and Kelsey Duets

A song I could sing over and over again is “Good, Good Father.”

In this next Caleb and Kelsey cover, we are reminded through this wonderful song of the precious and life-affirming truth that we are no longer slaves to sin because of the Father’s perfect love for us.

Caleb and Kelsey’s latest album,” Hymns” (Rhodes Records/The Fuel Music) came out earlier this year, featuring many Christian favorites such as “Be Thou My Vision” and “Great Is Thy Faithfulness.”

I hope you get a chance to check it out.

Be blessed!


1 From Caleb and Kelsey Official, [Facebook September 13, 2018 “About” post]. Retrieved from /May 20, 2019, para. 4).


A Spiritual Treadmill

Exercising Your Faith

Do any of these criticisms sound familiar?

Christians think they’re so perfect


God is aware of our suffering and trials

Verbal slams like these are often blurted out in high volume and, let’s face it, are purposely meant to be an insult.

Why do people say those things?

It’s emotionally exhausting and you may feel all alone, or like you’ve failed in your spiritual walk.

Christian, you are not alone.

God is aware of our suffering and trials.

Please never forget that.

True Christians know they are not perfect and that it’s only through the saving grace of Jesus Christ that we will be redeemed.

The Bible warns us that we would be mocked for our faith. We can’t act like we didn’t know.

So how, then, can we persevere in this upside-down world?

A recent podcast from Pastor Mike Fabarez encourages us all to continue pressing on, no matter what.

And I tell you what, no matter how you’re losing in your life right now, because you’ve stood up and maintained what the sermons have said week after week, that Right is Right and Good is Good and Bad is Bad and Sin is Sin.

When you maintain that in the world and you lose because of it, it’s not uncommon. The world is an upside-down place.

Just remember this – God says when they mess with you, when they set you back, when they ridicule you, persecute you, they’re messing with Me. There’s some comfort in that.1Pastor Mike Fabarez, Focal Point Ministries

Don’t throw in the towel because being a Christian in this world of darkness is too hard.

Persevere anyway.

We have an assurance that the world doesn’t have.

spiritual treadmill

Pray For Your Enemies

Christians search the internet all the time to find out how to pray for their enemies. I see the search results every week.

Why do we have to pray for our enemies?

It seems unnatural and that’s because it is.

Only God can give us the supernatural strength that we need, in the midst of our emotional pain, to pray for our persecutors.

We must ask Him for strength.

No one said it’s going to be easy.

We are in a spiritual war with a deadly foe tracking us every hour of the day. We need to be in the best shape possible to cope with the darts and arrows he hurls our way. Flabby, overindulged, pampered Christians just don’t have the stamina to fight this battle. Thus, the Lord puts us on a spiritual treadmill every now and then to keep us in good fighting condition.2 Dr. James Dobson. [Newsletter, April 2019].

A Spiritual Treadmill

We’re on a “spiritual treadmill” – I like that analogy.

At the end of the day, even if it feels like a horrible day, remember to Whom you belong.

Keep on pressing forward, and pray for God to guide your steps.

You are who God says you are, not who your persecutor says you are.

It can help to memorize what John told the believers in 1 John 3:1, ESV. –

the reason why the world does not know us

Child of God, have courage!


1 From Fabarez, Pastor Mike, host. “Why is There Evil in the World.” Podcast, [20:19]. One Place Ministries, May 10, 2019.

2 From Dr. James Dobson, Family Talk. [Newsletter]. Retrieved from /April 10, 2019).

3 Scripture quotation is from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, copyright © 2016 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


A Talented Young Singer

talented young singer

Encouragement For Your Day From A Talented Young Singer

If you’ve read any of my blog posts from the past, then you know that on occasion I love to feature Christian music.

Music is a big part of my life, especially Christian music.

Psalm 30 comes to mind.

11You have turned for me my mourning into dancing;
You have loosed my sackcloth and girded me with gladness,
12 That my soul may sing praise to You and not be silent.
O Lord my God, I will give thanks to You forever.Psalm 30:11-12, NASB.

Recently, as I was searching for new songs and talent, I came across a young boy who has the voice of an angel.

Perhaps you’ve seen him on YouTube where over 36 million viewers have tuned into his channel.

His name is Steven Samuel Devassy.

I don’t know about you, but I see and hear joy when he sings God’s praises.

So Many Reasons

We have so many reasons to praise the Lord. 

The lyrics to Matt Redman’s “10,000 Reasons” comes to mind.

Here’s Steven Samuel Devassy singing this beautiful cover song.

Keep an eye on this talented young singer, now an 11-year-old, who also plays the drums. I do believe he has a future in Christian music!


*Scripture quotation is from New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.


A Prayer For The Elderly

Respect For The Elderly

Recently, my husband and I had the opportunity to visit with a dear couple at an assisted living home.

We’ve known them for many years, and just recently reconnected after their move to the facility.

The time we all shared together flew by.

Not only did we enjoy a delicious meal together at a local restaurant, but we went back to their place to sing and play music. I can’t even begin to describe how much fun that was!

My husband and I drove back home thinking about what a wonderful visit we had just had with these two wonderful “young-at-hearts.”

One thing they mentioned was how much they wished more people would visit, and not just at Christmas when the choirs would perform.

But all throughout the year.

Their request got me thinking and remembering how much I enjoyed singing with a small group at local nursing homes and assisted living facilities. They are the best audience and often sang along with us.

The reason I’m writing about all this is to encourage everyone to not forget our senior adults. Their wisdom, sense of humor, and engaging stories are a joy to experience.

And . . . they appreciate our prayers.

a prayer for the elderly

A Prayer For The Elderly

Stephen Wong, a fellow Christian writer, wrote a prayer that speaks volumes. I’m happy to share his prayer here as a model for all of us.

Prayer For The Elderly

by Stephen Wong


Lord God,

I thank you for the elderly in our churches,

I thank you for the wisdom you have given them,

And for the skills and experiences they have gained over the years,

But old age can also bring many challenges,

Such as loneliness, loss of loved ones, health complications and mobility loss,

So Lord, in all the challenges our elderly face each day,

Please give them your comfort and grace,

And remind them of your unfailing love for them,

I pray that you would help them not to give up meeting with other Christians,

And that you would give them opportunities,

To keep connecting with a community of believers,

Give them the strength to keep serving you faithfully each day,

And to keep preaching the gospel to the lost,

Please help them to keep humbly learning from your Word,

And to pursue spiritual growth and godliness,

So that they may be godly role models and mentors to younger generations,

I pray also that as they approach the end of their lives,

You would give them your peace and the confident hope,

That death is not the end,

But that they will one day spend eternity with you,

So please help them to keep setting their eyes on Christ,

That they may continue to run the race with perseverance until the end.

# # #

*Poem shared, courtesy of Stephen Wong, from url:

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