Has God Changed His Mind About Sin?
Does anyone even talk about sin anymore?
It’s obvious we’ve become an “almost anything goes” nation, and sadly, much of what appears on television reflects what’s going on in our culture.
Is taking God’s name in vain now okay?
I wonder what God would say about that.
Wait, He already did.
7You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain, for the Lord will not leave him unpunished who takes His name in vain. – Exodus 20:7, (NASB).1
That’s not just an Old Testament thing.
Discussing how to pray with His disciples, our Lord Jesus said in Matthew 6:9, “Our Father, who is in Heaven, Hallowed be Your name . . .”
“Hallowed” as in He is “Holy.”
What about lying – to your family, your boss, the public – anywhere?
How about cheating on your spouse?
Is there any respect for the truth anymore?
Or, is it all about “my truth” and “your truth.” That “PC” concept is so absurd and sad.
God hates sin, (no matter what the false-teaching, self-proclaimed “liberal Christians” say).
We’re all sinful in need of God’s grace and forgiveness.
What seems to be so prevalent now is a lack of repentance and remorse.
Has God Changed His Mind? Hardly
The ways of the world are decidedly evil.
If the powers-that-be have their way – there will be no “wrong,” except if you’re a Christian and you honor God.
In fact, many politicians want us to leave our Sovereign God out of everything.
Haven’t you heard?
How about this brazen congressman making the statement recently that God’s will is of no concern to Congress?
On and on this blatant disrespect towards our gracious and merciful Heavenly Father continues, with much of this arrogance shared across the nightly news.
Here’s a question: would the foolish people who so easily mock Christianity be so bold as to also attack non-christians worshipping a different god?
Didn’t think so.
The hypocrisy is obvious.
What happens to a nation where more and more of the populace are turning away from God?
You’re seeing it.
The resulting devastation is clear, as marriages and families disintegrate; the violent death of the unborn is funded with tax dollars; gross immorality is championed; and some of our major cities are filled with bloodshed while entire city blocks are burned down.” – AFA vice-president, Ed Vitagliano.2
No Middle Ground
If you’re a Christian, alarm bells should be going off in your heart.
This ship is sinking.
People have to decide whether they’re with God, or against Him.
There is no middle ground, and time is ticking.
There will come a point of no return for the wicked.
I remember when I first accepted Jesus Christ as Savior. Reading the Bible and learning about fulfilled prophecies and what’s to come in the future of the world, my first question was: Why did no one tell me about this before?”
Good grief, this is important.
Every single one of us has had a hand at piercing His Son on the cross, and yet our Father continues to have patience and mercy with us.
It’s beyond human comprehension.
No one else will ever love you as much as God does. As sinful and broken as you are, He did this for you.
We need to pray, recognize our sinfulness and repent, and humble ourselves like never before.
The Most Important Decision Of Your Life
If you’re reading this and you’re not yet a Christian, I am praying for you. Please don’t wait to come to faith through Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven. You’re going to hear a lot of false teachers and some “religious leaders to come” who will deny that fact.
Turn them off as fast as you can.
Has God changed His mind about sin?
In a word: No.
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1 Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.
2 Quotation from AFA Vice-President, Ed Vitagliano. Courtesy of AFA Journal magazine, “Revelation 13: Government That Serves Satan – When political power becomes a weapon against God and His people, it has turned demonic.” March 2021 issue, Page 14. Accessed March 2, 2020.
3 Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.