A Best Day

A Best Day in Your Life

Think back.

What was your best day ever?

Was it your wedding day?

Best day: your wedding day

The birth of your child?

Best day: the birth of your baby

Was it the day you gave your life to Christ?

Best day: when you gave your life to Christ

Remembering our favorite days is one of the best ways to bring on a smile.

It’s healthy for you too, because positive thinking helps reduce stress and reminds us to be thankful for all of our blessings.

A Best Day on an Island

Several years ago, my husband and I went on a Christian marriage retreat in the Bahamas.

The beautiful beach, having church on the beach, meeting friendly people, and the delicious food were unforgettable.

We were joined by good friends and met many new friends from all over the world.

One of the highlights of the trip was a boat ride to Paradise Island to hear MercyMe perform – right there on the beach.

best day vacation

We sat out on our beach towels and enjoyed the music and the beauty of the island all around us. 

I was talking with this one lady sitting next to me and she said, “This must be what Heaven is like.”

I agree with her.

It was one of the best days in my life that I’ll never forget.

In Heaven, Every Day is a Best Day

Best days are filled with happiness, joy, no stress, amazing surprises, delight, and wonderful people.

So guess what? 

Your best days on earth don’t even compare to what you will experience some day in Heaven.

We will have endless best days in our heavenly home.

Everything is perfect

No stress

No illness, pain, or suffering

Saved love ones reunited

And best of all, Jesus will be there!

John 14:1-3

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Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.


A Christian Poem From Australia

From The Land Down Under: Christian Poem From Australia

One of the many reasons that I delight in God is because, sometimes, He brings special people into my life – even if it’s just for a brief time.

And, it’s always a thrill to connect with Christians across the globe!

A Christian Poem From Australia

Imagine my delight when I heard back from a lovely couple from The Land Down Under – beautiful, sunny Australia.

Recently, I got in touch with them about sharing an excellent poem that was on their website.

This doesn’t always happen, but they responded!

They know the poet personally and called him to let him know about my request. 

It turns out that this talented poet is a 90-year-old Christian man.

Christian poet, Maurice Dyson

My humble request was enthusiastically granted.

So, I want to give a huge shout-out, all the way from the Lone Star State to sweet Maurice Dyson in the Land Down Under.

He’s a man blessed by God.

I love his passion for using his gift of writing to share his faith and love for Jesus Christ.

This poem is all about reverence for God and His Holy Works.

I have a feeling his poetry will continue to inspire others for years to come.

Psalm 19

Oh that men would praise the LORD for his goodness, and for his wonderful works to the children of men! Psalm 107:31

The heavens are telling God’s glory from high;
His handiwork vividly etched in the sky;
From day unto day they are uttering speech;
And night unto night with the knowledge they teach.

No language occurs where their voice is not heard;
Throughout all the earth goes their eloquent word;
Their message has reached to the end of the world;
Resplendent above like a banner unfurled.

In them He has set up a tent for the sun,
That goes like a bridegroom whose day has begun;
Rejoicing as one who is running a race;
A circuit described by its circular trace.

The law of the Lord is effective and whole;
Its witness is simple converting the soul;
Its statutes are noble rejoicing the heart,
Establishing truth for our innermost part.

His holy commandments are gracious and pure;
Enlightening the eyes that our sight may be sure;
The fear of the Lord is enduring and clean;
His judgments are righteous and wholly pristine.

More are they desired than the finest of gold;
And sweeter than honey for youngest or old;
Moreover by them is Thy bondservant warned,
And keeping them favours a lifestyle adorned.

For who understands his erroneous ways?
Acquit me of faults that are hid from my gaze;
And keep back Thy servant from sins born of pride,
And let them not rule me nor hinder my stride.

Then I shall be clear from their grievous excess,
And innocent whereof I’d greatly transgress;
Let all my intentions by day or by night,
Be counted acceptable, Lord, in Thy sight.

Copyright © 2019 Maurice Dyson.

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1 Dyson, Maurice. “Psalm 19” 100 Poems of Praise – Christian Poetry to Praise God, edited by Ossie Amato, Self-published, 2019, p.18., Copyright © 2019 Maurice Dyson. Courtesy of freechristianillustrations.com.


More Than Your Reflection

more than your reflection

You Are More Than Your Reflection In The Mirror

What do you see when you look in the mirror every morning?

Bed hair?

Last night’s eye makeup still under your eyes?

Eeeeeck! I’m going back to bed.

Even when we feel like we look our worst, or we don’t feel like seeing or talking to anyone, God knows our potential and He doesn’t want us to waste it.

Every one of us was created for a unique purpose.

That is to say, we are His masterpieces in the making. 

I don’t know about you, but I think that’s a wonderful truth to hold on to. 

No matter how you interpret your own mirror’s reflection, your faith in salvation through Jesus Christ is precious, and that means it’s worth sharing.

To be created in the image of God means that we were created to be mirrors of God’s glory—one-of-a-kind mirrors that reflect the diverse aspects of His nature. A mirror serves no other purpose than to reflect something else. A mirror is useless when covered in mud; likewise, when we are covered in sin and turned away from God, we are not living out the purpose for which we were created. But when we respond to God’s offer of salvation and allow His Holy Spirit to clean us up, we turn toward our Creator, and His glory is reflected in our lives. It is not our light or beauty the world needs to see, but His. (John 8:129:5).GotQuestions website.1

We are His, not because we earned it, but by His grace.

As Peter reminded early believers, we are here for Him, for His pleasure and to serve Him.

9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; 10 for you once were not a people, but now you are the people of God; you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy. 1 Peter 2:9-10, (NASB).2

So it doesn’t matter what you look like or what your insecurities are – God created you. Even with your imperfections, He can use you for His glory.

While the world looks at your outward appearance, God sees your heart. 

You are loved

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Quotation from gotquestions.org, from “Why did God create me?” n.d., para. 7. Web. Accessed January 29, 2023. https://www.gotquestions.org/why-did-God-create-me.html

2Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.


God’s Creation: This Crab Has Boxing Gloves!

God’s Amazing Creation: This Crab Has Boxing Gloves!

Are you ready to see some cuteness?

This crab has boxing gloves!

Delight in God - this crab has boxing gloves

Meet the Boxer Crab!

He’s also known as the “pom-pom crab.”

Or my favorite, “the cheerleader crab.”

You’ll soon see why.  🙂

His scientific name is: Lybia Tesselata.

Pronounced phonetically, “Lie be ah   tess a lot a.”

And, trust me, he has a “lot a” spunk and personality.

The boxer crab likes to hang out in the Pacific and Indian Oceans (Roth, n.d.)1

This adorable little crustacean only measures about an inch long, but don’t let his small size fool you.

He’s not afraid of bullies.

See those pom-pom-looking anemones on his legs?

As only God can do, the boxer crab was created with an amazing defense system. Working together in a symbiotic relationship, the boxer crab and his sea anemones hitchhikers work together to survive daily life in the deep.

Together, they will fight off any perceived threat – Rocky style!

Check this out.

Hey you want a piece of me?

C’mon Pufferfish. Give it your best shot!

God’s Creation

God’s creativity is all around us.

He is the Master Designer.

Every single creature, or blade of grass, or star in the sky has a role to play, whether we understand what that role is or not.

And the boxer crab and other tiny creatures in the world around us?

Even the smallest in God’s creation reflects the power and majesty of God.

We can see His glory in the beauty of a flower, the song of a bird, and the power of a thunderstorm.

What an amazing God we serve!

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1 From the The Mosaic Boxer Crab | Tropical Fish Hobbyist Magazine. (n.d.). https://www.tfhmagazine.com/articles/saltwater/a-champion-fighter-the-mosaic-boxer-crab-lybia-tesselata-full-article


Perfect Peace

Perfect Peace Starts With You

Think back.

Do you remember a time in your life when you felt like you were in perfect peace?

For me, surprisingly, it was after our family accident. 

As a family, we had suffered a great loss – the tragic, accidental death of our nine-year-old niece Susanna.

It wasn’t until fifteen years later that my husband and I traveled back to Jackson Hole to get some closure.

One of our visits during that return trip was to head up to Rendezvous Mountain – an incredibly peaceful place right there at the top.

We spent quite a bit of time up there, but the highlight was praying on that mountain to God and thanking Him for letting us experience His grace during a time of great sadness. As long as we stayed focused on God and His promises, we felt that perfect peace the Bible verse talks about.

In Isaiah 26:3, the prophet (and great man of God) speaks to the strength and peace that our Sovereign God can provide if we keep our focus on Him.

Perfect Peace - Isaiah 26:3-4

Everlasting Strength and Perfect Peace Can Be Yours

As Christians, we know that God is good.

We can trust Him to work the circumstances in our lives for the good, even when we don’t understand His plan.

On the other hand, trusting in the things of this world is a losing proposition. 

Whatever we trust to the world for, it will be but for a moment: all we expect from it is confined within the limits of time. But what we trust in God for will last as long as we shall last. For in the Lord Jehovah-Jah, Jehovah, in Him who was, and is, and is to come, there is a rock of ages, a firm and lasting foundation for faith and hope to build upon; and the house built on that rock will stand in a storm. Those that trust in God shall not only find in Him, but receive from Him, everlasting strength, strength that will carry them to everlasting life, to that blessedness which is for ever; and therefore let them trust in Him for ever, and never cast away nor change their confidence. – Matthew Henry, Christian Minister and author.2

May you find comfort in this beautiful song, “Stayed on Him” from vocalist Terrian . . .


My sisters in Christ, You are His.

Don’t listen to the voice of fear, but trust God with all your heart and mind.

He is greater and stronger.

He is Jehovah-Nissi, our Banner

Through Him we have eternal victory and our salvation is secure.

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1Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

2Matthew Henry quotation, “Complete Commentary on Isaiah 26” – “Henry’s Complete Commentary on the Whole Bible.”[1706.] Courtesy of Studylight.org., Isaiah 26:3-4, n.d. para. 6. Public Domain. Web. Accessed 11 January, 2023.

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