God’s Indescribable Gift

God’s Indescribable Gift  – Merry Christmas 2023

God's indescribable gift

In Christ alone my Hope is found

Here at Delight in God, we want to wish you and your loved ones Joy and Happiness this Christmas, and throughout the New Year.

God’s indescribable gift to us is Jesus!

He is timeless – not just for one celebrated day, but a precious and historical truth whom we can embrace throughout the new year.

For a Child will be born to us, a Son will be given to us;
And the government will rest on His shoulders;
And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.Isaiah 9:6, (NASB).

Glory to God in the highest!

May we always reflect His glory to a lost world.

Poet M.S Lowndes expresses this beautifully in the following Christmas poem.

The Lord’s Light Within

Lord, we reflect with thankful hearts
On the wonder of your birth
The love you expressed when you left
Your glory to come to earth

For your life was like a beacon, Lord
Shining brightly in the night
Filling the world with the radiance of
The Father’s glorious light

And we, too, long to have inside
Your light for others to see
The beautiful reflection of your grace
And the wonder of your majesty

For as your life indwells our hearts,
We can shine wherever we are
And arise to take hold of each new day
With your light ablaze in our hearts

So rekindle the flame within us, Lord
So it will not flicker nor dim
Ignite us with the light of your love,
So you will shine brightly within

© By M.S.Lowndes


From our home to yours, Merry Christmas!

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1 Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

Poetry courtesy of M.S. Lowndes. “The Lord’s Light Within.” [online post]. From Heavensinspirations.com, ©M.S. Lowndes, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, n.d. Web. Accessed December 15, 2023. https://www.heavensinspirations.com/lords-light-within.html


Hear The Angels Sing


What is it like to hear the angels sing?

Can you even imagine what that heavenly chorus – a multitude of angels praising God would sound like?

We read in Scripture that the lowly shepherds heard them as an angel of the Lord announced our Savior’s birth.

Hear the angels sing

What a beautiful foretaste of the salvation to come: God gave the first message of His Son to common shepherds, those looked upon as sinners. The angel’s appearance was that of splendor and glory. This was the Shekinah glory. The angel’s message was one of reassurance and good news. He proclaimed the Messiah’s birth and charged the shepherds to visit the child.as quoted in preceptaustin.org.2

Shekinah glory – “the visible manifestation of God’s presence and glory.”3

What is it like to hear the angels praise God?

Some day when our eternity comes, we will know.

And, we will join them honoring our Heavenly Father Most High!

Hear the Angels Sing – the Greatest Gift is Jesus

When I heard Andrea Bocelli sing the “The Greatest Gift” along with his son and precious young daughter, I knew I wanted to share it here.

It’s so beautiful, the chorus of this song plays over and over in my head throughout the day!

You may want to turn up your speakers for this one. 

I don’t know about you, but I get goosebumps.

Wishing you much joy this Christmas as we celebrate the birth of our Savior, Jesus.


Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

Precept Austin quotation is from the Luke 2 Commentary, [2023] Courtesy of Precept Austin, Subheading, “Some Shepherds Watching Sheep”. Web. Accessed 6 December, 2023.

3 Precept Austin quotation is from the Overview: The Glory of the Lord, [2023] Courtesy of Precept Austin, Subheading, “The Glory Cloud Of The Lord”. Web. Accessed 6 December, 2023.


The Real Joy of Christmas

Celebrating the Real Joy of Christmas

'Tis the season

In the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, often the real reason for celebrating Christmas gets lost in the shuffle.

Gifts may be piling up under Christmas trees everywhere, but the only “gift” that really matters is the gift of Jesus.

Immanuel – God with us.

Jesus is God’s gift to our broken world to save us from our sins.

It’s through our belief in His saving grace alone that we can have eternal life.

What will that look like?

How about celebrating the real joy of Christmas every day and for the rest of our lives in the presence of our Lord?!

The immense step from the Babe at Bethlehem to the living, reigning triumphant Lord Jesus, returning to earth for His own people – that is the glorious truth proclaimed throughout Scripture. As the bells ring out the joys of Christmas, may we also be alert for the final trumpet that will announce His return, when we shall always be with Him.
Alan Redpath, pastor, author, and theologian.1

What is the Real Joy of Christmas?

One of my favorite online Bible teachers, who also has a flair for writing wonderful Christian poetry, is Jill Briscoe.

Here, she encourages all of us to focus on the real “reason for the season.”

Joy Is Jesus
by Jill Briscoe

Joy is Jesus wrapped in swaddling bands,
Joy is Jesus in Mary’s loving hands.
Joy is Jesus making sorrow sing,
Mending deepest heartaches – what a gift to bring!

For from the highest heavens, knowing well His plan,
God laid Him in our hostile arms, the Precious Son of Man.
Knowing all before Him – the crib, the cross, the cost –
He came to die at Calvary and seek and save the lost.

That’s you and me and everyone who’s living on this earth,
That’s men and women, black and white, who need and want new birth,
That’s those of us with broken hearts, and those who celebrate,
It’s those of us who love and laugh, and those of us who hate.

If empty was the manger, and empty was the cross,
If Jesus’ tomb was occupied, then all of us are lost.
But here lies heaven’s treasure, God’s precious, dearest prize,
In Him will all our future hopes and dreams be realized.
So may His joy now fill you, and the peace of God be known
Till we celebrate our Christ-masses around our Savior’s throne.

Joy Is Jesus by Jill Briscoe © 1995


The real Joy of Christmas

Joy to the World, indeed!

1Quotation from Alan Redpath, former pastor of Moody Church in Chicago, as quoted from Christian quotes.info.

Poetry courtesy of author and Bible teacher, Jill Briscoe. “Joy Is Jesus.” [online post]. From Christmas poems © 1995. Posted November 30, 2017, Web. Accessed December 2, 2023 from Telling The Truth.org.


Stand For Your Faith

Taking A Stand For Your Faith

Have you ever had to take a stand for your faith?

In Joshua 1:9, God told Joshua (Moses’ right-hand man) to be “strong and courageous” in battle, and that He (the Lord) would be with him wherever he went.

Of course, in context, that assurance applied to Joshua.

Thankfully, and only by God’s grace, today’s Christian can also rely on God’s promises.

While the promise of Joshua 1:9 was specific to Joshua, the principle is affirmed elsewhere in Scripture as applicable to all believers today. God calls us to live courageously, without fear, knowing that God is with us at all times. – gotquestions.org.1

“Be strong and courageous”

I like to think of that Joshua verse when faced with life’s challenges.

Taking A Stand May Cost You Some Friendships

Looking back, I remember this company I used to work for years ago.

One of my coworkers was getting ready to celebrate her 50th birthday.

Birthday ideasAll of the girls in the office secretly got together so we could plan the big surprise.

We tossed out ideas at the first meeting.

Unfortunately, someone suggested we include some R-rated options and gifts.


Admittedly, before I became a Christian, I wouldn’t have had a problem with that.

Now, the thought just made me cringe.

Don’t we get enough of that garbage on TV now?

Not to rain on anyone else’s parade, I said that I would come for just the dinner portion of the party, but would sneak out during the R-rated part.

I thought that was a pretty good solution.

They didn’t.

Even so, their obvious frowns and complaints really didn’t matter.

I wasn’t interested in following the crowd.

Taking a Stand: Be Prepared For Negative Reactions

As Christians, we have to be prepared.

Taking a stand can earn you some disdain or even a few enemies, even on a smaller scale like at this former job.

The whispers of “church lady” said within my earshot were not hard to miss.

For several days, the gossip and sneers continued.

Even so, I stuck to my plan.

I wasn’t going to stop “them”,  but I didn’t have to take part in anything that would make me feel uncomfortable.

My faith is precious to me.

I try to remember what Christ has done for us on the cross when tempted by others to act like the world.

After a few, let’s call it “interesting” days at work, one of my coworkers came up to me and asked if I had any other party suggestions.

Thank You Lord for this outcome!

The R-rated stuff was dropped.

A Surprise Ending

You know what happened?

That surprise party turned out to be a “huge” success – complete with great food, a “this-is-your-life” script I co-wrote with the birthday girl’s husband, and an arranged surprise appearance by her best friends from outside of work.

Everyone agreed afterwards what a great time it was.

Did the sneering at me stop?

Not completely.

Days afterward, the whispers of “church lady” and gossip about me still surfaced every now and then.

You know what? 

Name-calling doesn’t bother me anymore.

I am His child.

If someone messes with a Christian for taking a stand for Godly values, they’re messing with Him.

What does matter is my relationship with Jesus Christ and my desire to glorify Him.

Who knows – maybe I planted a seed with someone there.

As the world gets darker around us, there will come a time for you to be courageous as well, for something temporary like a coworker’s birthday to actual persecution by our enemies.

taking a stand

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1 Quotation from gotquestions.org, from “How would it impact the Christian faith if it was discovered that aliens exist? n.d., para. 6. Web. Accessed June 19, 2023. Joshua 1:9 application.


Happy Thanksgiving 2023


Wishing You a Very Happy Thanksgiving 2023

Happy Thanksgiving 2023

Can you believe it’s Thanksgiving 2023 already?

It seems like time always flies at the end of the year.

I just wanted to take this opportunity to say “thank you.”

My heart is overflowing with appreciation for all of you who have visited my blog, Delight in God, through the years.

It means a lot to me that you have followed me on my faith journey.

Whether it’s celebrating in God’s blessings, or working through the trials that He allows in our lives, we can know that our Father will lead and guide us – always to a greater good.

I am so thankful we have a loving God who cares about us.

We deserve His wrath, and yet He gave us His Son to pay the price for our sins so that repentant sinners will have eternal life.

Who would demonstrate such incomprehensible love like that for you and me?

Only a Holy Sovereign God, who deserves ALL of our praise.

On this Thanksgiving Day 2023, we give thanks to the One who created all things.

In closing, I wanted to share this encouragement from the psalmist in Psalm 146:

1Praise the Lord!
Praise the Lord, my soul!
2I will praise the Lord while I live;
I will sing praises to my God while I have my being.Psalm 146:1-2, (NASB).

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1 Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

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