Life Can Change In An Instant

Your Life Can Change In An Instant

life can change in an instantJust when you think everything’s fine, something unexpected can happen to you and you could face your own mortality.

If that were to happen, are you saved?

In other words, if you pass away tomorrow, do you know where you’ll go?

Heaven or Hell?

It’s one or the other.

Why so many people wait to figure this out is beyond me.

Minutes Away From A Scary Accident

A few nights ago my husband and I were coming home from dinner when we passed a police officer by the side of the road. It was pitch black dark and I remembered thinking the officer was in a prime stretch of road to tag speeders.

As soon as we got to the traffic light, I heard the officer’s siren go off behind us and, with lights flashing, he was headed our way. We pulled over to the side of the road and he passed us traveling at a high rate of speed.

He didn’t have to go very far.

That doesn’t look good, I thought, as the light changed and we got closer to the scene of the accident up ahead.

At that point we saw several emergency vehicles parked all over the road. The roads were also blocked off already and traffic was being detoured.

The sounds of a Care Flight helicopter loomed overhead as it circled to land on the very same road we were driving on.

Emergency helicopter en route

Life is Precious

A very bad accident happened that quickly.

In an instant.

It was all very surreal and scary.

The victims were going about their lives moments before and suddenly everything changed.

I thanked God silently that my husband and I were spared, but wondered about the poor victims in the crash.

It turns out that a motorcycle had run into a truck. The motorcycle victim was care-flighted to a local hospital.

I said a prayer for the victims and then I remembered a movie my husband and I had seen late last year – “God’s Not Dead.”

Have you seen it yet?

It’s a really good movie and worth your time to check it out. Specifically, the scene that came to mind is the one where the hostile, atheistic, Professor Radisson is dying in the middle of the street after being struck by a car. In those last few moments of his life, he was ministered to by a pastor who happened to witness the accident. During this heart-wrenching scene, the pastor led the professor to Christ. It’s a scene that gives me a knot in my throat every time I think about it.

It makes me wonder if the motorcycle victim in the accident the other night knew Jesus.

I hope he survived.

You never know when your life can change dramatically like that.

Please Don’t Put Off Cultivating Your Relationship With God

I did for 30 years.

You have a free gift of salvation through the grace of Jesus Christ. You can’t earn your salvation, but you do have to accept the invitation God has given you.

He won’t drag you kicking and screaming to accept the gift of eternal life with Him.

So many people either don’t want to believe the truth (atheists) or they don’t want to put in the effort (a sad choice, but there’s still time.)

Great things and an end to the pain and suffering of this world are in store for you if you place your love and trust in the one and only true God.

God's Holy Word

Turn Around, Don’t Drown

This is a very dark world and there are miserable people out there who want others to drown along with them in a sea of doubt.

Through belief in Jesus Christ, you have access to something better and so much more.

I heard Heaven described recently as a place of pure bliss and adoration.

Why would anyone in their right mind not want that?

God bless you for visiting my blog!

Thank you first respondersI also wanted to say a big thank you also to all of the law enforcement authorities, emergency personnel, and first responders who give so generously and selflessly of their time and energy to try and keep us safe when Life hands us a dangerous curve ball, in an instant.


Top Reasons to Save Biblical Sermons

Did You Know That You Can Save Great Biblical Sermons?

It’s true.

You can populate your hard drive with some great Biblical sermons with just a few clicks of your mouse.

Save sermonsI think it’s a great idea.


Let me start out by saying that it should always be a priority to find and attend a  good Bible-believing and teaching church.

You should be discerning. If you’re attending a church that preaches the infallibility of the Bible and that “sin” is still a sin, then you’re on the right track to finding a good church home.

Bible church

A Favorite Biblical Resource

But, how does saving sermons weigh into this?

Allow me to mention one of my favorite Christian resources again: OnePlace Ministries.

This is the site where you can, with their simple interface, save great Biblical sermons right to your hard drive.

Five Reasons To Save Biblical Sermons

Here are my five top reasons (in no particular order) that you should save a biblical sermon:

• If you’re ever too sick to attend church or if you ever become a shut-in due to a disability or otherwise, having your favorite topical sermons accessible on your hard drive assures that you’ll never miss a beat.

• If you haven’t found a biblical church home yet, the Bible and the OnePlace website are your resources! The website is simple to navigate. You can pick and choose your topic or pastor. I listen on an almost daily basis to at least one sermon a day when I’m getting ready for work. It’s much more encouraging and uplifting then the bad news we hear every morning on television. The only day off I take is Sunday, because I’m attending a Bible-believing church. 🙂

• The adjective “topical” sermon raises another good reason. How many times have you experienced a challenge in your Christian life and wished you had access to some guidance on that very topic? Let’s take “anxiety” for example. We’ve all experienced it. Researchers say stress and anxiety are deadly and can make you susceptible to many illnesses. Here’s the good news: on the main page of the One Place Ministries website, there’s an empty search field where you can browse topics. If you type “anxiety”, over five pages of results (sermons) pull up for you to choose from. Listen to one by a wonderful pastor and save it on your hard drive for the next time you’re feeling stressed or anxious. It can have a huge calming effect.

• Lastly, I’m sure you’ve heard the terrible news. Christians are being persecuted and killed for their faith. Terrorism is on the rise and the anti-Israel sentiments by the godless or misinformed in our society are reaching a fever pitch. This is an age of lawlessness and darkness like I never thought I would see in my lifetime. There may come a time when biblical churches are harassed to a point where people are afraid to even attend. There are shades of that happening now. Some news-making churches have unfortunately bowed to societal pressure.

God will not honor that concession.

churches should not bow to pressureRemember, you can always save sermons in case it ever gets to the point where Christians are not allowed to openly worship and express their faith. Current news events point to a rising demonic influence in the world that is threatening to overtake everything we hold dear as Christians. Churches are being picketed, vandalized, and verbally slapped by a mainstream media for standing up for the infallibility of the Bible.

How To Save A Sermon

OnePlace website

You can save a sermon by going to the website. Register with your email address. Once you have access, you can browse and decide which sermons you want to save. When you find one, download the mp3 version to your hard drive. Now you will always have great biblical teaching, even as the world around us becomes increasingly dark.

Our country is on a downward spiral. We could easily place blame on the political party in charge, but it goes way deeper than that.

Way deeper.

Persecution of Believers

I believe that you should save Biblical sermons because, as the hatred towards Christians and Christian businesses continues to grow, our very access to Scripture may be increasingly limited. I have no doubt the internet controllers will threaten Christian broadcasts and websites. It’s all very anti-God.

We don’t know the timing of God’s divine plan to rapture His church. But, through Scripture, we do know that End Times prophesy is unfolding right before our very eyes.

Remember, dear readers, God is still on the throne, always and forever. He has promised to never leave nor abandon us.

Save Biblical sermons

Put On The Armor Of God

I’ll close with some verses from Ephesians 6:10-17, NASB, which encourages us to put on the armor of God –

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you will be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil. 12 For our struggle is not against [e]flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.


13 Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. 14 Stand firm therefore, HAVING GIRDED YOUR LOINS WITH TRUTH, and HAVING PUT ON THE BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, 15 and having shod YOUR FEET WITH THE PREPARATION OF THE GOSPEL OF PEACE; 16 [f]in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 And take THE HELMET OF SALVATION, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

New American Standard Bible (NASB)Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation



Created by God

Only God Can Design A Butterfly

God created the butterflyDear readers-

I have a few questions for your consideration:

Have you ever looked closely at a butterfly?

The design of a butterflyBeautifully-colored wings that can almost take your breath away.

 Or, how about a magnificent Arabian horse?

God's creationBeauty, speed, and stamina personified in one spirited animal.

What about a majestic mountaintop?

A babbling brook?

The waves crashing on the seashore?

created by GodOr, our family and friends who inhabit the earth with us? Where did they come from?

Did they just pop up randomly and insignificantly?

As humans, we are amazingly complex creatures created by God.

God created us

Godless Theories Taught in Schools

We are created by God, who knew us before time even began. That makes us very special in His eyes.

Every time I hear or read about someone pushing the evolution theory, I feel sad for them. They’re elevating a man-made theory above the Word of God.

Have you ever read Psalm 139 in the Bible? It’s one of my favorites. Here’s an excerpt:

For you formed my inward parts;
you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.
14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.[a]
Wonderful are your works;
my soul knows it very well.
15 My frame was not hidden from you,
when I was being made in secret,
intricately woven in the depths of the earth.
16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance;
in your book were written, every one of them,
the days that were formed for me,
when as yet there was none of them.

 – Psalm 139:13-16, (ESV)1

Isn’t that a beautiful passage from Scripture?

There is a God

How some misguided folks can look at God’s wonderful designs in nature and claim that there’s no God is beyond me.

The theory of evolution has more holes in it than Swiss cheese.

Can a building pop up out of nowhere without an architect, a design, or blueprint?

Evolution – the very secular and Godless theory designed to fool people into thinking that God did not create the universe.

We need to pray for our evolution-believing brothers and sisters.


Unfortunately, as a result of their disbelief in God, they are misleading many people.

We can pray for them and also praise the Lord for another day to embrace God’s goodness!

# # #

1Scripture quotation is from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, copyright © 2016 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


Please Pray For Persecuted Christians

persecuted Christians

Mere words can barely describe my sorrow and compassion for persecuted Christians across the globe. They are in great danger. It seems like every day, there’s a new account of Christians suffering at the hands of evil people.

Christian men, women, and children are being murdered, simply for professing their belief in God.

I’ll say that again – and children.

This is undeniable truth.

Pray also for Christians in America

There are people in America who want to act like it’s not happening.

It is.

There are people in America who think that it can’t happen here.

It can and it has.

Many News Networks want to discard that type of news from our TV sets, but you can find it online if you look. As believers in God, burying our heads in the sand and pretending it’s not going on, helps no one.

You should be outraged.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”      Edmund Burke

Please Pray For Persecuted Christians

And, we need a God-sized intervention in America before it’s too late. We’re already being crippled as it is. I’m sure you know what I mean.

These horrifying persecutions are not random in any way, shape, or form. Christians are being targeted. This is a concentrated “movement” out to destroy those of us who believe in God.

Is There Hope For America?

We don’t know God’s plan. There’s always hope, but only through the saving Grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Unfortunately, atheists have succeeded in taking God’s name out of schools and, in some cases, out of the public square.

Praying for persecuted Christians

Think about that for a minute. This is a country that was founded on Judeo – Christian principles and yet a very vocal group has bullied their agenda into the mainstream and, believe me, it will eventually affect all of us. Should it really be any surprise if God removes His blessing on America?

Without His intercession soon, we could be in for a time of national grief and suffering – if God chooses to allow that to happen.

When World History Ends

We do know that there will be an End to Time, just as the Bible foretells. And, because of His revelation to us, we know that God ultimately triumphs and we will one day be in His presence, worshiping Him for eternity. The timing is God’s alone.

In The Meantime

We can pray for those in danger. Millions of Christians all over the world can lift their voices and pray for God’s mercy. He hears every prayer.

These horrifying persecutions are our wake-up call. I just wish more people would see it.



No Phishing

No Phishing – Move on!

There’s no phishing here.

Hello dear readers,

Unfortunately, I’ve received some off-topic comments and spam so I need to post this PSA.

Please bear with me as I share this personal, Public Service Announcement:

No phishing


Okay, you crazies:

Please listen up!

I will not publish any comment that is spam,

offensive, obscene, off-topic, or promotes your business.

That is not the purpose of this blog. This is a Christian blog to honor God.

Please go phishing somewhere else.


Unfortunately, due to some scammers turning a deaf ear, I’ve had to turn off comments on my Christian blog. It goes against everything I believe in about sharing views, but I have to protect it.

I was bombarded with so-called seo experts jamming my inbox with their advertising. I deleted their comments thinking that would fix it. It didn’t. I proceeded to receive more every day after that. These people don’t give up with their obnoxiousness. In addition, there were also some folks who commented and then wanted to direct my readers to their off-topic websites. Really folks? Very uncool. Bye bye.

Regardless of these distractions, I continue to keep my eye on the prize, delight in God, and keep focused on things above.

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