Does prayer work for some and not others?

Does prayer work for some and not others?

It’s a question that’s usually asked out of frustration and, sometimes, even anger.

Does prayer work for some and not othersHere’s the better question: Is your heart right with God and are you praying with the right intentions?

Prayer does work and God does answer them, but just remember, His answer may not be the answer you were hoping for. He will answer your prayers in one of three different ways, and that answer depends on His providential will regarding your particular circumstances-

God can reply:

1. “Yes” (We all want that answer, right?)
2. “No” (This is the answer that hurts sometimes, but God knows best.)
3. “Not now” (This is an answer that can also hurt, but only God has perfect timing. Even though that thing you prayed for seems to be the most pressing issue in your life right now, God may decide that it’s better for you to wait.)

Bottom Line: Keep praying!

Don’t give up on God because you didn’t get the answer you were looking for. Someone actually said to me once: “I did pray and God didn’t answer the way I wanted Him too. He has forsaken me.”

Remember, He hasn’t given up on you and He hasn’t forsaken you at all.

We must trust Him even when life doesn’t seem fair. Don’t blame God that sin entered the world. We’re dealing with the repercussions of that to this day.

As our Heavenly Father, He cares for us more deeply than any earthly parent would care for their child. His saying “no” or “not now,” even when it doesn’t appear to make sense or doesn’t seem fair at the time, is the most loving thing He can do. You may not understand it now, but you will someday, if you trust Him. That’s what faith is all about. He grieves over the sins of this world right along with us.

Examine Your Heart Before You Pray

Prayer is also about gratitude. Prayer isn’t simply a means for us to ask God for things. He’s not a magic genie and He’s definitely not tied to those nutty chain letters that promise a miracle will happen if you forward the letter to 10 of your closest friends.

You should examine your heart before you pray. Are your prayers full of selfish wants? Have you put your own desires aside to thank Him for His blessings? Are you even showing your gratitude to the One who gave you life?

The Bible tells us that, as we go through life, we will face many challenges. Sometimes the only thing we can do is pray for guidance.

It’s okay to go it alone, but sometimes the best thing is to ask for prayer support from our Bible-believing family and friends.

When’s the last time you shared a painful experience with a Christian friend and asked him or her to pray with you? You may be surprised at how quickly they can’t wait to do so.

You’re not alone, you know.

The immense support you can receive from a fellowship of believers can help sustain you through the difficult times. It has happened to me.

A Resource That May Be Helpful For You

If you don’t have that intimate prayer support, I want to share with you a resource that might help you.

It’s called “Prayer Works.”

You can find here.

It’s part of Pastor Jeff Schreve’s “From His Heart Ministry” website. Simply visit the site and submit your request for prayer.

Christians visiting the site have the opportunity to read your request and then can pray for you. That’s a good thing, but I think the even better thing is that you can check the option to be notified anonymously when someone lifts you up in prayer.

What could be more encouraging than that?

For example, imagine that you’ve just lost your job and you have no idea how you will support your family. Your situation seems hopeless. You want to ask for prayer, but don’t have anywhere to turn. Go to the Prayer Works section of the site and list your request there. Those little “I’m praying for you” notifications you can receive during the stressful days ahead are like little beacons of hope in the darkest of circumstances.

Here’s Ricky Skaggs singing “Somebody’s Praying.” I urge you to listen to this song. It’s hard to hold back tears when you ponder the meaning of the song.

Even Mr. Skaggs chokes up.

God bless!


Sunday’s Coming

It’s Friday, but Sunday’s Coming!

Sunday's comingPraise God!

Feel the love that God has for you.There is redemption for the sins of believers.

Sunday’s Coming

Christ died on the cross for yours and my sins.

There is no greater love than this!

If you’re ever feeling unloved, think about this!

Here’s a favorite passage of mine from the Bible, especially the last sentence.

“Truly this was the Son of God” – spoken by a Roman!

51 And behold, the curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom. And the earth shook, and the rocks were split. 52 The tombs also were opened. And many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised, 53 and coming out of the tombs after his resurrection they went into the holy city and appeared to many. 54 When the centurion and those who were with him, keeping watch over Jesus, saw the earthquake and what took place, they were filled with awe and said, “Truly this was the Son of God!”
 – English Standard Version (ESV)The Holy Bible, English Standard Version Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.

The Lord Is Coming – Celebrate!

If you profess your belief in Jesus Christ, you will spend your eternity in Heaven with Him.

Have you ever thought about what Heaven could be like?

Think about JOY Everlasting with your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

Sunday’s coming! It is!

Go out and share the Good News of the Gospel!

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No Birds At Auschwitz

“There were no birds at Auschwitz”

Auschwitz concentration camp“There are still no birds at Auschwitz.”

The silence in the room was overwhelming, except for the sounds of a few listeners grabbing Kleenex from their purses.

Those of us in the audience were deeply moved as Dr. Edie Eger shared her triumphant story of survival in a Nazi concentration camp.

I’m sure you’ve studied in history class or perhaps even seen movies about the horror and atrocities that took place in Auschwitz.

Man’s inhumanity to man.

How could this have happened?

Acting less than human and even less than animals, a face of evil drove thousands of brainwashed SS members in World War II to arrest and exterminate millions of Jews during Hitler’s reign of terror.

It is almost incomprehensible that anyone (man, woman or child) could have survived the savagery that took place there in the concentration camps. And yet, there before me, sat this remarkable woman on the stage – a Holocaust survivor and the epitome of grace and forgiveness.

At 87 years old, Dr. Eger can still command a room. Her stories of surviving Auschwitz are unforgettable.

I’m still thinking about them.

She is living history, and it was a privilege to hear her talk about her life. You can read more about her at this link:

There are no birds at Auschwitz

No birds at AuschwitzThink about that. It still gives me chills.

I can look out the window of my home and see and hear birds chirping every day. For Dr. Eger, the pleasure of experiencing the beauty of God’s creatures was stolen from her as a young teenager.

Like most of us at age sixteen, she had hopes of fulfilling her dreams and making her life into something wonderful. As a trained ballerina from Hungary, one of her dreams was to become an Olympic gymnast.

That dream was snatched away from her in 1944 as the Nazis took her and her family to Auschwitz.

Upon arrival at the camp, her parents were taken away. She and her sister never saw their father again and were told that their mother was in another line somewhere to take a  “shower.”

Dr. Eger could have lost all hope, but as she told us, that’s all she and her fellow prisoners had to cling to in a death camp – Hope.

More chills.

Dr. Eger and her sister had their hair shaved off immediately. Everything was taken from them – their jewelry, clothing – all of it and every day, they would wake up and think “What next?”

Surviving The Horror

Despite the constant fear and intimidation hurled at them from their captors, Dr. Eger held onto the fact that she would defiantly survive this horror.

“They” could never take away her memories and they could never take away her spirit. She willed to live in spite of everything that was happening to her and around her.

She remembers the needle sticking in her arm as she was forced to give blood which was then used to save the lives of injured Nazis.

One of her most chilling memories was that she was selected to dance in front of Dr. Josef Mengele, also known as the “angel of death.” I guess he needed some entertainment in his down time.

Besides Dr. Eger’s unwavering will to live, her talent as a ballerina was just one of her abilities that helped keep her alive. She could use her talent to dance before the enemy and, sometimes, it resulted in an extra ration of bread.

The extra scraps of food helped sustain her, but more importantly, so did her belief in God.

tracks to Auschwitz“God was with me in Auschwitz”

Her hope for a rescue and her belief in God kept her going and she knew in her heart that, one day, she would be freed. She was weak and injured to the point of death at times, but her life was far from over. In 1945, her hope became a reality as American soldiers arrived and rescued her. She was discovered, almost unconscious, as she lay among a mass grave of fellow prisoners.

Dr. Eger’s stories of life in Auschwitz (and the other camps she was moved to) are enough to make you shudder and be ashamed for taking anything you have in this life for granted.

You would think that Dr. Eger hated her captors, but she didn’t.

She said she pitied them.

She knew that the people who staffed those concentration camps would eventually be tried and, in some cases, executed for their war crimes. Even worse, until they died, the images of their brutality would be on their consciences forever.

Forgiveness no matter the cost

I can’t think of many examples of people who are as forgiving as Dr. Eger is.

She’s a shining example of what Jesus told us when He commanded us to love and pray for our enemies. We may not be able to change them, but we can pray for them.

Dr. Eger has become one of my heroes. This lovely woman has turned the heartbreaking memories of her past into a mission of encouragement for all of us to reach for our Savior, even in the darkest and loneliest of places.

God bless you Dr. Eger for sharing your story with the world. At age 87, you are one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever been around.

May God bring all of you peace who are reading this today.



God Thinks You Are Worth It

Just In Case You Didn’t Know, God Thinks You’re Worth It!

He loved you enough to create you from nothing.

He invested much in His plans for your life and I thank God for bringing you here to my page.

no matter how high the mountainNo matter what mountains you have to climb. No matter how badly you might feel about yourself, or how many criticisms you’ve faced from friends, coworkers, or family members – you, my friend, are worth every ounce of God’s love.

What is His plan for you?

His plan for you is to trust Him, pray regularly to Him, read your Bible with a good commentary, attend a Bible-believing church, and share the good news of His salvation through grace with the people in your life.

A Hidden Jewel In Reality TV

For the record, I really can’t stand most sitcom or reality TV shows unless they’re about house-hunting, cooking, or living someplace beautiful like Alaska. All of the bad, agenda-promoting, anti-family programming has me grabbing the TV remote quickly to turn that junk off.

Anybody with me?

But, occasionally, a show comes along that I remember for days afterward. A few nights ago, my husband and I were watching one of those survival shows that was set in Alaska.

God thinks you are worth itThe beauty of the Alaskan landscape was breathtaking as the contestants braved the risky terrain through stormy weather, bear stalkings, and despite the injuries of some of their teammates. Something really caught my eye as I was watching one of the teams swim through the frigid water to get to the finish line.

It was a military man sporting a tattoo that read, “Isaiah 6:8.” I can’t tell you the wonderful feeling I got after seeing that tattoo.

For those of you who don’t know Isaiah 6:8, here’s what it says:

8 Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!”

New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation

Send me

Can you say that yet? In this age of disturbing “isms” – liberalism, progressivism, humanism, satanism – can you also say what Isaiah said?

Send me, Lord.

As Christians, there will come a time when we’re going to be verbally attacked, and in some cases physically attacked or imprisoned, as Jesus was. Knowing that this is a possibility in your lifetime here in the United States, can you honestly say despite it all, “Send me, Lord?”

It’s something you should think about.

Loving God More

I’ve experienced some attacks myself. Talk about wreck your day. I’ve been called names and I’ve lost a couple of friends. I’ve received disgusting emails for writing online about my faith in God. It comes with the territory when you’re speaking up for Jesus Christ.

But, even though it hurts sometimes, I always come back to the reminder that God is ultimately in charge. I do love people, but I love God more.

A sin, is a sin, is a sin. Don’t fall for the wishy-washy, anti-biblical, numbed-down preaching of the worldly emergent churches.

If your church is not preaching the infallibility of Scripture – I urge you to leave and find another church. Time appears to be running short.

Be Discerning

Christians weren’t created to sit back, hide our heads in the sand, and say nothing if the righteousness of God is questioned. With gentleness and respect, we are to speak the truth from His Word.

Don’t deny your faith to be popular and don’t deny your faith just to keep a job. We will face trials and we are instructed to be bold and courageous. God knows what we are going through, every second of the day.

We will win some battles and we will lose some, but don’t give up.

Remember, God thinks you’re worth it. He delights in you and He’s on your side.


How To Make Inspirational Quote Pictures

Would you like to learn how to make inspirational quote pictures?

I’m talking about those cool graphics that folks post on social media that contain Christian inspirational quotes.

They’re usually very colorful, motivational, and your friends can share them on their Facebook pages as well.

Let me show you an example here

inspirational quote picturesPretty neat, huh?

Some people call these “picture quotes.”

You say tomato …

No matter, you can create your own inspirational quote picture as well.

Whatever they’re called, picture quotes are fun to do

My thought is the more inspirational, godly, Christian quotes you can share on your Facebook pages, the better.

There’s so much hateful, anti-God sentiment out there, I encourage you to inspire others on your Facebook wall by creating your own picture quotes.

There Are A Few Websites Which Make It Easy For You

The site I used to make my quote picture is:

Please note: as you’re researching which site you personally want to use to make your picture quote, please make sure you read their TOS and privacy policy. You don’t always have to register to use their free tools, but on the sites that require it, please read their terms first to see what identifiable information they gather about you and how they could use it.

I liked Quozio so here’s another picture quote I created.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer If you need ideas for quotes, you can search on Goodreads at:

Otherwise, you can search inspirational quotes on your favorite search engine and a boat load of results turn up. Some of these websites take it a step further and you can take your picture quote design and turn it into a T shirt or use your own background instead of their templates.

Remember, for copyright reasons, don’t simply copy/paste a picture or design from any website. You need to create your own picture quote from beginning to end.

God bless and happy creating!

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