Thoughts About a Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving !

Happy ThanksgivingWhat I’m thankful For This Year

I’m thankful for our Heavenly Father. He loves us so much that He sent His only Son to die on the cross to pay the price for our sins. That is pure grace and love. He gives us a way to get to Heaven and that is through Jesus Christ. If you’re a nonbeliever reading this, I pray that you will accept Him as your Lord and Savior.

Gods heartI’m thankful for my husband.  I love you more and more every day. God brought us together and our marriage has been a gift for a lifetime.

I’m thankful that I live in America

American flag

Still the land of the free and the home of the brave.

I’m thankful for our extended family. We love the holidays and also those fun visits. We look forward to many more in the coming year (with a new baby in tow).  🙂


I’m thankful for *NG and *SG, our beautiful sponsor children. May God bless them and their families and we look forward to getting to know them.

I’m thankful for my friends. I cherish each and every one of them. I love our phone calls and our visits, even those texts which can go on for quite awhile!

And last, but certainly not least, I’m thankful for my three goofy and lovable Siberian Huskies. They keep us laughing every day, despite all the mischief they get into.

huskySafe travels to all of you who are reading this and I hope that you and yours will have a blessed Thanksgiving.

Photos, except for my dogs, courtesy of

*Full names withheld for privacy.


Let The Church Rise

a life lost

Let The Church Rise

If you haven’t heard it yet, it’s a great song and, essentially, a battle cry for all of us.

One of the things I want to do with this blog is to share songs I come across that really touch me. Christian music means a lot to me.

This is a song that we sang in church last Sunday. It’s called “Let The Church Rise.”

Here’s a listen:

I hear that song and I think of the state of our world today.

Increasing darkness and anti-God sentiments coming from some very loud, miserable and lost people.

There’s also lot of distressing news on television every day.  Sometimes, I just turn it off. A constant diet of joy-killing news isn’t healthy.

Who Put the Moon and the Sun In Their Places?

I have to remind myself that, despite it all, God is always in control.

Always, always, always ….

Always 🙂


Go and let your light shine

Let the Church rise from the ashes

let the church rise


God Bless America and the Midterm Elections 2014


On the heels of the historic midterm elections where Republicans gained control of the House and Senate, I can only say Praise God!

The people of America have spoken. Is there any way we can take our country back to godly values? Unfortunately, with politicians, there’s no guarantee.

Did they tell the truth when they ran their campaigns or was it simply political rhetoric? We’ll have to wait and see.

God bless America

Freedom Isn’t Free

Freedom is a precious thing and we can’t take it for granted.

*Apathy is the acceptance of the unacceptable. – John Stott, Christian Pastor (1921-2011.)

Apathy was a big problem in the last election and too many non-voters resulted in a takeover of liberals in high office. Now we’re in a mess.

Hopefully, these election results will signal a change from the anti-God agenda that has been so distressing over the past several years.

I was thrilled to see that many of the newly elected candidates are Pro-Life. They’d better stay that way.

Another praise God moment!

It floors me that some liberals have the gall to say the government has the right to determine that one life is more valuable than another. I’ve seen the liberal trolling on pro-life websites and it breaks my heart.

This abortion holocaust has got to STOP.

If you haven’t seen this yet, I wanted to share a video of one of my heroes – Gianna Jessen. She’s an abortion survivor.

Her triumphant story is truly an inspiration and worth the watch.

God bless her and you!

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*John Stott quotation, as quoted from Christian


North Texas Sunsets Nothing Short of Spectacular

Looking Up at Spectacular North Texas Sunsets

spectacular North Texas sunsets

One of the best decisions that my husband and I made was to settle down for good, right here in Texas.

We were temporarily intrigued with the idea of moving once, but thankfully that was just for a short while. God led us to an understanding that our roots are here and the Lone Star State is where we belong.

Texas has dazzling sunrises and sunsets and hubby and I have the privilege of viewing some spectacular ones right from our own backyard.

As I was thinking about some writing ideas, I glanced through my cell phone gallery and voila! There were over twenty photos I had snapped from various angles in my backyard. Why not share these sky photos that I love with others?

So if you love beautiful sunsets, I’m glad you’re here. Grab a chair and sit in my backyard for awhile and enjoy some of the beauty of God’s creation. I’ll make some iced tea 🙂

All photos are from my own personal collection. All rights reserved. 2014. Copyright 2014.

The Kind of Sky That Has Me in Awe

sunsetsI guess I should start with an apology to all the expert photographers out there. My photography experience can’t compare with yours, but I do have the same eyes as you for a beautiful photo opportunity.

When I see a gorgeous sunset, I don’t care where I am. I stop what I’m doing and grab my camera (or cellphone.) Hopefully, I’m already home and walking around in my backyard.

Sometimes I’m not.

Sometimes, my husband is driving our car and I’m asking him to pull over so I can capture the skies ablaze in color. That’s not always an easy task when you’re in traffic so I’ll try to snap a photo with my cell phone from the passenger side window. Admittedly, not my best work.

When it’s not feasible to pull over, I’m anxious to get home ‘cuz I just gotta take that picture.

See the photo to your right up there? That was from one of my “stop me cold” days. I don’t even know if the photo can do it justice. It was like God just took His gigantic paintbrush, dipped it in golds, yellows, purples, blues, and pinks and painted broad strokes upon His sky canvas.

Have you ever seen a sky like this? If not, keep watch. It’s God’s gift to you, so don’t miss it.

The Splendor of His Majesty
Psalm 145:5

the splendor of His majesty

On the glorious splendor of Your majesty
and on Your wonderful works,
I will meditate.
Psalm 145:5 from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE ®, Copyright © 1960,1962,1963,1968,1971,1972,1973,1975,1977,1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

God’s Radiant Palette of Colors

God's palette of colors

I see a sky like this and I want to shout “Hallelujah!”

A dazzling array of color. I know this is just a glimpse of how beautiful Heaven will be. It’s almost impossible to imagine a spot even more beautiful than this, but there is. For believers in Jesus Christ as the path to God, believers will get to see all of this up close and personal some day.

Have you seen the 2004 movie, “The Passion of the Christ?” It’s a great movie, but it was so intense I was numb when we walked out of the theater. My hands were literally shaking. The whole time I was thinking: We are sooooo not worthy of this.

And I look up at the brilliant skies and I think we are so not worthy of that, either.

The results of His handiwork are on display and how many people don’t appreciate it?

How many people don’t appreciate Him?

If you haven’t seen the movie yet, please take the time. It’s a good lesson in humility. Please don’t ever take your lives for granted.

See the Wonder of His Celestial Tapestry

celestial tapestry

The heavens are telling of the glory of God;
And their expanse is declaring the works of His hands.
Psalm 19:1 from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE ®, Copyright © 1960,1962,1963,1968,1971,1972,1973,1975,1977,1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

God Says, “I Love You This Much”

God's love letter to us

God’s love letter to us is the Bible. As if that wasn’t enough, He also created a daily slideshow of stunning sunsets that can be seen across the globe.

Got your attention yet? You only have to look up to see evidence of His love for mankind – designed for you and me.

We get so wrapped up in the daily stresses of life and work.

We hurry here, we hurry there, we hurry everywhere.

For me personally, I know that I don’t ever want my life to become so busy that I forget to see His Gift. Right up there.

I Can’t Thank You Enough


Thank you Father for your beautiful sunsets. No human artist can capture the magnificence of Your sunrises and sunsets that You so freely share with us.

You alone are worthy of our praise.

The Water is on Fire With Color

Pond reflections

I’m often so wowed by the sky that I forget to look down at the reflections in the pond.

If you look closely, you can see that the “painting” continues down into the water. I often think, is anyone else seeing this?

How could anyone walk outside or be driving along in the early evening and not pause for a moment to take the sunset in – at least a few evenings a week.

I choose to direct my gaze on things above, the splendor of the King.

God bless

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Headaches and Rainbows

Headaches and Rainbows – A Peaceful Lining in the Clouds

Unfortunately, I developed a humdinger of a headache.

This was the kind of headache that makes you want to get back in bed and bury your head under a pillow in a dark room.


This pounding headache festered and festered and even got a little worse throughout the day – it felt like a migraine.

I did take something for it, just not soon enough. So it got a little one-up on me.

The medicine did take the edge off, but the headache was still there.

Have you ever had one of those kind of headaches?

Finally, around 5:00pm after getting some computer work done, I decided to go out to our back porch and just be by myself for a little while.

Where’s that “do not disturb” sign?

I lay out on the lounge chair and closed my eyes for a bit and breathed in the fresh air. There was a nice breeze going and the trees were softly swaying near the pond.

peaceful trees

It was beautiful and so peaceful. I soaked it all in and closed my eyes.

I started thinking about Heaven and how beautiful it will be…and how peaceful… and joyous….and happy.

No headaches, no stress, no deadlines, no mean people, none of that. Just peace with God and being surrounded by other believers that we will love and fellowship with for all eternity.

I found myself talking to God in my thoughts again.

Then I opened my eyes. I looked up at the sky and then I saw it!

It looked like a baby rainbow. Just a little tiny portion of one in the sky.

I wish now I had snapped a photo of it.

I’d never seen a little patch of a rainbow like that before. The ones I’ve seen in the past are full rainbows radiating from the sky after a storm.

This one was just a quiet whisper of loveliness from Heaven.

I got my husband to come outside.

You gotta come see this!

He came outside and started searching the sky,
“What, where?”

“That little rainbow? That’s cool.” We heard from a meteorologist friend later that type of rainbow is called a “sun dog.”

Hubby and I stayed outside and watched it until the clouds started moving again and the lovely rainbow faded away.

A Rainbow is a Reminder of God’s Promise to Man

a Godly rainbowI counted six references in the Bible, all referring to the appearance of a rainbow and the covenant between God and man – no more worldwide floods will destroy the entire earth. (There will be other disasters, but that’s another article for some other day.)

Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.
Genesis 9:16 (ESV) The Holy Bible, English Standard Version Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers.

The true meaning of the rainbow has gotten lost in today’s world, like a lot of things. The rainbow is a breathtaking symbol from our heavenly Father and yet, mankind has tried to morph it into meaning something else.

Well, they can try, but Christians know better.

We can only pray about things like this.

Some glorious day Jesus Christ will come again and the earth will be restored to its former glory.  All will be made right. We will delight in God and He will delight in us.

As one of my favorite songs says, “Kings and kingdoms will all pass away…but there’s something about That Name.”


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