Let me start out this article by saying that we all know that no one is perfect, including me, you, and that person over there. Even so, Christians quit cursing on social media.
When the Bible says that we, as Christians, become a “new creation” – it means something very important and we should try to remember that. Why do people forget so easily? Is there evidence of a transformed life in us, or are we living as we did before?
From 2 Corinthians 5:17 (ESV):
Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. – 2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV The Holy Bible, English Standard Version Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.
I’m Guilty Too
I’m not saying I’ve never said a curse word. I slip sometimes. But, I admit it afterward and then confess it in my heart to God.
We all fall short.
What really concerns me though is this “who cares” attitude from Christians on social media who, for some reason, think it’s okay to curse on facebook or in their web posts.
Are they trying to appear “hip”? Current? Relevant?
What gives? Do they think it helps their Christian witness? It does not. Recently, I stopped by to read a post on a Christian friend’s facebook wall. Ughh. There was a comment from another person calling someone an ugly name I won’t repeat.
Seriously, people.
Cursing Is Not Cool
I read a blog from a well-known Christian musician awhile ago who dropped an F-Bomb and “B.S” a few times in his posts.
Thing is, this musician still has a lot of fans – young people who may see that language and think that’s okay Christian behavior.
Well, it’s not.Â
Our country is still free and that musician has the right to say or write whatever he wants on his own blog, but, he’s NOT doing anyone any favors in the mission to help lead people to Christ. Thing is, he probably doesn’t see anything wrong with using profanity.Â
I choose not to buy his CDs or follow him. I follow a lot of Christian musicians. A sad thing is that some churches lack discernment in their contemporary music choices. They play songs in church services while neglecting to actually “check out” and see what some of those artists are saying in social media.
I think that is a big problem with contemporary Christian churches today.
One more example: another Christian I know recently shared a link on his/her (shall remain nameless) social media that dropped the F-Bomb along with a snarky personal comment about a news story.
It made my skin crawl. This person is someone with a bunch of facebook friends and he/she doesn’t appear to care that some of his/her friends are young, impressionable people.

Enough With the Cursing
I don’t need to see F-bombs in my news feed. Thank you very much.
What is with people? Were they raised by wolves?
Shaking my head.
No, it’s not okay to curse on social media if you’re a Christian. In fact, it’s not okay to do it anywhere.
It’s also not okay to curse back at someone who is cursing you.
*Patient silence is the best reply to a world of cruel opposition. Calm endurance answers some questions infinitely more conclusively than the loftiest eloquence. The best apologists for Christianity in the early days were its martyrs. The anvil breaks a host of hammers by quietly bearing their blows. Did not the silent Lamb of God furnish us with a grand example of wisdom? Where every word was occasion for new blasphemy, it was the line of duty to provide no fuel for the flame of sin. The ambiguous and the false, the unworthy and mean will soon enough confound themselves, and therefore the true can afford to be quiet and find silence to be its wisdom. – Christian pastor, Alistair Begg.
We should all be mindful of our witness and I’m including myself in that reminder.
This is such a crazy and violent time in our society. Don’t these influential people realize they’re not going to plant seeds with the Holy Spirit and help reach people for Christ when their mouth utters or their fingers type such trash?
We would do well to remember Psalm 19:14 from God’s Word. It’s one of my scripture memory verses. When I slip up, I say this back to myself along with confessing my sin to God.
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart Be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my rock and my Redeemer.          –Psalm 19:14 ESV The Holy Bible, English Standard Version Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.
God bless you! Stay strong.
*Begg, Alistair, “Slow to Speak.” Crosswalk.com. 02 April 2017, Web Access 06 April 2017. Copyright Truth For Life. Used with Permission.