The America In My Heart

The America In My Heart That I Will Always Hold Onto

I found this video and wanted to share it with you. It represents everything about America that I love – no matter how much the current culture is trying to change it. America is the best and most beautiful country in the world. Why, oh why, are liberals trying to destroy her?

Tears of Sadness For The America In My Heart

The video is from the Hillsdale College Choir. Did anyone else get goosebumps besides me? Did anyone else have a few tears well up besides me?

I love that video. It’s a masterpiece of images set to one of the most wonderful songs ever written about our great country.

No one can change the fact that our country was founded on Judeo-Christian values. The agenda-promoters can rewrite history and confuse the next generation, but the true facts of our country’s founding remain.

The America in my heart

Wishing you a safe and happy 4th.

God bless you all, God bless America, and stay strong!


Christians Take Heart

Christians Take Heart

Christians take heartGod is still on His throne.

We knew in this journey that things would happen in the world that would discourage and, even at times, horrify us.

I turn off the news a lot.

And I click out of the internet headlines because they get to be too much.

I read about the “groups” that are now pushing even harder for their “rights” and it makes my skin crawl…like pedos. I can’t even say that full word because it makes me nauseated. You can check it out for yourself. See Allen B. West’s website, June 27th article, for the awful headline. That’s what happens when God’s design for marriage is shot down.

And I turn off the television shows that glorify SIN.

It’s so “in your face” that I get sick of it. In our home, we tape a lot of family-friendly shows and buy movies just to get away from the junk. No agenda-TV for us, thanks.

This continuing defiance and fist-shaking at God that is happening in America will not end well for those who continue to deny His ultimate authority.

Very Troublesome Times Are Up Ahead

As Christians, we must continue to stand up for God’s truth in love and respond with gentleness and respect.

Time to get ready though. There are those people who hate God so much they will vilify believers. That’s you and me.

standing up for God's truth in loveWe will be hated and may lose friendships for speaking up for Jesus Christ, maybe even lose our jobs. We should expect it and be prepared. Someone said to me once, in effect, “Christians always think they’re being persecuted.” How sad is it that someone like that person refuses to listen to what is happening in other countries and also what is already happening here in the United States. They need to be more informed before making a statement like that.

But, in the thick of it, we must continue to pray.

As Christ forgave us, we must forgive them.

Don’t Lose Heart, My Brothers and Sisters in Christ

Stay strong, bold, and courageous. We know how it all ends.

He has overcome the world and keeps all of His promises.

Keep looking Heavenward!

Christ has overcome the world


Father’s Day 2015

Father’s Day 2015 is Sunday, June 21st.

That means … it’s this Sunday!

Is it me or is this year flying by?

I hope you get the opportunity to celebrate with your father this weekend. Whether it’s with a hug, a card, a phone call, a visit – whatever expression of love you wish to give, I’m sure your father will appreciate it.

Missing My Dad

If, like me, your father has passed on, it’s still a special time to remember.

My father was my hero.

It’s hard for me to write this without shedding some tears.

My DadI have so many fond memories etched in my mind. I was blessed to have my father in my life and I thank God for him.

My father was strong, affectionate, and enthusiastic. He loved to laugh and was always interested in what was going on in my life and the lives of others. He was hard-working and athletic and I looked up to him like no other. Can you tell I was his No. 1 fan?

Father’s Day 2015 – Looking Back

Here’s just a few nostalgic thoughts from the past.

It didn’t matter whether I was telling him about something really important or, as a child, about the tadpoles that I had just caught in the creek behind our house. My father had this special way of making me feel like I was the most important person in the room. I believe that’s a God-given gift.

I remember that he would hold my hand during the Blue Angel’s air shows in Pensacola, Florida. As the mighty jets soared over our heads in precise formation, I would grip his hand tighter and he would beam with Navy pride.

Blue Angels air shows with my dad

Encouragement Is So Important

My father was also an encourager. In high school, I needed that assurance. I excelled on the track team, but failed miserably when it came to talking to boys. I was painfully shy. In my freshman year, my high school held a Sadie Hawkins dance. That’s where the girls ask the boys. Horrors!

How would I ever get up enough courage to ask a boy to go out on a date? The thought had me tossing and turning a few nights.

My father used to drive me to school every day and he could tell one morning that I had something big on my mind.

I told him about the dance and insisted that no boy would ever want to go with me. Dad said with his big smile, “Any boy should be PROUD to go with you” and then he proceeded to assure me that everything would be alright. I’ll never forget it.

He was the most encouraging person I’d ever met.

p.s. His pep talk worked and I did end up going to the dance 🙂

I remember that my father never hesitated to say how much he loved me or that he was proud of me after one of my accomplishments.

I loved that he was the first to stretch out his arms for a big hug whenever I would come home from college on a long weekend.

Father's Day 2015

My Hero

My father was a hero in the military too.

He was an honored flight surgeon and we found out years later that he had performed emergency, life-saving, brain surgery on a soldier while on board a ship. He saved lives and I appreciate and respect his service to our country.

I was devastated when he lost his battle to Alzheimers in 1988. As painful as his death was, I knew that he was no longer suffering and was in God’s hands. I’m looking forward to that reunion more than I can say.

Dad, you’re always in my thoughts, but especially this Sunday as our country celebrates Father’s Day. I love you and miss you every day.

Giving you a happy high-five!

Fathers Day


MercyMe Concert

MercyMe Concert and Powerful Song Lyrics

Have you ever been to a MercyMe concert?

If not, you should check them out next time they tour in your area.

MercyMe ConcertI’ve always been a fan, but having recently listened to their “Welcome to the New” album, they’ve risen to the top of my list of favorite Christian bands.

Most recently, my husband and I had the thrill of hearing them in a live concert on the beach in the Bahamas.

There are so many great songs on their album that I find myself listening to their music at least once a day now. Sometimes, their lyrics even pop up in my head at night when I’m trying to sleep.

I hope MercyMe will be around forever. Their engaging music and powerful lyrics will touch your heart.

Here’s their website if you’d like more information on MercyMe concerts and tour news.

MercyMe News

Here’s one of my favorite songs called “Greater.” If you listen (and read closely) in the video below, you’ll see there’s a lot of wisdom and meaning there.

No Condemnation for the Redeemed

Do you feel beat up sometimes?

Who hasn’t, right?

Whether the verbal arrows come from friends, an angry boss, acquaintances, or even family members, they can hurt. Unfortunately, troubles are a part of life in our fallen world and we’re taught in the Bible to expect trials of many kinds.

The angry words, betrayals, and/or lies about us are so unfair. Sometimes, the confrontations can turn physical.

What is our hope in those situations?

Better question, Who is our hope?

What we need to remember is that these hurtful people are on their own spiritual journey (whether they’d like to admit it or not.) They may call you a mistake (as the song “Greater” says) or treat you as if you have no value at all.

He Calls Us His Own

Greater is the one inside of meOur hope is in the One who lives inside of us, and He has called us His own.

The troubles we experience in this life are only temporary, even though it might seem like they’re going on forever.

Praise God that our ultimate peace comes, not from people, but from the fact that we are the Redeemed.

You are not a mistake, no matter what people may say.

Those who taunt and mock us are worthy of our prayers at night. God saw them worthy to be born and they are a part of life. Hopefully, with prayers for our enemies, some day their lives may turn around, just as yours did when you accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior.

Remember, Paul was once Saul of Tarsus. “Saul” was well known for his hatred of Christians. But God had other plans for him.

It’s not always easy, but when I hear some of today’s politicians rant against Christianity and the sanctity of life, I try to remember Paul. There is Hope for America and that we can have a spiritual revival in this country. It has happened before and it is greatly needed now.

Those who hate and mock anything having to do with the one true God still have an opportunity to turn their lives to Christ.

No greater loveI will always hold out hope for those who have thrown their anger my way, praying for them every night that they will come to know the Lord.

From John 6:37, NASB,

All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will certainly not cast out.

Blessings and have a great week!

And a big thank you to MercyMe for your great music. Keep it coming!

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Memorial Day Weekend

Happy Memorial Day Weekend Everyone!

Memorial Day weekend

God Bless All Who Serve

May God bless all of you who served and paid the ultimate price. Your selfless sacrifices have kept this country safe and for that, I thank you!

I grew up in a military family.

Memories of living on the Navy base as a child and going to the PX with my Mom for groceries. I remember going to air shows to watch the Blue Angels with my Dad and holding his hand tightly as the precision flight team soared over our heads in tight formation.

I have unforgettable fond memories of this and of my wonderful father, a Navy captain, who I was so proud of and never told him enough.

Many families will spend Memorial Day this weekend by simply enjoying the day off from work and having the excuse to barbecue.

Please don’t forget what this Memorial holiday is really all about. It’s about remembering those brave men and women who died while serving our country. I have the utmost respect for them and I hope you do too.

Happy Memorial Day weekend!

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