Putting on the Armor of God

Gearing Up for Spiritual Battle

In the Bible, we’re instructed to put on the armor of God. The Enemy is on our doorstep, and it’s time to start getting prepared … if you aren’t already.

putting on the armor of GodEphesians 6:13-17, NASB, says:

13 Therefore, take up the full armor of God, so that you will be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. 14 Stand firm therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; 16in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

– New American Standard Bible (NASB)Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation

That’s a straightforward, pulling-no-punches, command from God. Our strength is in God and in His Word. Ultimately, we are fighting against the devil’s schemes.

No one said it was going to be easy, but no battle worth fighting ever is.

We must pray, read His word, and commit scripture verses to memory so we can be prepared to answer for our faith in the tough days ahead.

attacks on ChristianityNever in my life have I seen so many attacks on Christianity, babies in the womb, racial relations, and God’s design for marriage. As the political arena heats up prior to the 2016 elections, I can only imagine this hatred towards Christians will only get worse.

Blatant irreverence and rebellion towards God.

The News Media Bias is Disturbing

It’s getting real difficult for me to watch or even read the news anymore … continued attacks on pro-life supporters and God’s design for marriage between a man and a woman.

God’s will has now been vilified by the mainstream media as well as the mantra “anything goes” in our society. In fact, there are some segments of our society that want to do away with any descriptions of gender at all. Have you seen what’s happening with California restrooms and what almost happened in a Tennessee school, “he” and “she” were almost done away with.

C’mon, this is nonsense.

As Christians, we need to wake up and get our heads out of the sand.

Parents, please stay involved and watchful.

Those moms and/or dads who have their children enrolled in public schools better be prepared to de-program their kids when they get home. Not doing so is a recipe for disaster. Eventually, the culture war will come to your school and your family will either stand up for your faith in God or you’ll choose to stay silent, hoping it will all just go away.

It won’t.

We are to speak up for our faith when we have an opportunity, exhibiting the reverence we have for our Heavenly Father.

We need to spread the truth of salvation through Jesus Christ alone as quickly as we can against this growing tide of persecution. Have you heard what is happening in the Middle East?

How could anyone stay silent against persecution, even that which has come to America? I do believe we are the terminal generation.

The desecration of a national and historical place in June (I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. I refuse to share a picture) was a disturbing assault on our God-given values of family and faith in our nation’s history. I knelt and cried when I saw it.

Our Nation Needs Prayer

Today, our nation needs prayer. I still hold out hope for America to be a praying nation again, but only God knows the timing of every event to come.

There are Christians in the public eye taking brave stands. That encourages me. Evangelist and best-selling author, Ray Comfort, is one whom I have tremendous respect for.

His heart and compassion for people has led him to witness to many people across the globe. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, Ray has reached countless souls for Christ.

He and his team at Living Waters have also produced some wonderful films which discuss the Christian response to some of the disheartening topics of the day.

Gods design for marriageI also highly recommend the movie, “Audacity.” I’ve seen it twice now and will put the link to it below. The movie is free and just over 55 minutes long. It centers on God’s design for marriage and how to lovingly witness to homosexuals. I repeat,  “lovingly.”

Now, of course, there are those people out there who hate Ray Comfort and anything having to do with Christianity. As vicious as their attacks are, we must pray for them.

Audacity is worth the watch, less than an hour out of your day

We are all sinners and in need of a Savior. It doesn’t matter whether you’re rich or poor, from a different ethnic group, sexual community, old or young – none of that is the point.

“Audacity” will help you see this controversial issue with new perspective.

Here’s the link to the free Audacity movie:

God bless you all. Stay strong, my brothers and sisters in Christ!


Delight In God, Love Him More Than Everything

Delight In God, Love Him Completely

How many Facebook followers do you have?

Ten, twenty, a hundred?

I know people whose friends list numbers in the thousands.


That’s a lot of friends 🙂

Delight in God Your Number One FanDid you know that, despite how large your friends list is on social media, there is One who loves you more than anyone.

He’s always there, loving you from the start, when you were just a baby in the womb.

Psalm 37:23 tells us that:

*23 The steps of a man are established by the Lord, And He delights in his way.Psalm 37:23 NASB

He is the God of Second Chances

God is always ready to forgive, if you repent.

How many of your friends can you say that about? I suspect not many. God not only has the power to forgive, He provides the gift of eternal life to those He has chosen according to His will.

We deserve death, but Jesus paid our fine. That is the most sacrificial, beautiful expression of love that has ever existed in this world.

Please, if you haven’t put your total faith in Christ and repented of your sins, I urge you to do so. I also encourage you to start reading the Bible. The book of John is a great place to start. It’s also important to attend a solid, Bible-believing church in your area where you can hear the authentic gospel message of love, repentance, forgiveness, and salvation.

I watch the news sometimes and it’s so disturbing how evil this world has become. It’s getting worse every day. The abortion holocaust is just one example. I see the combative women holding up signs at rallies celebrating planned parenthood and I cringe for their lost souls.

There is still time for us to seek God’s forgiveness.

How long til you return, Lord? No one knows.

Time is running out, though. Jesus Christ will come again and, with all urgency, I say you don’t want to be left behind.

This song from Charles Billingsley is one I listen to a lot on my iPod. I hope you enjoy.

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*Bible reference: New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation


All Lives Matter to God

All Lives Matter To God

Did you know there are actual blog headlines warning that no one should say, “All lives matter to God”

Professing Christians are “all” brothers and sisters in Christ.

All lives do matter to God. 

That being said, what upsets me to no end is when *anyone* gets hurt or killed through senseless violence.

My heart breaks for families (and communities) who have lost a loved one. 

All of it needs to stop and the perpetrators put in jail.

Sadly, we are living in a very sinful world. 

you matter to God


The Lord Knows You By Name

I don’t know about you, but I get tired of the media and lobby groups telling us what we should think and believe.

When God says He cares about all of us, I take Him at His Word.

I will trust the Lord.

Straight from the Bible, here’s John 10:14-15, ESV –

*14 I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, 15 just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep. – John 10:14-15, (ESV).1

He knows us.

Praise God for that!

God cares about all of us.  Our prayers offered with a sincere heart are lifted instantly all the way up to His heavenly throne above.

No special stamps required.

No fancy words and no lengthy recitations to impress others.

Even the sweet words from a small child will mean much more than those.

sweet words from a small childIt doesn’t matter:

  • Where you live
  • The color of your skin
  • What language you speak
  • Your job title
  • Your age
  • Which church you go to

You will have eternal life with Him if you accept salvation through Jesus Christ alone. You can’t earn your way there.

Salvation is a free gift, but it requires trust in the one true God.

Hell will be bursting at the seams with people who tried to earn their way to heaven some other way.

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1 Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.


God Controls the Stormy Weather in our Lives

I get anxious during stormy weather, I confess.

I look out the window several times and pace a little as the sky darkens and the wind gets increasingly still.

If there’s a tornado threat, I immediately turn on the weather reports, monitor my cellphone weather apps, and text friends to see if they’re aware of the warnings.

God controls the stormy weatherWe’ve had some close calls at our house. One in particular, I’ll never forget it. We were getting ready to go to the Bahamas for our wedding anniversary.

The weather was terrible. I wasn’t too keen on flying in it, but this was a special occasion so you make do, right?

We were getting ready to leave for the airport when I noticed that a little red tornado icon on my phone app popped up very close to our neighborhood.

A tornado was developing  🙁

All thoughts of the vacation temporarily went out the window. It was almost surreal as my husband and I quickly started grabbing dogs and flashlights to head into our safe room. 

Thank the Lord that we were okay and made it through the storm, as were our neighbors and friends. But, it was very scary.

Storms are not my favorite thing.

It’s like the stormy weather we face in life. One minute we’re peacefully living our lives and the next, we get hit with some bad news or potential danger and all we want to do is run and take cover. Makes sense to me.

God controls the stormsThere’s one thing we need to focus on when scary things like this happen. It doesn’t matter who or what causes the storm in your life, God controls it.

Sometimes we get an immediate answer to our prayers, but most of the time God allows the storm to run its course and we face the circumstances we’d rather avoid.

God, help me through this.

He will always see us through our problems. That doesn’t mean they magically disappear. It means that He hears our prayers, knows our concerns, and can give us the strength that only He can give.

Whether it’s a literal tornado, difficult relationships, health concerns, or something else, God is worthy of our trust.

We must not lose sight of Him as we face our fears.

Good Things For All Christians to Remember

God is on our side. He delights in us.

The Heavenly Father is stronger than any storm, trial, or enemy.

He already knows the outcome of the trial we’re facing and He has our best interests at heart.

Trust and faith – that’s it, plain and simple.

None of us are perfect, but God sees the maturing of the masterpiece within.

Praise to our matchless King of Kings!

Don't lose sight of God


Christians – Should You Share That Post?

Christians – Should You Share That Post?

To “Share or Not to Share” – now that’s a good question, especially in this day and age.

Have you ever been on Facebook and seen an inspirational or funny picture-quote from a friend and felt that you had to share it right away on your own wall?

Here’s an example:

Christians - should you share that postIt’s funny, right?

But, be careful.

I’m seeing some risky sharebait and I don’t think people even realize it.

See where it says “Anonymous” in the example? Normally, that word would also be a clickable link to some other website.

Anonymous is usually fine, but it’s some of the other sources I’m seeing all over Facebook that are concerning.

What is sharebait? It’s a post that has the potential of going viral.

Your friend was probably just one of a thousand people on social media who saw a clever post, didn’t check the originating website carefully, and shared it right away.

source of the quoteWho is the originator of the quote and do they represent anything that you want to be associated with? For instance, you would never find me sharing a quote from Bill Maher, or any other liberal – no matter what.

Take Care When You Share

For a fictitious example, let’s say you see a post on Facebook that says in big letters, “I like chocolate” with a picture of a delicious, mouth-watering brownie in the background.

Sounds harmless enough, right? Why not share it?

But wait, what if the the chocolate quote came from a website called “Love is stupid.”

That “Love is stupid” website shows up as a clickable link now, on your wall. Do you really think love is stupid?

check the sourceIt’s wise to check the “source” of the quotes you share before you share.

This actually happened:

A Christian friend of mine shared a wonderful inspirational picture-quote that I almost shared myself until I looked at the source website.

Fortunately, I caught it quickly before I did.

The clickable website “source” contained an F-bomb.

How can you go out and talk about the love of Christ to people when you have an F-bomb glaring at everyone when they look at your Facebook wall? That could be very embarrassing.

guard your witnessThe internet is Satan’s playground. We’re going to see more and more junk from questionable sources online. There will be a distinctive separation between darkness and light and a lot of it will be played out right on the internet.

Psalm 19:14 –

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. 

English Standard Version (ESV)The Holy Bible, English Standard Version Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.



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