Veterans Day November 11th 2015

November 11th, 2015 is Veterans Day

Veterans DayGod bless our veterans! On this day, and every day, I say “thank you” to all who have served and continue to serve our country.

Without them, there is no Land of the Free and Home of the Brave.

I looked up the word “Bravery” in an online dictionary and it returned results such as, heroism, fearlessness, and boldness. I think those terms pretty accurately describe the attributes of the brave men and women in our armed forces.

How Are You Celebrating Veterans Day This Year?

Veterans deserve our respect. Whether it’s a spoken “thank you” said to a veteran who crosses your path or better yet, buying their meal, I know they’ll appreciate the show of patriotism. My husband and I have bought meals for people before at restaurants (anonymously) and it’s hard to put into words the wonderful feeling you get when you offer grace without expecting anything in return. I highly recommend it!

Blessing Our Military

If you’re looking for ideas how to bless the military, Operation Gratitude is here to help. You can choose from writing letters to creating unique craft projects. What a great way to use one of your spiritual gifts. Who wouldn’t want to put a smile on the face of a soldier?

Lord Keep Us Safe

I pray that God will bless our land and keep our country safe. This grace period we’re in won’t happen much longer if our political leaders continue to defy God. All we can do is continue to pray for a revival, vote for faith-based political leaders, and urge a reversal of the anti-God laws that are devastating our country. Seems like it’s all snowballing right now.

If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under. – Ronald Reagan



Don’t Forget to Jump in the Puddles

jump in the puddles

Don’t Forget to Jump in the Puddles

If it’s pouring down rain, would you sit inside and complain about the miserable weather or would you go outside and jump in the puddles?

I thought about this as I read a recent letter from one of our sponsor children, *NG.

I love those letters.

Sometimes she just sends a picture that she created for us and sometimes it’s even more. We’re learning so much about her.

Every piece of correspondence reveals a little bit more about her daily life, her favorite school subjects, and what she is learning about God.

One letter told us that she loves to lead her class in the opening prayer.  I wish I could hear her now because I know that, to see her in person, would touch me deeply.

NG also loves to sing. We have that in common.  🙂

She’s a sweetheart, indeed.

Jump in the puddles

NG also said that, when it rains, she likes to go outside and jump in the puddles. Not so different from children in America, huh? The joy and laughter of a child – doing what children like to do – transcends all economic boundaries.

NG lives in poverty, but despite the dire circumstances of her surroundings, she has the joy of God in her life. I think it’s a lesson we should all keep in mind the next time a messy downpour keeps us from doing something that we wanted to do.

A Silver Lining in the Clouds

We should have gratitude for the rain just as much as we do when the sun is out.

God created everything – from the rain to the rainbows.

This wonderful little girl, who I know I’ll meet in Heaven someday, will have me jumping in the puddles along with her throughout eternity.

That’s a thought I plan to keep in my heart for the next rainy day.


*Full name withheld for child’s privacy.


The 33 Movie

Have you seen the promos yet for The 33 movie?

It looks like its going to be a good one so I wanted to give you the heads up.

(p.s. you’ll want to make sure to bring your Kleenex.)

Remember the national news story a few years ago about the 33 miners who were rescued from the San Jose Mine in Chile?

Chilean mine rescueThis story broke in 2010 and yet, the legacy of these brave men lives forever.

They were plunged into darkness during the mine collapse. There was very little water and food to sustain them. Even so, the men stuck together, kept their faith in God, and inspired the whole world with their stories of courage.

Directed by Patricia Riggen, this movie has a strong cast including Antonio Banderas, Lou Diamond Phillips, and Juliette Binoche.

Yes! Hollywood is making another worthwhile movie.

Unfortunately, this kind of entertainment is not the norm anymore.

Jimmy Sanchez miner quote

Call to Action

Let’s send a pro-family message from the American public. We want more inspiring, pro-family, and faith-based movies in the theaters.

I don’t know about you, but in our house, we avoid going to most movies at the theater. The invasion of vampire, paranormal, sophomoric humor, and political agenda movie topics are rampant and a complete turnoff to us.

“The 33” movie comes out November 13. You can check your local theater for times.

faith based film***Update: I saw the movie and it was really good. There is some language in it so parents need to be aware before taking their kids.

God bless!

*Quote from Chilean miner, Jimmy Sanchez: Crouse, Janice Shaw. “Faith and the Rescued Chilean Miners.” Townhall Media Group, n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2015.;

Chilean mine photo courtesy of : Wikipedia contributors, “San José Mine,” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, (accessed October 27, 2015).


The American Soldier and Jesus

The American Soldier and Jesus

The American soldier and jesusI wanted to share a lovely poem with you this week called “The American Soldier and Jesus.”

It was written by a fellow Christian writer, Robin Bartholomew.

Robin is an accomplished author and has written many encouraging articles and poems. Her writing does not disappoint.

As soon as I saw the title of her poem, it caught my attention. Home of the braveI immediately thought about my Dad, a Navy Captain. Maybe I’m biased, but he was the coolest dad ever! His dedication and service to our country made a big impression on me. He was my hero and I miss him terribly.

To this day, I have the utmost respect for our military men and women and their families. That’s one reason why Robin’s poem resonated with me so much.

I emailed her and Robin was kind enough to give me permission to share her poem with you.

I hope it blesses you on this beautiful October day.


The American Soldier and Jesus

(The Only Two Who Died For You and Me)

by Robin Bartholomew, 09/01/15.

One died for our Freedom
One died to set us Free.
One died on the Battlefield
The other One hanging on a Tree.
One of them took a bullet
The other One a piercing sword.
But both of them gave their lives
And so the Story is told.

The American Soldier…
Young Women and Young Men.
Who shed their blood on the battlefield
In a war they could not win.
Jesus Christ, the Son of God
Shed His Blood on a Tree.
Where He conquered Death and Sin
So that we could all be Free.

Jesus Christ, The Son of God
Who arose again in three days.
Was right there beside that soldier
The day they passed away.
He took their hands and lead them
To a Place beyond the skies.
And set them up in Paradise
Where No One no longer will die.

The American Soldier and Jesus
Died for You and for Me.
One died on the Battlefield
The other One on a Tree.

God Bless America… Land that I Love
Stand Beside Her… And Guide Her
Through the Night… With the Light From Above

Read more articles by Robin Bartholomew

God bless!

Land of the free


Does God Hear Me?

Have you ever asked yourself this question, “Does God hear me?”

Hello God?

This is me.

I have a problem and I could really use your help.

Sound familiar?

God does hear usPerhaps you’ve prayed about something sad going on in your life and there doesn’t seem to be any answers.

You’ve been praying for a long time and yet, nothing changes.

There’s no quick fix. No relief. Nothing.

Where is God? Is He even listening?

We know to trust God, but sometimes, from our human perspective, it appears that He is silent.

As we learn throughout our lives, our desires do not always line up with God’s sovereign will. His Will and providence are always greater, even if we don’t understand it in our grief. Fortunately, a day is coming when we will understand.

Do bad things happen to just me?

If you’ve ever felt that way, first off, you’re not alone.

The Bible tells us that David prayed desperately to God for relief from his adversaries. His pleas are echoed throughout the Psalms.

And not only David. There are many true accounts of Biblical heroes, men and women, who endured personal struggles with courage and perseverance.

HardshipsHardships are a given part of our lives until we reach Heaven.

As Christians, what we have in the meantime is the wonderful promise from God that there’s eternal victory for us in Heaven.

How long, Lord?

How long must we suffer, Lord? No one knows for sure, but we do know that Jesus rose from the dead and He’s preparing a place of eternal joy for His children. His Word is His bond and His truth is absolute. We can rest in that assurance.

In the following Bible verse, the apostle Paul addresses Titus, a Greek believer as an encouragement for the evangelism task ahead.

*Paul, a servant of God and an apostle of Jesus Christ, for the sake of the faith of God’s elect and their knowledge of the truth, which accords with godliness, in hope of eternal life, which God, who never lies, promised before the ages began and at the proper time manifested in his word through the preaching with which I have been entrusted by the command of God our SaviorTitus 1:1-3, ESV

We worship God, who never changes through the ages and He never lies.

In the meantime, we also have a community of brothers and sisters in Christ. We don’t have to feel alone.

church homeIf you haven’t found a church home yet, I encourage you to find one that is bold in preaching the truth of Scripture, mission-minded, and also a supportive body of believers.

There have been challenges in my own life when I’ve turned to close friends who have prayed with me. I am so thankful and I know whom to call 🙂

Broken, but not defeated

We must quietly wait for the Lord to reveal His purpose in our suffering, whether it’s in this life or when we get to Heaven.

Even if it’s hard, we must remain faithful in the midst of our distress. Grumbling, complaining, and blaming God is not the right response.

I’ve had some friends and family members who have lost their fight with cancer. As devastating as their deaths were, they may never have known at the time how their godly perspective of their suffering was an inspiration to all of us who loved them. There’s also the very real possibility that their witness directed lost friends to Christ.

I mean that with my whole heart.

inner beautyWhether it was during personal visits or even from their posts on Facebook, I saw their joy and anticipation, because these dear people had Jesus in their hearts.

No matter what this dreadful disease took away from them physically, no affliction could ever rob them of their inner beauty and spirit. 

A Christian perspective from California

My sister-in-law, Cathie, wanted to share this insight from the Book of Lamentations.

31 For the Lord will not
    cast off forever,
32 but, though he cause grief, he will have compassion
    according to the abundance of his steadfast love;
33 for he does not afflict from his heart
    or grieve the children of men. – Lamentations 3:31-33

In her own words, here’s why these verses mean so much to Cathie:

“When my sister was in remission from melanoma, I once asked her which Bible verses and hymns sustained her during her horrific season of chemotherapy. The above verse from Lamentations is the one I distinctly recall. At the time I was unfamiliar with this verse; but now it is highlighted in pink in my Bible. My sister suffered assorted afflictions during the fifty-three years of her life. All of them were undeserved; none of them resulted from bad choices or a rebellious life style. Yet, she remained faithful to her Lord until her death.

My sister’s accomplishments set the standards for my own life. Much of who I am today is a result of my desire to be like my sister. I am grateful for the gift of a sister who modeled daily Bible reading, suffered with grace, and pointed me towards the compassion and steadfast love of Christ Jesus.”

Thank you, Cathie.

I rejoice that our loved ones in Christ are now walking with our Savior in Heaven. What a reunion we will all have someday!

joyful reunion


* Scripture quotations from the English Standard Version, The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. ESV® Permanent Text Edition® (2016). Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.

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