Happy Easter 2016! Our Savior lives!

Happy Easter 2016!

Happy Easter 2016


I’ll say it again, rejoice!

Christ is risen from the dead.


Easter 2016

Jesus Never Fails

The Cross was never a failure.

Through Christ alone we have salvation and eternal life.

That’s victory, not failure.

God was never destroyed…ever, ever, ever.


Here’s Danny Gokey (formerly a contestant on American Idol) with “Give Me Jesus.” I love this song. I hope you enjoy it too.

I know my Savior lives.

He lives in my heart and yours.

Take heart fellow Christians for He has overcome the world.

From our home to yours, here’s wishing you and

your families a very Happy Easter!

Our Savior lives Happy Easter 2016


Saturday Night Live Sunk to a New Low

I can’t say I’m surprised, but Saturday Night Live sunk to a new low. I tuned into it for about five minutes recently and was disgusted. Saturday Night Live Sunk to a New Low

I’m not a fan of the show. In fact, I haven’t watched SNL for years. I started turning it off it after Dana Carvey left.

I understand that the writers want the show to be controversial. They want to get people talking about it the next day around the water cooler. I used to work in media. I get it. But, that show has taken crass humor to a new level. It’s not just SNL that crosses the line either.

Let me start by saying how this offensive episode even ended up on my screen. It was Saturday evening late. My husband and I were switching through the channels before getting ready for bed. On a whim, I tuned into SNL for the first time in many years.

Big mistake.



In their offensive skit, which was a take-off of the brainless “Bachelor” TV series, they had women lining up to be the guy’s love interest, just like in the real TV show. One of the candidates said something so offensive (a reference to incest with her father) that I felt like throwing up right then and there.

When did Sexual Molestation Become Fodder for Jokes?

I couldn’t turn the channel fast enough. And then I remembered that I saw a promo once for the old show, “The Royals.” That commercial also made a joking reference to incest. Apparently, this is becoming more commonplace.

That is sick, people.

SNL sunk to a new lowAnd yet, we’re supposed to listen to these celebrities when they dictate to us about how we’re to live our lives, how to vote, how to worship (if at all), and what we’re to tolerate and not tolerate.

No thanks.

I’m on a team already. I choose my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. That means when I find anything offensive I have the right to speak up or speak out against it.

Christians Do Have a Say

(1) We have the right to turn junk off in our homes. If your kiddos don’t like it, too bad. They’ll appreciate it someday. Why give those offensive TV shows the ratings? It just encourages the writers to get more and more offensive. If this is the kind of junk they’re joking about now on television, wait and see what happens next year.

(2) We have the right to get up and leave if we’re away from home and this kind of junk is on a TV screen in a store. We have the right to ask the managers of those businesses to turn the channel or station to family-friendly TV. All they can say is no. At least, we’re doing the right thing.

(3) We can write the sponsors of these shows. We can boycott a product or store that promotes anti-God or anti-family values. Why not?

Speak Up, Friends, Gently and Respectfully

I had to do that once at a hair salon. A loud song was playing in the background and the lyrics, which were degrading to women, were blaring in my ear. I asked the stylist to please change the station. She was happy to oblige.

rate of sexual crimesThe rate of sexual crimes in the U.S. is at an all-time high. Women and children (boys and girls) are being raped and, in some cases, murdered. It seems we’re just to laugh it off because the Hollywood machine says to make light of a tragic situation such as incest?

This world is not my home.

I am praying for America, and that Christians can turn back this awful direction our country is moving in. We can expect the anti-God people to shout us down. Let them. They need serious prayer. Sadly, if they don’t turn to God, they’re in for an eternity apart from Him. There is nothing worse. Our God is a just God. Why would we expect anything less?

If people can’t see this growing divide between darkness and light, they need to get their eyes checked and wake up to the grim reality that Satan is of this world.
The coming months are uncertain, but this I do know: Praise the Lord because the ultimate victory is ours.

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A Missionary Here at Home

Can You Be a Missionary Here at Home?

Yes, you most certainly can!

I used to be confused about that myself until, over the years, I came to understand that God will call you where He wants you to be. It may be overseas, or it may be as a missionary here at home. God is calling you to spread His message of salvation through Jesus Christ, and it doesn’t matter where you live.

Our Courageous Brothers and Sisters in Christ

There’s no doubt, the brave men and women who work in the foreign mission field are doing God’s work. They are working tirelessly right there on the front lines, with family in tow, planting seeds for the Kingdom and helping to lead people to Christ.

missionary here at homeI admire foreign missionaries more than I can say. It takes a special person to take the training and learn the culture to be able to acclimate abroad. Many of these missionaries risk their lives every day. They gladly accept the risks, including facing religious persecution and death, to spread the gospel.

But, what if you can’t travel right now? Is missionary work strictly a “ticket overseas” kind of thing? Not at all. In fact, God has endowed all of us with spiritual gifts which we can use for His kingdom no matter where we are. It could be overseas, it could be here in the U.S., it could even be at your place of work during your lunch hour.

*If we give God service it must be because He gives us grace. We work for Him because He works in us.Christian pastor, Charles Spurgeon.

Blessed Giving

Opening your checkbook and donating to missions is a great thing. That’s being a good financial steward. But, if you can also discover your spiritual gifts and use them in a way to bring glory to God, then you’re in the mission field God has chosen just for you.

These are just a few of the many possible examples:

  • Volunteer at a local organization that clothes and feeds the needy and demonstrates God’s love.
  • Become an ESL teacher. Use that wonderful opportunity to break through the language barrier and share Christ’s love.
  • Establish a college campus ministry to support other Christian students in public universities.
  • Use your gift as a musician or vocalist to perform songs that glorify God, especially to our nation’s youth.
  • Start a Bible study for co-workers during your lunch hour.
  • Encourage others through social media.
  • Anonymously buy a meal at a restaurant for someone, for example, a soldier, an elderly person, or a cancer patient.
  • Write articles, a novel, or a screenplay that honors God and reaches a dying world.
  • Share your testimony, especially with a lost friend or neighbor.
  • Hand out gospel tracts in a busy downtown area.
  • Sponsor a child overseas or here at home.

sharing faithIf you are actively sharing your faith with others, then you’re working in a mission field. Don’t feel discouraged if you’re not able to travel with a missionary team. Your mission field doesn’t have to be overseas. It can be where you are right now. We must all look for those opportunities where we can talk about our delight in God with the world.

God will bless you for it!

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*Charles Spurgeon quotation, public domain, as quoted from ChristianQuotes.info.


The Movie, “Risen”

The Movie, “Risen”

Have you seen the promos for the movie, “Risen?”

It looks like it could be pretty good. I’ve checked local theaters and it appears that, unfortunately, the movie is only being offered on a limited release. For instance, in our hometown, it’s just showing this weekend. I don’t understand that, but I really hope folks turn out to support it. We as Christians need to show Hollywood we want more movies the whole family can see.

Here’s a clip released from Sony Pictures for “Risen,”

I haven’t seen the movie yet or even a promotional copy, but I’m hoping for the best and that the film’s producers have created a believable story line.

I love this verse from Scripture

I’ve read the passages in the Bible about the death and resurrection of Jesus. One verse that always come back to mind is this one from Luke 23:47-48, NASB.

* 47 Now when the centurion saw what had taken place, he praised God, saying, “Certainly this man was innocent!” 48 And all the crowds that had assembled for this spectacle, when they saw what had taken place, returned home beating their breasts.

The movie RisenThe centurion praised God! A Roman officer witnessed the horrific events of the Cross and then he praised God.

To praise means to “admire and commend.”

That is so huge and one of the gold nuggets in the Bible that I like to think about. Jesus was experiencing a violent death and yet God’s only Son prayed for His enemies who had nailed Him to the Cross. Jesus also welcomed a repentant thief, also hanging on a cross, into the eternal kingdom that was to come.

JesusCan you imagine the centurion, a non-believer standing guard at the Cross, hearing those precious words of forgiveness from our Lord at a time of His greatest agony?

I try to put myself in his place.

What was going through the centurion’s mind? Perhaps,

No! This can’t be happening.
This man is innocent.
Oh Lord, forgive me.

I get chills.

God bless you this week.

*Bible verse taken from New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation


Rising Above Life’s Storms: Austin and Lindsey Adamec

Rising Above Life’s Storms: Austin and Lindsey Adamec                    

I can’t wait for Austin and Lindsey Adamec’s new album to come out. I recently heard an advance promotional copy and I think their new self-titled EP from Radiate Music is incredible. Their vocals are simply beautiful. The Adamecs There are six songs on the album. The lyrics of every song are heartfelt jewels of encouragement reminding us that God wants none of us to perish and that, with our heartfelt prayers, He will walk with us through every one of life’s storms.

This extremely gifted husband and wife team have dedicated their impressive musical talents to sharing God’s word through song. My favorite song on the album is, “Lost In You.” You can hear an excerpt of it in the video above. The guitar intro and soft harmonies lead the listener along a tranquil path. Sometimes I need that, just to hear a soothing song during the day.

Mysteries unraveling, hope that’s everlasting,

safe in the unknowing is where I want to be.

I’m lost in You, I’m lost in You.

Do you need encouragement? Are you facing a difficult challenge? This song affirms the real peace that comes when we are walking with God. He is always present, just a prayer away, when we put our trust in Him.

It Is Finished

Another favorite song of mine is “It Is Finished.”

A war was waged inside of Heaven,

a war the enemy has lost,

a war that ended with a sentence,

it is finished on the cross.

I love that! There is power, awesome power, in the name of Jesus. Through Him alone we will have the final victory. Spiritual attacks come into our lives, but remember that victory is ours. We must keep our focus and persevere in Jesus’ name.  When our hearts are heavy, we can shout it to our souls, “It is finished on the Cross!”

Rising Above Life’s Storms With Austin and Lindsey Adamec

Austin and Lindsey Adamec have weathered many storms in their own lives. In the beginning of their relationship, their busy schedules often kept them apart. Lindsey’s cup was already full as one of the talented singer/songwriters of 1 Girl Nation and Austin was burning the midnight oil as a singer and songwriter.

“With endless nights away from each other on the road and a growing whisper in our hearts to root ourselves back in the local church, we were desperate for signs in Scripture that pointed to such a crazy blind faith to step out into the unknown. That’s when the familiar passage of Peter walking on water came to us. In the midst of a massive storm on the Sea of Galilee, Jesus tells Peter to ‘come’ and walk out on the storm-battered waters,” 1 says Austin.

The reminder of Peter’s stormy encounter with Jesus marked a renewed commitment for the couple. They faced their challenges head on with fervent prayer and an unshakable faith. Austin and Lindsey AdamecThey decided to take a different path, become a duo, and the resulting album is a testimony to their beautiful story. I love that they are celebrating God’s faithfulness for the world to see. I hope their album will be a huge success. The album drops on March 29. For more information, you can find their website here: austinandlindseyadamec.com. They also have a Facebook fan page at: https://www.facebook.com/Austin-and-Lindsey-Adamec-461601650710092/ I hope you get a chance to check them out. Love and blessings to you!

[1] Single quotation from Hoganson Media Relations. (2016). Austin and Lindsey bio. [Press release}. From http://www.austinandlindseyadamec.com/about/

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