Does life seem absurd to you sometimes?
I have to tell you about an experience my husband and I had coming home from the Bahamas this year.
We’d just enjoyed a week of fun. Sadly, it was time to go home.
Bright and early, we headed off to the airport.
First stop?
A short flight from Nassau to Miami and then on to home sweet home.
Let the Airport Madness Begin
The Miami International Airport is huge.
Big, scary, huge.
Who are all these people?

Lots and lots of waiting.
You get to know the other passengers in those long lines. Everyone is frustrated, looking at their watches, and then suddenly an early morning flight becomes a very long day.
Calgon, Take Me Away
My husband and I people-watch to pass the time. We stared in amazement at all the people scurrying about trying to get to where they’re going, their jobs, vacations, and some just wanted to get back home.
We weren’t expecting anything special.
There’s Something Much Better
In one word, “Wow!”
The plane we boarded could have easily had golden arches towering over it.
It was a Boeing 777.
Talk about comfortable seats. They were swivel seats.
I digress.
Get this; you could even recline fully-flat. I could take a nap!
My inner child had a lot of fun pushing the buttons and testing out the entertainment choices.
We were like kids in a candy store. So much room to stretch out and relax.
I have never in my life been on a plane like that!

Ahhhh, this is the life.
It must have been about ten minutes when, all of a sudden, a very serious-looking captain came walking down the aisle.
Hmmm, not good.
“Sorry folks, we don’t have a co-pilot,” the captain said.
“Everyone off the plane.”
Bumped Back Into Reality
I did a double take and had to pinch myself to make sure this was real.
But I want this plane!
I looked over at my husband. He was busy gathering all of our belongings for the Walk of Shame.
Up the aisle we went, kicking and screaming (well, almost), to get off our new favorite plane.
“But, I like this plane,” I said to my husband.
This time, I said it out loud.
He had a look on his face like I was trying to make him eat Brussels Sprouts.
“I know. Me too,” he said.
We laugh about it now. Our brush with perfection came to an end.
It’s Time to Know What You Believe
Just like our brush that day with the creature comforts of a fabulous airplane, the supposed good life here on earth is only temporary.
It’s time to know what you believe, even if you’re 99 years old and about to hit the big 100.
I can’t think of anything worse than for people to get to their end of their lives and find out they’re not going to Heaven.
In other words, they get bumped.
Do you have friends or family who still believe that simply being kind to other folks is enough for God?
Sadly, there are even some who are comfortable putting off the whole “Jesus” thing because they believe there’s always more time.

Or, they’re enjoying life and ignoring the obvious signs of a temporary world gone nuts.
Having to admit that they’re sinners in need of God’s forgiveness is just too much.
It’s Not Too Late, Yet
Heaven is on an eternal plane, and there’s a free ticket for every one of us, but, read on.
It’s free to authentic believers because Jesus paid the immeasurable price of our admission.
Our God is a God of love, but He is also a God of justice.
Hell is very, very real.
Doing good deeds without faith in God, is not going to get us anywhere, except to a destination of eternal disappointment.
It’s not about a church building alone. It’s about authentic faith and recognizing that there are consequences for not putting your trust in salvation through Christ alone.
*3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 to an inheritance that is imperishable, undefiled, and unfading, kept in heaven for you, 5 who by God’s power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. – 1 Peter 1:3-5, ESV.
Don’t Get Bumped
If you know of someone who hasn’t accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior, please don’t delay in telling them the good news of the gospel.
Lovingly tell the people you care about to not be embarrassed if they’ve waited until late in life to accept God’s gift of grace.
You (and they) are that valuable to God. Please tell them the whole story, that God loves, but He will also exercise His Supreme authority and judgment at the appointed time.

As babies in the womb, we are precious in His sight.
Jesus is at the gate, and He’s waiting for us to tell the world to get on board.

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*Scripture quotation is from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, copyright © 2016 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.