Are You What You Were?

Are You What You Were?

Have you ever heard the expression:

“If you are what you were, then you ain’t.”

I like that one. 🙂

Granted, it’s rather slangy, but it leads right to the heart of Christianity.

Here it is, straight from the Bible.

*Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. – 2 Cor 5:17, ESV

Change For The Good

Once we accept Christ, our hearts and attitudes begin to change.

We are a new creation in Christ, although not perfect and not sinless.

We are works in progress.

Consider the lovely butterfly.

Are you what you were?

If God cares about a creature as small as this, would He care any less about you and me, created in His image?

Watch this stunning 4-minute video, and you’ll see what I mean.

He Loves Us More Deeply Than We Could Ever Imagine

It took me many years to gain a Christian perspective, through various trials and in some very dramatic ways. God knew what it would take to get my attention. I praise Him for His continual mercy.

Every day is another opportunity to try and shine His light to the world.

quotation from Charles Spurgeon

Some days will go better than others. But, He sees us working at it, and that’s what matters.

In Christ, those things that seemed so important long ago pale in comparison to what lies ahead.

We will all continue to experience troubles and suffering in this world,  now for a little while. But remember dear brothers and sisters in Christ, our faith in Him is more precious than gold.

more precious than gold

The spiritual battles continue, and you will face tests of different kinds.

We must stay strong and persevere.

God bless!


*Scripture quotations from the Holy Bible, ESV, English Standard Version, ® Permanent Text Edition®, copyright ©2001, Crossway Bibles.
**Charles Spurgeon quotation, public domain, as quoted from”


Trending Topics and God’s Reminders

Trending Topics 

Trending Topics

Does the term “Trending Topics” sound familiar to you? If so, then you must have seen those little briefs in your Facebook notifications.

No matter what, Facebook displays these trending topics. Right there in black and white, these headlines are designed to evoke a reaction and get you to click on them. Most of the topics lean towards one political party. There’s also the occasional rant of a celebrity who threatens to leave our country if a particular candidate gets elected. Often there’s a new political scandal or revelation. Heavy sigh.

Can You Shut Them Off?

Do you want to shut them off like I do? I’ve tried to delete these trending topics. The instructions say to click on an option such as “I don’t care about this.” You’d think the topics would then disappear, right? Wrong. Every time I click to get rid of them, the briefs are still there minutes later, no matter what I click and how many times I go back onto the site. So much negative, right? So, so much.

Wite outWhere’s the Wite-Out? Wouldn’t it be nice to take some correction tape and permanently erase those little briefs you don’t want to see on the side of your screen?

God’s Reminders

How about some briefs that reflect something good for a change?

These are some of God’s reminders I like to think about and want to share with you. Take a look at these truths and remind the other believers in your life what we have to look forward to, no matter who wins the election. There’s an ending to all of this global junk and it’s a Good Ending. There’s no cliffhanger to keep us guessing. The Bible tells us how it ends.

In the meantime, when fear and doubts come, dear ones, please remember:

1. God does not abandon Us

He hasn’t gone anywhere. God will never break His triumphant promise. He never violates His Word. Regenerate believers – He’s right there with you. Talk to Him when the fears come.

God will listenI’ve done that myself. I’ve walked outside during a beautiful sunset and silently prayed to God about my concerns. I know He is listening. I feel a sense of peace I can’t even adequately describe and His peace eventually takes over any fearful thoughts. Try it sometime.

**Even so, the cross we carry is only for a little while at most, and then we shall receive the crown, the glory. Surely we should love the cross and, instead of shrinking from it, count it very dear, for it works out for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison.Alistair Begg, Christian Pastor.

2. God continues to bless us individually according to His Will

Christians have the blessing of eternal life. But, in addition to that beautiful assurance, God will also continue to pour out His blessings on us as individuals. Don’t miss those blessings.

Let’s start with this morning. You’re up and breathing, right? Have you thanked Him yet? God didn’t create you just to go through life, work yourself to the bone, retire someday, and then breathe your last breath. Poof! It’s all over. That’s a defeating premise for someone like you and me who God is holding in His grip.

God's reminders

God created you and me for so much more. We can’t waste our lives on the trivial stuff. If there’s something you can do to bring glory to Him, do it! Acknowledge Him. You may never know in this life whose lives you may have touched by doing so, but some day you will know. Your witness may help plant the seed that leads someone else to eternal life with Christ, and it’s all worth it.

3. There is one way to eternal life, and that is through the saving grace of Jesus Christ

One way. Not ten ways, not a thousand, not even a trillion. (How many zeroes is that?) There is one way, praise the Lord! 

Why does the Bible refer to us like sheep? It’s not flattering. Sheep play “follow the leader” and will blindly follow the herd off a cliff.

*6 All we like sheep have gone astray;
    we have turned—every one—to his own way;
and the Lord has laid on him
    the iniquity of us all.

  Isaiah 53:6, ESV

Christ took the fall for all of yours and my sins and gave us His saving grace. Praise the Lord we have a Shepherd to guide us and protect us until He calls us home.

4. God gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is our Advocate. The Holy Spirit convicts us. Take the hint  🙂

Cherish the presence of the Holy Spirit in your life. If you mess up, apologize sincerely to God, and He will forgive you.

5. Everything in life is working out according to His Will

Life may feel like it’s going to hell in a hand basket, but God’s Will is done every day, behind the scenes. His will is at work and we can’t fully understand it.

I’ve asked that question myself, “How can this be right for our country? How can that even be happening?”

Remember that sheep analogy earlier?

As sad and as tragic as events in this world will get (a fact of life), all circumstances are following God’s timeline.

God is all-knowing. Nothing surprises Him. And the good news is that His Light will always win out over darkness. The trials and sufferings we have experienced (and will experience) during our lifetimes are gone in a flash when Jesus returns for His Church. Remember, God’s timing is very different from our concept of time.

To God, a year or more is nothing

As an example, a year can seem like forever to us. To God, a year or more is nothing.

Everything that happens to us as believers is leading to a spectacular and very real event in our future.

6. Everyone who should be saved will be

It’s comforting for me to know that no true Christian will be left behind. That’s why we must take it to heart to share our stories of how our lives changed once we started following Him.

God doesn’t want anyone to perish. We must humble ourselves as a child, and seek His forgiveness. In the final chapter of our lives on this planet, earthly power, riches, success, and status mean nothing. The only thing with eternal meaning is our relationship with Him.

As I was leaving a morning Bible study recently, I had this song playing on my iPod. I always liked the melody, but intently listened to the lyrics this time and thought how foretelling they are. It’s a song by MercyMe called, “Finally Home.”

If you get a chance, please listen to the lyrics. Think about meeting God face to face. Imagine reflecting on your life with the One who gave you life. He loves you that much!

God bless!


*Scripture quotation from the The Holy Bible, English Standard Version. ESV® Permanent Text Edition® (2016). Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers.

**Begg, Alistair, “Your Cross.” 5 April 2017, Web Access 05 April 2017. Copyright Truth For Life. Used with Permission.


Movie I’m Not Ashamed

The Movie “I’m Not Ashamed”

I'm Not Ashamed movie


When I see a movie that inspires me, I can’t wait to recommend it to family and friends.

“I’m Not Ashamed,” is one of those films. The good news is that it releases this weekend in local theaters so you can see it too.

I accepted the invitation to pre-screen the movie over two months ago, and it still resonates with me to this day. It’s truly an unforgettable film.

Pure Flix’s, “I’m Not Ashamed” is the deeply touching story of Rachel Joy Scott. She was a victim of the tragic shootings at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado.

Keeping Your Faith in the Midst of Unspeakable Horror

On that awful day in U.S. history, April 20th, 1999, two high school seniors, in a pre-meditated act of hatred and revenge, took the lives of 12 students and one teacher in a murderous rampage in the high school. The gunmen, 18-year-old Eric Harris, and 17-year-old Dylan Klebold, also wounded 25 others in the brutal tragedy which played out on national television.

The film is intense, no doubt about it. I believe parents and their appropriately-aged teenagers should attend this movie together. With this intention in mind, it will make for a meaningful dialogue afterward.

Talk To Your Kids

Parents – because it’s a very real possibility, please teach your children about reporting legitimately suspicious behavior, and remaining aware of their surroundings, even at school. No one wants their child to feel paranoid in the hallways, but it’s a different world we live in now.

I’m Not Ashamed

From the beginning of the movie, Rachel, beautifully played by Masey McLain, captures our hearts as she navigates the turbulent hallways of Columbine High school.

Rachel Joy Scott

Her passionate journey of allegiance to God met with continual faith-testing disappointments and rejection from friends. Rachel felt emotionally broken at times, and that God was silent.

Heartfelt thoughts, drawings, and prayers recorded in her journal became the basis for the movie. The film very accurately portrays the stresses and temptations of daily life in a public high school, from the pressures of drinking, taking drugs, to having sex before marriage. There’s no sugar-coating it here. Temptations are around every corner, and Rachel and her friends are deep in the middle of it. Rachel struggles to hang onto her faith. A noncommittal boyfriend and the constant bullying of some of her unpopular friends added to Rachel’s loneliness and anguish.

The Movie, I’m Not Ashamed

I am not going to apologize for speaking the Name of Jesus.

 I am not going to justify my faith to them, and I am not going to hide the light that God has put in me. If I have to sacrifice everything . . . I will.
– Journal excerpt from Rachel Joy Scott, I’m Not Ashamed Film – Lifeway Christian Resources,, (accessed October 19, 2016).

Rachel’s Tears

I read the book, Rachel’s Tears, written by Rachel’s parents several years ago. Similar to the book, the movie reveals a touching reference to the meaning of the “tears” she drew in her journal. It is chilling. Wait til you see the movie, and you’ll know what I mean.

Some feel the need to debate the actual words Rachel said to her killers before her death, but I have no doubt after reading the book, and now seeing this movie, that she was the warrior for Christ she always wanted to be.

The cast includes both Korie and Sadie Robertson of A&E’s “Duck Dynasty” fame. The starring roles don’t end there. Christian vocalist, Jaci Velasquez, also makes an appearance in the film.

In my opinion, award-winning director, Brian Baugh, accomplished his goal of telling a cinematic story that inspires as well as it heals. The creative vision of producers Chuck Howard, Brad Allen, Michael Martin, and Nise Davies beautifully brought Rachel’s story to life.

Pure Flix, Visible Pictures, LLC., and Big Film Factory officially release the movie on Friday, October 21st.

Check your local listings for times.

God bless


Lord, Humble Me

Lord, Humble Me

Have you ever heard a fantastic quote from someone, the kind that just sticks with you for days?

I had one of those “why didn’t I think of that?” moments recently.

I came across the following quote from Senior Pastor Keith Krell of Spokane, Washington. He’s a well-respected contributor to the Bible.Org website.

*Pastor Krell describes the quote as a daily prayer of his.

I think it’s genius.

Here it is:

Lord humble me

A Light Bulb Moment

Whoaa! Makes sense, doesn’t it?

Have you ever felt humbled by the Lord? Things appear to be going well, you’re a rock star in your mind, and then “it” happens.

The Lord’s chastens you. It reminds you that He, not you, are in control. As a parent corrects the child he or she loves, so the Father must discipline us at times in our lives. Even though in our human minds we don’t think it’s fair, we have to remember that ultimately it’s because He loves us.

Lord Humble Me

I remember back in the 80’s when I thought I had the best job in the world and that I would never leave an on air TV career. Unfortunately, my ambitions were higher than my faith. I had visions of starting a successful career in Louisiana and ending up, perhaps in Miami or California, working in a big TV market. Not once did I consider saying, “Lord willing.”

God had other plans for me, and that job and career are no more. Looking back, I don’t regret a second of that long, sometimes painful journey, because it led me to a deeper, personal relationship with our Savior.

Delight Yourself in the Lord

When your life is seemingly going haywire, that’s not the time to quit, or worse, think that you can handle it on your own, without God.

Ask for prayer from your friends and family, and keep asking.

Thru Christ, we have power, mercy, forgiveness, and grace, but it’s not by ignoring His great sacrifice. Have you committed your life to Him?

My heart belongs to the Lord

Who Was, and Is, and Is To Come

There’s a song I’ve sung in choir many times at church. Perhaps you know it.

Try closing your eyes while concentrating on these lyrics when doubts plague your mind. Here, Kari Jobe sings “Revelation Song.”

Delight Yourself in the Lord and encourage someone this week.

Yours may be the only encouragement they get.

God bless!


*Single quotation from (2010). Author Senior Pastor, Keith Krell. [Article: 25. A Feeding Frenzy (1Corinthians 11:17-34). From


God Sees Everything


God sees everything.

Not just some stuff, but all of the happenings in our lives – big and small.

Did your mom ever tell you that she had “eyes in the back of her head?”

Nothing escapes her attention where her kiddos are concerned, right? 

In reality, there is only One, our Heavenly Father, who sees and knows all.

Hebrews 4:13 tells us:

13 Nothing in all creation is hidden from God. Everything is naked and exposed before his eyes, and he is the one to whom we are accountable. – Scripture quotation is from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright ©1996, 2004, 2007 by Tyndale House Foundation. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. All rights reserved.

Nothing escapes God, especially when we’re, let’s just say, misbehavin’.

We can’t outsmart God.

No matter how hard we may try.

Silly Humans, Indeed

I have to tell you about one of the hilarious antics of one of our Siberian Huskies, a beloved member of our family.


Chip was a gorgeous boy. As loveable as he was, he was also very mischievous. He did something once that was so funny it still cracks us up every time we think about it.

A few years ago, my husband and I had to run some errands and decided to leave our dogs loose in the house, instead of in their crates.

We locked up the house like Fort Knox. We closed all doors, blocked off a hallway, positioned baby gates so Chip and our female husky, Misha, had free run of the kitchen and hallway.

My husband and I left for an hour and then came back home, hoping to find two sleeping Siberian Huskies who kept their promise to “be good” while we were gone.

I walked in the house first.

The hallway looked clear of any debris from a canine free-for-all. Yay!

The dogs were very excited to see us. So far, so good.

I got a little further down the hall, and then I saw it.

Ruh Roh, Not Good
Peeled bananas were all over the floor.


like-nothing-happenedApparently, Chip grabbed a bunch of bananas off our kitchen counter, ate a few, and gave some to his girlfriend. Those two rascals had a dinner party and left the whole bunch of banana peels all over the floor for us to clean.

Worse yet, they tried to outsmart us, greeted us at the door and acted like nothing had happened.

My husband and I look back now and laugh.

Oh, how we wish we had a video camera that recorded their hi-jinks while we were gone.

The evidence of their little escapade was everywhere.

God sees everything, no video camera needed

God knows us, better than we know ourselves.

He sees it when you curse out that person on the interstate or get into that heated argument with your son or daughter.

And yet, despite it all, He still loves us and convicts us of our sins.

God sees everything

All of those white lies, secret sins, all of it – God sees and hears, and yet, He wants us to come into a relationship with Him. Wretched sinners that we are, if we ask for His forgiveness, He hears us.

We need to be honest with God.

All He asks is for us to repent and trust in the only way to eternal life, salvation through His Son.


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