Jesus Changes Everything

Merry Christmas to One and All!

Merry Christmas to one and all

Are you enjoying the holidays?

I sure am.

We recently attended the annual Grapevine Opry Christmas Reunion Show and I heard a beautiful song during the performance that I’m still thinking about. It’s the Faith Hill song, “A Baby Changes Everything.”

Have you heard it yet?

I try to imagine what it would have been like for Mary the day the Angel Gabriel revealed that she would be with child.

This blessed child named Jesus would grow up to become a man and teach us about salvation, even to this day. He came to save us, and the entire world would never be the same again.

I can’t hear this song without shedding a few tears.

The little Lord Jesus lying in a manger.

Innocent and precious, the Darling of Heaven.

Jesus changes everything

Little fingers, little toes.

The soft round head that I’m sure Mary and Joseph covered with sweet kisses on that Night Above All Nights. And when He cried, they picked Him up as loving parents do and comforted the Christ child until He fell softly to sleep.

Thank You Jesus

Thank you Jesus for changing everything in my life, from the inside out. The journey is sometimes painful, but You comfort me and Your grace is sufficient.

The goals I aspired to as a child pale in comparison to the breathtaking joy I look forward to someday spending time with my Savior in Heaven.

Thank you Heavenly Father for sending us your Son. He is Your gift to an undeserving world.

You and Me are God’s Treasures

Talk to Him, He will hear you.

Have you accepted Jesus as your Savior?

If not, it is not too late.

Don’t know where to start?

Your answer may be just a phone call away.

Find a Christian friend or family member and ask them how to be saved.

It’s the best decision I ever made in my life and I’m grateful that the Lord heard my broken prayers.

From broken to redeemed, Jesus changes everything. With your repentant heart, a happy eternal life can be yours too.

Joy in Christ for all eternity

Jesus Changes Everything

This world and the sufferings we experience are only temporary.

With gratitude, I look back on the blessings God has allowed in my life and remember that these are mere glimpses that God allows of what will be mine for eternity.

Who wouldn’t want that?

I encourage you to pray about this decision if you haven’t made it yet.

God bless you on your journey towards Him.

From our home to yours, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas


Star Light Star Bright

Christmas Is Almost Here!

Star light star bright

Can you feel the excitement?

The music, the holiday specials on TV, the Christmas presentations at local churches – it’s what I look forward to every year.

I’m not the most creative person in the world, but I did come up with an idea that has become a little tradition at our house and I wanted to share it with you.

If you ask my husband, he will claim it was his idea.

Like he does about all the great ideas at our house 😉

So, how did this idea come about?

Star Light, Star Bright

In the second chapter of Matthew, the Bible describes the Magi following the brilliant star that led them to the birthplace of Jesus.

Think about that star that lit up the sky and how overjoyed the Magi felt to come and worship our newborn king.

I wanted to somehow capture the joy and wonder of Christ’s birth, so an idea came to me about using flameless candles.

backlight the manger scene

I love flameless candles!

We have several on hand in case the power goes out or, for an even better reason, those times when we want to have a candlelight dinner.

There are three manger scenes of varying sizes in our home, including one large one given to us by my husband’s parents. We really treasure it.

I took flameless candles and backlit each manger scene with them.

Here’s the cool thing.

When you turn off the lights in the room, you see the manger with just the flickering candle behind it.

It serves as a reminder to us of that blessed night when our Savior was born.

special night when our Savior was born

Feel free to use this idea at your home if you want.

I won’t even be mad if you steal the idea 😉

The Joy of Christmas

Another part of the joy of Christmas is children.

The wonder and exuberance they feel when they experience the real reason for the season is heartwarming.

Here’s the beautiful song, “Who Would Imagine A King,” sung by a remarkably talented young vocalist.


May your Christmas be merry and bright! 

God bless


How Many Kings

The Song “How Many Kings” by Downhere

Sounds of Christmas

Here I go again.

Another song has touched my heart – so much so that I’ve added it to my iPod playlist.

Have you heard the song “How Many Kings” by Downhere?

Our church choir sang this song, among others, for our Christmas presentation last Sunday and I’ve been in love with it ever since.

In just a little over four minutes, the song’s lyrics capture the heart of what Christmas is all about.

*Lowly and small, the weakest of all
Unlikeliness hero, wrapped in His mother’s shawl
Just a child
Is this who we’ve waited for?

How Many Kings

“Just a child,” but not just any child.

Jesus Christ is the Savior of the World!

*How many gods have poured out their hearts
To romance a world that has torn all apart
How many fathers gave up their sons for me?
Only One did that for me.

Worshiping the Messiah Doesn’t Stop After Christmas

“How Many Kings” is one of those songs you can listen to any time of year.

In less than a month, Christmas will be over.

The colorful decorations around the house and the stockings on the hearth are carefully packed away for next year. For some folks, that may feel like a let down.

But hark!

Notice I said “hark.” This is the only time of year that fits. 😉


Jesus Christ and the celebration of His life is for all seasons.

Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring – He’s the reason there’s a “you” and a “me.”

May the blessings of Christmas warm your heart as we prepare to celebrate Christ’s birth!

*Song lyrics courtesy of MetroLyrics.


Happy Thanksgiving 2016

Happy Thanksgiving 2016!

Happy Thanksgiving 2016

It’s that wonderful time of year again.

Time to roll out your favorite holiday traditions.

Don’t you just love Thanksgiving?

Get ready because, in this blog post, I’ll share my best all-time tip for having an enjoyable Thanksgiving. I don’t share this with just anyone, either.

But First …

I thought we’d start with some fun questions to get you in the mood.

Here are some very easy questions that are sure to pose some controversy. Let’s not fight over this, okay?  🙂

Roasted, Smoked, or Fried Turkey?

Smoked … all the day long.

Once I tried my husband’s smoked turkey for the first time, we’ve never gone back.

For us, nothing can compare with a smoked turkey. It’s so moist when it comes out of the smoker, there’s no need to brine the bird.

No brine – no kidding.

Seriously, isn’t that big bird going through enough?

If I had to pick a second choice, it would be a fried turkey. We’ve had neighbors share some of their fried turkey with us and it is delicious. However, I’m a smoked girl for life.

All of you turkey roasters out there, I still love you.

Sautéed Green Beans or Green Bean Casserole?

My imaginary evil twin always picks the green bean casserole. On Thanksgiving day, she wins. Sautéed beans are so much better for you, but hey, ya gotta live a little. 

At our house, we even add some Mexican cheese to our green bean casserole.

I know, I know.

Giada De Laurentiis would have a cow over that, but it’s Thanksgiving, for goodness sake.

P.S.  I had to look up how to spell Giada’s last name.

P.P.S.  Giada was born in Italy. I have Italian blood. We might be related.

More Questions, Stick With Me

Creamy Mashed Potatoes or Sweet Potato Casserole?

The answer for us is:

Ding, ding, ding!

Creamy mashed potatoes.

I let my husband make the potatoes. Cooking them keeps him busy so I can go sit down and rest my feet for a moment. I used to have a lot of energy. I save it now for special occasions.

Real Cranberry Sauce or That Red Blob Thing That Comes in a Can?

cranberry sauceIf you ask me, hands down, the real cranberry sauce.

I have Alex Guarnaschelli’s recipe for a yummy cranberry sauce made with real cranberries, cinnamon, a hint of orange zest, and other holiday spices. It is too die for and it makes my kitchen smell good.

I never used to like cranberry sauce growing up, but now this gourmet recipe is something I look forward to on Thanksgiving Day.

If you ask my husband, I hate to say it, he prefers the wobbly red thing that looks like it could eat Manhattan.

A A H H H!

If he wasn’t so cute, it could have been a deal-breaker.

Pecan Pie or Pumpkin Pie?

pecan pie all the way

Pecan pie, all the way.

It’s full of brown sugary goodness that makes you want to scarf it all down in one sitting. Afterwards, if you can stand up, you can go in another room and try to discreetly unbutton the top button of your pants.

C’mon – you know do.  😉

You’ve Been Patiently Waiting

And now, here’s my big tip for Thanksgiving to make it a lot more enjoyable.

Drum roll, please.

Hide the stupid scale.

You know what I’m talking about – that contraption in your bathroom that you step on to get your weight.

It’s Thanksgiving and it’s meant to enjoy. Unless you have medical reasons that prevent you from eating whatever you want – then celebrate this special day with your loved ones and get back on the diet when it’s all over.

That’s an order, then report back to me.

Thank you

On an even more personal note, I just wanted to say thank you for reading my blog this year.

If I had your addresses I would send all of you some chocolate chip cookies.

God is so good and we have so much to be thankful to Him for.

I hope your Thanksgiving is filled with much joy and love.



Rose Among The Thorns

Be The Rose Among The Thorns

Has all the election buildup driven you nuts?

I completely understand.

I’m glad the election is over now. I believe that Donald Trump and his Christian running mate, Mike Pence, can do a lot of good for our country. We need to pray for God’s hedge of protection over America and Israel.

Friends, we have work to do.

First and foremost, no matter who is president, Jesus will always be our glorious King.

The Battle Isn’t Over

We must remain watchful. Haters of Christianity haven’t gone anywhere. Pray for them and shine your light to the world.

Child of God, no one can take away the love God has for you.

His love for you is eternal.

Jesus is coming back for His true believers and that’s why the devil hates us so much. 

It doesn’t matter how powerful the enemies of our faith seem, when it comes to God’s enduring protection over His sheep, evil is ultimately powerless.

I’ve seen some of the nasty comments from those who are upset over the election results. It’s sad that people can act that way on social media and television. Even so, we must respond with grace.

Be the rose

Be The Rose

You won’t hear this on the news, but here’s the truth:

  • God is never surprised.
  • His ways are not our ways.
  • His plan is working itself out.
  • There are many lost people in this world. They’ve turned their backs on God and His Word. They’ve bought into man’s vision of a utopia. Pray for them.
  • The spiritual battle rages on. Rely on the power of God.
  • Put on your spiritual armor, the Word of God. Commit His truths to your heart.
  • We will continue to feel the sting of this broken world, but the future Glory is ours.

Remember, we’re just passing through this world.

Be the rose among the thorns.

God Bless America!


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