When Life Gets Absurd

Hello, everyone!

Does life get absurd for you sometimes?

Don’t worry. You’re not alone.

At one time or another, things start to zigzag, and we get a little hitch in our get-along.  😉

Maybe a good belly laugh might help you feel better.

Do you love to laugh?

I sure do, especially those moments when something is so funny, that I almost fall off my chair.

when life gets absurd

Amen to some laughter therapy.

Sign me up!

First and foremost, we must remember that Almighty God is in control. Secondly, and for our own sanity, we need to make time to laugh.

Make Time To Laugh

Laughter can equal joy.

Have you laughed yet today?

Let me see if I can help.

Have you ever seen a Tim Hawkins concert in person?

Hawkins is a Christian comedian, and he’s hilarious.

I’m talking laugh-out-loud funny.

My husband and I saw him perform live, and – no kidding – I was laughing so much that my jaws hurt.

I love that Hawkins finds comedy in the most mundane things of life. His humor reminds me a little bit of Seinfeld, except it’s safe for the whole family.

Besides his hilarious view on life, Hawkins is also a talented singer and guitarist and incorporates musical parodies into his act as well.

Just in case he does not appear in your area, I’ve attached a few of his clips below.

This first one is about moms and the things they said to us as kids.

Men and women couldn’t be more different. Whether it’s how we order food or the things we dream about, sometimes it gets hysterical, right?

I think this is one of his funniest skits.

Tim Hawkins plays to sell-out crowds all over the United States. If you get a chance, check out his website to see if his latest tour is coming to your area.

Sending love and the hope that these clips may have brightened your day!


*Chuck Swindoll quotation, as quoted from Christianquotes.info.


The Movie The Case For Christ

The Movie, “The Case For Christ.”

Have you seen Pure Flix’s new movie, “The Case For Christ?”

If you haven’t yet, I highly recommend it.

What are you waiting for? 🙂

Go! Go!

Seriously folks, you never know how long movies will last in the theaters, especially good Christian films.

You may remember the title is also a best-selling book written by Lee Strobel.

By the way, Strobel’s book was one of the first I read when I converted to Christianity 20 years ago.

The movie The Case For Christ

It’s an awesome book and, in my humble opinion, the film is just as compelling.

An Intriguing Movie

Who is this Strobel guy anyway and why is his story so appealing?

Lee Strobel is a former award-winning journalist for the Chicago Tribune, among other publications.

He’s also a former atheist.

Whoa, the “A” word.

In the blogging world, atheists are often the same men and women who will pick a fight over any mention of God just for the point of arguing and name-calling.

I love to see how God works in people’s lives, especially former atheists.

Strobel’s early cynicism and eagerness to disprove Christianity was the exact provocation that eventually, in God’s perfect timing, ended up leading the author to Christ.

Strobel is another great example why we need to pray for the atheists in our lives. There is hope for their salvation. (See the beautiful account of Paul’s conversion in Acts 9:1-22.)

A Skeptic’s Skeptic

In the early days of his marriage, Strobel was a skeptic’s skeptic, as far as Christianity was concerned.

He didn’t even want to hear about his wife’s newfound faith.

Strobel tried to avoid all things Christianity, but God is providential and bigger than any man’s resistance to God’s plan for his salvation.

*On November 8, 1981, I realized that my biggest objection to Jesus also had been quieted by the evidence of history. I found myself chuckling at how the tables had been turned. In light of the convincing facts I had learned during my investigation, in the face of this overwhelming avalanche of evidence in the case for Christ, the great irony is this: It would require much more faith for me to maintain my atheism than to trust in Jesus of Nazareth! – Author, Lee Strobel.

I don’t want to ruin the movie or the book for you, so I won’t give out much more information than what I’ve already shared. The book provides a lot more detail than the movie can in a little over an hour long, so it’s worth taking the time to check them both out.

I believe this movie is a must-see, despite what the jaded mainstream critics say.

Bring Kleenex, Just In Case

Is the movie a tearjerker?

For me, it was. (The lady in front of us was also dabbing tears!)

The film’s list of actors includes Mike Vogel, (also appeared in “The Help”), Erika Christensen, and Faye Dunaway.

The movie, “The Case For Christ,” is currently playing in select theaters nationwide.

God bless


*Strobel, Lee. (1998). The Case For Christ: A Journalist’s Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus. Quotation from page 265. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan Publishing House.


A Prayer of Thanks and Praise

Hello, everyone!

Did you have a good Easter?

I thank God for the beautiful day that it was, for the blessed time of singing and worship at church, and most importantly that we serve a Risen Savior!

a blessed Easter


Every day we should thank God for His blessings.

We should also thank God for who He is.

Praising God for who He is, should be a priority in our lives as Christians, and yet sometimes it takes a back seat when daily responsibilities crowd out what’s most important.

Why is that?

Jesus prayed.

The one and only Son of Holy God prayed.

What in my, or your life, is so important that we sometimes put off our quiet time with Jesus until the next day or the next?

Regaining Time With God

Prayer of Thanks and Praise

With humility, and also because I’m the queen of “gotta do this, gotta do that,” I am purposefully sitting down to write a gratitude prayer to the Almighty.

There is no greater sacrifice than that of His Son, Jesus Christ.

A Prayer of Thanks and Praise

Heavenly Father, we don’t thank you enough for who You are – the Father of absolute truth in a world of confusion.

Your holiness is unmatched. We can never attain holiness on earth and yet, by the grace of Jesus Christ alone, we can approach Your throne with humility and ask for Your forgiveness.

There is nothing and no one more important than You.

You formed this big world out of nothingness.

It is Your masterpiece.

Because you are Good and Holy, You have blessed us with Your magnificent creation.

Gratitude can’t adequately describe the feeling of knowing that You care about us that much.

Even the most talented artist comes to Your throne empty-handed because the magnitude of Your perfect creation and design are beyond all human skill and comprehension.

We thank You, Lord, for Your infinite mercy and patience with us.

How many opportunities have we missed to tell You how much we love You?

Your love for us is perfect.

Nothing conceived in our imaginations can even come close to how big and powerful You are.

Countless times in Your providence You have protected us from unseen dangers. Thank You!

We deserve nothing, Father, and we know we can’t earn Your saving grace. That would diminish what happened to Your Son on the Cross.

You, our Most High God, are perfect.

Our lives are not perfect, no matter what we share on social media.

We are a broken people in need of more You.

There is nowhere we can hide from sunlight to sundown.

You are there.

Time is not a barrier to You, Eternal Father.

We praise you because You reign forever and ever.

Thank You, Father, for who You are – the Great I Am.



*Ole Hallesby quotation, pastor, and theologian (1879-1961, public domain/fair use and as quoted from Christian quotes.info


Happy Easter 2017

Happy Easter 2017!

Are you ready for Easter?

We sure are!

Easter 2017

It’s such a beautiful and blessed time of year.

We are celebrating life at our house, in more ways than one.

Spring flowers are blooming in our garden.

Easter 2017

The weather is getting much better, and hopefully, no more hail stones for awhile. Our flowers took a pounding from the recent storm, but they’re coming back, more beautiful than ever.

Life in all its beauty, given to us by God alone.

An Easter Surprise

*NG just sent us her latest coloring project.

Isn’t she talented?

We love this little Easter blessing from one of our sponsor children.

Easter is here

He is Risen indeed!

Christ alone is our hope, and through Him, we can have salvation and eternal life. Praise the Lord!

Victory, Not Failure

The Cross was not a failure.

Please don’t let anyone steal your joy saying something heretical like that.

As Christians, we know by our faith that we have victory through the Cross, not defeat.

Did Christ rise from the dead?

Jesus told his disciples it would happen. See Matthew 20:18-19. Not believing these very words of our Savior is a marker that a person’s faith is on shaky ground.

The Key To Life Everlasting

We deserve nothing more than God’s wrath. Our penalty, rightfully, is death, but God loves us so much that He sent His Son to bear our punishment.

**Only God could know what it would take to make a sinner acceptable to Him so that that sinner could escape eternal hell and live in the very presence of God in His own house.


Only God could determine how the spiritual nature and the supreme authority and the unchangeable perfection of His law which is holy, just and good could be completely satisfied and the lawbreaker completely justified and rightly and purely forgiven and accepted, though fallen, guilty and depraved. – Pastor-teacher, John MacArthur, from Grace To You.

Forgiven And Accepted

Christ died for those He saves. As wretched sinners deserving only God’s punishment, we can fully embrace His love in our brokenness.

Happy Easter 2017

From our home to yours, wishing a joyous Easter to you and yours!


*NG’s fullname withheld for privacy.
**John MacArthur quote is from a sermon originally appearing here at Grace to You


Ready For A Spiritual Battle?

Getting Ready

I was a Girl Scout a long, long time ago.

Let’s not talk about how long. 😉

Our motto was to: “Be Prepared.”

Does that phrase sound familiar?

The direction to “be prepared” is also in the Bible – God’s Word.

Are You Ready For A Spiritual Battle?

It’s certainly easier to respond, “no thanks,” and just live your life without a care.

Easier maybe, but that’s not the right answer.

The Bible tells us, and as Peter reveals in 1 Peter 3:15-17:

15 but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect, 16 having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame. 17 For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that should be God’s will, than for doing evil. – 1 Peter 3:15-17, ESV.

Contending For Your Faith

Always be prepared with confidence and complete reverence for God.

No one said it would be easy, especially when an unbeliever or false teacher is coming at you with all sorts of accusations. It can hurt, especially when the accuser is someone you know.

Have you ever heard anyone verbally attack the Bible and the Sovereignty of God?

I sure have.

It seems like the confrontations are happening everywhere – on college campuses, in the workplace, and elsewhere.

The most disturbing examples I’ve seen are on the internet and in social media comments.

attacking comment threads

It’s so bad that I only scan the headlines now, and skip over the comment threads where people are so awful to each other. There’s name-calling, threats, and twisting words of Scripture.

Do these folks realize what they’re saying, in a public forum, no less?

I once had a job where a coworker told me that a client we both knew was a “nice” person and would go to Heaven simply for that reason alone.

Our fallen human nature wants to believe that lie, but as Christians, we know that “Congeniality” is not a free ticket to Heaven.

That may sound harsh, but it’s reality. We must turn to the Bible for the answer, not Hollywood movies, or false teachers who add to or delete words of Scripture.

By our faith, we know better.

We are in great need of a Savior and a repentant heart. If being nice was all that was required to get to Heaven, Jesus would not have had to die.

The Gate Is Narrow

A very convicting Bible verse and a key reason why we, as Christians, should share our faith, comes from Matthew.

13 “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. 14 For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few. – Matthew 7:13-14, ESV.

The way to eternal life is narrow. (Chilling, right?)

A very loving thing we can do for a lost person is telling them about salvation through Jesus Christ. We can also pray for them and, for the Holy Spirit to give us the right words when an opportunity comes up. I pray for this all the time.

We can’t let an intimidating person get us to back down about our personal faith in Jesus Christ and salvation through Him.

Are you ready for a spiritual battle

Are You Prepared?

You have to know why you believe.

What do athletes do before the big game?

They practice.

Practice talking about your faith, not because your beliefs are weak, but because it helps. This process isn’t the same as writing a rehearsed script and sounding like a robot. We need to examine our lives, our secular motives before we came to Christ, and the eternal perspective we gained after.

We’re not beating anyone over the head with it or trying to start fights. I take to heart what Paul said in Philippians.

27 Only let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind striving side by side for the faith of the gospel, 28 and not frightened in anything by your opponents. This is a clear sign to them of their destruction, but of your salvation, and that from God. 29 For it has been granted to you that for the sake of Christ you should not only believe in him but also suffer for his sake, 30 engaged in the same conflict that you saw I had and now hear that I still have. Philippians 1:27-30, ESV.

Expecting Opposition

Not everyone will appreciate your testimony. If someone gets overly ugly with you, you can opt to say you’ll pray for this person and leave. Ask the Holy Spirit for guidance.

Not a Bible expert? It’s okay. You’re sharing your faith because you love others and don’t want them to go to hell.

Here’s a useful resource, Got Questions.

In this two-minute video, John MacArthur explains why readiness is so important. Feel free to share this with others who need encouragement. God bless.


Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, ESV, English Standard Version®, copyright © 2016 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

*Begg, Alistair. “Declare Great Things.” Crosswalk.Com. 25 May 2016. Web Access 03 April 2017. Used with permission. http://www.crosswalk.com/devotionals/truth-for-life/truth-for-life-may-25-2016.html


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