A Laugh A Day

A Laugh A Day

Are you feeling a little down in the dumps?

It’s okay, we all feel that way sometimes.

Allow me to bring you a smile for the day, or at least I hope I can.

I adore comedian Jeanne Robertson.

Her charming southern accent and self-effacing humor make me laugh every time.

Here’s a cute video you might enjoy.

Can you believe kids aren’t learning how to write anymore?

Here’s the former Miss North Carolina with her take on the nuttiness taking place in some of our schools.

The Escapee Bottle

funny bone

Have you ever had something embarrassing happen to you?

I sure have.

Okay, since you insist.  🙂

We were at church one morning, and I had just finished singing with the choir.

I met up with my husband who was waiting for me in the foyer. We walked down the hallway to a door where we could quietly enter the sanctuary and sit in a back pew.

After sitting down, I grabbed a water bottle out of my purse. I was very thirsty after singing.

I took a few sips and put the bottle down by my feet, or so I thought.

Cue my silent scream.

Oh nooooooooooooo!

My water bottle turned over on its side and started rolling all the way down the aisle towards the front.

The preacher was preaching, and my water bottle was rolling, all the way…down…down.

I watched it in horror, too embarrassed to stand up and walk down the aisle of shame, to retrieve my escapee bottle.

My husband tried to act like he didn’t know me.

For some reason, goofy things seem to happen to me.

Don’t Lose Hope

Fellow Christian – things get wonky sometimes.

Please don’t let all the negativity in the news or from other people consume your day.

God gave us laughter for a reason.

Remember His eternal promises and embrace His gift of laughter.

laugh a day



Never Too Late

It’s Never Too Late


Never Too Late

Do you have a pet peeve?

Maybe it’s one of these:

  • Hearing other people talk on their cellphones in a restaurant.
  • The smacking sound of someone chewing their gum loudly.
  • The person in front of you at the theater who talks during the movie.

My big pet peeve is being late.

Is there anyone out there who likes to show up late?

Maybe a celebrity or two, but that’s not me, and I can’t imagine that’s you either.

I’m a stickler for being on time.

This started quite awhile ago – all the way back to when I was a television reporter.

Unfortunately, we showed up late a few times to a big story.

Don’t get me wrong, we’d lug in our camera equipment and microphone as quietly as we could, but people would still notice.

It just felt so disrespectful even though we couldn’t help it at times.

These days, if my husband and I have to go somewhere downtown, I insist on leaving an hour ahead of time. You never know if there might be traffic jams, construction, and who knows what!

And, sometimes, he lets me win that battle.  🙂


Why Wait?

Speaking of late, while we’re alive and breathing, it’s never too late to put our trust in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.

What baffles me though, is why anyone would want to wait?

What’s holding them back?

As Christians, we are heartbroken for people like that.

Life is fleeting and precious. None of us ever know what every minute of the next day will bring.


If you’ve ever read my testimony (you can find it here), then you know that my family was in a tragic accident many years ago. My husband and I survived, but our nine-year-old niece tragically died.

I was the second worst injured in the accident.

Facing my eternity hit me like a brick wall.

I didn’t want to go to hell.

After becoming a Christian, I realized that trying to be good wasn’t what it was all about.

The first thing I wanted to do when I got that cumbersome brace off my broken leg was to be baptized. I’d given my life over to Christ the week before the accident, and participating in Believer’s Baptism was meaningful to me.


Why wait?

Personal Unforgettable Joy

After three months of walking with a heavy boot plus screws and a plate in my ankle, I was ready to get rid of those “shackles.”

In September of 1997, wearing a white flowing robe, I entered the baptismal, and the Pastor baptized me in front of the whole church.

To this day, I get chills thinking about it.

There was nothing quite like it – Joy and Release all bundled up into one.

I am so grateful that I didn’t wait.

Baptism In Christ

As Christians, we know that Believer’s Baptism is not what saves us. We have to recognize that we are sinners who must repent and are in desperate need of the mercy of God. Our “niceness” and “working it” aren’t what get us to Heaven.

It took me awhile to understand that, but as I grew in my faith, I realized just how beautiful God’s grace is. That is why I am so desperate to share this with the world.

Grace alone

through Faith alone

In Christ alone.

8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. – Ephesians 2:8-10 (ESV).

Keep Your Eye On The Prize

Christians face a lot of criticism and ridicule from those in the world who don’t understand what saving grace is all about.

Late night pundits, daytime talk show hosts, you know who I’m talking about.

These faith mockers need our prayers.

Please don’t put off your salvation in Christ Jesus.

It won’t give you your best life now. The “best life now” catchphrase sounds good, but it’s a myth.

Trusting in Christ alone assures you an eternity in Heaven where you will never be happier.

There’s no sweeter love song than the one from God, through His Son, Jesus Christ, to His people.


*Scripture quotation is from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, copyright © 2016 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


Honoring Our Senior Citizens

Honoring Our Senior Citizens

There’s a large group of people in our world that I have tremendous respect for.

Many of them are veterans, and some not.

I’m talking about the men and women who make up our older generation.

Unfortunately, we live in a world where disrespect and a lack of manners are common.

I once saw a teenager eating with his grandmother at a local restaurant.  It broke my heart to watch her try to engage the teenager in conversation, but he was way too busy checking his cellphone the whole time.

What’s happened to the social graces that Baby Boomers like myself grew up with?

Appreciating The Older Generation

honoring our senior citizens

Christian “change” can start with us.

I believe we should make an effort to show kindness and respect to everyone, but with a special nod to our senior citizens.

If an older person in your path is approachable, then by all means why not say hello, look them in their eyes, and ask how they’re doing? You can pray for them too if they say they have a concern.

We have to start recognizing again that there are years and years of valuable experience and wisdom that we can learn from them.

Paying It Forward

There are many ways to honor the older generation, but here’s one idea.

My husband and I do this at restaurants, anonymously of course. We’ll talk with the waiter privately and pay for the meal of someone, especially if they are a veteran.

It’s a double blessing of joy – for the other person, and for us.

Grace is like a breath of fresh air in our discontented world.

A Blessing For Me

This past week, I was sitting next to a much older man.

We had a few moments to chat and share a few laughs.

He’s been married over fifty years and was more than happy to share his wisdom about the secrets for a long-lasting marriage – including expressions of love, sharing laughter, and mutual respect.

I enjoyed our conversation so much. He was polite and a real gentleman.

After a while, we were interrupted, and he had to leave. As he left, he looked back at me with a smile and said, quite humbly, “I hope I didn’t talk your ears off.”

I didn’t get a chance to respond because he had to leave quickly, but here’s what I wanted to tell him.

No, Sir, you didn’t talk my ears off at all. 

I’m grateful to have had the short time with you that I did.

And I won’t forget those little pearls of wisdom you shared.

Thank you for blessing me!


Celebrating The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ

Easter 2018 Is Here!

Don’t you just love this time of year?


Easter is here

It’s so pretty outside.


It’s not about the beautiful flowers.

It’s not about the dyed Easter eggs.

And most certainly, it’s not about the bunny.

We celebrate because it is through Christ’s death and resurrection that we, as repentant sinners, can have eternal life with Him.

Thank You, Father, for sending us Your Son!Matchless King

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

Mere words can’t adequately describe the beauty and magnitude of what Christ did for us.

You are the Messiah.
You are the Righteous King.
Your timing is always perfect,
For each and every thing.

You are the Savior,
Our Living Sacrifice
Tho we justly deserve death,
You paid the ultimate price.

Copyright March 28, 2018, Gracie Jane.

The Celebration That Never Ends

In Psalm 72, we see that Christ’s kingdom will one day reign over all, and every nation will serve Him.

17  May his name endure forever,
    his fame continue as long as the sun!


    May people be blessed in him,
    all nations call him blessed! – Psalm 72:17, (ESV).

That is a message worth celebrating, not just on Easter, but every day of the year.

May your Easter be blessed!

Be blessed


*Scripture quotation is from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, copyright © 2016 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


Bible Verses About Fear

Fear Is Expecting The Worst Will Happen

What scares you the most?

Bible verses about fear

Is it a fear of heights, or maybe a fear of spiders?

Perhaps the fear of dying?

As you know, there are many dangers out there, real or imagined, that have the potential to scare us.

When these fearful thoughts come to mind, it’s often stressful, even emotional at times.

For some unfortunate people, fear can even be debilitating.

Can you imagine being too scared to walk out of your own house?

It’s a real thing.

Trusting God    

When my husband went through his heart complications last year, I’ll never forget sitting for hours at the hospital waiting for news.

When the doctor came out later to tell me that the procedure was a success, I burst into tears of relief.

Thankfully, I had two dear friends sitting with me for hours to support and encourage me the whole time.

Earlier, a couple of members from our church came and prayed with us before the procedure began.

It does help to have support from others in times of uncertainty and fear.

An encouraging hug from someone close can comfort you during anxious times.

The spiritual comfort we need most of all are the encouraging words found in Scripture.

There are Bible verses specifically about fear that can help.

You can find them online, but I have one resource for you right here:


Why not consider writing down some of these suggested fear verses on index cards?

I have placed several in various places around my house and office.

19 When the cares of my heart are many,
    your consolations cheer my soul. Psalm 94:19, (ESV).

What If

The “what if” game we sometimes play in our heads are enough to drive anyone crazy with worry.

It’s a game we can’t win.

When the “what if” game is rooted in fear, our human nature tends to consume us with thoughts of the worst possible outcomes.

Dr. Woodrow Kroll

I don’t know about you, but this amazing song from MercyMe brings me comfort.


*Scripture quotation is from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version®, copyright © 2016 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

**Dr. Woodrow Kroll, Bible teacher and preacher, quotation, as quoted, from Christianquotes.info.

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