The World’s Empty Promises

Beyond The Façade: The World’s Empty Promises 

Do you ever feel disillusioned by what the world offers?

The World's Empty Promises

We are constantly bombarded with media and internet messages telling us what our priorities should be.

Have more

Do more

Be more

But, just like a heavily-advertised wrinkle cream, quick fixes and instant gratification are only temporary.

In this era of influencers, Hollywood agendas, AI, and disappointing politicians, God offers us the lifeline for a lifetime.

There’s only one path to eternal joy and happiness forever – through Jesus.

While the world looks at the external, Jesus looks at our hearts.

Jesus is the Answer to the World’s Empty Promises

The world’s narrative of a future utopia is a lie, and that ideology will fail.

But God will never fail us.

It seems as if the only certainty we have right now is uncertainty . . . or, is it?

As Christians we have divine assurance and our future is certain.

This world is not our home.

We revere a Heavenly Father who will always fulfill His promises.

How amazing is that?

Meditate on His Word.

Immerse yourself in His unfailing promises and find peace for your soul.

With a thank you to poet Catherine Pulsifer, I wanted to share her beautiful poem below which gently reminds us where we can find true peace.

In The Chaos Of Life
By Catherine Pulsifer

In the chaos of life, you seek for peace,
A calm that never fades, a sweet release.
But the world offers empty promises, fleeting,
Only in Jesus, true peace, you’ll be meeting.

Non-believers scoff, they cannot comprehend,
The peace that surpasses all, that will never end.
For it’s not found in riches or worldly gain,
But in God’s love, through Jesus, it will remain.

In trials and tribulations, you may face,
Jesus offers a refuge, a saving grace.
Though storms may rage and troubles abound,
In Jesus, true peace is always found.

It’s a peace beyond understanding, they say,
That carries you through each day.
For in Jesus, God’s love shines bright,
Bringing peace that conquers the darkest night.

So hold fast to Jesus, let His peace fill your soul,
In His presence, you’ll find your heart made whole.
Though misunderstood by those who do not believe,
In Jesus, true peace you will receive.1

I love that!

The world’s empty promises disappoint, but our relationship with Christ will lead to everlasting joy.

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1 Poetry courtesy of Catherine Pulsifer. “In The Chaos Of Life.” [online post]. From, ©Catherine Pulsifer, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, n.d. Web. Accessed June 10, 2024. In The Chaos Of Life


Find Rest In An Increasingly Restless World

Where Can You Find Rest In An Increasingly Restless World?

When was the last time you felt totally at peace?

For me, it’s usually after a beach vacation.

Find rest in an increasingly restless world

The soothing sounds of the ocean are hard to beat.

Time seems to slow down and every care washes away with the lapping of the waves against the shore.

I wish it could last forever.

But as expected, when it’s time to return home, the challenges of everyday life set back in.

What stresses are you dealing with right now?

Where can you find rest in an increasingly restless world?

No doubt there are monumental issues that divide us in our great country.

Fearful headlines are rampant in the media and elsewhere.

There’s the 2024 Election, the economy, the war in the Middle East, increasing tensions among political party lines, and so much more.

No doubt, those issues are important to our immediate futures.

However, considering the 24/7 media hype, it is easy to lose focus on our real purpose here on earth, and that is, to glorify God.

What a privilege we have been granted – to be that shining light even though it was yours and my sins that sent Jesus to the cross.

People are not good by nature – we are sinners.

But, by the grace and mercy of our Heavenly Father, He sent us a Redeemer – His only Son, Jesus.

Finding Rest: Embracing Jesus’ Invitation

In a world of chaos, Jesus is our only hope.

This is a “hope” that is not based on “wishing” the gospel is true.

Rather, the hope that Jesus offers is a “confidence” in His promises.

There’s no wishing involved at all.

Our burden of sin is lifted by the One who left heaven for us.

28 “Come to Me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For My yoke is comfortable, and My burden is light.”Matthew 11:28-30, (NASB).1

Those are the comforting and precious words of our Savior.

He says, “Come To Me” and He really means it.

The humility of Christ is unlike the self-righteousness of the religious leaders. The “burden” Jesus speaks of refers to what Jesus expects of His followers. He has teachings and commandments, but, unlike the onerous requirements of the Pharisees, Jesus’ burden is light.-

It is sin that separates us from God.

“We” are the weary and heavy laden.

As Jesus said elsewhere it is not the (spiritually) well who need a physician but the (spiritually) sick. Do you even see your need to come to Jesus? As [William] MacDonald says “In order to truly come to Jesus, a person must admit that he is burdened with the weight of sin. Only those who acknowledge they are lost can be saved.”Precept Austin commentary.3

The world offers only temporary fulfillment and pleasures.

What does Jesus give that the world can not offer?

Through Him, our future happiness is unparalleled with anything we’ve ever experienced here on earth.

Eternal joy and peace is the destiny of those who believe in salvation through Jesus.

We can rest in His promises fulfilled and, even more importantly, live forever in the presence of our Heavenly Father. 

It’s on my heart to share the beautiful song, “Give Me Jesus.”

Three-time Dove Award winner, Fernando Ortega, accompanies the wonderfully-talented Rexburg Children’s Choir in this version of the popular song.

There’s something especially endearing about a children’s choir. 

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Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

Quotation from, from “What is the significance of Jesus saying, “I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28 )? n.d., para. 5-6. Web. Accessed June 3, 2024. Finding Rest in Jesus

3 Precept Austin quotation is from the Matthew 11:28 Commentary, [2019] Courtesy of Precept Austin, Subheading, “Weary and heavy laden”. Web. Accessed 1 June, 2024.


How Much God Loves You and Me

How Much God Loves You and Me – A Divine Blessing

A few weeks ago, my husband and I purchased a new car.

We bought an SUV that has backup cameras – suhweet!

Of course I wanted to test those out before hitting the open road. After driving around a bit, we went to a nearby vacant school parking lot.

I practiced over and over pulling in and out of those thin parking spaces.

My husband was very patient during this test drive although I think he may have pressed his “air breaks” a few times. Lol.

While we were there at the school, we watched another car pull in doing the same thing we were. It was a father and his teenage daughter.

She was behind the wheel and we could see him patiently coaching her. After a few times, they drove off into a nearby neighborhood and then came back so she could practice parking again.

It was a sweet moment and brought back fond memories of my own dad teaching me how to drive.

The love of a father for his child – it’s a beautiful thing to see.

Have you ever stopped to think how much God loves you and me?

I’m reminded me of the beloved verse, John 3:16.

For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life.John 3:16, (NASB).

Just how much does He love you?

He sent us His only Son to die on the Cross for our sins.

Jesus paid our penalty so that by, accepting Him as Savior, we can have eternal life in the presence of our Holy God.

For that incomprehensible gift of salvation, we should spend our lives in a way that honors and glorifies Him.

In the midst of life’s storms, we can hold fast to God’s promises.

He is always with us, guiding us, and loving us with a love that surpasses all understanding.


Memorial Day 2024

A Tribute To Our Heroes: Memorial Day 2024


Memorial Day 2024

Today, Memorial Day 2024, is a special day to honor our heroes, the brave men and women who died while serving in the military.

They deserve our respect for their unwavering courage and dedication to defending our nation.

No doubt, family and friends are gathering together to celebrate this national holiday.

Families at the park and backyard barbecues all over the country are happening.

At the same time, it’s important for everyone to take a moment to reflect and be thankful on the true meaning of Memorial Day, and to pass this on to the next generation.

Freedom comes at a price.

Remembering Memorial Day

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention also the families of fallen soldiers left behind.

I can’t imagine the pain of their loss and I pray they can receive the care they need during their times of grieving.

We can honor our brave heroes by living our lives in a way that upholds the values and ideals that they fought to protect.

May we never forget their sacrifice.

On this Memorial Day 2024, may the memories of these heroes live on in each one of us with a spirit of patriotism and an abundance of gratitude.

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Every Christian Should Have A Will

Planning Ahead: Every Christian Should Have a Will

For many years I worked for large law firms writing position papers as well as taking on other assignments.

While it wasn’t my “dream job”, it was a good transition after leaving television.

I learned a lot about the legal profession during that time.

One of the most important take-home lessons (that deserves a friendly reminder) is that every adult should have a will.

Lasting Impact: Christians should have a will

Have you done your estate planning yet?

If you have kids, and still no will, what are you waiting for?

These are crucial legal documents to ensure, among other things, future care for your dependent loved ones (of any age) upon your death.

Lasting Impact: Every Christian Should Have A Will 

Every Christian should have a will

Everything belongs to God and it’s up to us to be good stewards of His blessings.

With that in mind, it is of vital importance for adults to plan ahead, and to have an estate plan in place.

Otherwise, depending on the laws where you live, a state court may end up deciding how your assets will be divided.

Worst case scenario: having no estate planning documents upon your death can cause a lot of disputes and anxiety within families.

In addition, the time and legal costs for the probate of your assets can be overwhelming for those you have left behind.

Having a will in place is one of the most thoughtful and responsible things you can do for your loved ones.

Having a will professionally prepared ahead of time is also a great opportunity to include your written testimony and a statement of your christian values in your documents.

Initial Estate Planning Questions

Estate planning questions for Christians

Even though it might feel overwhelming at first, a good attorney will guide you through every step of the estate planning process.

It’s okay to have a lot of questions.

Don’t know which estate planning attorney to hire?

Be careful with online reviews since these are coming from complete strangers.

It’s better to ask around for testimonials from your friends and/or coworkers.

You should know that some attorneys offer initial consults at no charge.

It’s not a given, so make sure to ask beforehand if this is important to you.

In addition, ask what you need to bring to your first appointment (if anything).

Before you go in, here are just a few initial estate planning questions to think about:

– Whom would you like to appoint as your executor?

– Which charities should receive donations in your memory?

– Where do you prefer to be buried or cremated? 

– Which pastor would you like to conduct your service?

– Any favorite songs or hymns you would like played?

– Do you have any idea of how you would like your assets handled, including your car and finances?

Of course, there are more questions, but I’m not an attorney.

He or she is there to help you!

Getting your will done is painless, and you’ll be glad you did.

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