Do You See?

Do You See What is Happening Around Us?

Saturday, July 13th, my husband and I returned home to see the terrible news on television.

Friends started calling and texting us almost immediately.

The horrific news of an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump spread like a wildfire.

There is shock around the nation, and also around the world.

Did you see . . . ?

Did you hear . . . ?

Anxious moments, tearful calls between friends, and the stark realization of just how far our great country has fallen (while not unexpected) leaves me sick to my stomach.

There is no other word to describe the hateful action of the perpetrator, other than pure evil.

The fact is neither candidate (or their voters) should be threatened with violence.


As the Evil One continues to infect the minds of his tools in humanity with hateful ideologies, we as Christians must continue to be pray, be watchful and discerning.

Below are the words of Jesus as He comforted His disciples before His death on the cross.

He faced torture, mocking, an excruciating death, and yet with all of those persecutions ahead, Jesus wanted His disciples to have peace.

“. . . so that in Me you may have peace . . . 

These things I have spoken to you so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation, but take courage; I have overcome the world.John 16:33, (NASB).1

Do You See the Evil Around You?

I guess a better way of putting it is, how can anyone not see the evil around us?

We have to remember that none of this horrific display of hatred and evil was a surprise to God.

The Bible warns us about what we can expect until Jesus’ return and we just saw yet another, albeit despicable, example of it.

The world is evil, but our peace until He returns, is found only through Him.

I hope you will join me in prayer for our former president and his family, the family of the innocent firefighter who actually died from a gunshot, and those in attendance at the rally who were injured.

Pray also for America.

As the shock starts to wear off, I pray your faith remains strong in the contentious times ahead.

Remember Jesus on the Cross and His triumphant resurrection.

Do you see?

He is coming back for His believers.

Someday, in God’s timing, the whole world will see.

For the word of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.1 Corinthians 1:18, (NASB).2

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Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

2 Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.


Never Alone

Never Alone: God With Us

Do you have a favorite Psalm?

I actually have two – Psalms 23 and 139.

Psalm 23 by King David is short enough to memorize, and yet, in just six verses, we have powerful and reassuring truths that comfort countless believers to this day. 

The Psalm begins this way:

The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want . . .1

He is our shepherd and we are the Savior’s sheep.

Never alone

If you know anything about sheep, they’re very dependent animals.

They need the guidance of a shepherd to help keep them safe.

Like sheep, we too can easily be led astray without our Shepherd to guide us.

We may feel confident in our own strength, but it’s only through Jesus that we can have eternal life.

Never Alone in Every Storm of Life

During the April – May springtime storm season this year in Texas – no kidding, it seemed like every single day we were facing tornado weather.

One of those nights my husband wasn’t home yet, and a bad storm was approaching.

Nonstop TV weather alerts warned our area that a developing tornado was heading right for our county.

I hate tornadoes.

I remember during my reporter days interviewing a family who lost their mother during a dangerous tornado.  I’ve never forgotten the emotional pain in their eyes.

Whenever I see that little red triangular-shaped icon on the TV map aiming for our county, I go into storm prep mode.

I’m leashing dogs, gathering important papers etc., and preparing to head to the shelter just in case.

The soothing words of Psalm 23 came to me in that rush to prepare.

Over and over, I recited the entire Psalm out loud.

It seemed like an eternity until my husband got home.

By the grace of God, our particular area was spared from the tornado.

But, even if it we didn’t have a good outcome, there was comfort in knowing that we’re never alone through life’s storms.

God has not promised to bring peace to every storm, but He has promised to give us peace through any storm if we will trust Him to take care of us. – got

Psalm 23 – We Are Never Alone

Trust in Jesus and find refuge.

It’s no wonder that Psalm 23 with its powerful message has inspired countless songwriters over the years.

Speaking of which, have you heard the song, “Not Alone” by Christian vocalist Meredith Joy Keller?

As of this writing, the song’s debut on YouTube has garnered over 40,000 views so far.

This is a great song and I’m happy to share!

Every note speaks to the heart.

Please enjoy.

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Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

2 Quotation from, from “What did Jesus mean when He said, “Peace, be still”? n.d., para. 7. Web. Accessed June 30, 2024. Retrieved from Peace, be still


Independence Day 2024

Celebrate Independence Day 2024

Independence Day 2024

Are you ready to celebrate our Nation’s birthday?

Independence Day 2024 is here!

This is a great time to come together and celebrate our freedoms here in America.

Let your patriotism shine.

Whether you’re barbecuing, flying your flag, or attending a parade, the highlight of the celebration is a spectacular fireworks show lighting up the night sky.

These liberties that we hold dear came at a high cost – countless sacrifices were made by those who fought for our freedoms since the beginning of our country’s history.

May we never take them for granted.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. – from the preamble  to the Declaration of Independence.

Happy Independence Day!

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Preamble courtesy of “The Declaration of Independence.” [online post].  Web. Accessed June 10, 2024. The Preamble to the Declaration of Independence


The Roaring Lion

The Roaring Lion in a World of Prey

Sometimes, there are blog posts that are difficult to write. This will be one of those.

I am outraged.

There is an epidemic of child sexual abuse continuing to take place (and often covered up by the leaders) in some churches.

This horrific crime is not specific to any denomination.

Sadly, it is happening in both Protestant and Catholic churches.

The Evil One (the roaring lion) –  is everywhere, and yes, including in churches.

The roaring lion

The terrible news about a Texas mega-church pastor accused of molesting a 12-year-old girl (now a woman) has finally come to light and it is receiving the attention and demands for justice that it deserves.

Like others, I am heartbroken for the victim. 

I’m also sad for that church’s congregation who put their trust, like we all do, in what should be a safe place for the body of Christ.

It sickens me that there are actual cases where a perpetrator was transferred to a different church, or simply removed from the pulpit to “receive counseling”.

The Evil One is the roaring lion in a world of prey.

As Christians, WE are the prey.

Whatever Satan can do to divide the Church, including using members or leadership to do his bidding, he will do it.

The Roaring Lion: We Are The Hunted

Back in my TV reporter days, as wonderful as that career was, sometime I had to cover stories that broke my heart.

Both the TV station and I took a lot of heat when I reported about a sexual abuse case in the local catholic church.

The priest who molested the altar boy was transferred to another church parish – as if THAT was the solution. What about his potential future victims in a new church?

What about that innocent nine year old whom I think about every time I hear about cases like the most recent?

For one week, I sat in a courtroom listening to gut-wrenching testimony.

At the end of the day I had to go “live” outside the courtroom and report the latest court proceedings to our viewers.

And, every night I went home and cried my eyes out.

Surprisingly, many people didn’t want to hear about it.

Maybe they thought if the News didn’t report it, the ugliness would just go away??

It was hard, but I got through it knowing it was the right thing to do – to expose this horrible wrong.

How could anyone abuse a child?

In a church?

In a school?

Do you know what takes real courage?

Real courage is a male or female victim of this horrible crime speaking up and speaking out against the abuse they suffered, and in some cases, the pitiful way some churches handle it.

Parents – please do not stand for any church cover-up, or any proposed solution for a proven perpetrator to just “get counseling”.

Call the police, or sheriff’s office, and demand an investigation.

Sexual abuse – no matter where it happens – is a crime.

When Jesus Reigns

We know that God forgives every sin from a repentant heart.

Along with that repentance, a crime (such as the sexual abuse of a child) must be punished.

Wake up Church, and pray.

There is a great shaking going on in this world right now.

I pray that God will continue to expose these crimes no matter when and where they occur and I pray for the victims as they can face lifelong trauma.

There is no neutral ground in the universe; every square inch, every split second, is claimed by God and counter-claimed by Satan. C.S. Lewis

It’s our responsibility to be discerning and watchful in this evil world while we wait for our Lord’s return.

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1 Quotation by C.S. Lewis, influential theologian, (1898-1963) courtesy of Christian


The World’s Empty Promises

Beyond The Façade: The World’s Empty Promises 

Do you ever feel disillusioned by what the world offers?

The World's Empty Promises

We are constantly bombarded with media and internet messages telling us what our priorities should be.

Have more

Do more

Be more

But, just like a heavily-advertised wrinkle cream, quick fixes and instant gratification are only temporary.

In this era of influencers, Hollywood agendas, AI, and disappointing politicians, God offers us the lifeline for a lifetime.

There’s only one path to eternal joy and happiness forever – through Jesus.

While the world looks at the external, Jesus looks at our hearts.

Jesus is the Answer to the World’s Empty Promises

The world’s narrative of a future utopia is a lie, and that ideology will fail.

But God will never fail us.

It seems as if the only certainty we have right now is uncertainty . . . or, is it?

As Christians we have divine assurance and our future is certain.

This world is not our home.

We revere a Heavenly Father who will always fulfill His promises.

How amazing is that?

Meditate on His Word.

Immerse yourself in His unfailing promises and find peace for your soul.

With a thank you to poet Catherine Pulsifer, I wanted to share her beautiful poem below which gently reminds us where we can find true peace.

In The Chaos Of Life
By Catherine Pulsifer

In the chaos of life, you seek for peace,
A calm that never fades, a sweet release.
But the world offers empty promises, fleeting,
Only in Jesus, true peace, you’ll be meeting.

Non-believers scoff, they cannot comprehend,
The peace that surpasses all, that will never end.
For it’s not found in riches or worldly gain,
But in God’s love, through Jesus, it will remain.

In trials and tribulations, you may face,
Jesus offers a refuge, a saving grace.
Though storms may rage and troubles abound,
In Jesus, true peace is always found.

It’s a peace beyond understanding, they say,
That carries you through each day.
For in Jesus, God’s love shines bright,
Bringing peace that conquers the darkest night.

So hold fast to Jesus, let His peace fill your soul,
In His presence, you’ll find your heart made whole.
Though misunderstood by those who do not believe,
In Jesus, true peace you will receive.1

I love that!

The world’s empty promises disappoint, but our relationship with Christ will lead to everlasting joy.

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1 Poetry courtesy of Catherine Pulsifer. “In The Chaos Of Life.” [online post]. From, ©Catherine Pulsifer, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, n.d. Web. Accessed June 10, 2024. In The Chaos Of Life

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