3 Tips for Picking Family-Friendly Movies

Who Could Use 3 Tips for Picking Family-Friendly Movies?

3 tips for picking family-friendly movies

Have you ever picked the wrong movie to watch?

That would be me.

Recently, I rented a remake of a popular older movie from our local streaming service. Spoiler Alert – remakes are never better than the original.

When it first came out, the reviews said it was well-cast and the soundtrack was good.

Against my better judgment, I didn’t take the time to check out the movie’s content first.

Big mistake.

From the opening scene to the next 10 minutes (that was all I could stand), I was hit with very strong sexual content.

If those scenes had been left out of the movie, it wouldn’t have made a difference to the message of the movie at all.

So why was it included? The original didn’t need it – why now?

No thanks, Hollywood. I don’t want what you’re trying to sell.

With that in mind, here are 3 tips for picking family-friendly films.

I’ve mentioned the movieguide.org website before. It’s not only good for parents, but really anyone who likes to go to movies or rent them at home.

You simply search for a movie by name.

The website will detail for you what the content of the movie is as well as some important topics like any use of foul language, political agendas, sex scenes, and spiritual references if any.

Parents especially – you would be wise to check a movie review site like Movieguide, before letting your child see a movie.

3 Tips for Picking Family-Friendly Movies: Protecting Children

Parental guidance recommended

If you don’t teach your kid Godly values, most of the material coming out of Hollywood, song lyrics from the music industry, and numerous other forms of media (and sadly some school districts) will expose them to the opposite.

It’s a fact – we live in a rapidly falling world

Besides movieguide.org, there are a couple of other websites that are helpful for finding family-friendly movies.



All easy to remember.

I will definitely be more discerning in the future.

When it comes to choosing movies that your kids are allowed to see, please take the time to check the content first.

Protecting children from inappropriate content will not get you any fans in the entertainment industry or, the “anything goes” political agenda, but what’s more important?

Children deserve a safe upbringing where their innocence is preserved for as long as possible.

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A Time To Laugh

A time to laugh

Things are so serious right now, who could use a good laugh?

Do we think Jesus only wants our tears and fears and prayer requests?

Bring Him your laughter too!

The Bible says there is a time for everything – including sadness and joy.

A time to weep and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn and a time to dance.Ecclesiastes 3:4, (NASB).1

God created laughter.

We are gifted with the ability to laugh at ourselves, and often at our own circumstances.

With that in mind, I’ll share one of my own, “I can’t believe this really happened”, moments.

A Time To Laugh? Can You Believe This Really Happened?

My husband and I used to have an RV.

One weekend – that promised to be gorgeous – we headed to the lake.

We set up our clam tent right beside our rig.

By the way, I love clam tents.

Have you ever seen one?

Best camping thing ever.

The flying clam tent

You can set it up anywhere, secure it to the ground, and read your book or eat a meal or whatever and the best part, mosquitos can’t get in!

Take that, skeeters!

That is, until that one day . . .

Out of nowhere, the wind picked up.

A lot.

The RV started to rock a little.

I questioned the credibility of our local meteorologists.

Stuff started flying around outside so I went back inside our RV.

It took awhile, but the winds finally calmed down. 

Ahhh – back outside to my clam tent hideaway.

Wait a minute . . . where is the clam tent?

My husband and frantically started searching throughout the camp site.

We even split up to cover more ground.

A short while later, I heard his voice, “Found it!”

I went running over.


“Over . . . there.”

No kidding, our clam tent actually flew “Wizard of Oz” style all the way across the lake.

It had sunk until there was nothing left to see except a tiny bit of the roof.


This is when you know you have good friends (the kind who will drop everything to come to your rescue).

Two mighty husbands drove the long way around to get to the opposite side of the lake.

Somehow (must be those muscles!) they managed to get that sopping wet, and now stinky with lake water, tent out of the water.

It flies

To this day, my husband and I still laugh about that flying clam tent. 

How crazy that must have looked to anyone else seeing that thing flying through the air.  🙂

At least it wasn’t a flying cow and a twister.

A Time to Laugh and Baby Animals are Hilarious

Ready for another laugh?

Another thing that cracks me up are baby animals.

Have you seen this viral video of a baby porcupine eating corn on the cob?

Who knew that a porcupine could be so doggone cute?

Meet Rico.  🙂

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Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.


Not My Home

This World is Not My Home

Not my home

Have you ever heard someone say “this world is not my home”?

As a Christian, I hear that a lot.

No doubt, the world continues to descend into evil.

The fallen world will have you think that “anything goes.”

No thanks.

We long for the coming of our Savior.

Our Homecoming

Evil will not exist in our heavenly home.

The wickedness and idolatry we are witnessing present day will one day, in God’s timing, be a thing of the past.

Until that glorious day of His reappearing, we can rest in His promise to lead us to our heavenly destination.

That is great news!

We have so much to look forward to!

And here’s even better news – as much as we can look forward to the defeat of evil, nothing will compare to meeting our Lord and Savior in person.

He is the reason we can rejoice!

Complete in Christ

Complete in Christ,
to God now accepted
only through Him
are we perfected.

Believers are we,
of His work on the cross
no longer are we
in our sinful ways lost.

Complete in Christ,
new life we’re given
now that our sins
He has forgiven.

A heavenly deposit,
His spirit lives within
an assurance to us
one day we’ll be with Him.

Complete in Christ,
with a new destination
all because He gave us
the gift of salvation!

Complete in Christ

Colossians 2:10

And ye are complete in him,
which is the head of all
principality and power: –
King James Version

Public Domain

Copyright 2024
Deborah Ann Belka

~ to GOD be the GLORY ~

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1 Poetry courtesy of Deborah Ann Belka, “Complete in Christ.” [online post], September 14, 2024, Web. Accessed September 20, 2024. Retrieved from https://poetrybydeborahann.wordpress.com/


Act of God or Coincidence?

Act of God or Coincidence? A Closer Look

The first time I ever saw a reference to an “act of God” was on a legal contract my husband and I were about to sign.

An “act of God” is:

a direct, sudden, and irresistible action of natural forces such as could not reasonably have been foreseen or prevented, as a flood, hurricane, earthquake, or other natural catastrophe. – Dictionary.com.1

Putting aside widespread events like hurricanes or other natural disasters, might there be other situations that could qualify as an “act of God”?

Looking at it from a Christian perspective, this can raise some interesting questions.

You may recall that during the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris, some news outlets reported that a large power outage plunged parts of the city into darkness.

This unexpected outage happened a day after the appalling opening ceremony at the Games.

You know what I’m talking about.

Act of God or coincidencePer Reuters, the “entire” city was not affected (as some have reported), but several residential districts in Paris went dark.

Having experienced several power outages where we live, it is alarming when those outages occur. Before we bought a generator, we would often lose hundreds of dollars worth of food because the outages would last for hours.

That being said, I can’t imagine what it would have been like living in Paris, to have millions of people there for the Games, and your district suddenly goes dark. It can be a serious safety issue.

Besides the power outage, there were other disturbances during the Games, including major transportation issues and food shortages

I’ve heard people say and read some of the headlines that the power outage – no matter how widespread it was – was an act of God. The opening ceremony was clearly blasphemous.

So what do you think?

Act of God, or coincidence?

Questions Remain, Skeptics Mock, yet God is Sovereign 

Nothing that happens here on earth escapes God’s attention.

God is Sovereign.

God is Sovereign

Therefore, the Lord knows everything – past, present, and future.

The opening ceremony at the Games was no surprise to Him.

Was He sending the world a message?

Were the many reported problems experienced at the Games an act of God, or just a coincidence?

I reached out to a respected online Christian ministry resource to gain some perspective.

Here’s what they had to say:

The phrase “Act of God” is usually used in legal and insurance contexts to describe natural events beyond human control, like earthquakes, floods, or storms. Biblically, there are certainly instances where God intervenes directly in the world, either to protect, to judge, or to accomplish His will. The Bible is filled with examples of God’s direct actions — think of the plagues in Egypt (Exodus 7-12) or the flood in Noah’s time (Genesis 6-9). These were clear acts of God, meant to fulfill a specific purpose.

When it comes to the 2024 Olympics, it’s not a stretch to consider that God might have been making His displeasure known. We don’t know, and while we can’t definitively say, “This was an act of God,” the timing is certainly striking. God has a history of using natural events to get people’s attention, and a sudden, major power outage in the wake of such blatant disrespect perhaps was a sign. We can’t say for sure.

In the Bible, God doesn’t just let sin go unchecked. Galatians 6:7 reminds us, “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.” When people or nations mock what is holy, they experience consequences. Sometimes these consequences are natural results of sinful behavior, and other times, God intervenes more directly. Whether this power outage was an “Act of God” in the literal sense or not, it certainly serves as a reminder of the seriousness with which God views blasphemy and disrespect toward Him.

Throughout scripture, God uses both blessings and hardships to turn people’s hearts back to Him. When things go wrong, especially after a clear act of defiance against God, it can serve as a wake-up call. It’s an opportunity for repentance and reflection. Ultimately, whether the power outage was a direct act of God or just a coincidence, it doesn’t change the fact that God is sovereign, and nothing happens outside of His knowledge and control. This event should remind us to stay vigilant in our faith, to pray for those who mock God, and to be aware of the spiritual battle that rages on around us.GotQuestions.org.2

So, were the many problems at the Olympics an act of God or a coincidence?

On this side of Heaven, only the Lord really knows.

That’s good enough for me.

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1 Act of God definition from Dictionary.com. © Random House, Inc. 2023. Retrieved from act of God

2 Quotation from gotquestions.org (personal communication, August 9, 2024).


Bloom Where You Are Planted

Embracing Opportunities: Bloom Where You Are Planted 

Bloom where you are plantedHave you ever heard the expression, “Bloom where you are planted”?

While this phrase is not in the Bible, from a Christian perspective, it means to make the best of the opportunities that we’re given to “give God the glory.”

Does it mean you have to be a missionary to a foreign country? No.

A Bible Study teacher? No.

You can bloom where you are planted right there in your own neighborhood.

I’ve seen this grace in action, and it’s a touching thing.

A few years ago, a woman in our neighborhood had breast cancer surgery. She had five young kids. The call went out, neighbors banded together, and we were able to present this young mother with meals and a gift basket full of encouraging notes and gift cards to help lift her up during her recovery.

But, what if your talents lie in other areas?

Consider What Talents you Have

Are you good at public speaking? Share your testimony with others. It doesn’t matter whether it’s an auditorium full of listeners or just one, the Lord is honored when you praise His name before others. Pray for the Lord to open those doors.

If you hear about a friend going through financial difficulties, you could surprise him or her with an anonymous gift card. We’ve done that in the past and it’s extremely rewarding, especially using the “anonymous” feature.  The whole purpose is to honor the ultimate Giver of All Things with what He has blessed us with. 

For years, I’ve handed out business cards to thank military veterans (and also police officers) for their service. Whether I see an officer in a restaurant or just walking along a sidewalk, it’s a blast to brighten up their day with a permanent keepsake they can keep in their wallets.

For first responders

Sometimes small things like this can bring big smiles.

Another Great Idea to Bloom Where You Are Planted

Recently, a friend of mine showed me a business card that she made to hand out to exceptional people in the service industry. (Waiters, contractors, etc.)

I loved the idea so asked her permission to make my own.

With a little tweaking to the design and wording, I made my own new card. It’s colorful, and, besides the encouraging words, Matthew 5:16 is referenced on it as well.

Awesome service today

When we took our recent trip to Alaska, I got to hand out my first card.

You may be surprised as to whom I gave it to.

We went to the Beatles show on the ship. The venue was crowded and, by the time we got there, there was absolutely no place to sit. We waited a bit and tried to decide if we could stand for over an hour in that crowded room.

It was then when a sweet mom who was sitting nearby tapped me on the shoulder and said, “my son wants to give you his seat.”

What a sweetheart! I handed her my card to give to him. She was beaming as both our friends and I complimented her on raising her young son to be a perfect gentleman. She added, “He’s going to love this!”

Giving Joy To Others

Suffice it to say giving joy to others is a blessing for the intended and also for the giver.

We were created in God’s image. Sin marred that image. When God bought us back for Himself, it was to restore His image in us and free us to become all we were created to be. When the Holy Spirit comes to live inside us, He prompts us to do things that glorify God (John 14:26). Our desire to please God grows as our understanding of Him grows. That desire to please God results in good works.gotquestions.org.1

Let your light shine, friends, and bloom where you are planted!

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Quotation from gotquestions.org from “What does it mean that good works are the result of salvation”? n.d., para. 4. Web. Accessed September 5, 2024. Retrieved from Good works.

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