Be A Noticer

Be A Noticer – A Welcome Escape

Are you a noticer?

Does a gorgeous sunrise cause you to stop what you’re doing to take notice of the awesomeness that is the new day?

For me, it’s mostly yes.

Sometimes though, I get in a hurry and blitz on past the beauty right in front of me.

Here’s a recent sunrise.  You wouldn’t believe how many of these awe-inspiring moments I have on my phone.

be a noticer

Please don’t miss those moments of bliss.

Only God can paint the brilliant sky.

Be a noticer.

It’s a welcome escape that God gives us in a world often filled with turmoil.

Life’s Beauty We Sometimes Neglect To Notice


In a world that’s turned so ugly this year, glimpses of God’s goodness are welcome reminders that there’s much more to this earth than the evil we are seeing now.


We can count on this – 

God is so good, and His light shines

and will continue to shine through this darkness.

John 1:3-5

Think about this.

In a world that seems so out of control, we have a Sovereign Lord who called the heavens and the earth into being by . . . His . . . words.


Nothing or no one is more powerful than that.


So take notice!


When the sunrise hits your face, when your baby takes his or her first steps, when the one you love first popped the question – those moments of joy are given to us by God.


Turn off the mainstream news and get your heart and mind set on God and His blessings.

Practice Noticing


You’ve heard this before, but it’s so important.

Don’t lose hope.


Keep a journal of past and realized blessings as a reminder of God’s goodness.


I know things seem bleak right now, but something good will come of this.


But how?


I wish we had the answer to that, but we’re not God.

Just trust like your life depends on it.


Don’t let those nagging doubts stirred up by evil cloud your trust in God.

God’s Goodness Is All Around Us

Recently, I read an amazing devotional that emphasizes the importance of keeping our minds on Christ.

I’d like to share it with you here.


How do we cultivate a heart of hopeful expectancy in a world that seems to be coming apart at the seams? We look for evidence of God’s goodness all around us. In fact, start writing down the things you see. In due time, something both natural and supernatural will take place within you. You’ll become a noticer. Someone who looks for and experiences the goodness of God wherever you go.

There’s a system in your brain that responds to your most consistent thoughts. Whatever thoughts you have on repeat, your brain scans your environment to find “evidence” to back up your beliefs, even if those beliefs are wrong. For example, if you rehearse thoughts of insecurity or self-contempt, or fear, your brain will be on high alert to find evidence to confirm your rehearsed thoughts.
So, what if you retrained your brain to look for the coming Kingdom? What if you looked around each day with expectancy that something good is coming your way? Each day, God pours out fresh mercies. Every morning, the heavens declare the glory of God. Because Jesus is always with you, you need not be shaken. (
see Psalm 16:8). Christian author, Susie Larson.

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Scripture quotations are from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

Susie Larson Live, courtesy of Faith Radio, “Goodness Is Coming.” 2-01-21. Web. Accessed 11 February, 2020. Retrieved from


Where Jesus Walked

Where Jesus Walked – a Lifelong Dream

where Jesus walked

*Jerusalem photo credit

What a thrill it would be to see the Holy Land and to walk where Jesus walked!

It’s a lifelong dream of mine.

You may remember that the son of a friend of mine went on that journey three years ago. Not only that, he was baptized in the River Jordan.

My husband and I came very close to making a similar trip ourselves.

But, sadly, it didn’t happen.

You know what they say about best-laid plans.

Circumstances beyond our control made it necessary for us to cancel our trip – almost at the last minute. We were devastated.

God knows best, and for whatever mysterious reason we’ll find out later, it wasn’t the right time for us to go.

Fast forward to today.

My desire to go to the Holy Land remains – stronger than ever.

Watch Where Jesus Walked

Can you imagine what it would be like to walk on the same dusty roads that Jesus walked?

How would it feel to stroll the ancient paths and ponder how that very same landscape where Jesus once walked has changed after thousands of years of history?

I found a video on Vimeo that I think you might like. Normally I don’t share videos over 5 minutes because I realize your time is valuable.

But, this amazing video, just over 17 minutes long is mesmerizing.

I’ve watched it several times.

Many kudos to Biblical Israel Ministries & Tours (BIMT) and their Director, Dr. John Delancey.

The BIMT website offers a lot of information including the countless Israel study tours the group has hosted over the years as well as helpful teaching videos from their time in the Holy Land.  

As you will see below, the video is filmed from the viewpoint of the sandals of our Savior accompanied by beautiful Christian music.

I think it’s wonderful and thought-provoking, and I hope you enjoy.

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*Figure 1: This work, “Jerusalem” is used under the Pixabay License – free for commercial or private use / an artistic derivative created by me of the 2016 photo original. 

*Footsteps of Jesus [streaming video]. (2018). Courtesy of Biblical Israel Ministries & Tours. Retrieved from


Don’t Lose Hope

Don’t Lose Hope: Cochren & Co.Don't Lose Hope

Recently, I heard a new song from one of my favorite Christian recording artists, Cochren and Company.

You may remember that I’ve featured them on this blog before.

The song appears on their newly released “Don’t Lose Hope” debut album which premiered a few weeks ago.

It’s called, “For My Good.”

See what you think.

I love it!

Seriously, I don’t see how anyone can sit still while listening to that song.

The album title, “Don’t Lose Hope,” couldn’t have come at a better time.

These are “uncertain” times – at least to the world, that is.

But, to us as Christians, we know that our victory through Jesus Christ is certain.

100% certain.

No debate, no gateway pundits, no disapproving mainstream media or lost celebrities can force-change that fact.

Gospel truth!

We may be tempted to lose our hope sometimes, but we also know where those temptations come from.

Shut down those negative thoughts before they take hold.

Don’t Lose Hope: We Got This!

Theologian R.C. Sproul once said,

The issue of faith is not so much whether we believe in God, but whether we believe the God we believe in. R.C. Sproul, theologian, Founder of Ligonier Ministries.1

If that isn’t convicting, I don’t know what is!

Check out these reassuring words from “For My Good” – more closely this time.

“So why would I worry
Lord You are the Great I Am
I may not know what tomorrow holds
But I know Who holds tomorrow in His hands.” – Song lyrics, For My Good.2

Nothing (and no one) can defeat the Great I Am.

Please, don’t lose hope.

You are not alone in this fight!

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1 R.C. Sproul quotation, courtesy of and as quoted from Christian

2 Song lyrics, courtesy of


In The Beginning

In The Beginning

Behold, here is more delightful evidence that God is our Creator.

Meet the Lilac Roller Bird.

In the beginning God created

Look at those gorgeous colors!

It looks like a box of color crayons was dropped on its cute little head.

In the beginning . . . God.

It is I who made the earth, and created mankind upon it.
I stretched out the heavens with My hands,
And I ordained all their lights.1Isaiah 45:12, (NASB).

Don’t let man-made theories rob you of the joy in knowing that you are a child of God.  

The manmade theory of evolution devalues.

The truth of Creationism celebrates.

We are unique, we are loved, and Jesus wants every one of us to be with Him in Heaven. 

How could anyone refuse His free gift?

It is beyond my comprehension the smug, know-it-all attitudes of some in the academic community who want to battle that God doesn’t exist.

These same doubters, if they continue along this same path, are in for an eternity in hell. The Bible says it, not me.

Once you’re there, that’s it. There’s no last minute reprieve.

In the Beginning . . . Creator God

Jesus Christ is our Savior and our Creator.

He is our All in All.

Cleary, the most basic and effective way to rob Christ of His glory is to not give Him credit for creation. Jesus’ enemy seeks to further insult Him through the pseudo-scientific worldview of selectionism that misleads people into personifying nature in such a way that they don’t give credit for the creation to Christ but to creation itself.  Rand J. Guliuzza, P.E., M.D.,

How audacious is it for mere mortals to promote another creation mechanism (the fake god of evolution), and then to teach it to the next generation as *truth* in many educational institutions?

(I guess the same people who would encourage kids to explore other genders, even to the point of surgery.)

These attacks aimed, ultimately, against our Creator are disturbing and very real.

But, wait and see.

The day is coming when true believers still here on earth will be raptured into Heaven, saved in a glorious instant from all of this spreading deception, and taken away to our heavenly home for a life of eternal joy.

Who’s with me?

I pray that you are because life can change in an instant.

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Photo credit: Lilac Roller Bird, via Wikimedia Commons, Adam John Bourke – Adam John Bourke, CC BY-SA 3.0,  <>, via Wikimedia Commons

1 Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

2 Quotation from Dr. Rand Guliuzza, President of the Institute for Creation Research, Courtesy of Acts & Facts Magazine, vol. 49, no.12, December 2020 issue. n.d., para. 20. Web. Accessed December 29, 2020.


Heavenly Entrance Exam

Pop Quiz? Oh No!

Heavenly entrance exam

Back when I was in high school, there were times when the teacher would walk into our classroom and announce a pop quiz.


You should have seen the panicked look on all of our faces.

What a relief it was when, seconds later, the teacher would then add . . . “it’s open book.”

The sighs of collective gratitude from my fellow classmates could be heard all the way down the hall.

Your Answer To This Question Is So Important!

Why should God let you into Heaven?

Could you pass the biggest test of all – the Heavenly Entrance Exam?

Don’t worry – there’s just one question.

Someday, an unbeliever may ask you a question about salvation.

Here goes.

Why should God let you into Heaven?”

I’m sure you’d come up with something, like

“Because I . . .”

“Well, I . . .”

“When I . . .”

If your answer started with any one of those openers above, you’re seriously headed down a path of “missed the point.”

We have to remember that there is no “I” in the equation when it comes to our eternal salvation.

Our salvation, and the reason God will let you into Heaven, is because of Jesus and your acceptance of His grace and forgiveness.

The quick answer is: Jesus!

If salvation was up to us in any way, we would blow it every time.

Why is this heavenly entrance exam an “open Book” question? Because we have His Word that assures us that Jesus is our Savior and the only way to Heaven.

 In Luke 11:28, Jesus said to his disciples when they questioned Him about prayer:

But He said, “On the contrary, blessed are those who hear the word of God and follow it.1Luke 11:28, (NASB).

 As Nice As We “Think” We Are, We Aren’t


Jesus is THE answerLast month we celebrated the glorious birth of our Savior.

But His Story of Glory doesn’t stop there. 

The Son of God grew up and was brutalized on the cross.

It was you and me, as sinners, who put Him there.

But, He didn’t stay in the tomb forever.

Praise Jesus for His Victory on the Cross!

See, that’s the only alternative God had. Either He punishes you for your sin, and me for my sin, and that’s eternal punishment in hell; or else He substitutes someone else in our place, and they pay our penalty. And that’s exactly what Jesus came to do: be our substitute, the exalted second person of the Trinity, the divine Son of God. God in flesh humbled Himself, came to earth to die my death, to provide for me an escape from eternal hell. The sinless One became sin, the living One died, the perfect One became the punished One; and not because He deserved, but because I deserved it, and He was my substitute.2John MacArthur, Pastor and Bible Teacher. Grace to you.

Are you ready for the Heavenly Entrance Exam?

Jesus is the answer.

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1 Scripture quotation is from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) Copyright © 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation.

2 John MacArthur quotation, courtesy of 20 December, 1970. para. 15. Web. Accessed 30, December, 2020. Retrieved from

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